wy Be ENE pt wr THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY. Homi on CENTRE HAL L Pp ENN'A. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I 1922 SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors, 8S. W. SMITH,.... measeansisinre rn .. Editor EDW,. E, BAILEY Local Editor and Business Manager. Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hab as second class mall matter. TERMS.—The terms of subseription to the Reporter are $1.50 a year, In advance. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal notices, twenty cents per line for three insertions, and ten cents per line for each additional insertion. Loeal notices accompanying display ad- vertisements, five cents per line for each insertion; otherwise, eight cents per line; minimnm charge, twenty-five gents, made known Display advertising rates on Application, CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. : PENN'S VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE REY. MELVIN C, DRUMM, Pastor, —~SERVICES FOR— SUNDAY, SePT. 1 7. 19022 Tussey \ ille, Hal Mills, Centre Spring Centre Hall Wed, Sat.,, 8S p Prayer Meeting, evening, 7:30 P. T. Class, Sunday Schoecl, 1:30 p. m, Luther League, 6:30 p. ~ Spring Mills Meeting, T! ours m, Prayer ing, same evening Surlay School, 92:30 Georges Valley Friday Farmers Millis At fav T:20 MOnaay, TUSSEYVILLE CLASSE CENTRE HALL Services for September, October, No- vember and December, 1922, 1 Woman of 17th, P The World's: Debt to Dec. 24th, 7:30 P. M A Glorious Announcement Dec. 31st, 10:30 A. M.- The f the Chris -. a 1:30 Min steers Needs © Ministry. Evangelical—Quarterly Conference at Centre Hall, Sat. Sept. 16, 2.30: Lin- den Hall, Communion, Sat. ev'g 7'30 ; Lemont, Communion, Sunday, 10:30 : Rev. ]. F. Dunlap. D. D.,, officiating. REF Hollenbach, AARONSBURG Rev CHARGE — Pastor Millheim, John 8B Home services Salem, Harvest 10:30 at a. m.; 2:30 p. m DEMOC RATIC TIC KET. For United States Senator, (Short and Full Term) SAMUEL E, SHULL, For United States Senator, (Unexpired FRED B. KERR, of Stroudsburg Penrose Term) Clearfield County. For Gavernor JOHN A. MeSPARRAN, of Lancaster, For Lieutenant Governor ROBERT E. PATTISON, Jr., Philadelphia For Secretary of Internal Affales, MARSHALL THOMPSON, Pittsburgh For Congress, J. FRANK SNYDER, of Clearfield. For State Senator, WILLIAM I. BETTS, of Clearfield. For Assembly, Missa ZOE MEEK, of Clarence Member of State Committee, G. OBCAR GRAY, of Bellefonte, t County Chalrman, G, OSCAR GRAY, of Bellefonte, A. POLITICAL. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CONGRESS— ELISHA KENT KANE Stands for Stronger Volstead Aet, International & Industrial Peace, Alg for Mothers and Children, Opposes Caucus and Ring Rule, Miitinecy. the new feature added to our store; complete showing of indi vidual styles—Kosslor's, Millheim. ss is & AR Ain SRI « i No SE An Historical Note, On visiting the laitheran cemetery at Snyderfown a itself perplexing The should question presented query wns why have no The aries bed the cemetery frontage public road by 1 on the explanation Romig, who al for has 1 that need that was given though confined to two year advanced in entire He locality and years, an state mind. that clear 1812 church was in and John make and school Beck, a Lauthrean, agreed to Reformed, butions. The gentlemen cach i farm, the line between which ran north and south and through ter of present lots. Fs equal of have a wh made tion land, and so that part of the land contri both church and hool purp Be parcel of ground thus donated vided by a line running the church =ite 3 . north school purposes A union formed-—wn designated, portion destgr \ 1 NefleHampton, years riage of Miss Sue Clinton A ternoon at Mrs Hampton home B. E The the bride’ Chas. EE. Neff, invited guests, all fof whom partook of the Jar M mother, Steele, officiating moun cerem witnessed by % mother, brother, and a party immediately The bride Okla, an elegant wedding supper after: the ceremony groom left for Hinton, Mr. Hampton cery where is engaged in the gro- business and where they will make their future home Mr wife was probably made four years Miss Neff graduated of Hampton's very wise choice of a ago the Mr when from Antonito High school, which Hampton was principal Since her graduation Mre. Hampion has held in the Commercial State Bank where she developed extra- ordinary ability and won the high teem of the officers of the Institution. a position OR POTTERS MILLS. (From last week.) Miss Lizzie Slack is company from New York. entertaining Miss Verna Hannai, of Youngstown Chio, is vigiting her sister, Mrs. Em- erson Ennist, Mrs. Blaine Palmer ve her neigh- bors a quilting er Lo Wednesday evening. Every one seemed to enjoy it; alno the fine dinner she served. George Auman is nursing a sore hand. Mrs. Hassett, of Lewistown, and slg: ter, of Pitsburgh, visited the J. M. Moyer home a few days, very Prize Winner s at { Where ne Hall is is given, Centre implied.) HORSES, PURE ist win W.F. Ri Furst, Mackeyville; J. GG. Mills DEPT. A BRED. prize “rs | DA Spring and E, Homan; ul Swabb; Wm. Ho Millis REPUBLICAN MISMANAGE. MENT prialal ie tet don dated unde lepaptment Ha § lerka draw # them with rendering ne KOTV ioe normous EON that “The a is ore evil Start it's none of way correct the progent began po. responsgi- where we {Oo rake fitieal cur mistakes, dissolve the machine, throw the bility back on the people where it be- longs. Then start a business like gove he said, “ia instrument. its Juty being to dy, when the majority the the finish. stiution the out party down, to take up work and 5 on fo only is to clean house ae and to place state on a business basis, clean the extra clerks and thereby practice economy and reduce taxes” And here Mr. MeéSparran pointedtount that the bosses were still In and that Mr. Pinchot will not no matter how much he may change the “conditions, clearly control be abie, desire, to he said “Can the Republican organization, ns it I= and Mr. Pinchot, as he is tied up to Mr. Grundy and Mr. Vare and Mv Baker, work out the reform necessary to clean house, Mr. Grundy is the big boss of the manufacturing interests, Mr. W. Harry Baker has been the mouth-plece and the political boss of Pennsylvania. Will Baker and Buck Deviin and W. W. Griest and Bill Minn and Charles Johnson, all of the old guard, put Pennsylvania on the map for political reform and clean house. Mr. Pinchot tried to free hime wh 4 ’ rd Woaa - i. <5 the. Judge--Charles T. Noll, State Collegs FRUITS Mis & Bon, 1st Lee of Ww. Witmer, | Gardner, State | Hall; John Arney; Colyer; W. A. prizes College: (3, Lemont F Evey Btate College Ross Harry Alexander John awuburg ; Mills; Hoy ge Ding Albee: Zion |W, ¥ Grove, Bellefonte: Ilex Bpring ELy, Diehl, Mrs Shunk, Girace Bharer; i Grove, 1 Thomas Grove Heckman We Ly JERINADN WON AND LOST. from was replaced Gramiley, whe His Eugens arm was the he ninth good hits box score CENTRE HALL R H E Gramley, ss 3 3 2 Musser, 2b Garis, © R Miller, of Keller, 1b 8 Miller, 3b it ”w.. Smith, p owing is the Emery, Foust, in an Totals STORMSTOWN Rn Harshbarger, O Spicer, ¢ A Tomco, 2b, Martin, If Spleer, 1b A Smith, Williams, Martz, of P Smith, rf P. I a ab < PM... f moose | « = als Totals The score by innings Stormstown 31110100 3-10 Centre Hall “1 041002008 Hits, off R Smith, 7 in 8 Innings: off Gramley, 10 in 6 mnings. Struck out, by Gramley, 4; by P Smith, 4; by Tomeo, 4. Three-base hit, BR. Miller, — -3 — a Farewell Service at Colyer, Farewell serviee In Colyer chareh, Sunday evening, Sept. 17th, 7180 o'- clock. Come and be with the crowd. ~W. F. Bubb, , a. The Centre Reporter, $150 a Year. tl SSN NOD AR 6 a AE Hs fii do rl NE w Wisin ADY ERT SEMENTS, FOR RENT furnace, and House, 5 COTIVer rooms, all ences, ange Hall ‘4 Mills 2nd Ray George garden and gar {entre Inquire ot Mra Mrs fuse Marga: Mrs Tress 11 ize Bharer Lambert 8 Mri Ford truck, wo Heo car good tet FOR BALK] gagnt Can farm Potters that nn: a or Mra oyer; ay Decker: Mills: J. A lyn Moyer ahler My CENTRE HALL WELDING (C0. NIEMAN'S STORE NEWS NEW FALL MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAILY Stunning Effects in all the Season’s Most Favorite Material. The Most | Approved New Styles. You'll feel better as soon as you swallow the first one. Two or three pills usually stop all the pain. R. MILES ANTI-PAIN PILLS are absolutely free from all narcotics and habit forming drugs. They relieve without danger bad after festa. You drugyin acle