THE OENTRE REPORTER vin te Tom rah pmol Ee SEPTEMBER 8, 1921 THURSDAY, } i i | - ee — 1 Paragraphs of News Taken from the {4 'Files of the Reporter of 1887." Tf “9 3 SEPTEMBER 1, 1887.' There were light frosts on Monday. ZC * A shoemaker from Williamsport con= templates opening a shop here shortly. The Farmers Mutual Ins. Co. met at at Meyer's hotel on Tuesday, and passed a large amonnt of insurance applica- tions. Clevan Dinges was one of the Centre county delegates to the prohibition state convention which met at Harrisburg last week, ! : ee Mr. Reish, living on the Brockerhoff farm near Centre Hill, had some of his cows foundered by eating too much new corn, having broken into an adjoining field. One valuable cow died from the effect. Aaron Bartges, of Madisbaburg, ‘was attacked by highwaymen, near Logans- ville, on Saturday, and had quite a tus. THIRTY-FOUR YEARS AGO EF sle. A disease, said to be cholera, is caus- ing many hogs to die in Haines town. ship. One farmer, Mr. Zerby, bas lost 31 head ; another, Nathaniel Boob, lost 22 hogs. Many have died for other farmers. Potatoes are selling at 40 cents a bushel. The Céntre Hall band made its first appearance on our streets on Saturday evening last, since its disbandment some three Dr. Jacobs is the leader. Rev. S. here a few days ago visiting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Lohr, who is guite ill. Landlord Meyer is off ona trip to Reading and Allentown, Work on the foundation of the new Presbyterian church has not been re- sumed. Rumor has it that a new loca- tion will be chosen. David Burrell, of Spring Mills has been granted a pension, Master Simon Wolf left for the Loys- ville orphan school on Wednesday morping. The boro authorities should see to it that the pike through this town be put in decent conditic years ago. G. Shannon, of Sunbury, was yn by the parties hav- The the road through town, tion, is a shameful one, and the matter should be looked after. There is a law to bring about an improvement in the neglected road. ing charge of it. condition of as far as the sta- A——————— A AAA i ————— 0 BANISH THE “BLUES” tro Lol Undue Degpondency Can«Be Cured by to Diet and Cultiva- tion of Optimism. Allention is as much an spree, and fy a person action as thor- intoxication. to the “blues” should in his most lucid and optimistic moments resolve to make no impor- tant decision, and to set a special guard over his conduct, while under the influence of the flood of poisons to which the condition is due, The real cure for the “blues” in prevention by removing causes. The foul breath and coated tongue noted In these cases are abundant evil dence of the poisonous origin of the “blues.” The adoption of a poison- free diet is almost Invariably fol- lowed quickly by a change in the men- tal state, : It is important, then, that we eulti- vate optimism and foreing the mind into optimistic channels of thought. This can best be accomplished by reading optimistic authors and talking with optimistic people. An excellent plan Is to set oneself the task of cur ing some other neurasthenic suffering from his pessimism, by deluging him with optimistic ideas and expressions. Adopt a diet that will Introduce poi- son-free foods into the dietary and as- sist the elimination organs In carry- ing out as rapidly as possible the pol. sons that may be formed In the nat. ural body functions. These things are not miraculous, but can be adopted into one's dally life with the utmost ense, “Lines as nu drunken a bad att for wise and oughly Ea iii may disquali efficient as alcoholic A person sulsject les A Woman Wrote The Canby News) Minn., December 10, as Follows: *' If any subscribersask what you think of Rat-Sasp, tell them its the best rat exterminator [ know, Rats were taking our eggs. oats, corn; had full swing in our cellar, 1 used Rat.Seap for two days and rats have cleared outcompletely,” Threesizes: 35¢,65¢,81.25, Sold and guaranteed by C. M. Smith, Mable Arney, Centre Hall; C. P, Long Co., W. C. Meyer, Spring Mills ; Louder's Store, Oak Hall. TEAM JOR SAL om Ibs. an se, w 2 TA work team HARRY C. MoCLBNA- HAN, Centre Hall, Pa. at, i Herbert Spencer's Fussiness a Trial to Those Who Did Not Know His Real Kindness. More examples of Herbert Spencer's irritating foibles and extraordinary pettiness are superfluous, but two of them will bear the telling. A friend had the opportunity of see- ing in full working order the famous ear-stoppers that Spencer used to wear. Probably some frivolous re- mark of the friend obtained him this privilege, for in the middle of the meal Spencer, with a fixed glance at him, pressed the spring that closed the hole of each ear. After luncheon the host and friend sat chatting in the garden, when there came an invitation from Spencer to take a drive with him in his rubber- tired carringe, the message adding that “we are not to talk,” When they were returning from Spencer's. funeral Sir Michael Foster told tlds friend the following story: Spencer detested cushions, and the trouble was to find a chair that was hard in the seat and yet comfortable, So. at a last resource, he had a seat covered with some inches of soft plas- ter of paris, and sitting on that made gn impress from which a wooden seat of an exactly fitting pattern was cut. Against a certain undeniable fus- sipess there should be set the fact that Spencer had a soft place in a heart that seemed adamant, and there are stories of spontaneous acts of kind- ness and of offers of help to the trou- hied and bereaved that redeem much unlovely behavior. HE HAD BUSINESS ELSEWHERE Diner Didn't Care to Wait to See the Resu!t of His Carelessness With the Pie. Franklin has a friend who vouches for this story. Coming the ‘elevated one morn- struck by the explosive red-faced, choleric man on a seat nearby, ‘This man, annoyed because a youth facing him had placed hes feet on the seat which the man oc- cupied, burst out in a storm of pas ston, denouncing the youth In tones that aroused the attention of passen- gers in the adjoining cars. He finally out the platform at a stop, bolling with rage. That noon Doctor Franklin's friend went into a self-service restaurant for lunch. Getting a plate of vegetables and meat, and one of pumpkin ple, he placed broad extension arm of one of the chairs provided for lunchers., and made room beside them for his cup of coffee. As he was fin- ishing his lunch he reached for the pumpkin ple, and clumsily knocked it off the chair arm. To his horror he saw it disappear into the gaping pocket of a large over- flung over the next chair—and then he perceived the own or of the overcoat bearing down upon him, &ll unconscious of the accident, with a plateful of food. I was the game cholerie man frightful temper had amazed the ele- vated passengers! As culprit had per- ceived that he waited to see no more. —New York Evening an downtown on ing, he was temnper of a stamped on them on the coat carelessly red-faced, whose soon ns the Post, An Expressman, Speaking of juries, a veteran Cleve lander recalls the difficulty experienced in securing a jury In a noted alleged poisoning case of many years ago. One of the men summoned wag both dense and deaf, with a limited knowl- edge of English, were developed his pro- ceeded, “Have you formed or expressed any opinion regarding this the law- yer for the defense asked. “Hay? “1 say, have you formed formed or expressed-—do that?” “Yes, yea. Fhrmed or expressed. Sure, 1 haf farmed and now I am ex- pressing. Dot's all right.” Jut the expressman was excused, defects which examination as ase?’ or expressed you get Amber Long in Use. The modern use of oil of amber, both externally and internally, is often mentioned, It has been denied that amber was known to the Greeks In very early times, the Greek electron having been used as a name both for it and for an amalgam of gold and silver, a species of gold ore washed down by the Pactolus; but amber has actually been found at Mycenae, and the fact that the electron necklace mentioned In the Odyssey is sald to have been a gift from Phoenicia means niuck, The Phoenicians are known to have introduced amber into the East, and Herodotus says it was brought from the River Eridanus in the extreme west of Europe. , Peta of Prisoners. Visitors to prison have noticed prisoners. like other folk, are fond canary or other species of ts a reason for this: A bird little room and requires little whereas larger animals could not easily be kept In confinement. Most prisons have rules forbidding inmates to keep pets, but visitors to several of # & uray Ri Pawar Upo Rats Talk to Each Other?" Asks Mr. M. Batty, R. I. ” five cakes of Rat-Snap and threw pleces he, be vy Got about half a dozen dead rats a day for two solid weeks. Suddenly, they got fewer. Now we haven't any. Who tok about Rat. Spap.” Rats ay up and leave no smell. hres sizes; 35¢ 65¢, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by C. M, Smith, Mable Arney, Centre Hall; C. P. Long Co., W. C. Meyer, Spring Mills , Louder’s Store, Oak Hall. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be one dreaded disease that scle been able to cure in all its stage that is catarrh. infiuenced by constitutional requires constitutional treatment, work. The faith in. the Catarrh Medicine Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Ohlo, Sold by all Druggists, Thc. 'N. fa > OLD AT30CR YOUNG AT 60.7 The choice is largely up to you. If your blood lacks red corpuscles, you're go~ ing to be fagged and drag- ged out, you're going to lack “pep,” to look sallow and unhealthy, to grow old DR. MILES TONIC actually in ber or red corpuscles blood. It makes the checks ump and rosy, stilmulates in the ney ASK YO ™Hy iv DRUGGIST A CYRUS BRUNGART JUSTICE OF THE FEACE HRA CENTRE HALL, PA, Special attention given to collecting. Legal writings of all classes, incinding decds, morigages agreumenta, ole. marriage Hostess and hun tet's licenses secured and all meatier periaining to the afioe atlanded to promodly. jam 22 — You’ll find it No costly frills! These things '| JAMES W. SWABB JUSTICE OF THE PEACE LINDEN HALL, CANTRE CO. PA Deeds, Mortgages, Wille, &0, written aro +3 | soared with care. All legal business prose pi ! attended to. Special aliention given 10 seit ting of Estates. Marrtisge LICvnem, AUT bile Licenses, wid all other Applicat i Blanks repli ob hand. Nov. RX 1 fs im—— Sash and Doors Builders Hardware Builders Supplies Mortor Colors Lime Cement Wall Board Flue Lining Wall Ties Fireplace Fixtures Coal Chutes Cast Iron Flue Rings Nails and Glass Sash Cord, Etc. 4 Listen! That's CAMELS! el a week for Write E J. RETROLDS Tobaces Coy Vimton-Selom, K. C, full UUme. Experience ISTERNATIONAL MM Norristown, Ps ol UN BOCeRsLTY WCEING MILL. pd COMPLETE LIN: OF CHAMPION FARM MACHINERY * and REPAIRS hampion Line and ying any farn ple ments you may need, C. E. FLINK - - Centre Hall Sided Bddids Addi ddd Added Bd Insurance and Real Estate Want to Buy or Sell ? Be sure you see the C get prices before | 5 a SEE US FIRST WANTED. Men or women to lake ord rs among { neighbors for ted hioslery, fn ines for children, Elimivates damn hour for spare time or $i O has. D. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL, Pa, ' 1 fends and men ing wornyen We pas and The ar Abbbdbdbddbdbd bddd bbb bddbb bib Sastsssiasssssndasatasadas Automobiles & Trucks NASH - REO-DODGE A SWELL LINE. NEW MODELS. NEW PRICES. Here's the news you have been waiting for. ‘What is Reo go- ing to say, and when 7’ Here's the answer : New 4 passen- ger and 5 passenger Sedans, Roadster and Touring Models — ef- fective August 1st. ~ The story is too long to tell here. Suffice to say, all models have that wonderfully silent, sweet-running, amazingly, power- ful Reo-Six Motor—the greatest motor in the world of its size and for its purpose. In that mighty Reo Spged Wagon we now have something sensational to offer you. Wherever motor trucks are known this Speed Wagon is known as the best. It fits every business. When you've seen these New Reos and heard the new prices, you'll say, Reo is today, more than ever, the Gold Standard of Values. Come in and see, and hear the whole story. Ford Service Station A Full Line of Accessories, Tires, Tubes, Oils and Grease. WILLARD BATTERY SERVICE & CHARGING » Only Guaranteed Parts Sold. cambodian Always Some “Second Hand Cars for Sale. SOME BARGAINS BREON'S GARAGE x { Millheim