” Sip ail - rt A ———— THE CENTRE REPORTER. - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 14. 1022 MILLHEIM, (From the Journal) C. A. Weaver, of Bethlehem, was an arrival at Apronsburg Tuesday evening and is a guest of his brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weaver, Mr. and Mrg. Emerson Weiser and children, of Hundingdon, and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Breon and child, of Al- toona, were guests of Mrs, Clara Wels- er for several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prungart and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Royer, of Mifflin- burg, and Charles Miller and Miss Em- ma Baker, of Lewisburg, were enter- tained at the G, E. Miller home on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yearick, of Al- toona, spent several days last week with Millheim friends, guests of Miss Lizzie Keen, Mrs. Yearick was form- erly Miss Maude Woomer and spent her girlhood days in Millheim . H. Yearick, of Erle, who at one time lived in North Millheim with his parents, was one of a party of motor tourists who ‘stopped In Millheim Fri- day and spent the ght at the Nation- al hotel It was 62 vears since Mr. Yearick left Millheim and this was his first visit since, and he naturally no- ticed many changes. On Saturday the party motored to Lebanon, where Mr Yearick was born. Mr. and Mrs. Hermin Confer and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Hubler on Sat urday morning started on a motor in the: form®s Ford sedan { burg and Petersburg, Va men are both ex-service desirous of country returned home Political Advertisement For Congress—28rd District. ELISHA KENT KANE. ” mtd ATURDAY, SBEPT, C. T. Valentine will sell 8 room rail house, bank 10 o'clock, 1 mile south « Ezra Harter will sell: 4 « home made quilts, table towels, dishes, eto, Cough Re elped him at once It helped him at QGet it from your drnggi per bottle, large Insurance CENTRE HALL, i 8 SLY wa GISTER, * at 2 o'clock, ® ram, brood cloths, sheets, | vi anxious ‘to glve Information, is » . we are here to encourage the giving of valuable help and Informa. medy Where helpful service tukes (he plaice of Just ordinary atiention. y much more than whet they are In good On New State Road Above Reaith, This Thnt proves that while Cae PLEASANT GAP | tarrh is a local disease, it is greatly in- : | fluenced by © constitutional condifions, Seam————————— 1ALI/B CATARRH MEDICINE is a ‘onic and acts through the blood upon ——— Nature in restoring normal condition SOFT DRINKS, ——a—— TOBACCO AND CIGARS, I Mrs. Crandall. (lows) Tells H She B. 8. HORNER, Proprietor. “Last spring, rats killed all our baby chicks. Wish large package we killed swarms of rats, They won't get this year's hatches, I'll bet.” Rat-Sosp is guste soteed and sells for 35¢, 65¢, $1.25, E.M. SIITH oto ie dre. UE%, AUCTIONEER, C. M. Bmith, Mabel Arney, Centre Hail: CENTEE ALL, PA. . y . } TRI HALL, PA C. P. long Co, W. C. Meyer, Bpring guaranteed ———————— Ww trial, 0326p The Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year. COPYRIGMTED « i938, and quick- Mrs oe P. tat 35 conta touch it--they’re Done ! (Mail Orders Promptly Filled) FOR SALE BY A. E. KERLIN & SON CENTRE HALL, PA We GW WN NN WN ww NNN Wy th Quality ICE CREAM. Let us serve you with Ice Cream for all occasions- PICNICS, FESTIVALS, ETC. We Make Any Flavor You Wish ~ We use only the BEST FRUITS and FLAVORS obtainable as “QUALITY” Is Our Motto r Sell ? PA, FETE CTT ETT Fr errr eee Smith’s Ice Cream Factory | compl. E TE L and REPA Be sure you see the C EAL I RO, f hones ST A T 2 COLLEGE, PA. Te Te We eT WW WW Ne Th ES NNN d ING OF © BT We NW WW NN WW Be ew PD WR UW, EW WW WW FRE LN IRS CYRUS BRUNGART, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CENTRE HALL, PA TERNATIONAL BTOCKING Why Some Strike. He family years of single averaged $800 5] I saved up $4700 my present moderat ciaim has been made 1G91 idol <1 wage, bituminous miners did rage $600 r ye On the other hand, increase: FAR MCrease prices of product: 3 ae increased cost of living leave Ug no better off. Any one except a fool showld know that wages enougi wr one will not support seven Such folly is the wage system based on equal pay for equal work When a father of five wants fo he honest and can't pay his bills, or can- not afford the doctor for his sick wife. he is ready to strike from sheer des peration And his unmarried com- rade who in one day at the same wage earns enough to keep Mm four, oan afford to lay off and help the strike along. God bless the young men and women who tindertake matrimony. The women who bécome mothers are the noblest of God's creation. Bhall we continue to punish them with grinding toll. poverty, privation and distress. or is not the pain of childbirth and the anxious care over health and morals enough for their share? Employers should pay fair wages for the single: nation, state and towwship should ald mothers and children. If the supply of children ®lops, the nation perishes, and America Becomes a wilderness, I, the watchman, have sounded an alarm. a If you send, me to congress T'l do all I can to Influence the other congress- men toward remedying this evil: and a8 a congressman, I can reach the public much better. Give me a boost, Send self-addressed envelope for my leaflet about the Laborers Plight, Clip this article. ELISHA K. KANE, Kushequa, Penna. ————— “Letters testamentary in the estate of Matthias Weagley, late of Gregg town- ship, deceased, nre published in this is- sue by Mry. Mary Weagley, executrix. hy 2a » tyws Pa © line of tir standard o First to a legitimar competitio have given counts,” bP MDD DDD DNDN TIA I AT APIA Tr Ps Pr PPTs IYI we Sn Where You ‘Can Buy U.S. Tires: &~ - What one is there of us that has not felt the lo of satisfaction ver the outstanding success of a life-tong friend! Often a sure i Roval Cords 5 will give way bet Le , First to conceive, maks and announce a comp lete esa tire for every need of Pp: ice and use under one f quality. tell the public about th e dealer and get a legitimat Breon’s Garage MILLHEIM THE REO SPEED WAGON For the purpose designed, is the Best Self-Pro- pelled Vehicle in the World, It will haul a pound, a bushel or a gallon, or CHEAP- ER and quicker than any other method of : 4 any multiple up to its rated capacity wy transportation, Reo conceived the Speed Wagon idea--created the vehicle--copyrighted the name and popu- larized the type. THERE IS ONLY ONE SPEED WAGON: to be a Speed Wagon it Must Be a Reo. A GOOD LINE TO SELECT FROM REO, NASH, WILLYS- KNIGHT and OVERLAND Open and Closed Model: FORD Cars and Service. United States Tires Reduced 25 Per Cent. off list NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY BREON & WEAVER MILLHEIM, PA. n. (Competition {or better ang d * * # their verdict for quality sales” and what TOTO ITO OOo TiO OTTO reir oro rrroo: U S. oy al Cord Tires | i United Sto e Rubber Company § por Ta BR 7: TALS IAS SSI LN AL. L. SMITH - - .. . Centre Hall Boalsburg Auto Bas Line, Boalsburg BEFORE uilding SEE Cresson Lumber Co. STATE COLLEGE, PA, J. G. MARKS, Sec. and Treas.