The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 02, 1922, Image 1

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w——————— ee s———
COMMUNTY DAY ATSPRING MILLS The Community Spirit, Potato Crop of Over 3300 Bushels. REPORT OF YOUNG PEOPLE'S Helen Ammerman Mrs, J. W
Warde is -
——————— Last year in commenting on com- | Gregg township has ¢ E41 potato CONFERENCE, CENTRE HALL, Mors ya Lurn J W. Run TOWN AND GOUNTY NEWS
. ther Hartsock
* Every Detall—Large [munity day in connection with the grower in the person
A Success In s——— ry Bi
Crowd In Attendance at All Sess. [Gregg Township Vocational School, the Decker, who lives with
" More Than One Hundred Delegates
~EXx ; » tte vidter stated that the citizens entered North of Penn H irig the 15t I i. Ent rh 3 4 " es . HAPPENINGS OF - iT ES
lons.~—~Exhibits Larger and Better. | writer stato x 10 « ' rth of Penn Ha from All Parts of Centre Couniy : M Whiteugn NG LOCAL INTEREST
. ny ) io } cariad | into the spirit of the occasion and that year he was married t “ . MARTHA FURNACE FROM 5
Over 800 people enjoyed the varied in } 3 a : » 3 ‘ ’ ALL PARTS.
: i eglstered ~—Banguet in the Grange Yi nies Nap. AFG sa ta
wogram brepared for the annual Com- | the Vocational School was finding its Spring Mills, and this . kid : 1 Han . ! TRICE
program prepas for the annual Com . Hall | BPRING MILLE
way ito the hearts of the people, 3
munity Day at Spring Mills, on Friday n : "wh :
I pring he leased The 61
year the same thing may be sant
of last week.
vi 13) 43 ed oe scr hosel
The Health program in the forenoon |2dded emphasis. The school
was instructive.” Fun Lau, the Health popular and is being supported by
tically all of the Me in the dis- ta planter,
Clown, amused and Impressed the chil
: : not at y
dren with her quaint stories and an- } 3
\ "Te » £1000
tics The noon lunch was ’
the hungry who partook of it «
The weather was so comfortable tha. ib er
the afternoon program was conducted sud : h TUSIaS)] ue de grec aw sa wn 4 ng a
on the campus, the speakers using the] He} ’ ne : : > iy
school porch as a phatform, the owd | are heal on th the aBtntO) : ic Le Tam : : a tora his 61
grouping ftself on the front lawy aan} three hundred sixty ve 4s - Ah h rn
R- 1. Watts gave a. most interesting] ¥ wr lt count ith such a # Horo Road-Makers, a
and practical address. Pag y swworything 1 ougn $y Sie , i he borough « bavi Md I¢ ; {
dress the “Dean had «
the exhibits and in his
red to the improvement
and arrangement of exhibits,
at some length upon the my
Community Vocation
cedved in his address
of the Individual
He emphasized
Would Have Bought Klinger Brides
with the
crowd for
nas i
round rg by the Roth chnson Department of P ies Instroe: | ————
Brothers, aml tw good basis tin st irrisbure: 1 foe 1. iver of1 Dr. Yearick In Government Service,
cational girls’ squad
the boys’ town team an :
al boys. The events at the “gym” clos- ja Measurements, ’ sed ves pee) wii nd i abot ¢ i te o n tha duties : " » 1 ¥ AER Bes———————————
ed the day's program, thus closing on rof I RK riffith, mules go His ¢ fy t Pps om } TE 3 : an Sami Cree! Ls Society Program.
of the most heipful, pleasant and oer rector, p rdeville inn M i: ed 4 od : — % Sunes iy o od “A 3 SR 5 : he iuateat- | 1 ied Topram
oficial days in the history Spring pian hilipshurg 0 e ts srl ' oh he 3 4 4 Inks and Xiale ere y ntre Hall
Miils. pomim— : ; halo lerary So
Cash prizes on cattle were wor yy he marriage of Wilbam Stoner. of & :
Joseph Swabb and Gross Shook Fo il, and Mrs Emma Jigen, of red i 5 b 4 wv £4 . hosts . ® $8 : a Bot by the Ocean's CailjCentre County Bank,
poultry by M. T. Zubler, Mrs r C.1 Fa 8 Mili ‘ place at the Moth- indent « . : : A ‘a s . Shechie. Bula en i, n a Reading o i Sec, Zein Ripka ing. institution now
Bartges, Helen BEungard, M 1h dis Sh 3 ig Mills. Wednes CN a 20 : oa Sh - : 5 . oh A . e heh eveiop the School Paper Ruth Bingman |] further contest befor
Eugene Lee, Henry Zerby, Walter Heor- a . an. ah lg Ie the “ies ud?
ni : {Fre shman “Iwave Me With alsecives to be counted
{ livin When \ rive Ihe
ring, Thomas Hosterman. Catherman be hen ihe drive op
Woe ig Rev. C. F
ng the officiating min- et every school come across with! Balle stockholders for the indebtedness
Wheat—Mary Foreman, James Brun- ister. On Friday the « couple came to td i Lo a A. RA | Play 3 ‘as Wf Suspension” the bank. It appears Ivan Walkes:
. a tat ; . eT . s . s Bt expects Lvide her time | itg quotd and make our home ca 5 8 TA wre . -
gart; oats<Catharine Rishel, Mary {their home, the. Stoner farm. at the . : : i a m AMP A gang by school Growing Every Day” {been made receiver for the
. is rad a 1 ke the Brady | J Of) Wh, { realily am § #uhHCea t | ¢ srand | : .
Gobble; "apples—Erie Decker, Adeline ]Centre Hall raliroad station, and that : . rH 1 u ; It is a grand
evening were greeted by a band of ser © her husband at ; =n, al ny ocause,
——— property of the bank, and will
Musical Program In M. E. Chureh, |%! monies due the Rank
The Junior choir Bf the Methodist
Bradford: pears—Maurice Zettle, Erk
Decker; quinces—Mary Foreman, Fred
enaders, whom the couple met pleag- Centre Hall usual announcements
ntl z ” ” ;
antly and made them happy with a A c——— ing Rev, Bonsell dismissed the
Slegal handsome coal toi 3
LTE as8n cComtribution ] a : hm . un Alnatviis
Cabbage—M. T. Zubler, Harry Han- Mr. Stoner is one of Potter tosn- Store at Laurelton Burned. le 4 usual manner of closing
ey; beets—Paul Wengley, Maurice Zet-|5%P8 most successful farmers. The The general store of Martin Emery, | Joining hands around the
go " Ti ‘ pageant entitled "Childrer « .
tle; carrots, Helen Eungard, Paul Reporter extends ita best wishes to the brother of C. F. Emery, of Centre Hall, in a circ singing "Blest be the | bs i Mth
Weagley onions Mary Foreman |
couple. . { Bibhie," next Sunday evening (Nov. 5),
wns bu Wednos r night of last; T hat nds" and benediction ». af he M
at :30 p. m., in the Methodist church.
Gladys Zerby; celery—Lodie Hoster- route and will be for x oarevi . Everybody wel 5
man Dorothy Campbell; beans lenna | newspapers and o She sasrying ok it is beleved the dwelling house, ad«iegates were mage numerous than the | Way Welcome. first viegit east in these years He siates
J J ~ x ’ TE we 1 OWRD HE an rel«Ciangs or, y a Ua—
: ES ® Joining the store, was struck by light. | delegates, and they were divided so as , that the corn crop in South Dakota is
WAVE every res t 5 -
Helen Eungard; squash-—-Erie Decker, returning from State Colle t 1:1 ning. The family escaped unhurt, but (to slight no one family. Hence the | nye hrs reason to Gouin ev
. ' ' - wie CRE, Hurnin ey ate *O hE +15 “ry OTN ise &
’ " . x 8 9 1309 nothing from the house or store was reason some did not get thele full : prom se tepublican
Mary Foreman. p.m 5 | make.
Canming exhibit—Mary Gobble, Vio ved. Wien fitst dincoveted at ahout quota,
fet Hagan ‘ : The Rit £ th ' OTS o'clock the entire structure was a The president of the local committee
. y senior editor of © teporter Aah ’ : a thant af a
Project record and exhibit—Joseph | never busted amy buttons off his shirt aan of flames, wishes to herewith thank all the come
"Bwabb, 92. Elmer Decker, 51; Thomas |in«behalf of women getting votes, but i no thought of giving them a bonus] Work was started on the escavation
. y uk , Reeltal tn U. EB Ck hn, town and all the local pastors, as well! . . : ;
Hosterman, 50; Waller Herring, 90, now since they are entitied to the bal- | al. nm -Ve hy, ret as the High school: principal. whe hel i when the promise was made, all that]for a cellar for the first of seven cote
+ § # ‘ » f a CRNA, £ iD y
Township School exhibit— Hoy, Farm- lot and eligitte to office he proposes . A recital, consisting of Dino. soles, od. make vf py — he "i P* [was wanted was the vote of the young[lages on the hill east of the silk mil.
ers Mills, Bpring Mills Grammar. voting for Miss' Zoe Meek for member JUS trios; also vocal selections and °° Make The conference a success. men whe stood in the trench in M FF
; s Me p i - ) ov es, Thelin Milihelm, to be built by F. Q Hart
Baking exhibits: Cake—Jennie Al-lof Assembly. He will vote for her not ™Se by the violin club, will be given Dolegat re efi AM promises being made today by Pinchot man. It is Mr. Hartman, — tir
; : Bvangelionl chu Ventre legates Presen By ;
bright, Maud Zerby: bread-Mary Long. |because she is a woman, but because '" the Evangelieal church, Centre Hall, : Gown to Swope, Beott and Beaver are|#et the foundation walls built for at
Sara Coodhart. \ he belleves her better fitted intbllect. Friday evening, November 10, at 7:30,] Following is a lst of the delegates’. joe gincore. Al they want is your]least two of these houses this fall and
ually temperamentally and morally than by the pupils of Miss Byrd Stover. Present from out of town, and names vote at the next lection, then to he. [have the work of construction done
New Mall Route, hor competitor. He believes she will Those who attended the recital last of those who provided entertainment: |wih the promises, The- remedy ix to]during the winter so that the holmes
H. M. Myers, of Tyrone, owner of [truly represent every section of Centre YOOr Know what good things are in| BELLEFONTE Entortained by |yote for MeSparran, and orf down the | can be occupied in the spring. The un-
the State College bus Ine, has been county. She is a woman of wide gauge IT Everyone is Mvited. A silver Rusn Bloom Mrs anqente RUAki® jine to Snyder, Dette, Meek, who will [der-brush on the hill on which these
. ors oiin . 3029 offering wil Geo, W. Emenblzer Mrs. N. L. Bartges
awarded the contract for.eassying the [and broad: tision WEI WHEY of the Oering will be Nttea® | Canaeti Houts Mrs. Lawrence Runkle D® 1rUe 10 their campaign promises be- [houses are to bo built, as well as the
United States mail between Tyrone and | support of every Democrat and Repub. | William Jesso ohuse
: ap Mrs. Wilbur Bland they were made in eincerity. adjacent lands, has been trimmed out
Btate College, effective November 1st. }ifcan regardless of thelr provious opin. Sportemen ace asking: “Bee any signs. PORT MATILDA-« and it can now be seem that very dee
This routs will Ve kudwn ay thi Stajon ph’ womnb's vith &ubstivn. ot turkeys?” ‘ AW Harri Mrs. Marry Harper, The Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year [sirable bbmes can be bullt Gere. .
y uth : ¢ } : * Eo
John Fiedler, of Scotland, South I=-
» a prog %
Kota, arrived in Aaronshburg recently
to visit his aged father, J J. Fiedler
whose condition j& causing his ma
ragn of music and readings. also 2
friends to be al hed M: Fuedler
week. The loss {as estimated at $6000 Note: The places providing for dels went west 17 years ago and this is his
Heckman, Celia Malone; pumpkins first trip will leave Tyrone at 6 a. m.,
very good except in the district where
the hail storm passed over, and un-
fortunately Mr. Fiedler ved in th»
storm center and his entire crop wos
The Republicans, for instance,
promised the bays who etered the serps
{ vice in’ the World War a bonus in 1920;
Lal sw ive it? No! Ty? y
mittees and the good people of the | V4 they give it? No! Why? They had
1 ¥
i. ¥ 1d 4 ‘