THE CENTRE REPORTER PHURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1921 : | THIRTY-FOUR YEARS AGO Paragraphs of News Taken from the Files of the Reporter of 1887. OCTOBER 20, 1887. Pine Grove Mills lost qne of its school houses by fire, last week, supposedly to have been caused by a tramp, Millheim's cider press is running out the juice to the tune of 6 barrels per hour, up in the Narrows, where it is run by water power. Charles Bollinger has made arrange- ments to move to Altoona, where he en- ters one of the smith shops of the Penn- toasted Notice this delicious flavor when you smoke Lucky Strike — it’s sealed in by the toasting process ood os > Or dastlan Salle sylvania railroad company. Wm. Colyer has purchased a new ten- horse power traction engine which he may use for running his keg-head fac- tory. Elias Luse & Son's planing mill, at Millheim, was burned on Oct. 15, with a $1000, and no insurance. was turned on at the State loss of about Electric lig College recently, and is furnished every student for $3 per term, or $9 for the College year. Hunting parties are starting for the} mountains after deer, but we have.Beard f no venison thus far, . nl ay afterfhoon, last, while re- irning home from-Baragm's show, two Miss Maggie ladies of ] and Miss Beulah ‘Brisbin, got an waiter bath, why r in a case of drown- our town, unexpected fresh came nigh result s well taken up with from the show, and pied a bug- a1es occu Reaching the dam all right in the morning" “When | feel like this— dizzy, black spots before my eyes, bad taste in my mouth, stupid and for the third time whe lazy—| know what's 1. Miss Rishel was also | the matter. [I'm bilious, | just take a couple of DR. MILES’ LIVER PILLS ort order, she was reache rescued before sinking. lp Meets Death in Tyrone R. R. Yards. 1 3 3 » ter 1. s Ceoarhar po) 1 ++ r@arnar They fix me up i st Why don't YOU try these little wonder worl find "them mild but efi easy tion Your Druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Preparations. uc YPEWRITERS! Il makes and all s Some that wore gnec i» asec | Bargains, tate your 1 we will describe and quote. The LINOWRITER, » printing office xeceassrry! y $s ar r 54 delivered. Give name and model, Cart pag 100 shoots $1.95 deliv'd. f Balle s > 3 f Belle- Empire Type Foundry, Mies. Wood Type, n Atlantic City. | Metal Type, Prinicrs Supplies, Buffalo, . aty-eig zh the ! A Deceased t tyles $16 up tha 1 1 VEear and se : 3 Years anda ser 8 Gov't. "rr 1 nr > "wn Bh - World yw ar, ia 14 ela ar sper 8x13 WDB VD BOBO VNR DVN VV ANNOUNCEMENT LINDEN HALL Roller Mill We are now prepared to do All Kinds of Grinding. Work done promptly and at reason- ablz prices, We have the most modern machin- ery and our workmen are experienced and accom- modating, We are always ready to meet any de- mands, If in need of any grinding give us a call. —HAND IN YOUR ORDER FOR—} FLOUR, CORN CHOP, MIXED CHOP_Zg MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND =O CORN MEAL. It will be filled satisfactorily, J. H. ROSS & SON, Proprs. | BOTH PHONES Linden Hall,}Pa. \ Bell 484K 3 . O90 VOOR VVOVDVOVVVBBn “BBN aa T= BANE of old age is constipation. The bow- els become weak and unable to perform their functions without aid.® For this purpose only the mildest and gentlest laxative should be used. The use of harsh cathartics aggravates the trouble and makes the constipation worse. Chamberlain’s Tablets are a favorite with people of middle age and older on account of their gentle action. - E—— “Do ‘Rats Talk to Each Other?” Asks Mr. M. Batty, R. 1. “yy five cakes of Rat-Snap and threw pleces around feed store, Got about half a dozen dead rats a day for two solid weeks. Suddenly, they got fewer, Now we haven't any. Who told them about Rat. Snap.” Rats dry up and leave no smell. Three sizes: 35¢ O5c, $1.25. . Sold and guaranteed by C. M, Smith, Mable Arney, Centre Hall; C. P. Long Co,, W. C. Meyer, Spring Mills ; Louder's Store, Oak Hall. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Estate of J, D. LONG, late of Gregg Town- ship, Centre County, Pa., deceased, Letters of administration on the sbove estate having been duly granted to the undersigned he would respectfully request all persons know ing themselves indebted to the estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly anthenti- cated without delay for settlement, CHARLES P, LONG, Administrator, Spring Mills, Pa , Sept 14, 1921 042 CAMEL. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —~2 Letters of administration on the estate of MRS, | SAWAH J. KERLIN, late of Centre Hall Boro, | Centre County, Pa , deceased, Letters of administration on the above estate having been aply granted to the undemigned, he! would respectfully request all persons knowing themselves indebted 10 the estate to make imme- diate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly suthenticated without delay for settlement, ARTHUR E. KERLIN, Administrator, odd Centre Hall, Pa. CYRUS BRUNGART JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CENTRE HALL, PA Special attention given to oollecting, Legal J writings of all classes including deads, morigeges ARToemonta, ole. marriage Hcenses and hon tet's | ioenses sectived aud a'l matters pertaining to the | ofloe sttendad to srametly ani 22 i AMES W, SWABB JUSTICE OF THE PEACE LINDEN HALL, CENTRE CO. PA. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, &¢, written arg »x. ecuted with oars. All legal! business prom puis attended to. Special attention given to sett Ving of Estates. Marriage Licenses, Aui- un | Biles Licenses, and all other Applicator i Blanks xeopt on hand, Nov.2p 90 1 WANTED. Men or women to take ord. rs among friends ard neighbors for he genuine goaranteed hosiery, full lines for men, women and children. Eliminates darn | ing, We ray 75 au hour for spare time or $36 a week for full time Experioroe unnecessary | Write, INTERNATIONAL STOCKING MILLY Norristown, Pa oliopd | W. E. BARTGES «Auctioneer... Terms R asonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give me a trial, They are as good as it’s You can always depend on the same freedom from Camels come in one size package the greatest saving carr wiay This That’s one reason goes you LLL OTL TT Here’s another. We put no useless frills on the Camel package. No ‘“‘extra wrappers!”’ Nothing just for show! Lil A Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And their added cost must go onto the price or come out ef the quality. Mn Ul a 4 rifsMCT iy PONSsii One thing, and only one, is res 1 for Camels great and growing popularity —that is CAMEL QUALITY. AA CT LT LT aaadiil CENTRE HALL, R. D. 1. Why Mr. N. Windsor (R. 1.) Put Up with Rats for Years COMPLETE LINE OF CHAMPION FARM MACHINERY and REPAIRS Smith, Mable Arney, Centre Hall Lo Co.. W. C. Mever, QR runt ng Spri ills , Louder’s Store, Oak Hall. Ox Insurance and Real Estate Want to Buy or Sell ? Be sure you see the Champion Line and | plements y p plements you may need, is greatly relieved by constitutional treat- ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE C. E. FLINK - Centre Hall | Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- i dition of the mucous lining of the Eusta- you hive a rumbling sound or imperfect - ~~ | hearing, and when it is entirely closed, ! lammation can be reduced, your hearing may be destroyed forever HALL'S blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys- tem, thus reducing the Inflammation and ditions Circulars free. All Druggists FOR SALE —Queen Vacuum Clean- in good condition.—~R. D. Foreman, Centre Hall. sotf get prices before buying any farm im. | CATARRHAL DEAFNESS {is a constitutional remedy Catarrhal | chian Tube. When this tube is inflamed AEAALIl 333000004 add . aol Deafness fs the result. Unless the in- t CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the aszisting Nature In restoring normal con- . J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. er and one 1900 Washing Machine ; both WANTED ~Men to solicit orders for | fruit and ornamental trees, roses, shrubs etc. Part or full time. Pay weekly gasier Hill Nurseries, Newark; New ork State. Chas. D. Bartholomew ’ CENTRE MALL, PA, ree { Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year. announces the opening of a BRANCH WHOLESALE and RETAIL YARD in State College, located at Sparks Street and The Bellefonte Central Railroad Tracks. It is our intention to supply the contractor and home builder with all the materials necessary to complete the con- struction of the building. And it shall be our constant aim to supply our patrons with first class material at fair prices. Our stock of materials includes : Colonades & Interior Hardwood & Softwood Trimmings Rough and Dressed Framing Lumber Interior and Exterior Mouldings Plaster Board Sash and Doors Flue Lining Builders Hardware Wall Ties Builders Supplies Fireplace Fixtures Mortor Colors Coal Chutes Lime Cast Iron Flue Rings Cement Nails and Glass Wall Board Sash Cord, Etec. We have a complete Service De ent for the Home Builders which is free to our patrons. Ask us about it. Your inquiries will receive prompt attention, Cresson Lumber Co. STATE COLLEGE, PA. J. G. and Treas. - Don’t Buy Cheap Bargain Sale Glasses They have ruined many eyes. For a number of years we have been giving the people of Centre Hall and vicinity High Grade Service at Reasonable Prices and Guaranteed Sattsfaction. If yov wish well-fitted glasses at moderate prices, consult us, We will be at the CENTRE HALL HOTEL THURSDAY, OCT. 27th REMEMBER THE DAY GOHL, ROUSE & POOR (The Well Known Eyesight Specialists ) 22 North 4th Street Harrisburg, Pa. ( Where Glasses are Made Right ) Are You Still Sick ? —in spite of everything you tried ? It is because you had the effects treat. ed, not the cause. As long as the cause of your trouble is 1 resent, the effects, ev- en il temporarily suppressed, will re-ap- pear again, Chiropractic spinal adjustments should remove the cause of your disease, which is verve pressure in the backbone There is no reason why you should mot get well pr rmanently, Come to my office and I will gladly explain Chiropractic, and prove to you that the cause of your trouble can pot only be found, but also in many caies corrected, E.V. Alexander, D.C.Ph.C. 136 B. Market St., Lewistown, Pa. OFFICE HOURS : 8am to8 p.m, Bell Phone 243R 6togo