cua SIAL RO " ea iy a : ; i Cada “Wy A ios BL AE Re ay . kia - THE CENTRE REPORTER. Bradford-—Rowe, Now Bank at State College. REBERSHU RG, | Commencement at 1 0,0, F. Orphanage GEORGES VALLEY, ISSUED WEEKLY, A home wedding took place at the | The establishment of a Nationul Harry Balr and ife, of bioona,! commencement at the Odd ow { ind Mrs Braid V residence of Mr, and Mrs, J Samuel | . . AA ‘3 h ’ ‘ 4 bse - mt mses . bank at State College to be known as motored to this place on Bal 3 . i : ‘ = Rowe yesterday (Wednesday) evening in . . . CENTRE HALL, PENN'A. at six o'clock, in which Miss Isabel the People's National Bank, has ns gpent the day at the home —— = : = | Rowe, the oldest daughter of Mr, and [sumed the point of definiteness. Not | Bair's father, THURSDAY, JUNE 29. 1922 | Mrs. Rowe, and J. Willlam Bradford only has a charter been applied for, | Mrs. Wm, Minnick, - Sn == | were the principals. The ring cere- ny an optioh taken on the Olan Meek | visited over Sunday ’ ’ y or \ Wik SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors. mony of the Reformed church 8 [ block, occupied during the t twelve | Minnick » pas sed, a former pastor Rev. R IR 85. WwW. BMITH............. + ++ J Editor | HSC, : ; v Jamon '- Sratth’ ardware | Saturday. tha Jones, of Lutzville, having been the ars by James C. Smith's hardwar Last Saturday the EDW, E, BAILEY...... Local Editor and officiating minister, the witnesses con- | store and an shoe store, the sum named | farm was sold at publi Business Manager. i ing of the immediate families of | in the option being $40,000. The block | Mark, of Centre Hall - u——— * | the high contracting parties. J, Shan- | 18 a red brick structure, two stor gn 800. Boozer was best man and the CHURCH APPOINTMENTS hen * spi : y : "| high and has a frontage of approxi-i Mr. and Mrs. Ammon ' bride's sister, Miss Verna Rowe, maid | mately forty-five feet, The location is |. sey Shore, recently ented diplon home . = lof honor, and a second sister, Miss | VIiniLe red ———————— - ’ E Ethel Rowe, played the wedding | ideal for a banking institution, being i in town PEN EY L | : fd march. The ceremony proper was per-|on the east side of Allen street, quite y Limbert, a student at Franklh -——— REV. MELVIN CC, DRUMM, Pastor, « | formed under a bar of white roses, one near to the diamond | Mars! of the pieces of the decoration for the! . ' ACA . 4 Hon I I'he bank incorporation papers name | the summer vacation ~—SERVICES FOR occasion, the bride carrying a shower} : : hougquet of roses of the same shade | $50,000 a8 the capital stock, The sto K | Rev Paul Limbert Lr his ney J i . ia SUNDAY, JULY 2. 1922 The ceremony throughout was pretty (is in demand, but it is the intention to | bride are visitng at Hs lace. at the Georges Valley, 10:30—The Second and npre ssive, The bride was 4 = 1 parcel it out in as small blocks as px { home of Mr. Limbert's othe ! J ed in white georgette and satin, and 1t{ 4. The option « hae Meek dock] One day last w t the Sto visited Mile. was sald she never looked prettier op a . 1 9 . d > {is held for the ban} y Mr. trong, | the Henry Meyer Farmers Mills, 2:30—Holy Commun- | happier. Immediately after the cou { 3% y 1 shure brothe Ww it sx 3 \ f fon. ple received the congratulations of the ff Willlamsburg, a wother-in-iaw Fi baby girl Centre Hall, 7:30—Patriotic sermon, wedding party, a wedding scupper was he owner of the Wilding, | \ Ya ¥ ing throtigh he WD i on served, and after this was over the] — in v Yogi wes) oo itm : “What's the Matter with America? ke 2 left the %ome for ? : VE = ao rere 1 y la woe wry Stits ri couple left the home for a honeymoon 7.12 DEATH RECURD. cross a huge black snake, about ter + and New York, and * Other announcements for week:— | trip to Philadelphl . they will prepare to . when they return i A ong, he says, and a th a i Contre Hall reni 7:30 go ito thelr new home recently va-1 YBARICK Ben ‘ranklin i man’s leg in g 1 weapon at han Prayer Meeting, Wed. evening, 7: cated by the groom's grandmother, rick pas into the great beyor formidable enough for such nonNSt 5 . st Catechise, Sat, evening, 7:00 o'clock | Mra "Mary Odenkirk, and ifter the | at the Evangelical Home Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. 16th proximo will be at home there to] 4,00 Luther League, 6:30 p. m. thelr many friends, He. oe a a oes Now be : : but wh n he returned the ren } At NIEMAN'’S The bride is a school tea Georges Valley profession, having graduated from ti years, 4 ith and 3 . ' o ir , rise $ 1 3 1 WOW ' church, delivered a very able and ap- Ra S——— o Entartained LY, Hh ¥istown 1 : MILLHEIM “Always Relisble” propriate address to the S. off W.¢ U. meeting at the home of | K quillas 3 Wed 1] he thing. except L | A. of Centre Hall, 5 Haynes Durant = STAR The Incomparable Six Chassis Character Car “FOUR” Car 3 s bulid teens fo Yours Rey Sn Dee © ewe 4 ED TY a Built by the pioneer motor car a builder of ine automobiles — NO ye hirteer ri isos Smooth ( : + . y “ Ee » simply an assembler of units! And ting nd positive T niseion 4 . = “Just a Real Good ar ! builder, W. C. DURANT this experience is clearly evident in the chassis on which the Reo Coupe i Nee ar ecensibilits Two univer éé . Q ~ T and Sedan Touring Cars are mounted. gal joi between clutch ne Fe A ’ ————————— otar 2-passen er ourin With a basic design of established miasio o shafts ’ rome-nic- merica S FEATURES, g g correctness, with superfine quality kel ste ' ¢ materials throughout, with machine Mlectris starter ts throug rans ays ’ : i work held to unusually close limits, mission and clutch, NOT fly = e - and with assembling and inspectior No stalling or sticking irst exacting carefulness rather than spes« f ar | ittact both y Reo reliability is pre-determined ! it ni sub-fy yo-agdoul The motor itself is a remarkably fine IpDOT hich prevents vibration and C 2 example of automotive engineering bremkage. Adjustable bes goat nd ary Such features as 4-bearing crank-shaft internal sector and 3 1 y Sim . (high manganese steel, heat-treated), 4-bearing cam-shaft (integral forging). aluminum alloy pistons each fitted | elliptic , "i : + Al mite: Syste mn Space does not per- For Seven FEATURES: with three 2-piece high duty rings, and for chassis lubricath intake wvalvea in head—these are but dal also serves lutch pedal-half 4 indicative of the advanced design as a Ww down throws out i ure mit adequate de- whole, ther pressure applies the brake Splash and pressure oiling sysem is gency brake operated by righ 4 . . ’ used-—most positive system possible pedal Only one lever an al to scription of this Cooling is certain. Each cyinder Is | change gears | surrounded by water. Flat tube radi- | The Reo chassis contair 1 forg i te ator, positive centrifugal pump and 6- | ings, many of which could be replaced | car of cars. We Made fan are further assurance. | by castings or stampings if we were Reo-Rayfield carburetor, pre-heating building down to a price Careful in- device, alr controlling system to regu- | spection will reveal that we use light are ready to demon- late supply of alr according to the cli- | materials where strength is not sa ‘ a matic condition—these three factors | rificed. But when it means one orth v 101. addy ie irom tSide Of Aud explain why carburetion trouble isun- | other, lightness is disregarded strate at any time. in REN earn] x : PRICES: known. While few six-cylindered re Alemite Jubricatior ur throttle : Main frame Is heavy, srong and sparing of gasoline as the and horn trod y of steering Chassis straight, no bends or offsets. Sub- economy-—as is sometimes fig et . Just say when. whe. genuine leatl Hips y ovel Touring (regular) ‘ . \ ardiv 3 curled hair; straight side cord tires frame carries radiator, motor, clutch does not necessarily imply maximum Touring (self starter transmission and other units, relieving | economy. Measured over a term of (Ask for our iar giving speci- mountale rims) main frame of severe stresses at vital | years, and all factors considered. we ic ons Runabout (regular) points and distributing road shocks do not believe ANY car costs jess per REO Conti d . —— - nued. over large area. mile than the REO Runabout (self starter and PRICES: mountable rims) omy even when compared with light t i wi g E800 Coupe (self starter and | delivery units! Five Passenger Touring Car i. : i . Sobms mountable rims) 0 e a ruc t Must Be a Mark this:—Over seven hundred Five Passenger Sedan... .. ....B1865 Sedan (self siarter nd ye Pp arte a (known) Speed Wagons out of the WwW | sixty thousand in service have already Four Passenger Coupe. ..........51365 mountable rims) : REO SPEED AGON | &iven from 50,000 to 400,000 miles of (F O. B, Lansing, Mich.) Plus war tax and freight . service. 1 War tax and freight to be added | Detroit, Mich REO conceived the Speed Wagon | ratio to its carrying capacity instead idea—created the vehicle—copyrighted | of disproportionately heavy-—electric the name--and popularized the type. lights and starter instead of the abe There Is only one Bpeed Wagon, and | sence of them. Reo builds it. Ninety per cent of all | These arc among the reasons why | Wide Range in Prices on Dependable Cars--From $285 to $5000 H. M. MYERS, si: "or * . 9 STATE COLLEGE economically by Speed Wagon, Outside than the slow, heavy costly, old-time W. B. SWARTZ : Agent : State College, Pa. Bell Phone, 88 of the distinctive heavy haulage field, | type of truck! They explain why food | the Speed Wagon is adapted to prac- | producers saw In the Speed Wagon the | tically every class of carrying service. means of reaching their markets quick Any load that can be divided into units | er and at bigger profits! They explain | of 500 to 2500 pounds, can be moved | why manufacurers in every Industry | quicker and cheaper by Speed Wagons | put their haulage on a Speed Wagon | than any other medium. basis! They explain why city and su- Thirty miles an hour instead of fif- | burban passenger bus companies are teen—pneumatic cord tires Instead of 4 solid for Speed Wagon! They explain solide—a vehicle weight in sensible | why retailers saw Speed Wagon econ- EE