v LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. Austin Krape and daughter, Miss Edna Krape, of Sunbury, are attending Grange fair. Centre Hall teachers are attending in- stituteand the Grange Picnic, and are therefore having a busy time. Prof. L. O. Packer left on Monday for Pittsburg were he began a term of teaching on Tuesday morning. Reports that the Grange Fair com- mittee had taken out insurance against rain on Wednesday and Thursday, are incorrect, Miss Cora Boal, who has been in deli- cate health for a year or more, is critic ally ill at this writing at her home in Centre Hall, A daughter was born to Mr, and Mrs, Robert Burchfield, on Monday of this week, he father is a former Potter township boy and the family now lives at Montgomery. Says the State College Times: Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick, pastor of the Centre Hall Presbyterian charge, delivered a very good sermon Sunday evening in the local Methodist church, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Zerby, of West Brownsville, are in Centre Hall for the week. Mr. Zerby continues as a rail- road engineer, His son, Charles, is a State Forester and is located at Clarion. A peck of Wealthy apples, a variety inferior to none for flavor and appear- ance, found their way to the senior edi- tor's table, Monday morning. Every apple in the lot is a prize winner, And here are our thanks. O. M. Lonberger, of Pleasant Gap, was a caller at this office on Tuesday. He is out for the office of tax collector of Spring Township, and has the endorse- ment of both the Democratic and Re- publican parties. The Reporter gratefully acknowledg- es an invitation to be present at the in- auguration of Jcha Martin Thomas, D. D., Litt.D., L. L. D., as president of the Pennsylvania State College, which will take place on Friday, October Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Keller Robert Keller, of Pittsburg, bere on Sunday and greeted quaintances on Grange park. They accompanied by Mr. Keller's J. S. Deary, * 14th. and son motored and a grandson. The Reporter, in order that its force might enjoy the Encampment and Fair with the rest of the people, came off the press early Wednesday morning, and we expect to have a good time for the re- mainder of the two big days. Three autoloads of people, incluc Mr. and Mrs. D. 1k Smith, of Centre Hall ; Howard, from Fran a party from Boalsburg, the last in and one charge of Daniel Meyers, motored to the Modocs' hunting camp last week and enjoyed several days in the mountains, Ralph son of J. Wesley Tressler, of near Cemtre Hall, while sitting on a mower, cutting second crop of clover for J Wednesday afternoon of last was taken to the Bellefonte nine o'clock that half later for appendicitis, and be is along first rate, Mr. and Mrs, R. P. Brecon and daugh- ters, Misses Mabel and Grace, of Horse. head, New Yotk, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fye, the former ah the lat. ter being brother and Brown is a brick setter, and he is pleas- ed to state that the brick works are runp- ning in good order while many other industries in that section of the Empire state are closed Tressler, took sick Cloyd Brooks, on week and hospital at night. An hour and a an operation was performed now gelling are guests of sister, Mr. N tignt, Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Person, of Tren- ton, N. ]., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Frank Meehan, of College Point, Long Island, motored to Centre Hall Monday for a few days visit with Mrs, mother, Mrs. M. E. Strobm. Mr, and Mrs. Person have been motoring through New England with Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson, of Hartford. Mrs. Meehan will be remembered as Laura Strohm, formerly of Centre Hall. Mr. Meehan is actively connected with the Westchester-Biltmore Country Club at Rye, N. Y., being developed at a cost of $7,000,000, by John McE. Bow- man, of the Pershing Square Hotels, in New York City, and by other prominent men, Person's BOALSBURG Mrs, John Zeigler and son, of Altoona, were over Sunday visitors with friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher, of Sunbury, visited at the Fisher home from Satur. day until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Johan Stover and son, of Philadelphia, are visiting at the home of Rev. 8. C. Stover. Miss Rhoda Hartson, of State College, spent Sunday with friends here, City and California. home, Mr. and Mrs, E, R, Tussey and child- ren, of Arch Springs, visited at the William Goheen home over Sunday. Miss Mary I. Cox, of Evanston, Ill. is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Frank McFarlane, Misses Margaret Barr and Jean Pat. terson, Mrs. Margaret Pride and Messrs, Fred Ishler and Spencer Pride, of Iselin, visited at the P, 8. Ishler home from Sunday until Monday. GREAT RED LETTER HUNT $60 In Cash Priz Altoona Booster Style Show TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13 Promptly at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, Sept. 13, the merchants listed below will unveil their windows. Look for the RED LETTER in his window and write the letter opposite his name in the square below, If the letter H appears in the box uffice of the Strand Theatre, put an H opposite Strand Theatre on this card. When you have discov ered all the letters you will have a complete sentence. Write your name and address on the dotted lines and hurry to the booth where you will get this card. The first person who brings in a card correctly filled out will receive $15 in cash ; the second to report will receive $10 | the third, $s, and the next 30 persons having their card correctly filled out will receive this contest Watch the win- Clip this advertisement Example : Everybody may take part in Sept. 13. $1.00 each. dows at 8 o'clock, Tuesday evening and use it in case you don't get a car rd. Altoona Booster Association Name of Contestant . Street City . Woolworth Co 1312 11th Ave, Sovyster Shoe Co,, 1126 11th St. Alder’s Millinery, 1327 11th Ave, Stifler Company, 111g 11th Ave, Federal Baking Co., 1105 11th St The Shoe Market, Bendheim's, 1520 11th Ave, 1302 11th Strand Theatre, Schwartz Bros. 512 11th Ave. 1301 11th Ave. Leapold & Bigley, Boe 1123 11th Ave. Brooks Music House, 1206 11th St, 5 ave, king & Meredith, 106 11th St. Altoona Elect. St 1120 12th Ave. Budde Bros , Ma: Temple 1 1 Theatre, sth Ave & 11th St 1pply, Kline Bros., C 1305 11th A olonial Hotel Wn, 1124 12th Ave, St ertacie Baz iar 1112 11th St F. A. Winter & Son, Cos 5 11th Ave. W. S. Aaron 1428 11th Ave. Altoona Harvey & Carey 1116 11th Ave. ox P Be )e Myers Bros 1016 Green Ave Grand Union Ten Co., 1422 11th Av VanZant Studio, 1109 11th Ave, Goldschn 125 The Wm 1318 11th ve, ellers & Co., 1408 11th Ave I. Marcus, I. B.S 1105 11th Ave. The Shirt Waist She 1316 nth Ave, Sometime Somewhere Someone ASK US FOR PRICES ON ROOFING, PAINTS AND OILS or Anything in HARDWARE. And same will be gladly furnished, H. P.Schaeffer Hardware BELLEFONTE tember is 50 Pianos, prices now in force. stock. $50. since 1896, and terms. reduction. at a moderate price. Oct. 1st. 1 lars and catalogue, Name «ilu Town . Piano , Player Player changed to 88 note a reduction of as this offer expires on A. J. HARTER 1435 1108 11th Ave, 15th Street, Altoona, Pa. Drawing an Audience. or Letterkink-—-I'm a gathering In the audience Your towns science? much But p the ad of nic Forces" f “Cosmic.” 10 an Her Suspicion, { see 58 Brooklyn wom- an has applied to the courts for help her hus loved to death by kisses her 000 from being band, who, Ae Says, times a day Mrs. Gotham a man can do so many that he has to apologize that FARM Milimout ACTeS RiDOGU 12 ncres in fine white oak ouse and tenant house, bank good condition. Easy her information address JESSE Pa. R 2 4 an't understand how wrong things a8 much as NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE —~ Letters of administration, ¢. 4 8. on the estate of FRANKLIN GFRERER, laste of Potter town- ship, deceased, Letters of administration on the shove estate having been duly granted 10 the undemsigned, she would respectiull Iv request all persons knowing themselves indebted 10 the estate to make imme diate payment and those having claims saint the same to present them duly suthentiosted without delay for settlement. BADIE E. GFRERER, Administmatriz, eo. tL. a Ceutre Hall, Ps deltly & Bower, Allys Beliclonte, Pa Bhone For Sale: Rebuilt 12-24 La Crosse Tractor—a bargain at $450. 4-H. P. Gas Engine for $50 Two-base Oliver Tract- or Plow, $90.— Cleve H. Eung- ard, Spring Mills, Pa. FOR SALE.-C i pinery.—C, plete set P. LONG, Ss planing The Split An infinitive Is said to be split when an adverb or adverbial phrase is in | serted between “to” and the infinitive fis “to readily see” this construction Infinitive, in not considered good English. As a equivalent of the apos may be used with the trophe “gor it apostrophe “g” might menn “a Ing of Wilson's" Wilson's sayings,” said by Wilson him. self. You could say “This Is a hat of my father's,” meaning one out of his numerous hats The English avolds the use of the genitive whenever possible trophe would be “one of ianguage sign “of” ie 4aPos- », preferring tl rs hat” with “8.” my fathe Water Cause of Goiter, Geiter is epidemic In important 4 zones of South America, especially the region and certain mountain tropical South Amer. Up to the present no Investigations been made of the water from regions; but recently succeeded In > producing ¢ Syerin wntal golt them ter in white rats after feeding with water from the province of Ralta These Investigs tions should be repeated on large scale on then account of their great retical and practical importance. They tend to confirma the theory that water is one of the transmitting a goiter, gencies of The Superior People, : prociamation WHE re + Mohammedan community; rai be to God and peace lor having made us superior to other creat ng granted us this holiday, which has spread all through this Island among us all bot) and th those who lis EA who live on the mainland, those who live in the = in the north, male and femal rejoleings on ter, the Came owner NOTICE No Merchandise will be charged during this Sale, prise you all. $20. Suits reduced to 30. a“ 4 “ 45. & . 4 i“ 50 11 €“ “i $12.00 15.00 22.50 30.00 NOTICE Everything Must be as represented Or money will be refunded i &“ 25.00 20.00 10.00 “i é &“ fe “ 850 6.00 4.50 12.00 10.00 $1.00 Work Shirts, reduced to 25¢ Heavy Sox, 25¢ Canvas Gloves *' $1 3 50 Overalls -“ s5¢ Dress Sox . 5 oo Silk Hose u 8.00 5.00 1 = 14¢ 350 85¢ soc Shoes - Shoes 7.00 6.00 498 2.98 2.49 1.98 “ én ““ “ “ “ 6 “ “ “ “ “ &«“ “° “ $1250