A ——— IY AN OPERATION 1% Nearly Gone, but Lydia EP Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Sax Saved Her Star, N. C.—'My monthly Ils gave me so much trouble, sometimes they would last two fweeks. was treated by two doc- tors without relief and they both said if I would fave to have il an operation. Ihad il my trouble four years land was unfit to do ii anything; and By # given up all hope of 8 ever getting any Bl better. I read about jaa your medicine in the ‘Primitive Baptist’ paper and decided to try it. I have used Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. months and now I am able to do my work. I shall never forget your medi- cine and you may publish this if you want to as it is true.”'—Mrs. J. F. HursEy, Star, N. C. Lydia E. Pmkbham’'s V pound often restores health to suffering that an operation is deemed advisable. Therefore it will surely pay any woman whe suffers from ailments her sex to give thid good ol remedy a fair trial. ashioned First Really National Bank, Bank of North Améddca was name of the first bank of a character, It had a years, from .the tion, but as to its leg the bank obtain a from the sto Pennsylvania in 1783. In 1785 this latter charter was revoked, but in 1787 it. was. rehewed It was Philadelphia. the national charter for ten « Vanish!— Blackheads, pim. ples snd other skin erup- tions quickly disappesar..the when sou wre (Glenn’s Sulphur Soap Contains 534% Pare Sulphur. At Draggists, Rohland's Btyptic Cotton, 250 Improved Mfg. Co., Dept. 151, Ashland, O KEWPIE DOLL DRESSED UP and Pretty: nt 10 your home, neatly packed Price 2. Send money order to Dunl, 1150 Oth St. Brooklyn. NOY ns sa Hehing on Your own Sewing Ma. pinay ta learn, No attachments need. . e show you how. Particulars FREE AIPAN MPG. Co. BUCYRUS, ono. MOTOR’S FRIEND IS BIG OIL CAN Auto Owner Should Have Well- Filled Squirter and Squirt Lubricant Frequently. AVOID OVERHEATING ENGINE Make Careful Chart Which Goes With Car and Become Acquainted With Mech. anism—Oil All Bearings. Some day I am going to write an es- gay about the “oll can.” It will tain such phrases as “The Best Friend"—"King of the “A Friend in Need,” ward will be true because ranks high among and is only a writer in an exchange, Recently a friend who I had considered a careful driver, inv for a short run, He suddenly to have changed from a caref the reckless If happened to the would almost drive into. it Jam on the brakes I strained expression, what trouble, will Insist on staving plied, “and 1. have to under the accelerator i" Visions rods, ing stopped accelerator action, The the pedal ran 2s look ed ete, and the automobile every oil can used too sel SHYS always ited me seemed ost to one of any car Cross then noticed his asked him “The throttle open,” he re and and was the hook my toe pedal to elose of broken bell hent a broken spring or a tight bear flashed through my the engine while I traced the spring which along a gulde part particularly drops of oil from our fal friend, “the oil can.” loosened tion so that the pedal worked once more. A bell-cranks and other complete cure was eff an engine overheats and perplexed. He ab rules to prevent over heating ng with spark advanced, keeping on high CHgine cranks, mind, worked” the throttle operated and this A few and dry. the ac- freely few more drops on the joints and =a tod, Sometines the serving ali owner is the “unn gear, not lett ting race and taking proper care cooling case dis system, Invest closed igation in the fan belt that it bearing one that wis broken, in another fon wag slipr seized was found an ment have timely recourse to our little the oll can Study Lubricating Chart, Such expensive ah might hoon avoided friend incidents could be multiplied tely. Study the lubrl cating which goes with your car Take up floor boards and vith the mechanism Trace Rimaost chart become ae quainte out th operating rods and conned tons and pat oil wherever in contact Some bearings may be one car shal! be nameless the brake tubes rider the body not be o all led from below with except a curved tip Economy Not Worth While. will un Brun I a to tse m sometimes asked if it a cheaper oll in the oil ean, In gtead of expen Unquestior ably for such less money the sive evlinder oil a8 good lubricating purpose can he obtained one that will meet ord nis, sunt oy hardly ave no onomy in this worth chart with vour ma on Avery cup. Trace cinteh, hrakes, aecel throttle eo not respect is while $4 you h chine, put oil there g ren se connections for lerator, spark oll them frog ently fan bear magneto, mechanism, hearing where i= no ont the and lever overlook ‘arter and or ans It will be time w rings, other part of tt ell spent be lessened and vour maintenance expense reduced accord. |GET ING CAR OUT OF MUD IS EASY MATTER Hitch Machine to Tree and Motor Does the Rest. Spool or Spindle Mounted on Front of Auto Is Rotated by Worm and Gear—Engine ls Arranged te Wind Up Steel Cable, Roads in the means always in Every driver of has attempted cross-country especially after an extended of rain, knows that the danger coming stalled in the mud is present The device shown here, work of an Inventor in western part of Missouri dy cellent In front the hor of country are by n« perfect condition an automobile whe period of bg which Is the the south where mnd offers an ex roads are suggestion, frequent, car has a zomtnl shaft cahle spool or on whieh led spindle on on a long plece is col Another way of getting out of mud: Hitch the car to a tree and the motor does the rest. spocl can be rotated by a worm sand the engine shaft. stalled . the gear, driven bs When in the the automobile hecomes mud, the cabl & unwound tele ob- free end is graph ject, . The shaft fastened to a tree, pole, or some ot} fixed engine is coupled to the we winding up the dually pulling r out of the mud CC, A. Briggs Mont and started steel the eg in Popular Science cahie, thus hly. DETERMINING. LIFE OF TIRE Ordinarily the More Air the Longer It Will Lagt—Safe to Start With 20 Pounds. The { tire is the air it com air, ordinarily, the longer the life, Of course, there are i safe rule to with «HiT ds of alr pre pe A if to jie ve section | ch, ang 13m ERTS ore is needed, 1 Thus a three requ gire 50 neh tire 80 pounds rmin- required, Anda § lod and speed are dete ng factors in the pressire ws ns om— AUTOMOBILE #2 GOSSIP.2 Motor Es displacing ris for heavy bauling in are now » nse is On a drivers Ji after a strict examinat officials, - - » stor vehicles if are found in » Paulo . 0» in Bra- Rio de Of the 10088 11x iv oneha of val patent avery of the process for which = 1534 * » # ng rubber Was granted ya% in ese In #COeRSOries valved a: $725,136 942, FE 0» antomon inst year pie busin parts ar A 30 hy 3% makes to the com antomobile tire 07 revolutions 5 tire makes 071 the mile mile; a 35 hy turns to factory and had one like his own bul Churles, who REJOICE QUIETLY. to hear with sald “A man should strive the fauits of his peighbors,” suid Mr. faults take “Perhaps so,” “but when the form one those exercises dogs, Suppose it on the plano, children and chickens, is any great of relief when away?’ your sigh isn't gor I don't to heave a neighbors “No--just enatgh to be sigh nove loud heard around the block.’ Br Something Similar, “I once heard a fa hunter tel a thrilling NOs story of being chased by o ¥ “I know Hternrsy "Huve in the “No drawing ro just how Hon you ever song! adventures jungles?” but I've been chased around s nn for an entire GYening by ff socinlly CARELESS He--Darling, | have money. She—How careless of you. The next thing you know ypu'll be losing me. lost all my Favored, a hear: with fon not or Bim frown; * sCene ing crown Spicily Educational, reports overhearing this as he i place piecs t's AI t a moving-picture He] highly She Edy tiona My, 3 horrid vamp. He Just a horrid va know how liked that last educatic it's about 0, You see | (Gay meet then I'D mas and myself, mp some to protest Tax on Politeness, your dinner? friends stopped passed, and } o stand up throughout the entire “How “Not at all nt with did you enjoy Fifteen 1s as they Those Girls, Miss Ryval—*T didn't see vi Barelay Miss Ruse wi Surrou at the dear "hat was probably be nded by men al ball feedie ight the Feelers, He autiously)-—Would yon "yes" if } asked you to marry me? She (stl cagtious)-—Would nek if 1 sald } wonld to (1 Say ¢ { Tore you me (0 marry say “ves” If you you? you asked me marry Describing Him, “What sort of an sppearing man ia he? “Little, gaunt always ¢t at dried-up feller “that the second replied the inoks like he table.™ Missourian, Mrs. Justwed-—You are very eco- economy? Mr. Justwed—Playing poker with His Poor Tale, A teddy bear sat on the ice, As cold as cold can be; But soon he was up and walked away “My tale is told,” said he. Hardly. No, Maud, when Longfellow sald, “Give us the man who sings at his work,” he did not mean the undertak- er. Not Metaphorically Inclined. “1 understand your hat is in the ring.” “I don't know exactly what the phrase means,” replied Senator Sor ghum, “If I am ready for actual com- bat I don’t care what becomes of my hat—1 get Into the ring myself.” Rainy Day Talk. “I have seen better days,” the tramp at the door began, “So have L” replied the housekeep- of, glancibg at the darkening sky be fore sha slammed the door. em All! AFTER EVERY MEAL 5° ANA = Lina IN Japan's Highest Court, Jn Te a Supreme Cort yen i po- chief judge, an- tion fn Kunio ther bertl Pr. Shotare Baron ven nperial university of Tal un and liked ju in the The Japanese code * of the best ricts of pro- host French re & Latte pat after the ried English York Tribune, ana American, New Cuticura Soap for the Complexion Nothing better than Cuticura Soap daily and Ointment now and then ss needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white, Cuticura Talcum, and you have the Cuticura Toilet Trio~Advertisement, Raindrops Cause Rainbows To produce a rainbow there falling rein, bright and louds—~the latter always opposite the The { are then divided colors by the raindrops, which manner sun son into Stns rays act in exactly the same prism, Aas 8 triangular bhiece of glass, or Aa A flannel wrung ter, sprinkled with t on the chest chest, ont of boiling wa. and laid colds on nrpentine gives relief in Some men {ry to convince are good hy telling you you that how bad | Accept and Except. He My dear Mis bbelgh, 1 wish 10 Propose 8 Gra She-—Oh, my dear Mr. Cas? n, I wilt NCH one He But vy g5 rd 0 ov Ld op 1 did not mean to propose of 1 from mj) Transcript ag that i Hist of eligt agine that the billposter assignment cvery time he the wall. rat orat« r goes to address prison he je OT EASY TO KILL By Cg the Goi - STEARNS’ ELECTRIC PASTE Ready for Use — Better Than IMrections in I languages 1p every box. Rate, Mice, Cockroaches, Ante and Ratarton destroy food and Bis periy and are carriers o dirense, Stearns’ Electric Paste forces these to ran from Lhe bulging for water apd fresh oo _—- Scand SLI. “Money back if It falls" U. 8. Government buys it. Catholic Men and Women Solicitors address Dir. J A Courtemanche Lebanon. N HR. Thoroughbred rons, Spaniels, Fox Torrie ATIONAL LL CHICAGO, Time Work ILLINOIS. ‘W. N. uv, BALTIMORE, NO. 36-1921. CURED T1156 Haisted Women W. Write F. BURGENER, OLNEY, DOCTORS, DRUGGISTS, ANTIFIASMA Discovered fd Ba ET «42.00 ben J Pye i Antiplasma is Malaria IN EVERY CASE “FAILS TO CURE Boar War in Africa the inter Be I dei the ‘Quinine, Tasteless ell It, Mail J. 3 sce at 8 Coat of $2.00 Per Your