SAAN or LOUAY, AND PERSONAL. : LOCAL AND PERSONAL. News from Presbyterian Manse, Ben Franklin Took Poker Into Paris. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, new fia { i n - . ‘ rat Thursday vening ho en’ Paris p t Miss Tacy Kreamer, of Johnstown, Mr. and Mrs. M. 1. Snyder and Mi ast Thursday « pr i . : 0 t > . ’ . . Bryer bots oes 2 iH Sauk of 1 yer a lyn t ory hit . HA JN fukin, first nited 18 at the home of her father; H. Mrs, Charles Snyder, of Sunbury, fy : of the | : 1 sdenye y tan Rre $y . es . ca r ‘Miss Mat a ' 1 y ine Grov Millis motored y Hies ambush Fy. Wii Lalit mein- Areamer, in Centre Hall were guests of Miss Mary ner, i i 4 i tha x . had dom ¥ a ics . bata : wl ’ He court ian PORer in iWiil- a s 4 Centre Hall, beginning of i ana } i : y 3 hifi iol BAR id . 4 ’ $ A Miss Emma Eckel, of Reading. her home in Aas 3 Kivihat Lo. . ; t noes beat a mile, To this day n group Ys ek NIK] FICK | Ay i © i y swililee. a os . Yai t vias the guest of her friend, Miss Margaret | the Week mpanied a : . OF wWhite-haired renchmen, descend en 1 MATE wi : i if iy iy g ¢ $ : CE . { i aut f the ¢lu . il founde Emery, during this week, Migs Margaret Crafton, f Snow| Aithouml ; we | it : ounded, thal Beant ra Although It was mn £1 meet every night at si lock on the Shoe, and Miss Ethel Frank, of St : . F 4 . . wis or al he f » Favern Hoyale and er was fir introduced CC. ¥. Deininger, who holds a position p 1 College, are spending this weel in the Department of Labor and Indus- | W0ese, are =i , . WB iy ejaculations ome of the latter's parents, Mr. and . . . stscd a) dine} try, Harrisburg, is in town this week home of the latlers parents, Isissed iis BER. : Orme at Hie I oh Ys Mrs Kryder Frank, in Cent Rev, GG. W. Mclinay, former pastor Mis of the Penns Valley M, E. charge, Is the guest of the C. D, Bartholomew family. seriousness un inner. They num- | Ethel has ben employed millionaires, the | 3 i i i i . ’ . i | 7, College since last spring FoRaht a f a fanous dressmaking firm, a {| CENTRE HALL WELDING CO 3 y : : ; J nator and a famous Socialist suthor, viens welding 2i1g rid 0) : : On Monday 1. © ‘ker returned to * Fry, wh was a iptain in thot nv. » J y ah, WM ® ve 2 ae iil nx chips and ! Pittsburgh to enter : pon his ith i 0 ok a I mi { 50 centimes—about 7 cents | ia cs . a a { i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foss, of Al vear as teacher of ithematies in thi alley ond Bam ders of the church at PORE nie f exchange--on the [RN we Es 08 a. > IN E MIL toona, are at the Emery home {or * 1 Allegheny His school s is also di-|s hey wo got home right side u game, | povable headw—8. A. MOYE 2811) 2 L ~ wékk. Mr. Foss is managing a larg rec athletics in the leh schoo: | with re A everal hours had ' ranklin’ ulinrities was | barber shop In Altoona and lo Ire a full to “kin.” in ich line a ‘ell as In the clas been spent in gaming ar masticating |] 8 contention that a flush i ne ot : I id hand ; room. he ha prover his corth Pe vikes furnished by § Indies and met R i oan Wen 10M {hie iid ity Bie i " : iy { 2 i A 8 Xs : 4 i # uu lu Mrs. James B. Lingle, of Betlmny, | several years he was also principal off ing ice cream which was home-made CS — good all ‘round pur : ol 2 € € W. Va, and sister, Mrs. Wiliam Ha ter, of Altona, are guests of Mr. and OsiLion resign Mh Mite : h ’ Mrs. L. R. Lingle in thelr new home Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Krepps, of Hu Ms ng Mra David Sark k Hl Ww I ound in Fren % Julana, is | E Til Hoads on Hoffer street ingdon innounce he warring of | B'at4. Were Sunday WagL\a a oH | considered by the nicl 8 8 WOO WANTEI] \ cap s gird woman | : . A wterlan Mat it Wo nd ; BB ' aa ata. and ats hh i ’ Mrs. Elizabeth Reese, of Johnstown, | tocir daugnier, Marg -athyrin, 2 Miss Dor irker, wh i wughter | y 5 " ¢ de 1 : fr} Dx % ne Va . oie : ” va : i U is at the home of her sop, William oward Shelley, on Tuesds) Yt the ban nd his wife, remaine . arto aD : ’ the I iw GL na . : E waged | E G ve S Your Reese, in Centre Hall, Theodore Ar Seplemb oth, al untingden. Mrs in enti till Friday = ny on fist ve ot nu A . ids ; So an & O d DT f : derson, of Johnstown, is also a guest | Shelley is a registered nurse and has M nd M John ‘Haug i ! . rain of (the wood is ! oh ks Ir CIS Or at the same place RUmerou In : . 3 wm Kent : ‘ i" nein hart. of State ‘Olle ‘ nt Su | 4 cinde all moisture HEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE Printing Miltheim and Howard engaged fierce struggle on the baseball diamond ———————— at eels ark on Labor Day, How d - it H a Park a hig Marriage Licenses defeating M#llheim, with E ne Gram ley in the box, bj Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ocker, of Lewis burg, are rooming and boarding with] 1 aia, rag Bellefonte : : tha. & CR es : 1 . nd hail tha a y : hue mary Acuwaimantee whe annus {Fins nd Hem... Mil Lanwious that many op | toy snee crise = ~~ When You're lv come to Centre Hall during Grang TL So 53 | is Exchant Encampment and Fair, fms Krenn 5% MEE - : Ther e thing abodt selling | Whateve — : Ida 5 Port Mati MILLHEIM, Is imma: aid: tha tis] ¥ the cause—overwork, Rev. and Mrs. . ollenbach, off. on BP Stat CE 0 ran : gh bi worry, grief, loss of sleep, ex- Aaronsburg, ttended the annual ; a *" | Sarah 'E. Nef Stat eg M P. H. 2 v ve I “What is BY i the custome citement, business troubl:s, grimage to Old Buffalo Te loads ! Presyterian church. where Stat ee luring the week-end with he | “There's no profit in the deal; of | stimulants, narcotics — there's Tey sera MSL o DUELL BAR MH PINE GROVE MILLS ih i My 1M Po | cours it | : = § sell that | va : hrarian Donohue ah ye tennedy a. 1 CT setts Erich -: ; = ara t bring bs | one medicine that will help you. Dr. Miles’ Nervine has relieved thousands of cases * - » M . 47 ail > . ervir. of headache, dizziness, irrita- br. Miles’ Heart Shonen bility, sleeplessness, hysteria, r ) it s’ Tonic epilepsy. .Buy a bottle of your ! Blood Purifier ’ i) i nti Pain Pitts druggist and start on the road Anti = an 13:8 “ what was en $80 better health today. 7 " Milea® Laxative Tablets an unpelled to feel a sense of -« os]. am ns of Xoull Find Dr. Miles’ Medicines at your Drug Store 14) awa VEryooay whit » ’ ' » ‘reat Mi ¥ ' % s Bam 4 i ¥ % 1 a # 8 gn fOr Ini 4 { a 6 134 tia frm and Mra arr, al daltimonre ' i , ; voles for me; and a land © make a yole so And yr! T i wl 0 hi h ¢ TRAY Ar, A. Homan's right hand m the City, N. J we Lie the number so great tl an scarce the home of I ipl sm 1 ) ie # Ell Mee] . t \ m. Ken MoM g vit ‘ ¢ ‘ { the ¢ . ly keep up with the responsibilities. Gllen Meeker, in nts \ n ged $ Hipple, wh The favorite avocation of a widely opened a garage recently irgeon is his model farm pear is a salesman of the Oldsm rofit except great to Centre Hall, a «distance on Saturday sald the does il do, bert, Mr rubber f > ’ . ” oi : wr ee : : . a ' . : eo rizle 7 oe ot no : . mot | . o ok. Ag ihe. house cunsultgl and Yellow, Report frot the leliefont rey £ ¢ ! nd : wn be Valle . : f ia of pigeons i EB aa ie. uf 1 | 2 3 ae r* asked the cook | AT MY ORCHARDS— nany are there? ‘asked the wavare | 2 Miles South of MIFFLINBURG and the large i brought to the For the Next 3 Weeks. imed the dots York county. are guesis 1 C . Hall. T 278. Tu Now Tees Sunby Fran) Transfers of Real Ectate “Now, Fred, just go ahead . he Doe to Ht. | ree Baas, Po Ee ws | Bruit the Be former is now a student in Temg > my EY : 4 > ~ Pp 5 Wong f ' . ie ey " ee ruit t - 2st. ab army, mostly in China and #1 the Ph " y jut what are these?” he expostie versity, hiladelph 3 . » T8 ign ovoraing gut fhe ster ia] 20ien. He otly Boporiy oor Stump 0 i soos bitons we found 8 ta My prices with the rest. in a business office in York is ten ; . Har * R . . t taht - : . years since the Snyde family lef = Gar i 8 ~ ncies, tract in B fw § “Great Scott!) welnimed, “those Jos heen and his bride, Louise Marsh, mar- | £3 Might dime Bice 1 | JAMES BEAVER. Fed in hiadeiphia, gust 4th. ¢ Mrs. Mary A. Shows to Jan ai. | she American Medical Association, | i J. Frank Ross and family, of {s- fenty-five of the cia gathered at 1 dh ara % ; Ka . : - a f burgh. the latter part of last wee) iH i wheen home ailevvill ! ox } ' re Ca At hie ‘entre Reg ter. $1.50 a year. moved to the farm sold to him sister, Mrs. Lettie Goodhart, Nd Fort and Spring is a portion of the It was somewhat of a surprise t that Mr. Ross, who since a young man was engaged in the Pittsburgh dis ———————— trict, should turn farmer Eutaw House Register. wife, Hillsdale. Conner and One of the successful music teachers in Penns Valley és Luther Musser, of y Spring Mills, who now has a class of H. Smith and wife, Cl Paul Pedigo. Philadelphia Henrietta Dieker, South Amboy, .} ‘something like fifty students in instru- Anna Hanson, Perth Amboy. N. J = BK. Remeres ay * . 'S mental music. Mr, Musser i= a hustlet Paul A. Daniels, CC. E. Marquardt al oi 2 . ta : ~ It S a pleasure. to come into KESSLER and is always on hand at the hour of State College. Mis ? A ry - his appointments. He has been follow- Ww $1.150 or ovateasion. 1 mary yesre oat | Dean and wit. Lansing, Mich | racy 31, orm. +t me. 10 ose (MI STORE these days and make your purchases ker. tract in State Colles 8 E04 is regarded as proficient as ever. He . : hiker, tract in ite College: $36,500 Frank McKinney, Altoona oy i | : S | 3 AR iE inars Sig Thomas Reynolds Merpont, al, to has ben engaged to teach several sing Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Gibbony, Belle- lap. 0 0 Snvder tract is . ' from our BRAND N WwW OCK. ing classes during the coming winter. i ary dos hhamh RN sp . ville £4. 000 > , chest bought at Rebersburg when Charles Frankenberger, - Philip D. Zora Klain, et ux, to Olive Mrs. Sarah Wolf made sale of person- | Foster, Mrs. Foster, John 8. Crandell, = 00 (ot edo isi O h | bi t k . ti | al peoperts was Primo br ee ” and wife, State College. i oy Hey, M000 8 | ur Ww 0 € g S oc 1% en ire y new A . : H. G. Strohmeler, of of, to R Meyer, of Reedsviliee. When examined ig A v. Norris, Harrisburg, Ross, tract in State College: $10,000 di . h | 4 Av MATHE 0 an Mr. and Mrs. Homer Treaster, Mis ——— ha t t t it was found to have the name of Ja skate Ang “ ; ney x ister ‘ Frank A. Carson, Amr, to Mary our merc n 1Se 1S e a es an cob Wolfe and date of 1726 written on | Margaret and Miss Eva Treastér, V1 Grace Clark Boyer. t g s a» Be’ Intork s b Wolf ‘ws ¢ | sertown Irn lark Boyer, tract in Potter! L é the interior. aco 0 8 one © . twp: $1,500 : t t h k tH d the forefathers of the late William] Mr Y. F. Harris, Mrs. J. W. John P. Conds W0.A.'S. 8 Loa mos up-to-da e t € mar et alioras. Wolf, for many years a resident ot ]|#2rt. Roy Yaswell, Bellefonte. " os hy «8B. Stover, tract | # ya ati in nes Iw ’ FB Centre Hall. The chest is in fine con- Mrs. J. W. Curtis, Pittsburgh. ie p oe : . ‘ g pert 1 PP. Conde a W. Kelste t : : dition and fa highly prized by ita prea-| CG. Wikiken, Reedavite pot Th Aras This store is noted for its fine merchandise and true values. CE K i tract im Aaronsburg; 00, ont owner. Kempel and wife, Mifflinburg. R. C. Beckler and wife, Kathryn Bchool directors of Haines township R d h this o-da d lia le The electric Night company installed § Seckier, Miflinburg. to Limie Yarger, tract in Aaronsburg; est assure t at a visit to up-t te an re b a sub-station back of the Methodist Miller Leeding, Ddrriet Leeding, Wm, | $120, Al b church, in Centre Hall, which Will | Leoding, John Lecding, Jommstown, | . 0. Broome. ot wx. to wna x. Hl} store will be a pleasure to everyone. largely aid in giving Centre Hall a bet Mea H. O. Barr, Boalsburg. Porterfield, ot ux, tract in State Cols ter service. Heretofore all troubles omer Wear, Kenneth Grove, Robert | lege: $5,485, Watch our windows---See the cnormous variety of new things on display. between Pleasant Gap and Millheim | Ott, Fred Piper, Lewis Locke, Ralph ho 5 meant a cutting off of all service be- | Miller, Mosco Of, Frank Walle, Ira TIMOTHY SEBD POR SALE. fle HH] MI! LHEIM : 9 DEPARTMENT tween those points. With the installa. } Grove, Orhisonia, cleaned and tested timothy seed, In J tion of the new substation any troub- Richard Carter, Clare Butler, Rup- | large or small lots, for sale. This is PENN. ta STORE le east of town will not affect Centre | pert Duffner, Rock HL all cholee seed and will be as recoms | Hall, as it now has the benefit of the Karl Byers, George Stauffer, Orbl. | mended. Price reasonable. -»