/ THE CENTRE REPORTER. CENTRE HALL. PA. Never say “Aspirin” without saying “Bayer.” WARNING! Unless you see name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Toothache Earache Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain Headache Neuralgia Lumbago 1 Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proper directions. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets—Bottles of 24 nd Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoscet LISTEN, THOROUGHBREDS! You Too, SCRUBS! When wormy and run down, kick for BLACKMANS Saher The Worm Medicine and Tonic Used by Veterinarians or 15 Years. No trouble to your master He should home a dozen bricks and keep one in your bring box so you can doctor yourself when needed. To lcarn what they did for Miss Annie Mule ask the local dealer or write BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY CO. Chattancegs. Yona. The Genuine Bears the Name BLACKMAN GREW WHISKERS TO GET JOB And Worn the Required Facial Adorn- ments Ever Since. 100—All druggists, cacidester of Salicylicacld SUNSHADES FOR LUCKY DOGS Innovation That Was Brought About by the Protracted Spell of Un usually Hot Weather. Charles E. Hughes, se of tate, gave little indication his and classmates at Brawn unl it he w we a leader t he he ntention to make and he did occupation joh was as mall e One of the the introduct dogs. These vhit crep versity ths de-chine protections nspended ww! in the n the strands, The “lucky” animals or mi bought id not seem so perhaps marked Londor One dog give that i is f ¥ i railway tunne on the I noury tube. naking him a impossibility In Here r ine by the \ that be shrank into a da remained there’ for his ma on the railway fetched Althougi their first strange thet War by not get? innovatl Londo the quaiutest recent heat wave retary in to gl teachers ion Of consisted of ag to bhecon ation } though itis true tha animal's neck Vy fizht ir and his achelor egree before was his Hie work, Siresses ars to that pleased astern department evidently m™ rane as ) atl he “von have no More than an egg” ecessary ¥ oecan ralse knew his owr and soon was able And me whiskers clean Dis «ter iighes who man, line, for dogs mad i qualify for the fob and got IL appearance, here was 1 hy the way. he has the = of the } He has used to wear hefore the | shaved face since -—Col igh sunshades absence never worn a horses nmbus Have the great need the horses been hardened do { dogs = th : #t they that CARmpalign - En ion Scenery Has a Cash Value, “American motorists becoming * Secre Fall de future are more wmdiec than Interior Albert B wag discussing the et t————— non Reverse English. of the thoughtful of the people]! He ingredients for making beer | of the national parks. home." The parks are the best friends that “How's that?" | the motorists have, . “They tell you what “The nation is rapidly learning that make it intoxicating.” scenery is one of {ts most valnable re “Sly felle But for fear somebody | sources Italy, France and Switzer- might mistake their meaning’ they | land capitalized thelr scenery before ought to put the ‘not’ in parentheses.” | the war and the tourist income was a ~Birmingham Age-Herald. | big business factor for them.” — gypaies tary ‘Rather lared. who sell in the not to do to | WE, Mohan excommun! w it} mmedanism has no form « cation. bulit wont patronage Is A politician Hke a cat without claws, A shady lined future Alfred tne Great 'fifet fleet in RIN past seldom has a Do You Look Forward To a Good Night's Rest? and coffee. Drink Postum, the delicious meal-time beverage instead! In fla- vor it is' much like coffee. Do you regularly antici. pate a refreshing sleep? Or do you dread going to bed, only to stare, sleep- less, at the walls? The difference between sleep- ing and staring is simply a matter of nerves. Postum is fundamen- tally a nerve strengthener because it lets you get sound, restful sleep. Postumisaskilfully-made cereal beverage, and the secret of its popularity is its protection to health and its delicious flavor, When your nervous system is in & sound con- dition, you are certain to sleep well. But when your nerves are worn out and beyond your control, your rest is broken and your awakening leaves you languid and irritable. Ask your grocer for Postum. Drink this hot, refreshing beverage in place of tea or coffee for 10 days and see what a wonderful difference it will make in the way you feel. Doctors know that much of the nerve dis orders result from tea and coffee drinking. The drugs in these drinks over-gtimulate,oftencaus- ing the serious ills which result from disturbing the regular bodily functions. It is for your health’s sake that many doctors now say you should quit tea Postum comes jn two farms: Instant Postund (in tine) made instantly in the cup by the addition of Bolling aa water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who pre- fer to make the drink dh meal is being prepared) made by bolling for 20 minutes. Postum for Health ““There’s a Reason’ 2 ORNATE GAS STATIONS MAKE BIG HIT IN ENGLAND WITH AUTOISTS eo ——— While this type of ga it has just motorist maobilist, heen with the ready The after ts oF there, phot fOr DUSINESS ening ka CARE OF SPRING WILL SAVE TIRE Careless Driving and Under- inflation Are Bad. ! | | | ——— Oil or Graplute Between Leaves Will Enable Springs to Take Up Shocks of Road and Prevent Racking of Parts. There is a close relat hetween very proper care of the an automobile and the motorist receives fron the n Properly ‘adjusted Motor Odds and Ends. The modern able to do mien Harvard bile club twenty More half of automobi Enow the work five created an augliomo Years ago all da are f« than the les In Cana und in rural districts, Fift af the vehicles ¥ wr cent in the States postal ser tutomoblies, per cent of the pas ‘nlifornia is buses sndar year 1920, approximate 1.740 (060 pas senger automol 8 Were pro * FOR AUTO LOW GEAR is 20 1 armful to Tires. Improperly less driving, verlonding, tion and, Ia wit not Br sir Pp tires the car is adjusted brakes, car inderinfia. | bad | the east, off driven, ngs will all dollars every Ume only ride part Springs are placed in to make it more in, but also to take up of the read shocks and ing of the various parts i= a such as wheel hits a rough spot in the road the tires get it first. Then follow shocks to the wheels, axle body, cupants and motor, with the springs in between to take up as much as pos sible f CAr not comfortable to a major Fack When there prevent shock, comes when a OC Springs Need Lubrication, When springs fail to function properly, all the shock has to be taken up through the tires, both in the ini tinl shock and in the natural rebound. of the not fifficult, and labor expended this task will pay big returns. One of the best methods is dismantling the springs lubricating them with graghite grease, First remove all the rust with an emery cloth. Another method ig to lift the body of the car | on jacks, and open the springs with a i cold chisel inserted between each leaf, | and greases in freely, A simpler method is to take an oil | can and run it along the depressions | in the springs, allowing the oil to flow out freely, and then rocking the car to open and close the leaves, working them hack and forth, the Lubrication springs 1s in and permitting the | AJ TOMOBHLE @&(H AUNTS AMS Ohblo has a registry of 677,000 motor vehicles, * - - Pennsylvania has 17.500 retail gaso- line dealers, . . - - There are 90 firms in manufacturing gasoline the United trac tors. . » » Highway accidents in Paris last year numbered 60876-—an average of 165 dally. eo A light auiomobile has been In- vented in France that can he made to jump over obstacles not more than three feet in height, * - + When the owner removes a spark plug and finds the porcelain insulator broken, the portion which has fallen off may have made its way down he twaen the piston and cylinder, where it will ~suse scoring of the metal, ! tion Band Burns Out. Strips of Leather or Xeavy Canvis Properly Inserted Will Hold for Several Days or Until It Coan Be Fixed Permanently, band, burns the low-gear frict When popular light automobile, out after a long pull, it will be pri impossible to the cluteh gear, When such An eMErgéney occurs, a temporary re i —— & i on found tically get into high STR» OF LEATHER LEATHER MEA i - @ > ‘sree or Lea en SPU an saw OF LEATHER LEATHED BOLL Strips of Leather, or Heavy Canvas, Make It Possible to Get the Light Automobile Inte “High” When the Low.Gear Friction Band Burns Out. will hold for several permanent repairs casily effected. The cover of the transmission case is removed with care, that the gasket will not be broken. “The band on the outside of cage, is pair, that until made, is days, can be RO transmission the low-gear friction released from friction. A leather, from a heavy shoe, of thick, tough canvas, between the low-gear band and drum, as shown in the drawing. the band Is strip of or a piece i= the An 2 or 3 inches long, Is rolled up and inserted between the coll spring and the flat leather band, in the manner indicated. Tightening is nearly tight, and replacing the trans mission cover completes the repair Leo C, Shinn, Portland, Ore., in Popv lar Mechanics Magazine, Loose Connecting Rod Always Gives Plenty Warning and Careful Driver Notices It. Keep your ear attuned to any noises from the engine so that the slightest change will be noticed. A loose cone necting rod aiways gives plenty of warning and the careful driver will notice it and stop In time, The other man wrecks his engine anfl piles up f big repair’ bil}, WRIGLEY'S Newest Creation A delicious peppermint flavored sugar jacket around pep- permint flavored chew- ing gum. Will aid your appetite and digestion, polish your teeth and moisten your throat. B129 Flavor Lasts Fall sad winter bring with them INFLUENZA, DISTEMPER, COUGHS and COLDS, Give your horse Spohn’s Distemper Compound Better stil fve it as RPO H NR" acts eq reason of it ger teidal « the disease gr $0 cents and $31.20 nt p firet sign of sickness e he shows ® wr s of slekness as prevent ive or cure iy hastens recovery by expelling an i restoring the appetite £ slores SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY reventive Sa GOSHEN, INDIANA Radio Time, jee t would be it Worked, Bobby will be six next and is very proud of the fact, but he isn't which | munch larger than a child of ur. The « day mothe and daddy vent to buy Detroit and gelers more thar fife have $5 Se ructed Bobby say: “Tl be five ars old next “Anyhow!"™ How month makers ar wirelesy to receive watch d repairers to have a simple utfit witl 4 ov ala time signals, is teleph the dally by H Gemsback New York. He says: jeweler sees how simple | years work 4 time-recelving radio | they soon become enthusiastic, | to of his tribe have done, ! far as to put the out fit in a window In order to | attract trade. We know a jeweler In the South who uses a loud talker out. gide his window, where everyone for half a block around can hear when | gay on the train when you go to De NX. A. A. seconds out the time at noon.” | troit? You must say when the mas —— asks you: ‘No, I'm not even going to be five until next month. I won't be ix at Indianapolis News ne «¢ ther hrought ut IRN Radio News “1f once the it Is to outfit he in the tickets i0 found that youn fare, age had to went home and of will and, as many 111 Will ex month.” Bobby 1s wise moments later mother shouting in his his pal: “Billy, do know what you most and obedient. A few heard him high, sweet treble te on £0 80 show you Checking Up. The sultan of Zanzibar and his wives have landed st Durban. We un- derstand that the captain asked him to count them carefully, as mistakes could not be rectified after leaving the ship—London Punch —— Darwintan, on bathing suits i= if it means fitting. —Life wel of the The come best war survival The call of for a quarter is rich beard a katydid can be of a mile of Florida The in phosphates, surface soil The Man Who Said: “The proof of the pudding is in the eating "— was only half through He started a good pudding- proof, but he didn’t finish it. There's a lot of trouble in the world from puddings that taste good but don't do good. They “eat” well, but that ends the recommendation. Sanitariums are full of pud- ding-eaters who stopped thetestat taste and forgot to inquire whether their food gave the body what it needed——until the body rebelled. Grape-Nuts is a food that tastes good and does good. The proof of Grape-Nuts begins in the eating and goes on through the splendid service which Grape- Nuts renders as a real food. Grape-Nuts is the perfected good= ness of wheat and malted barley ~~delicious to taste, easy to di- gest, and exceptionally rich in nourishment for body and brain. “There's a Reason’ for Grape-Nuts