PENNSYLVANIA x Send Sate abantan tend Ce) yi a a wl has company in The commission pamed the Harrisburg Trut as the third active st~te dey Dauphin count} The Lewistown school board ed to reconsider action In cting Walter F. Fi ta succeed CC 1). Booher as principal of the high school. Expenditt © of appro priated by legislature of 1917 Ru and never was authorize formal ark state revenue wository refus its ele the S40, 00K) as emergency fund used x1 for entrance to and changes terraces the laying completing necessitated by ays now apj y the board of »ublic f +h were the Hiffices YY were Thom- of Indiana, of elected by wlgwick, the Seni of iT Sagamore United the council and new great the States. Past the and Charles was elected Staffer, of Pittsburgh, unexpired term of John M. Coombe, { i i i Joseph Ku'wicz, a Shenandoah boy, in ‘ail in Pottsville, confessed Detective Davis that he robbed John Krusinsky, a Shenandoah of S650, of which from family Bible, most got a { { i The by a safe keeping. boy got entrance after only the house window and g¢ the place and finding ck It rieh purely out he stm Bible sum, when he opened the of curiosity. Arthur Wise, of Hope pany, was unanimously the Lock Haven fire Welker, n° Ne gro, pleaded gullty murder for ager of the come- Jake w Kensington ne- second degree to shooting C. B. Klapp pp, man- Gilehrist Drug company’s in ler Judge 15 store and , last September, sentenced to him Western to in the Stricken home in Cameron, years a F died before 1 with heart Bethel aged trouble a Miss 68, for her horo, Frances forty four ayette county gchool teacher, nedical ald could be sum for court without Ig an every automobile drove up , - Parry, shed in aie te + Dominick at opp, near 8 the door and thigh ranton, sn Parry ge ii shot through the with a chi from a shotgun. fled in their machihe and a is being made for them by the har men t search state and in a serious police county authorities is condit at a ion State highway department for numerous bidders when the figures are submitted on the year. An amendment wa. approved month. Many for the state orphan’s’ $1 fifty cents. ‘here at present are 1000 orphans being cared for by the state body, and it estimated that their cost of maintenar ce will not exceed 85,000, Mrs. Amanda to is Leiser, of Pottaville, to prevent a bonfire from igniting the clothes of a number of children. While out of reach of the flaries a breeze wafted the fire in her direction, The question whether Carlisle i i | i been asked on a dozen projects, A walnut tree more than 100 years old, on the property of Wood Helwig, near Catawissa, was struck by light- ning and shattered. Mrs. Samuel Hart, aged 44, and the woman, weighing 400 pounds, dropped dead in Holy Infancy i i i i i ! An examination for filling the va- cant McAdoo postmastership will be held July 8, Freeland Knights of Columbus sent following a fall, Mr&, Thomas Grove, i Nowwithstanding the high cost of right arm. Rev, Walter H. Traub, pastor of joying a building boom. Fewer fatalities were called to the of Hughesville, hag accepted Roy Walker, of Burnham, and John Ulsh, of Beaver Springs, were shock- ed by lightning as 3 i of these were found to be due to Only two murders, a road shops at Lewistown. ported, rrr ager of The B Former Cincinn Star Lost His Ef. fectiveness When Freak Deliveries Were Barred. ati “Hod” Eller, Nn- he by means of doctoring tional leaguers used powdered 3 This was denied by Eller, but the fact that after the freak deliveries were abolished he lost his effectiveness the sphere insisted 1 the ball always emery « always remains ERECT BIG GYM AT WILLIAMS Structure to Cost $500,000 to Be Built for Physical Education of Un. dergraduates. Williams college will erect a $500. was announced at local Williams Williams, which claims the distinc and indoor exercises, Was Called “Closhe”—Popular Gambling Sport. Bowling once was forbidden by law. The game was originally nine-pins. tion being given as “Closhe, the game at nine-pins; forbidden by statute, Notes n ASS his is Pilette's first year in the i He fas + : g righ Anas curve His con hirag Tag o £ if a r t-breaking ¢ much 0 strappis Southpaw Harry Courtney, the Chisox, via well-known route He ridden by fans and ought go better with the Gleasons, - » » Senators, joined Was to waiver district The Pittsburgh Pirates are sald to have offered the Minneapolis club $20.- 000 for Reb Russell, with the idea of using the former White Sox pitcher In the outfield If he can be landed, - * » The shock of the season in the Coast league is the rise of Duffy Lewis’ Sait Lake Dees, They were generally tor the cellar, but now are considered a troublesome bunch. * * - Connie Mack's pitching and the club's season, with the result they are pick- ing the Philadelphia entry to make things hot for the other second di- vision entries, . Art Fletcher of the Phillies does not seem to have been affected by his » - is hitting the bali right on the nose youthful infield. . Wilbert Robinson's hopes for good bad start. It will be remembered that was afterward withdrawn and game became popular. It was once also a popular gambling game in the prohibited by law. The law was evad ed by adding another pin and calling it ten-pins, pend almost entirely on the sort of pitching it got, - Press agent stuff, say envious critics | but propaganda doesn’t make hits or cateh long flies, and they have to ad mit that the box score tells a story that can’t be denied. Charles (“Chuck”) Carney, football and basketball star at the University of Illinois, has just completed a three-year athletic career which Is un- doubtedly more iiliant than that of any other Illinois ath lete. He part in sixteen Hg Ten foothall games a in 1020, he was selected Walter All-An took Camp's teain 4 VETERAN OF PIRATES IS LEADING PITCHER “Babe” Adams of Pittsburgh Takes Care of Himself. Hasn't Any Special Rules for Keeping Himself In Shape, but Goes Along Smoothly About His Work— Loves Baseball. it it certain- believe that English get a job in Jack Demi any shipyard Marshall Fi of Chicago has rehiased the three-year-old filly, Emo -Affection, for $25, | pu | tion, by Friar Roc LOO, ! he Williams track team has elect. led Clifton H 23. of South Weymouth, Mass, as captain for next | year. Stowers, Rumors of a £50,000 match race be tween Morvich and Sennings Park, handicap horse of the Westmount sta. ble, are false. " . * “Jack Dempsey to Marry American Girl.” And this after his return from Europe, where he was “courted by roy- alty.” There's a patriot for you! . * - Miss Cecil Leitch, British woman golf champion, won over Mrs. Norman Craig in the ladies’ open golf cham pionship tournament at Sandwich, Eng land, . -. - Milton Romney, former Maroon star, has signed to assist in coaching at the University of Texas at Austin, He will report to University of Texas on Sep tember 10. For the first time in the history of the Italian Lawn Tennis association that organization will be officially rep resented In the British tennis cham plonships at Wimbledon this summer St - »* Charges made by the Todd's Ship yard soccer team that they were mis (rented In the final national cup game at 8t. Louis were not substantiated by the United States Soccer Foot Ball as sociation, . i SWEET “The sweetest girl | ever said gay young Malcolm, “Used powdered sugar on her face instead of talcum.” kissed,” M ixed Spelling. ody to ick On. r. "ecsion Someb iG Ma A Correct Diagnosis. 8 Shake- id It was needed What Didn't Go Together. sitor-And what brought father hoped 8, and Only Way to Reach Him, “Mr. Jagshy has a telephone in hie cellar.” “It's a “What's the idea “Mrs. Jagshy ox ag hanes House likes to he's nelonally with hin Ye iid $1310 exchange a word when about the premises.” Objectors. “But why do your parents object so Wilkins ¥” “Mamma objects and y his shortcomings papa g stavings.™ BLOCKED. Bug Explorer—My, I'll able to cross Mary's Little Lamb, Mary had a little lamb, Her father shot it dead. And now it goes to school with her, Between two hunks of bread. never be that desert. the Unsolicited Advice, “Do too many cooks spoil broth?" “I've never experimented with broth,” said Mr. Bibbles, “but too many golicitgus neighbors who regard them- selves as experts certainly do muss up the home brew.” Can't Catch Her. Mrs. Youngmother—Why, the baby might have been kidnaped while you doged on that park bench! The Nursemald-—Oh, no, ma'am. I ain't afraid of kidnapers, ‘cause I take only catnaps, Wronp Tack. The dean had a hardbolled fresh man on the carpet. The dean decided to take a fatherly attitude, “If you were in my place,” he asked kindly, “what would you de?" “I'd resien."—Wesleyan Advance