Satisfies the sweet tooth and aids appetite and digestion. Cleanses mouth and teeth. A great boon to smokers, relieving hot, dry mouth. Combines pleasure and benefit. Don’t miss the joy of the new WRIGLEY'S P-K—the sugar- coated peppermint tid bit! and has brought contentment and iness to thon sands of home seekers and their families who have settled on her FREE homesteads or bought land ms Mtractive prices They have established their own homes and secured prosperity and ence. In the great grain-growing sections of the prairie provinces there is still to be had on easy terms Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre -— land similar to that which through many years has yielded from 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to the acre —oats, barley and flax also in rat abugda while raising horses, cattle, ¢ and hogs mm equally profitable. Hundreds of farm. ers in Western Canada have raised crops in a single season worth more than the whole cost of t land. Healthful climate, good neighbors, chu schools, rural telephone, excellent markets shipping facilities. The climate and soil offer inducements for almost every branch of agriculture. The advantages for Dairying, Mixed Farming and Stock Raising make a tremendous appeal to industrious set. tiers wishing to improve their circumstances. For [lostrated literature, m , deweription of Term opportumtus in Manitoba, | atehewan, Alberts and Brited Celaznbis, ote. writes F. A. BARRISON 210 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. Authorized Agent, Det, Mmmigration and Colonizstion, A of Coneds A Strenuous Life, “I don't you at church, Pastor Goodleigh. “I'm so exhausted on Saturday night after a hard work that I can’t get out of bed Sunday morning,” fee "* said Botihy wanted donkey—and he had seen the donkey in a nearby field “What would happen if 1 stole that donkey?" he asked father, a i week's his on on,” replied his father, Bobby thought =a said : “You while I thar father? “But you play golf on Snuday after- noon." “Yes. I usually contrive to pull my- self together by one or two o'clock in the day.” “Then you ought tend night services.” “When night hausted than ever,"- Herald, while and then wouldn't fi was feed It would rget to away, to be able to at- —— Stretching the Imagination I'm more ex- makes both ends meet. Birmingham Age- — geldom Comes Silence Ig golden-——nlsa scarce. Headache Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proper directions. Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of *% and 100 Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salieylilcaeld Colds Rheumatism Child Training at Home DEALING WITH THE ANGRY CHILD By JENNIE 8. CLOUGH F THE many problems which econ. front a mother, one of the hardest is that of meeting in the wisest way the undesirable traits that appear in chil. dren. In dealing with these problems there are two great helps, First, a humor, if a child comes breakfast sullen and bad some little joke, It the atmosphere, 1 mean laugh at the child (that adds fuel to the fire!), but amusing thing, tell a funny of down to tempered, make to clarify don’t only do some or will make the clouds Parents ap- who are little most most important is that lovely no matter how tryl and like fun companions story you i who the ones magie, end of thelr happiest and But Grace ish have of grace, bie cnn of ves; it 18 sufficien when naughty and children r . ut in pleces, » mentally | at the peace follow, Try to Quiet Bad Temper, i we ithy and ondl overcome have symj ft o letting freed | and ill be for controllable, let his passior STRENGTH AND COURAGE FOR NEW EFFORT. Harris Nit president mal Kinder college re in the development in whom 1 had rain and again community of d learns self h child learns the timie re, the too se ol and the un- Hs ACCuUracy | "4 iinment of = STRENGTH-- VITALITY-- HAPPINESS § A Message to rooms in oor] [EE RRESEENENL Mothers Know That Tse wa | REE SS Genuine Castoria Always 1 Bears the Signature Tr 4 Jere m——— She, ot Contents 15 Fluid Dragim For Infants and Children. RR 09 "ALGOHOL-3 PER GENT. | It from you fl some are in poor health merely general run-down condition, | get Gude’s Pepto-Mangan of | your druggist and take it with your! | meals for a few weeks or until You feel right again. Pepto-Mungan is a won- derful tonic and blood-bullder and is! Thereby omoing ssi Cheerfulness and Rest. Lona® i and huey thout something. Sullen Child Problem. 3 {ar $ fF of { + harder ype of chiiqg 10 that sullen child, He | tereste The | deal one tries our patience makes for angry vents his temper in screams His bad temper He broods distorting and the outlet himself like the nild ind passionate talk on the the trouble, it by refuses who A 4 : : works all nsiae aver ot upon it. He sympathy larging dwelling usually SOeINS fort f or coin shutt He and to enjoy £g bh i way from everyone. is usually a { sensitive child—shy, 4 gelf too much child? He out, like the it Is unwise would What can stich a won't talk trouble child, and i himself | ered child. about just | Work is even tO put as you the high-temp- as more SOON ns | busy necessary him out of himself. him work where companionship of sisters perhaps I we must get have the and wosgible, vill have wrothers 1 * \ his i or { Work 1s a blessing for most | but for more than i who is Inclined to live his { Inside of himself, none little The Last Straw, A famous English author himself on his set heautifully bound. eame to him and announced rats had hegun to gnaw one of the volumes, | “Dear, dear,” he replied, “even | rate think it Is Bacon” Up in the Air. “If 1 lend you money on igible plan of yours, what can you give me? Aviator-My priceless self. Capitalist-—Excuse me, but I am not accepting any inflated securities. — Seb ence and Invention. Intaresting to Lork At, Mra. Gllson—Does your husband en loy dancing? Mrs. Wilson—Well-somnp--when he le wrlching other people doing this dir. security balloun it. im, Morphine norg of | very pleasant to take. It does not act | ike a miracle. Its effects are gradual, but real and sure. Ti contains iron in & form easily digested and absorbed by | the system, For thirty years Gude's | Pepto-Mangan has been used by phy- {| gicinns as a tonle for run-down people | Don't continue to be ! and take | Mangan and restore your good health, | Thousands have heen |} to health by it—you ean be if you will accept this truth and act now, | Bold in both liquid and tal Advertisement. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA ” wen le nervous, Tarified Sopa? rd A helpful Remedy 18 : Constipation and Diarr and Feverisbness Loss OF SLEE® i (i ne — headachy Gude's Pepto- \ welped back benefited let form, Foc Sine Sigastere’t Returned Everything. tfrald Its all ove r between | “y “Also his “Gracious!” “And his "My: My!” “But there a Kiss ns “And what d “She THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Exact Copy of Wrapper. they parted on the ia she returned Pearson's Weekly. op Spoh IN BUYING ASPIRIN wii kposk in, very’ abort tyme AL tue 22 ALWAYS SAY “BAYER” |a! act on the glents, eliminate the Siscass germ a DON'T LET THAT COUGH CONTINUE! ugh n’s Distemper Compou ft in very shor t the fret , It ent furth .'} has bee the FLUENZA PINK ETE LDB for a quarter of a ug # r in iy ? NY GOSHEN, INDIANA Look for lets, the Name “Bayer” on Tab Then You Need Never Worry. On sais a SPOHN MEDICAL COMPA PIPE NOW ORNAMENTS WALL TO PRESERVE HISTORIC PEN That Used by Secretary of State Hughes on Important Occasion n Care of D. A. R. “Bayer Tablets taken Ki iN for Toothache, Earache, bago, Rheumatism, Joint Pains, tix, an n generally To get quick the safe and proper directions in gning unbroken package of “Bayer Tablets of fonnlls loin } » delegates Aspirin.” Thi kage Is plainly its © odd woodworking. For at 1! recent confe ce on stamped with the safety “Bayer Cross.” Wasi The “Bas sterity uine, world-famous Aspirin prescribed by phs for over years.—Advertisement. of Aspirin” olds can ‘lendache Has No Further Use for It as a Medium for Enjoying Quiet Smoke, Indiana Man Neuralgia, Lam Neu relief follow carefull) ed hy Sem enct the g rh 5 pa the er Cross” means the in th Amer. Memorial Een ters of the twenty-one | he nished + fob and took It ) ean Revolution, probat sicians bly In here the treaties DIDN'T GET THAT SOVEREIGN Probably Jenkins Is Ready That Glue Had Remarkabl Sticking Qualities. of native territories, ure flags the nine rep and several » World war. an {ash 14 inched of Chleago, in his- in of cotton- about ken € . . im We wv 1 substance 1 nain vr a t » anain 3 1h £ He py 3 n of the coin. hen, n tog procecdad in did 1 where to Admit y Good | ’ d who had gone everything ha pper odd nsed on the ng wf Re inl i upstairs | him witt from where fought ish In » of red cedar from tree all . aleo has bending glove ; it. If the 11 to result, As he was contemplating the wis $ opwalker “ood eves Wes On he Doing H Glipping but the o~ is Bit. public-spi “y f 8 a ren?’ “From at ~ Hi of 0% } > 1A get hold he leaves nothis i Dates Back. “Well 7™ | “The 8 an old cu “He can kiss f need of the \ | Wonder how that originated? gifted fellow citizens work their “In d man 414 his | his courting by whacking a girl on the his | head with a club” receives reports of the prog. are making."-—B rmingham | stom of a girl giv 3 delive A neee r y ing a man a or every star sh dom of a third endeavor, a st eliver n } . Baila A ul ery star she hour that less the old days when a be allowed to show ‘ famous liquid gi its stick- ning, sir! May 1 you a bottle of our As. no doubt, you are aware, ing powers But Jenkins had fled, Fwors ) : ue? Dh ads office with his feet propped up on desk and ——————————_ It ig a good habit now and again-to your habits, i ress 3 i Age-Heral London An- ne The Boy Who Started to Town 2% With a Hundred Dollars \¢ =, The advice they gave him for getting on in the world was simple and familiar enough: “Keep what you have, and build on it. Be careful what you do and it will grow into more.” It's a safe rule—with money or health, but a good many overlook the rule with health, until they have lost what they had. Then it’s hard to get a new supply. Postum is a splendid help insav- ing health from the very common losses through the drug elements of tea and coffee—whose effects on the nervous system any doctor can tell you. Thousands of people who think it wise to be as careful of their health as they are of their dol- lars are users of Posttm. They find this famous cereal beverage a delightful drink with any meal, | Soiing for 20 minaws. Sci by ai grocers Postum for Health —“ There's a Reason” Made by Postum Cereal Co, Inc, Battle Creek, Mich. and it's free from any disturbing element. You can begin with Postum to- day, with an order to your grocer. The road to health is a good road for anybody to follow. “Save what you have, and build on it,” is sound policy for everybody. Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum (in packages of larger bulk, for those who to make the