THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY. CENTRE HALL, PENNA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1922 SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors, BS, W. SMITH. ....vo00s ve ones o Bditor EDW. E. BAILEY......Loeal Editor snd Business Manager, Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hal as second class mail matter. Nd asia SA - EARLY SUNDAY MORNING FIRE. 0dd Fellows Building, In Centre Hall, Occupled by OC. M. Smith's Gener al Store, 0dg Fellows’ Hall and Pool Room Partially Burned.—All Parties Having Losses Carry In. surance, The most threatening fire in histhry. of Centre Hall occurred earl) Sunday morning, when the poy + tion of the Odd Fellows building, occu- pled as a war house by Merchant C the ir rear nN bs tho the Ww iHllame~—~tGoodhart. Hilf ¢ of near Walk Lotti A, OK married Wiliams, riown, of WOH plhart, ad ized Wer Friday . Chang Ln, Pu beginning ol friends fant -olatives about nod i ‘entre 1 ‘ha Can 1 jah Mills an n armen in the HEE ted iti potnt 1d defen City limits in well {f one per cent was the trate i be enemies the hood 19 caslalug it I made to of comstitutional, The of constitution, prohibition 16 ne ‘hit wines or Th All the in lighten bootleggers They or lawiul 1D nt do Lo the and are now tfyving They gtrive to® defeat { the t our Congessman hime nd, a primary, al i ies LEGAL ADVERTI (NTR, XECUTOR'S KOTICE. EPHRAIM C HARTER ‘ate of wl 00 Washington Baltimore Round frip Sunday, November §2 ANNA M. HARTER, ¥Fxeculrix, Slate College, Pa, GEO. W. HARTER, Administrator ¢ L &,, / Centre Hail, Pa, BR F. P Bx ECUTRI X'S ROTICE - L ters t stamentary inon the estate of JAMES M, ROSE iste of Harris Township, C- ntre Coun unty decessed, having been gras ted to the under- sient 4d, all persous knowing theme-eives jndebl. ed tothe same wre hereby requested 10 make { prompt payment, and those having claims | against sald estate must present them duly suth | euticsted for settiem nt | ANNA ROSE HARTER Exscotrix Boalkburg, Pa thev hdd 10 use a thoroughly dry is the many 1 our district is safe. Vout wecessfully conductid it Swoope, Snyder and 1 have Yiven our Ml to the : Act ‘And unknown, Standeth the his man issue SPECIAL TRAIN - Leaves CENTRE HALL, Saturday night INOV, 11] | HUMP M Stopping at principal stations betWeen Bellefonte and Lewisburg M. Smith, was discovered on fire. The peporter readers in Penns ralley f ad 4 3 : : for Mr. «Smith | of side TERMS. —The terms of subscription to the Reporter are $1.00 a year, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES. — Legal notices, twenty cents per line for three insertions, and ten cents per line for each additional insertion, Loeal notices accompanying display ad- vertisements, five cents per line for each insertion; otherwise, eight cents per line; minimum charge, twenty-five cents, Display advertising rates made known on application. CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. PENN'S VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE REY. MELVIN C, DRUMM, Pastor, the purposd Vital as general store conducted by occupied the lower southern portion the building, and the north front is the pool room and adjoining | f this is Mr. Smith's all der one roof. The fire was first discovered W. 1. Smith, the dairyman, who, with Mrs F. O. Bairfoot, left Bellefonte for thai home in Centre Hall at 1:80 A, M., ar- riving here at 2:00 o'clock, At that time the fire well developed, the interior of the warehouse being a ma of flames. The alarm given Mi Smith aroused amd h a short time the hose cart of the north section of town was on hahd hose coupled up. The stream of] and Miss Julin RB. Sweeny, + gi them in the pure water subdued much the : {ble flame, but in the meantime the fire had the plastering various Sections she il life. During the pn in NACeS, on vi support Volstead behind the Cod watch Returning. leaves Washington 445 p. m. { 2 “ dim Baltimore (Union Btation) vei Pom within residence un- shadow ; . . Tickets on sale beginning Friday above preceding ExPursion by Keeping own!" i Huiry Keller, Ally. Beileioute, Pa. ireement rot b exactly costly old VISIT Lisgnry of Congress, 240 Pp M. New Natipnal Musepm. 1486 to 430 p M., Cofcoran Art Galery 130 P. M.. Botanic Garden, 800 A M. to 130 P, M., Washington Monument, 13 AP. M ing the govern- | more than 4t pays out. SALE REGISTER. NOVEMBER 4TH PUBLIC SATURDAY 1:00 P. M., Hall borough, weehold go tas ——. seasicknoss and ' ’ was Americans ships Yoval, wine-soakod immedintely east M. 3 one wil 81 i decent, by gamblers, n to the un len ean-ug ne . X Streit i * Sink Atlantic, with will pre-| would Ix s8OON others within i wpitals o heavy SOON of vis NOVEMBER Detwiler between weatherboarding to the The men struggled on, b A that flames Te stament.” and the crept and > : : 3 : we Ali 4 are 4 will i od Of BLOCK —SERVICES FOR— SUNDAY, OCT. 29, 1922 nogs local wolunteer ut it Were building Was appn Hall, morning, Beautiful the O1d 2:30—"A Centre thi gaining headw 1 that building was doon Beautiful Par- buildings, Old Testament.” Mille, 7:30—Missionary Thank Yor: Conmresstird Disteic, . : ELISHA KENT KANE. beard ving in Centre Hall ent to the Bellefonte fire department oma— bly short 1 Work of Reformed Synod. -~. Prayer Meeting, Wed. evening, «: Wed. First National Centre Hall, Pa. ¢ Easter Ying, eve 8:15. Sunday School, 5:30 a. m. Luther League, 6:30 p. m. of the material 1s to be gathering Home at ns than sday Thu: FINANCIAL RESERVE. CHARGE~— Pastor here Is hardly a day passes hut most of us ar sailed upon te " I » draw from ear reserve, either physical, ments] or financial, Have you some In store! BANK STH sf 11 edd FOR SALE. » val x mawy 1 i This Bank Is 8 good place to =lart a financial reserve and i can- Borough Fire fire In Alarm. * it. pu 1th larm , | window ha been {arcs The y : . cin . af . age) ia not help but be of real sery lee to you, the borough of i abas . | 3 a h LH ’ a wiford & Co mill ts when | &7 r “4 te 1 the « al (M4 ) : . : ( hlas ie J THE PIHST NATIONAL BANK parties Ref: church; rmed he MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. Fe 00, and $1600 andl Mr. Smit} y ance, T Snrife Mills. P rt blasts when . f # 58, Pa the (Odd Wy i ———————— church of Reformed lodge eqquipm DEMOCRATIC mifxer. For United States and Fall SHULL, of Senator, {Short EL E. Term) Stroudsburg For United States Senator, Now is the Advantag- eous Time to Buy YOUR Prices Smashed $100 to $150 Less in Price Than Other Plants of Equal Electrical Capacity and Quality ALLEY LIGHT and : Power Plants Factory P ice to You NOW ONLY $335 & $445 World's Greatest Value You can now buy the famous 1923 Lalley Light Plants at a great sav- ing. Prices have been smashed profits have been cut, All salesmen’s and distrihators’ enmmisaons have been taken off. You get the benefit of these hig savings, Think of it—thess wonderful Lalley Plants com- plete, re wiv for immediate installation ~the same Lalley with a service record of 13 vears in the homes of thoonsands of highly satisfied owners for only 811% to 8348. The same high quality Lalley, so simply and thorough! ructed th t any one cio install and operate it. Rally. gi : {Unexp FRED B. KERR, ired Term) ‘eurose Clearfield County. For Governor JOHN A. McSPARRAN, of Lancaster. fh For Lieuteflant Governor thank ROBERT E. PATTISON, Jr, Philadelphia | ¥0° assisted For Secretary of Internal Affairs, MARSHALL THOMPSON, Pittsburgh Paul Haag Bellefonte, © A For Congress, bans, WAS Ver J. FRANK SNYDER, of Clearfield. , ent while working hall and had to For State Senator, WILLIAM | - was first taken to the BETTS, of Clearfield. I. Yearick, nearby. but was out on prog For Assembly, Miss ZOE MEEK, Member of State Committee, OSCAR GRAY, of Bellefonte. was then the rushed to of Clareare pital where he soot Haag is an overseas and wos G. gassed which left him weakened condition. t County Chalrman, G. OSCAR GRAY, of Bellefonte, — The their for ti ne firemen were commended for here and displayed I at- were Jef EE, snc me speed in reaching alan judgment They tation U'nele Sam, Bootlegger, to Retire. good . the fire. dlegger In | . tacking the world When morning a funch erate without 4i iz about of business after broke they Whiteman restaurant The borough is much indebted to this organization, and no doubt will make proper return for the service were served having made war 1 #il the other boot. Yorgr gr, wh ¢ : CERers who interfering with his monopoly The Huu having sold ding Administration, after Hguor on board American shipg, owned by the Government itself, has the who a—————— Marriage Licenses larton Lorrah. Jennie M. Graham... Harry O. Walker . Howard Verma E. Haines Howard John PP. Williams. .East Rodman, N.Y fettie A. Goodhart.. Spring Milis Snow Shoe Bnow Shoe last eighteen months, heed those who to pay some at it by as those to BE! IEVE US when we tell you that this be will a diiferent season from any you have ever experienced in the selecting of your Fall garments. criticisms leveled oppose as well favor prohibition. itaniveq £ Tear The opinion of the Attorney General Comes admission of the truth of the charges that were made against Chairman and other members of the Shipping Board and which they continued for monthe to deny, namely, that the only place in which the Con- stitution and laws of the United Stales were not respected and obeyed was on board the Government's own vessels and under its own flag. All the while these desplals were being iterated and reiterated, the Shipping Board was ad- vertiging its bootlegging activities a- broad and the Federal Prohibition of- ficers were pursuing and bootleggers at home. This practice of law-breaking, mis representation and hypocrisy of one branch of the Republican administra- tion has been at last made the subject of open avowal by another branch of the administration. Heron Viglates Fish Laws; Killed. A blue and killed near Philipsburg, and found to its bill Buy now while prices are down, We carry wire ires and » cary and Buy at home Factory Prices, | needed supplies in We're here to Come in-get the facts and complete information demonstrate these wonderful plants to you. S. J. GRAY STATE COLLEGE, PA. al # aah BIO0R aR an heron was shot was Lasker inch trou The blue heron bird and breeds throughout States and Canada. It takes years to attain full plumage flight |i ita head drawn in gainst its shoulders. An expert fisher, it reapector of man-made to protect the game fish, It may be killed any time any anywhere, ROPER. -—-W. Clyde Roper fell at the front of th™ home of his nlece, Mrs, Andrew Crotzer, in $ellevills, from aneurism, a collapse of the liming of the arteries, have an eight in is & very heautiful United several In a This season prices will bz higher instead of lower as the season advances. Again, good materials will be scarcer. We Have the Largest and Most Beautiful Selection NOW. ~ Get Your Clothing and Shoes for Mr. Roper was well known to many the Entire Family NOW. ; residents of Penns Valley and was a jeweler. He owned and conducted a or , BIER id { a ; : jewelry store in Tewistown for nearly SES thirty years. Of late years he devoted : ° . : icman his time to restaurant work, being the the 216 WwW. College Ave. . Bell hone 2184R ite t carries in ne laws dean prosecuting The slwh of the Ford cars is a knock at the Durant “Star” advertised to be §ola at Fora prices. Henry Is no dreamer in the automobile business. proprietor of the Belle Cafe, Belleville, for some time prior to his death. For farms ¢ lages, schools, parish houses, i-sti'utions, community buildings, camps, cottages. etc Laliey Light bas proved ideal electrical qua, 8 p The late Senator Vare, whose estate according to papers fled ranges from $300,000 to $1,000,000, gave nothing to chirity. ho ‘ § The Centrs Reporter, $1.50 a year Ce