Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION | 6 BELL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief LL-ANS 25¢ and 75¢ Packages, Everywhere fa tha t COUGH! KEMP'S BALSAM Pleasant to take Children like ry i LL These tablets are used universally for in. digestion, stomach and bowel! troubles. They stimulate the liver, kidneys, bowels to healthy action and purify the blood. NOTHING BETTER FOR CONSTIPATION Clip this ad and send with 10c to the MARVEL MEDICINE COMPANY 2130 Forbes St. 2 Pittsburgh, Pa. | Agents Wanted | Caeser UDA i hd [3 [a f= ES ere” Net Contents 15 Fluid Drashs A Feeling of Security You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength is maintained in every It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a etimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and blad- der troubles, A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y,, for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Advertisement, The Wool Combers. In the Latin quarter of Paris one | often sees groups of bareheaded wom- i en, sitting in some quiet corner of the street, perhaps within a church door, picking and combing the wool of thelr No matter how poor a French peasant may be, he almost al- | WAYS POsSsesses a comfortable bed with | mattresses, a wool mattress, | 1 1 onsen nm — Expiaining One Problem, of the mod- to the fact that | and not Jud Tunkins says some ern problems are due 100 enough hired girls, there are many chefs — mm ——————— ing plaster is the kind that | doesn’ from the ceiling LITERARY COMMENT “What Is your favorite novel?” “‘Juck the Glant Killer,” replied Miss Cayenne, “That {8 only a fairy tale” “Which is my reason for liking It. Nobody {8 going to get you Into an arguinent about it by saying: ‘How true to life the characters are! and ‘Isn't the philosophy a wonderful reve lation of the human soull’” Unmistakable Signal. “There must be trouble across the street I” sald the stranger in Crimson Gulch, “What makes you think so?" ln- quired Three-fingered Sam. “1 just heard a pistol shot.” “Don’t let it skeer you. The boys are tired of poker and are learnin’ to play bridge That's Plute Pete's way of signulin' fur trumps.” whist, A HELPFUL SPOUSE Hubby—What did you do with all these unpaid bills. Wifey—I| saw they were beginning Friends Can Do Much Harm, If a cause be good, the most violent attack of its enemies will not injure it #0 much as an Injudiclous defense of it by its friends. ~—Colton, Why Not? It was Memorial day. The whole vil- lage was out at the cemetery cleaning away a year's growth of briers and weeds and decorating the graves, One woman was busy pointing out to a stranger the places where different ones were buried, She seemed to be familiar with the whole graveyard, Her little boy was listening to every word, He finally inquired: “Mother, where 18 my little grave?” An Aftermath, “Hello, slr; remember “Can't say 1 do, sir.” “I met you at the club one day.” “I'm a very poor hand at remem- bering faces.” “Why, that was the day I you off on the stock market.” “807 Come to get myself together, your face does seem familiar!” me?” tipped you.” “Certainly. 1 remember you, “And you promised that when we met vou'd lend me another ten.” “Pardon me, 1] face "New York Sun. | MOTHER! CLEAN CHILD'S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP " was mistaken in Even a sick child loves the “fr | taste of “California Fig Sy little tongue is listless, ity” up.” If the your child r is coated, or if cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colle, tens give a cleanse the liver [He and bowels, hours can thoroughly It tion poison, sour bile you Khe for works all ee constipa- it of pray wansle oO the bowels, and you have a well, ful child again, Millions of the Cross and Circle A NW WN AN A\\ \ \ ae WN WN \ \ ANN AR \ W VAN NN \ \ aN W\ N\ \ | | Genuin: Alabastine ® g Wall ‘Paper he e or a ———— EE ; . Rare Indeed. mothers keep “California ; Fig Syrup” handy. They 1 lea wiay save f BICK Ch I to- to worry you, dear, so | destroyed CASTORIA For Infants and Children. . ntiy published RlLOry OCCUrs New LADIES! i a an 4 Pin $2 bul Ask your druggist ¢ reo. padi 1th duck ’ dhs HE | advt and “California y rug 1 has WA, a YORE 3 Suh fi 2%4l ] Wave Enow or senda ¥ spoonful t« Ups and Downs in Milking. morrow. i po. ot} directions Mothers Know That for hal and dren of 10 fii ana NG i i AtOn Cleanliness may be next to godliness | on one but it is next to lmpos- | gible on thg other, side, Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin, | On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off Ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It is wonderful what Cuticnra will do | for poor complexions, dandruff, itching t and red rough hands.—Advertisement, | Don't be inanimate. Either pull up the*stream or drift down. ————— Colds Toothache Earache Genuine Castoria. Use | Publicity Problems y 4 Quarry 1 qu don’t reporters?’ A Sense of Gratitude noted writer recommer hooks to cure peop tendencies.” $l v iy v thant = on cartic citizen ies of Not a Fair Game, v8 Were 1 : THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. 80 Different From Her Own, “I do enjoy those films with children in ‘em.” remarked a tired-looking littic | “When the children romg around on the screen they don't make Real say “Yes, Loss. you lost control of I couldn't keep ug — Judge, ! “And your car?’ the installments, you — a— If n man is unable to sleep In the | morning when he ought to get up he | has Insomnia in the worst form, Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain Endurance, ashions are hindrances to health” “1 don't think se.” rejoined Miss Cayenne, “Only ik stockings in winter and furs robust people can wenr = in summer.” Apprehensive, “This Is a fashionable grillroom.” “Yes. Tessie, all the other ladies are smoking.” “So | see. Deo you think they will LOOKED l1JKE Bug-—My, that must be the chorus from one of those Broadway shows! Progress. Who gains an inch upon his goal May still be far from it, But he is nearer tha: the man Whe started out and quit Self Defense. “Why is It,” sald Mrs. Naggem. "1 say, why Is it that men like you al- ways snap and bite at your wives?” “I dunno.” sald Naggem, discon. solately, “1 reckon it's the same in- stinct of self-defense that makes a dop growl at his fleas!” The Touch in Boston, The wayfarer accosted the Boston man on Commonwealth avenue, “Kir, could you spare me n dime?” “Do you take me for an easy mark?" “No, sir; 1 was In hopes you were an altruist” This got him a quarter. — — Sure She Would Accept Mim, She--Just Imagine! Suppose you were so immensely wealthy that you couldn't spend your Ilncome-—what would you do? He—Marry you. all ages printed You must get an lmitation lig ment, pay "'t 4 4 A OIROTTON have 8 Do her! | AY learned that the highest grade pro- ducts are valueless till they reach market. Roads have a direct bearing on community wealth. And, by actual proof, the poorest roads are the most expensive— a luxury even the richest community cannot afford. The value of concrete roads is indicated by the fact that concrete roads sufficient to reach from New York to San Francisco and back again, more than twice the mileage of any previous year, were built in 1921. The contractor and building material dealer are judges of types of con- struction. y know the advantages of permanence and economy. They also know materials, and recommend Atlas Portland Cement, “the Standard by which all other makes are measured.” THE ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY Seles Officers New York—Borton—Philadeiphis Be farmer and manufacturer have is the best i package f ou ever received in your ife for 82 Every article useful SEYMOUR CHEMICAL CO. INC. 311 Eddy St, Providence, R. L FLORIDA BY SEA BALTIMORE TO JACKSONVILLE Fare Send now One Way $30.96 Meals and Stateroom Accommodations on juded Extra charges fof rooms very Tuesday and Friday, Reservations Early. Merchants & Miners Trans. Co. Plier 3-Pratt Bt Tel. Bt. Paul-420 QUALITY CIGARS MAKER TO SMOKER, 30 TO 407 SAVED ¢% inch short filler, per 100 $3.50 i nch straight, lomg Siler % Round Trip $55.73 teamer Inc JOCK sweet mild, per long er i. banded Why cembination excellent value, Delivered ur order 788 West pay more Reline Your Ford Transmission Binds in 18 minutes frog ar seat Mak LO to Retall and . on r money refusn 4 anted Agents, Owners, Dealers Long Reliner & Sales Co. Pittsburgh, a. te from § 4 vest ment pein 2.9% Sn f t fier tris Ww DETECTIVE AGENCY-—Lic ed, under supervision former De Justice expert Conf ial Berv Large, i868 Court Bt ensed and bond. partment of ice, Wm. J Kirn, New York City. Make Money—Iif you munity and wast to make , write CHAR MURDOCK, 1 Waggoner Ridg., Fort Worth, Texan FREE booklet “Prom Rain ad Clerk to O11 Magnate ™ Midress ¥ RB Hildreth By i768 Pr Woarh Tex. Co— We state it as our bh belief that the tobaccos in Chesterfield are of taste) than in any © cigarette at the price. onest used finer ther Lr