WL.DOUGLAS $5%6%7 & $8 SHOES [Wii are actually demanded year after yearby more people than anyother shoe in the world BECAUSE ; oraty le manship they are um ainst unreason. able profits is guaranteed by the price stamped on every I. ears of satisfactory service have given them confidence in the shoes and In th re Ja tection afforded by th Douglas Trade Mark. shoes W.L.DOUGLAS 32° to all of our 110 stores at XW factory cost. We do not make one oent of profit until the ahoes are sold to you. It is worth dollars for you to remember that when you buy shoes at our stores YOUPAYONLY ONE PROFIT. Nomatter wh ereyonjiveshoe dealers can supply You with W.L.Douglas shoes Thaycost no more in San Francisco | plain) than they do in New England. | {Ae sole. COMPARE ovr #7 and 83 if oat for suit In you vice, an TATA shoes withany send for free catep. $10 or $12 shoes made. 0 MERCHANTS: Uf no in your town handies \ Ls Douglas shoes, write lo- fav jor erclusive righls to le (his Quick selitng, President WL Douglas Shee Co. i breed rechten, Maes. BETA TREASURE aT neapy now: er a— So Different From Hers Edith—*"Jack wants me to set the date for our wedding.” Miss Flyrte— “Goodness! Do your flances take thelr engagements as seriously as that?'— Boston Evening Transcript. Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp. On retiring gently rub spots of dan- druff and itching with Cuticura Oint- ment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. bands.—Advertisement. to do it. The Same Old Backache! Does every day bring the same old backache? Do you drag along with your back a dull, unceasing ache? Evening find you “all played out”?! Don’t be discouraged! ealize it is merely a sign you %haven’t taken good eare of yourself. This has probably strained your kidneys. Take things easier for awhile and help your kidneys with Doan's Kidney Pills. Then the back- ache, dizziness, headaches, tired feel ings. and bladder troubles will go. Doan's have helped thousands and should help you. Ask your neighbor! A Virginia Case a Craft, Clifton Forge, Va, BAYS: “My back ached and was weak and stiff and 1 had nervous head- aches and dizzy spells. Black spots floated before my eyes constantly and 1 was annoyed by the f(rregular ac- tion of my kidneys i 1 used Dwoan’'s Kid. ney Pills and two Ns boxes of this medicine cured me.” Get Doan’s at Any Store, 60c a Bex DOAN’ KIDNEY PILLS FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. GET RID OF THAT “TIRED FEELING” O you feel run down and half D sick all the time? Are you thin, pale, easily tired—no energy, no ambition, no “‘pep’’? Now is the time to take Gude’s Pepto-Mangan. It will brace you up, give you a delightftil feeling of vigor and ambition, enrich your blood, build firm, solid flesh, and bring the healthy color back to your skin. Your druggist has Gude's—Liquid or solid, as you prefer. Gude’s Pepto-Mangan Tonic and Blood Enricher I ET TCR pits Pills Ld RAR] A CONSTIPATION: isn’t Nature Wonderful. It is said that the coconut palm will supply about every physical need of man-—food, drink, shelter, fuel, uten gils and if need be, clothes, A South American proverb runs, “A coconul tree is a bride's dowry." — Boston Tray script. Some marriages are arranged in the drawing room and disarranged in the eourtroomm, efreshes Weary E Your Eyes gel and Heavy, use Murine. It In. Bp Ppa. Fai, Sold and URINE fon yon EYES ht by w STEWART KIDD COMPANY — CHAPTER XXIl—Continued. wn] Fans A cry broke trom Wilton's lips; he raised his arms and let them fall again, Payne glanced at the jury. Thelr eyes were riveted on Kitty's face. He knew that he had scored. A disagreement even an acquittal—Iif all went well, “Thank you," he said quietly. The crown attorney, who had been whispering with Bowyer, came for- ward to cross-examine, “You told us, Mrs. Bostock,” he sald in his suavest tones, “that you loved, and still love, the defendant. How long have you loved him?” “Ever since I first saw him,” whis- pered Kitty. “How soon after your marriage did you make his acquaintance?” “I saw him first on my marriage day, at the church. He was my hus- band's best man.” A stir among the spectators, Payne clenched his fists and groaned. Every- one saw what was coming-—everyone but Kitty. “Then you were in love with him before vou married Mr. Bostock? Not long before—let us say half an hour? You married a man whom you had ceased to love for half an hour? “1 did not realize it then" “But you realized it soon after? You were not heartbroken when Mr, Bostock dled?” “I cared for Joe. I admired and re “But not in the same way? You couldn't love two men in that way at the same time?” “No,” said Kitty tremulously. “In fact, after the first shock was over, you felt that life might become worth living again?’ “I don't know what you mean” cried Kitty desperately “The court will,” sald the attorney, meaning glance toward the “Don't let me perplex you. Now You per- jury. please answer me carefully. close to his own, and hidden from the sight of the camp?” “He tried to stop me. already.” “It has duly impressed us, Mrs. Bos- tock. However, in the end he ylelded?” “He yielded becguse he thought that I was only interested in the work. I've said that dreamed I cared, until I told him." “So you told him! What did say? “It eut him to the hear Only a thread the tense of the colloquy from Iinex- tinguishable pathos. The attorney snapped in: “In he " divided fact, him a regular with yon?" And the whole court dissolved laughter. Even the ludge placed you found wis in “Then will you tell me how you Big Muskeg? But I won't press that We shall have further evi The net Wilton The mischief was done been woven about Kitty's confession of against him, and threw the Hark shadow of collusion about her, too. Me- ness, tut before he could take the stand there came sounds of an uproar in the There was a struggle at the entrance. Then, to the amazement of all, Molly stood In the doorway. Jim Betts with her, and gether they supported the frail form was to Unhindered. they went down the in their cheers, and suddenly, standing up gave rousing, riotous unhindered and unrebuked. Despite the general belief in Wik presence at the camp on the night of the fire had been widely brulted. The party were still advancing when Bowyer loosed himself in one of his paroxysmal rages, “Put them out of here” he bawled “It's a trick—a staged trick to win sympathy for that man!" “Be silent!” thundered the judge; and then he turned to Payne, who was at his side, speaking in a low voice, “The court will adjourn for half an hour,” he ordered. “And no person will leave this courtroom in that Inter val." Molly, with a little cry, ran to the dock and flung herself into Wilton's arms. And at this the bullding rang again with the spectators’ cheers, It was not for a full minute that the guard drew her away. ———— CHAPTER XXII The Amazing Truth, “Donald MeDonald to the witness box!” sald’ the court clerk. Helped by Payne and the policeman, the old factor made his way painfully toward it and sat down, Death was upon him ; so meager and weak he looked that it seemed as If the man lived only in the Impassioned fire of his eyes and the purpose that knit together his trembling body. “You are acquainted with the clir- cumstances of Joe Bostock's death?” asked Payne. “Tell us what you know about it.” “I killed him,” sald McDonald, sim- pls. Bowyer leaped to his feet; the crown attorney, turning, as if he had been prepared for the movement, pushed him down sharply Into his chair. Then the story, at last unsealed, burst from the factor's lips In an ir resistible flood. “Ave, I shot Joe Bostock!” he cried. “Often I'd warned him what would be if ever he came betwixt me and mine. And when he sent Will Carruthers there to steal Molly from me-—for I ken weel that was Joe's doing—I knew the time had come, “Tom Bowyer there had a hold on me. Aye, Tom, your time's come, now, and I've listened to ve so long ye'll listen to me, He was ever at me- threatening me with the auld threat it 1 dinna obey. When he came to the store a year ago I spoke of Will Carruthers, and how I feared he'd been sent by Joe to take Molly away from me. ‘Your suit vain content when obtainable, preparation of the used in place of milk and water, mak- The be scalded before usihg of t foreign countries a made from whey; butter and " hey, bread; whey should In some he i= both cheese i + a from whey Is particularly delicious In frozen dishes, Whey Pie~Mix two-thirds of a cup- ful of sugar with three teaspoonfuls of cornstarch and add to one cupful of boiling whey. Cook the mixture until the cornstarch ig well cooked, then add two beaten egg yolks, one tablespoonful of melted butter, pinch of salt and the grated rind and juice of a lemon; cook two minutes, then pour into a baked pastry shell, Cover the top with a meringue prepared by beating the whites of the eggs, ad fng two tablespoonfuis of sugar dnd a few drops of lemdn flavoring. Bake in a slow oven. Whey pie is a close rival of the popular lemon pie, Whey Sponge~~Take (wo cupfuls of whey, two tablespoonfuls of gel atin, one-third of a cupful of water, two-thirds of a cupful of sugar, one egg white, one capful of grated raw carrot, the grated rind and juice of half a lemon. Soak the gelatin in cold water, dissolve over hot water. Mix the gelatin with the whey, add the svgar and set the mixture in a pan of icewater. When it begins to thicken around the edges, beat well with a dover egg beater, add lemon fulee, rind and carvot. Fold in the woll-beaten white and turn the mix. ture into a mold. Nerese Mak wert o Mrs. Wm. Bipe. Lebanon, Pa—"8ome ago 1 was in a nervous, run-down condition. I also suffered with bearing sensations and pains. I was so greatly strength. ened and benefited by the first bottle of Dr. Plerce’s Favorite Prescription that I took another, and have been stronger ever since, with no more dis- agreeable sensations. As a tonic and nervine for women who are ailing, Dr. Plerce's Favorite Prescription would be hard to beat. 1 would certainly take it again if I should become In a run down state Mrs. Wm, 1112 juttonwood St Ask your neighbor about this YPre scription” which has sold for over 50 years, Obtain it now in tablets or ‘quid from druggist time Sipe, Headaches Are Usually Dre to Constipation When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is pro- duced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Nujol because it acts like this natural, lubricant and thus replaces it. Nujol is =» lubricant —mnot a medicine or laxative — so cannot gripe. Try it today. | Sy ) Nujol A LUBSIUCANT-NOT A LAXATIVE VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be- cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking GOLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for these disorders will often ward off these dis. eases and strengthen the body aguinst further attacks. Three sizes, all druggists. Losk for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept mo imitation SPOHN’'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND A safe, dependable and effective remedy for . , Influenza, Heaves and Worms among horses and mules. Absolutely harmless,and assafe for colts as it is for stallions, mares or geldings. Give “Spohn's” occasionally preventive. Sold at all drug stores. [Girls! Girls!] Save Your Hair With Cuticura 25.