n——————— —— Vu Sr LOCAY, AND PERSONAL, John, been week, H. Horner, of Tusseyville, confined to his bed the lumbago. has . for with past suffering greatly The sPotters Mills orchestra will ren- music (Thursday) der at the Eutaw House this evening. All =F, weasel captured an entire brood of some twenty chickens Mrs, B. Ruble 10 develop, are invited, John was effort making a special Ralph WwW, is assisting to operate a drill White Rock Works, making daily from his home. Mra. lishes letters testamentary tate of her husband, the Foreman, this issue. Sweeney, Mills, the trip of Potters at the Savilla Breon Foreman pub- the cs# R. D on late in At the community Park, he sandwiches, picnic, on Grange there will on gale lee cream, soft drinks, cigars, ¢on- fectionss gnd tropical iraits Mrs. Wilhelmina P field, is visiting her Prof 1». © Packer, Hall. Mrs. P is RO and well acker, of Clear son, acke” in Centre years of age preserved The Brisbin him takes the D by B 80 dextrously ‘Ar. § driven by new car purchased by and handled is a Chevrolet of number touring Reo years place the him for a of Miss her Adeline McClenahan summer vacation, with Miss spent a week at Whiting, Vermont. han or more holds a position as stenographer in Baltimore, Miss Catherine Ruble, Mrs. John B. Ruble, nurse from an Altoona her home at Centre Hall Walter Ray, of Bellef at the home daughter . NM Who IR a grail il, and wera hospit Mr mte, Ruble on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Win. Brandt, Mr Mrs. James Ulsh, of Milerstown, arrivals at the home of Mr. H. Leigh Ebright, Mrs. Brandt, hosts, {8 rem and Mrs Sunday mn« of week ; who is an aunt alhing for a others returned home on Sunday Mrs. Mervin Miss Miidred, are er's sister, Mrs. Altice Hall. The Kuhns are fr port, where Misg Mi thirtedp Kuhg and guests of Durst, om Will ldred is one hundred High the being a member of Mrs. Virna Miller, whe marriages lived at Glen sey, located in Phi having rooms Miss Mra. Miller the company side is again taken Elsie with ner Geiss, at 1702 Green holds a which now POI in her late band had been interested Harry the" ¥ pany. F ‘owers Shires, Accounting Miltheim He his former Ohio Louis girl, district manager Machine was in last week, former home Philadelphia, ing been Cleveland, married a St Years is now located district Mr a He making Shires and boy two old up family. and Hall, the Harrison Grove, Mrs. Albert Grove, sustained a right bale soh of Mr. of near Centre compound fracture of arm while hay. The broke and young tangled dn it. He Bellefonte hospital, ering nicely. assisting hig father belt on the machine became to Grove en- was faken the and is now OV red Mr. and Mra. F William, Mr. My residents of Altoona, new Sheridan I+. Burris and ing over Sunday witness to the MeCloskey, which view Penitentiary, 7:00 o'clock. Mrs. Sharer jed the back to she expects to spend friends, M ors and son Miss autoed the homes Sharer, Rupert Rupert and Ryles, their of H remain- in car to Jacob Mr electrocution was a of at young Lok morning occurred Monday at accompan- party Altoona, where the also visiting in Tyrone, week with A. E Kerlin, Mr. and Mrs Kerlin, Mr. Mrs. W. W. on Friday, will leave in the former's Nash Sedan for Cedar Point, Lake out from Sandusky, to the sessions of the International Chick They will Bway of Williamsport, fF nell te Buffalo. At ay will be spent at nd from thefe they frect to Cedar Point boat Betroit and come back along the lake fter looking over the automobile man- ufacturing city. and a resort on Erle, Ohio, attend Inhy go by Geneva and Cor. of a Falls, either Association least part Niagara will or by gO to \ -~ Bvery Lutheran family in the Penns Valley charge is planning to give up work on Saturday and attend the pic- nic in Georges Valley, at which Loysville Orphan band wil traction. It will be lherain gathering and will be at- d by Dr. W. E. Fischer, Rev. J. , ‘Rearick and Rev. B, F. Bleber, for- or pastors, and of course, the pres- ent pastor, Rev. M. C. Drumm. Rev, FF. W. Barry sent a letter of regret, giving good reasons for not bedng able to come to the annual gathering, but wished it lakge success. His lotter will be read at the gathering. Nelghbor- ing Lutheran pastors have also been invited to join in the activities of the day, and it is presumed most of them will be present. - — the the a, real be * ag, 3, Donn gp— i ie LOCAL AND PERSONAL. scientific triumph. Ki Hall Tanlac sults prove it Centre Pharmacy 1.. LL. Weaver, the salesman, Millheim anto wis in town on busines Tuesday, dl, of Frankli few J. DP Centre Smithgi Hall a the to days his family at Spangler Shultz, of Sorving purchased the Boor Ira Millheim, car through Miss Lizzie Runkle built to the Hall, porch in Centre whi 4 proves Rev. F. H Aaronst Daubens) the wurg Lathes latter part of this week He county vacation. will spend Butler Rev. and daughter i-Saloon League TR Sse Methodist, gquaintance whi he Mi courtesies having been exter am wulay fe «pen Wenoon Campbell, the While the Mrs, tre dislocate thought her use, was brol not be locate lellefonte hospit X-1 alder week, where an revealed her ah to After the the adjustment w arm properly bar girl was able to return and since has been getling Pr. HK Camp H. Lor Itler,” in gwell summoned M by the Was to Heven runt to dress a wound caused dental discharge of volver, A an effort discharged, in automatic s cartridge had stuck and to remove it the weapon was Misa Lewistown. and of her leg through iit The of by Dr. Loag- well that the idea of taking the voung Paddy the abandoned, bullet of part the Kauffman, the striking Irene 1 entering the without fleshy hove knee, passing striking the bone wound was so well taken care to Lewistown hospital the the wos | instead life and campers continued to enjoy in wilds the over Up to time take owition Ford the Shoalg fair figure _Nepublican United States Senators were “dump it The total waste of money by them, the manufacturing wizard took | redfeve the government aboo and put it to real use kind, great possibilities began looming up before the senators. Now ft presumed by them to worth so many millions that it must be distri buted to men and corporations who can be fat fried later for Republican campaign expenses, i offered prop Henry to Muscle nt a planning to utterly : into the sea” as useless, investment was consid ered but to a as of the buz for man- | in be ST IN GREATER NEW YORK They Swing Along Highways and Through Woods in Groups of Varying Size. must walk swim, New York.—One ROWA- days to in the Statistics gleaned from the out-door departments of the newspapers, from the Boy Scout and Campfire Girls’ from the Y. M. GC A. and kindred bodies, from scores of amateur athletic and from the leading dealers in sporting goods, Indieate that be organizations, branches clubs - “Best Walkers Make Best Citizens,” Says Mayor of New York. today hiking with a there are 8.000 ‘ork, than New less ter f quar en pink out er me perience “Ihe hiker can make Just wh at he y foe! w 1it ly, there are or ly fwo Indispensa ble to hiki that tots nh his shoes of woolen give freedom allow hick will have ®UMH oy t othi 2 th int He should a canvas or je ath er musette as the soldiers in il 8 bag, France. The Cow in the Knapsack "To get the real benefit and joy out of hiking luncheon should be carried and prepared and eaten in the open, Bread an® cheese, a few slices of bacon, some coffee, a can of condensed milk, and a cake of chocolate fur nish high-powered fuel for the hiker and are readily and happily assimi- lated even by those who In their pre days were affiicted with di gestive apparatus so feeble ga to balk at crackers and milk, Fortunately for the hiker, he can replenish his simple at any crossroads store and used and appetizing food In a form that can be conveniently carried. “No single development in the prob- of food transportation for the hunter, fisherman, hiker and all lovers of the out-of-doors can compare with the gift bestowed by the man who first found the way to make con densed milk, therchy putting a dairy there will be a national association of hikers, and Gall Borden will be its pn tron saint. Such an association could do much to encourage the spread of the most beneficial and universal of all outdoor pastimes, map out Interesting routes, secure he establishment of rights roads.” of pedestrians on country sn AND PERSONAL. Letterheads Envelopes Bill lt Give Us Your Orders for Printing Children’s MEDICINE '! “I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and given it to my children on many occasions and am thoroughly acquainted with its good qualities. Let any one troubled with a cold or cough use it and he will be quickly convinced of its superi- ority,” writes Mrs. C. H. Woods, Decatur, Ill. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy W. E. BARTGES Auc Reas satistaction Give tioneer... Terms % AME