Copyright by STEWART KIDD COMPANY WHEN NATURE FROWNS. Nature is 1d dame, nature writers an ts to the contrary notwithstand Go at her with a club and will give ly. But she alwa) wat a chance 10 get Heg of her and she ig cruel as t! She mistakes, and she resents man's sion wild places not hes for even Brave always into pardor no Big M gtory of Cana skew So around CHAPTER |, 1 en. | ee A Belt From the Blue, below ; fair December in New Mar forest, ough It ‘hill midsumn shuts out edge of the winds that mak ries, farthe uth, an icy Here the bush i to stretch out | bedraggled patch crOnning ropping it be rocks, n once mo: heart and scoop frozen soil, drawn, |! finge These he les that 1 often sodden were huge sometimes filled with water, they lnkes ; formed spon etub days wher i companies ways for the were pegging out Hnes tha Ww » to divert north, Joe Bo ck line had been the joke f Those br : wheat noiers other 1ilt he * Comj And showly sharehold Ens ties hat keg. of the hed and weather- need se inquiry i There was no nt that of each man moment, bec dwelt on the * The two meh had come east by dog. sleigh) accompanied by two half- breeds, Jean Passepartout and Papil- lon, the one in charge of the dogs, other the transit-compass, They had camped seven miles back on the preceding evening, at daybreak to survey lands from the ridge lem which had suddenly confront thon clamored before construction forward, and on its the future of the Miseatibi, With the physical nor Carruthers plish anything tnspiration, Theoretically he was endeavoring to carrying the swamp- For the prob- risen for solution could be carried solut eye accom- was seeking could hope to Wilton might be coaxed above the unstable, quaking surface with tresfling erib-work, a crossing that combined per cent of grade and four degrees of unconscd fously he eking to interpret the natural had, In time hmmeasur the swamp seeping Into Actually and wins con which cloven ridge of the the ibly remote and set fissure, waning of that “the mind tect, he could If he could read the 1 understand mood of the great Arc irvoyantly, and as if cls where the roots of thinnest the hills, where bhi would \npear appent 3 the soonest above the sucking But he Joe read nothin Bostock could thinking, Wil ti tlone day If the y he to de erant Thi t was the nearest speech - incible ty} spair tf Joe invinaoinie, exun optimist that he was, had ever ma Weeks, sue, with work halted, and the Miss resurvey must tibl's precari ne 21 111t blune rent obbles of Joe Bostock Laid His Other Man's Shoulders. Bowyer and those HNKOUN tons of rock Wilton, valles “We'll beat We've made a bad blunder, Crooked though 1 can't Imagine why gang should take the trouble fo hurt us unless, of course, they guess—" Joe Bostock shook his head. haven't guessed that, Wilton” “I'll stake my hat on that, There ain't nobody except me and you and Kitty knows. It's jest bad luck, Wilton—" Joe could never sense treachery nor of worl without doubt and if that weakness had kept him. in the main, a poor man, it had “At the best it's gross negligence” Wilton. “Those SUrveyors I accepted their go out with the and follow them all up to check their results. But 1 might have sounded Big Muskeg 1 His volce choked, “Joe, If any sense, you'll fire me reports, [1 couldn't you have Joe the humm ous smile eame on his face. “Well, | not, Wilton,” he sald. “You ain't to blame, You've done all that mortal man could do. The Missatibl Bostock lald his hands on lh eae er S—— built at ail Why, dared couldn't he been Fire you? if ] ive with- Kitty'd have such a out you, Suggest frowned the involuntarily at the pretty young wile whom Joe Bostock had married in Winnipeg the before. Joe's f marriage had unhapiy mg ago, and W been a sep nee 1o year been been 1 had Wis iHiton knew aration. thougt retice; Kitty was than Joe, a h into fast friends! n deen ie hetween always five ger vened down, and, in the of his loss and his shouted curses murder had beer t y doubt fired at hare n eds He suspected following } Ye: t bullet APS a them seeing the and ought that was this might he the one explanation Joe was dead, only a fleeting and his body must be cared for, just as if he back to the camp and of the woods There wag no Pos. sibility of leaving Joe's hody there. Yet it seemed to him that could not hope to reach the camp. And now another idea came to him. It was seven miles back to the eamp, but only five to the portage frozen swamp. Upon the other side of the portage was a trail that came out of the prairie southward and wound Into the unknown north. alive thence were he ter catches MeDonald, ny to the trading-store of the factor of the Hudson's company. of the great Muskeg, but it menn two miles less, possible to make the store, MeDon- ald was a queer, tacliurn, sometimes venomous old man, and had evinced a strong dislike of Wilton on the occa. gion of thelr last meeting. Yet Me. Donald world shelter him and receive Joe's body. And then there was Molly, his daughter, Wilton, having made his choice, act. od on It at once, With a great effort he raised Joe's stiffening form upon a wulder ; and doggedly hi awful journey, bis right Ing the dead 1» « HN the tou rolquet- sti began arm grasp hy 2lple 8% DUESing ‘KK against his side He stumbléd over the ro gr he reached the cleared road the Here Sie wes ound trees, “And somehow, breaking the rotten ice in front of her body, the girl succeeded in gelling Wilton to the shore.” SHUT OUT WATER AND DUST Nature Has Provided for the Hermet ical Closing of Nostrils of Seal and Camel vhert al is, without dou diver in the animal a very ingen Each with museles which close It And when drop of , and ontrive. aovided hermeticals his nose is ance indeed nostri the shape the water iy at the owner's will, is such that losed not a of the nose triis can enter With seals the closing of the nostrils moment of diving bas become This is wonderful enough, can tee a still more remarkable appli cation of the smne principle in an ani mal as far removed from the The animal. seal is a water an inhabitant of the dries: deserts, Now, why require such an apparatus? He is not troubled with water, but he is trou. bled with dust; not the dust that we gee In this country, but the fierce, blinding duststorms of the desert. These are so violent “that tiny par. ticles are driven into the works of even the most finely made wateh, which becomes at once clogged and useless If the camel had not nostrils which were perfectly dusttight he could never endure the dreadful sand and dust storms, Helps MAKE HOME A BEAUTY SPOT Matter Is More One of Careful Thought Than Mere Expenditure of Actual Cash. ghtening the HERE IS SPIRIT THA T WINS “Boost” Is the Everything to the the Commun The City Beautiful. have too 00 many pretty Progress ng made annuall interest among unirs iders a hot nd for shabbin indglenc use or a town whic areiess occupants, only for prin one to attract the energetic want to erty is no excuse for shabhiness, humblest dwelling does not need to be shabby Shabbiness is careviess ness, not flimsiness,. Many a flimsy little cottage or cabin exhibits a qual- ity that is far superior to shabbiness, It Is the careless, untenanted, dilapl dated, apathetic look to a man's home. a man's town, or a man's clothing that gives it shabbiness. One needn't be shabby in overalls any more than in a tallor-made suit.—Dallas (Tex) News. Lion's Meal of Porcupine Fatal, The victim of its own rapacity, a dead mountain lion is on exhibition in Stevensville, Mont. Two local hun. ters “bagged” the beast with so little trouble that they were puzzled, until an examination of the lion's mouth showed it had attempted to feast upon a porcupine. ARghavating darts had become imbedded In the membrane, preventing the animal from partaking of food. Spikes of the “quill pig” had been known to kill beasts in a similar manner. The lion on exhibition is of unusual size. citizens o« necessities sort of peop » ple itive people SHOW, GAINS 8 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS’ TIME Dyspepsia Entirely Overcome and She Eats, Sleeps and Feels Better Than in Years, Says Boston Resident. “I have nctually gained elght pounds In two weeks’ time and am ating better, sleeping better and feel r bet. ter than I have In three are” gaid Mrs. Celesta Fell, loston, Maas reat benefits she has derive » of Tanlac. stomach wi or four 32 Prince street, recently, In telling of i from took much of ¢ have so Bet ter stil ry rt ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE FOR THE FEET Rorink] prin en's F nd BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with liver, bladder and uric ac 1696; corrects disorders; organs. All druggists, Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept mo imitation three sizes. 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