4 2. 0 8 8 0 2 9 0 9 48 4 4TH PENNSYLVANIA BRIEFS lerferfortete : ! Carl F. Doehmert, aged 80, ted suicide by hanging in his home at Pittsburgh. The state bureau of animal industry has just ed to prevent contagion. Pennsylvania last year had 752 of the 4951 men in the United States em- ployed in trap-rock quarries of country, ranking third in the in this industry. New Jersey largest total with 1090 and Massachu- setts was second with 8835, The | buckwheat crop is rapofted big: ger and better than ever, Harold Benner, a taxi driver, waa The footpads handed him twenty a package of wy would not sible for the death of Forrest, G-year- old son of David Wasson, of Trafford, near Greenshurg The little fellow with two brothers was playing in yard of his home when Howard Hart, Chester, near 14, of Bondsville, shing in the when his was Sdrandywine hook caught a twig as attempted cast, re- bounded and penetrated an eyelid, but the eyeball was not injured. A physi- cian cut the barb the hook removed the shank. Preparations are made in Pottsville to install in Schuylkill coun- ty the telephones, whereby automobilists can call up their own homes on all state roads and also call for help if a break down occurs. The system also provides way. side tools in boxes for emergency pur- poses, William Carroll, for years in the employ of nia railroad, was arrested stance of George V. office inspector, in with the theft of the registered mail ing to the inspector, found a number of letters in a mail car and onened them, abstracting their contents, which included negotiable securities, Charged with offering protection to a saloonkeeper, Paul E. Fritzche, a prohibition enforcement officer, was ar- rested in $1000 bail for a hearing before United States Commissioner Hall. John Rel- scheld, a hotelman, Fritzche of- fered to protect his place for £25 monthly. Fritzehe, whose to be in Philadelphia, sation. A pew national guard dalrectory being prepared, giving the officers tke organizations which prior to going to camp. will give the new officers. Joseph American his home, he to from being wayside system of twenty-one ‘he Pennsylva- at the Craighead, Pittsburgh, charged $3000 in bonds from Carroll, accord. post- SHys denies the is of The new units as well as the Neenam, president Window Glass workers, an- nounced here that a wage agreement had been reached with the Window Glass Manufacturers’ Association of America, affecting the “hand plants.” It ealls for a reduction cf from the wage scale, ago, and becomes operative September 8 to ther 19, when it is expected the hand plants will be placed in oper- ation. affects skilled other enough total persons, James 8, torney, dled in a while under an anaesthetic operation for the Figures of Nptem The new agreement workmen and bring the 10 to Campbell, a Pittsburgh at- durirg an removal of a bunion. showing that of the farms ‘n Pennsylvania are work- ¢d by their owners have been complet- el at the state department of agrie farm property in the buildings, machinery over S1.725.000.000, farms is given at The huckleberry rR total forty-five to market from the Hazleton district. as compared with 140 in 1920 and 125 in 1919. Droughts, frosts and forest fires damaged the crop seriously. The local association announced the nue in 1921 was only $146,000, as com pared with about 2400000 last year. Compensation for a death suicide asked by Mra Peight, of Altoona, the of Jacob Snyder th th statistical bureau of ulture. The state, and The 202 ha es Vi, livestock, Is number of season ended of dne Kate ix M. office there, The woman's 26 last, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the head. recites that Peight was formerly em- ployed in the frame shop of the Zenn- sylvania railroad’'s Altoona shops and | was injured about the head In a fall | from a locomitive during his work. His Injury incapacitated him and his mind later became deranged as a result of the accident. The mental led to his taking his life. John D. Flanagan was instantly kill- ed and James Castner and Brady were seriously injured The workmen's compensation board will resume hearing of arguments on in Harrisburg September 6 Philadelphia September & po fy 8 and in and 9, Kermit Bower, aged son of Ar- thur Bower, of Berwick, was injured in a pecullar manner at his home. His father had killed a chicken and was cleaning the blade of the hatchet by striking it Into a free, when the hat- chet slipped and struck the boy on head, inflicting a gash several inches long. 5, Attempting to cross the street in Berwick on his bieyele in front of the automobile of Fred Vanderslice, Thom- as J. Garr was struck by the au- tomobile and sustained a fractured collarbone and possible fracture of the ribs, ison The lives of 15 gered in the Key stone W) miners were endan Hampfield Slope of the and Coke nmny, when fire hroke out It spread work wont near Greenshurg, in the but hy Crews Conn workings, prompt miners fire, it fan house, of guided the the were was Informed erine long seriously Mrs, Mary street, Chester, attack and removed to her home ing picture theatre, The child the Chester Hospital. Allel to, 3 driver of the Was far and Police Elliott held him in £1000 pear at the inquest, Many have kept alleged that I, had her grandceh Cath aged € yvears, injured by an Oesterly, of 200 West Fifth was seized with a heart died soon ing died atio yeurs, rrested bail to fate robbed homes in of stores of prix heen for meq al an organized gang unable to secure supplies else. have taken they suspect a purposes, of bootleg gers, houses can to looting where, where he few quarts taken Edmond © of re the Forsyth, aged 368, head education work medical department field ‘ Carlisle, creational yal at army committed club by shoot Brooklyn school at the had de at ing. He sulel officers relations in Massachusetts, of Lattimer, record for shoe repairing bills broke pany mule strippings, it harness to rainged before he pald $4 holds H+ Valley Coal com the Lattimer out Op some When ar Fallor of ran the a sole in a a spark James Esposita, the into the le «high stables at is alleged, t sole his shoes Alderman E. J repairs to the well as costs that bill ap te about £10, or 85 Four perrons were injured mine near New Galilee, from a miner's lamp fell into a ean of They were Mr Owens, Now Strob, aged 15, aged 17, of girls were and had workings of a mine them, ut half underground, when the explo All will recover. and former parish, the fields, will gather reunion. hundred were for Ee as cond when Mrs. Harry of Gall and Mabel Hannibal, The two Owens Ju New Castle HOE, expressed to gee the i was escorting aba occurred Residents residents of the the urvtown oldest in coal for (ne ases of bonded whis 3 seized by n the of whe, with six other The war depart from the slackers’ Pittsburgh police Santino Pasquisalll 8, were jailed, ment has removed the names of Chambers, Board No. 1, Lack county: Michael Kacana loard No, 8, Luzerne: Eildon 1. Stern Board No. 1. Lehigh, and William Lyons, Board No. :, Lehigh, all of in some capacity. over the death of his wife, Willlam Weiland, of Chambers shot and killed himself, Ntanley Horan, 40, was about the head and City colliery in home 13s PIN P Despondent explosion. It cost twelve boys of McAdoo $12.5¢C high Valley railroad passenger After having been closed down for tween 300 and 400 men reporting. Fishing in Middle Creek, George E | Rohrback, Sunbury, former prothono | tary of Northumberland county, land | ed a black bass that weighed four and When his arm was caught rolls of an electric wringer, in the Harry tons of dirt on state highway con- struction operations between Danville and Bloomsburg, The injured were rushed to the Bloomsburg Hospital, The men were digging out dirt for a fill when the cave-in occurred. Chief Kepping, of the Hazleton fire department, charged that a £1000 blaze at the home of James Deano was due to the operation of a whisky still, From all indications there will be at least five candidates for every office in Fayette county at the primary, Falling from the top of a street ear, William Duncheskle, 22 years old, a Hineman, of Shamokin, saffered a frac tured skull and died after being ad- mitted to a hospital, Plans to add portable fire appara- tus to the forest fire equipment of the forestry department are being worked out, ed a badly crushed right arm. Hasson Brothers, owners of r car nival, were arrested ut Mcunt Pleas ant and held jor a hearing on a charge | Frapk, 4year-cld 8 of Angels De Falko, of Huzleton Heighis, nas seri ously injured when run down by » runaway team. Rev, and Mrs, Merrel Marker left Reedsville for the Persian missionary fields to remain from five to sever years, Following the discovery of twenty two cases of typhoid fever In one sec tion of Greensburg, the board of healtt closed an old spring from which the families had been getting water. The Southwestern Mennonite confer ence went on record as opposing tobae oo in any form. Work was begun by Theodore R Helb upon the erection of an lee manu facturing plant adjoining the Keystone Hrawery, gt You, the baseball association, Glaneing over the National One D teams somewhere In this big ern league ; Tommy while Joe Tinker same sun-stricken circuit; tral circuit; and Larry Cheney is league. So the story boss of players EOes INTE RESTING SPORT NOTES West Point Military add rowing ta BpoOris academy * will its ¥ - ® Iw is going on . Ad * - Gene imont, Memphis weight, the stag “ for a football Boston heen Negot next fall Centre jation= rame hetween collegs ge have started e » h p fighting is never pl colle who sayd of ine rofessor the That prize all sports of freezeout Spanis most cerael syed a losing gi South African inwn he Norton, the tennis star, is understood te com ing to this country in the near future accept a position, ® - * John F. Martin college footh to an old Oberlin il track man, has ge lected the Wesleyan this fall all a heen to coach team at of New Jer Rickard fn of Frensurer Read from Tex 144. 866.70 In pa on Dempsey Car State sey received check for 8 the pentier yment state fax the fight . =» halfback Oberlin college to univer J. E 1 t foothall Martin, whe played nrkie thie tear for RIM Of three Wesl YOAr«, is coach the feam nt evan sity this fall . * . M ball conch at Brice, for ten years foot Manchester (N. H.) high Fred to serve at has been engaged yeare in that capacity of Maine, * - - Paddock, in nny gehool, three the University world's hed for effort that Charlie sprinter, sts two solid days preceding is to make either in a race against humans or a dash against time - * - Charley White, the (Chicago weight, may now box in IS from which he was barred, tional Boxing association the han on him, which following his contest Freedman in Milwaukee, TAKE TIME TO CONSIDER nys Tight has lifted with Sailor Coach Bezdek of Penn State thinks no football rule should be changed without having a year's consideration, Most football conches are not so het up over the kick for goal after touch. down as some critics of the country appear to be. As Bezdek says: “We can wiways develop somebody to kick the goals.” i | H tines John of old Farrell, of whose and sponsored by the number clips OC the Western Southwest- CRETE, the Cen- florida Petersburg in Grand Rag the the Tampa club in the § Barger St. ids is managing in the league, Atlantic Eastern at Charleston In Nouth Manager of Yankees Couldn't “Lefty” O'Doul, Man of the Hour on Pacific Coast, “lefiy™ hour in the (VDoul Pac the ine Caw in man of ist leag summer The the sidewheeling fling bench for a “Lefty” O'Doul, New York Yankees during 1920 with member of the San Francisco He bad the same staff when a Yankee But Miller Huggins manager of a team of sturdy who lets them boss him, pulled g hone He couldn't tad mite see the Naturally Huggins sent him to Frisco with a string attached, O'Doul with his southpaw stuff has heen one of the big factors in making oddson favorite to cop the coast gonlglon.. a WISCONSIN T0 PLAY OREGON Alumni of Two Universities Trying te Arrange Christmas Football Game for 1921, of Wisconsin frying and Oregon {0 Arrange » Alumni universities are Badger-Oregon foothall game for Christmas day, 1921. The game is be. ing boosted by O. Laurgard, city en- gineer of Portland, and his former classmate at Wisconsin, George R. Keachie. Both Sraduated in 1903. BALL YOURS IN PITTSBURGH Fans in Smoky City Have No Fear of Police When Fouls Are Hit Inte Grand Stand. Fans who attend games at the Na- tional ball park in Pittsburgh may keep balls knocked into the stand without fear of being molested by po lice, according to an order issued by Robert J. Alderdice, director of pub- lie safety. Director Alderdice made thizg ruling following threatened dam. three fans under arrest for refusing to throw balls back on the diamond. UMPIRE MUST STICK TO DECISIONS MADE ————— 55 Not Permissible for Him to Re- verse Rulings. —————— i Fans Are Wrong in Thinking That Arbiter Is Bullheaded—Few Games Would Be Finished if Arguments Were Allowed, their bad de bullheadedness, fans are almost invariably Every umpire time and again understands that cisions Those stick sheer nmplres out of 10 in the season nfter he should in hag decided one way decided another, but himself, protests and short have reversed he Writes an delays, his job order Enstern Very few fans stop to consider why rule agua reversing on is al. jaws of the Oke in seribe nst umpires decisions of fact rabde Persians ary if most as the but a8 unaile the rule is ball game than is three-day nna absolutely necess HDY nished in less thme of those nothing games wold as enoup? decisions ordinarily sh he first engaged all ump long and painful ex has taught the be In that it perience haseball down 88 & pire shall hw Was the pow ers ven when realizes on second thought that he i than It Is to “rcourage the bellef that if Wrong. talk per i} Les in loudly enough they can 10 reverse Baseball N otes cKenly, and hiraself Wonder crabs” got the backwards » ® w to RO Kemp. Laser ike farmer first ith the ( an, is to develand tean » . Another ient n: X08 me who Deuver team of - » * er former Giant tT to Jolt Tesresu signed a haseball mich coach the «conira ¢ four ¥ a 1 team Jor Lhe next hree seasons, - 9 McGuire for Tom center fielder Bi the league, Inter ve Ridge How the has heen sold to ext of tional ‘ eagu Moines second ng to has 8 new the like a ws : Answer name of vhich drink th more ime of 8 ball I * a catcher, { ‘het eased Thomas the f has signed to manage the m. recently re bis Jeveland American eam } Eastern league ten » - * first who Ted baseman, Sait lake City Const Tourdas, Pacific league of oh is again, ariey horse, in shape - - Ad Chicago-Boston double header in the National jeague on July 13 gets special mention from the fact that ato games without a boot or hobble. - » - Packard, former league pitcher, who has been independent ball in Ohio, Nutional pitching will Gene for out-of-town hunsase, » - - speak of “a pitcher who can hit,” but kindly note the following: Shaw, 417; Wood, 366: Ruth, 355; Hodge, 346; Uhle, 308: Mays, 303; Martin, 341; Alexander, 321; Sallee, 312 and Ruether, 304, 1 FRENCH LEARN BASEBALL A French baseball nine trimmed a United States navy teams at the Bois de Boulogne recently by a score of 12 to 11. It is sald that they displayed plenty of “pep,” dash and daring on the bases. They hit well, but use a chop stroke, without swinging through. This Is said to have been the first game ever played in France between French and American teams, PERCH BAIT FOR BIG RATTLESNAKE Texas Fishermen Bring in Queer Stories of Encounters With Reptiles, NBtories of hatties with and stump-tall moces Austin by nearly been ob many fishing streams in the mountains west of Austin. But most unusual tale by an Austin, Tex, rattiesnakes to tiie is told from a Peder nales river, In this party have been up = camp on the 45 miles west of this city were several men whe gninst many rattle 8 « A Huge Rattiesnake Was Found en the Book. is the first time thst that snakes. but this any of them made RB rattlesnake the discon ers fed on fish Accordis the story a throw line baited into fi» rr with smail perch had heen put i ) 1 the party, had get it One of and ilne partly in to and in ing baited with out frrer sie} fishing with pulied the thi of the still ng g & huge exposed hook TER 8s the average ver. rod reel, later Ow this one ont was hook was left hang! more perch above the water ihe next rattlesnake was found It inrge is stunted thet as the The snake h, which had found on he the snake around arm of was killed attracted it man and the 10 per the hook, was n the reptile’s The crop ratiiesn thar the swarm month snakes. ially the is larger this vear This attributed to winter Moccasins there Streams. a good sized many of snakes Siresms are harmless akes hundance rusty and of of CRP nEe sped os, in vears 1 id smaller ot the larger river has While the is past the oeks and Are mod The Co quota seen In axing in orado the the water sn there is a1 of the Heonogs species the moccasin “NO PLACE FOR HOMELY GIRL" Wail of Girl Who Tries Suicide After Fiance Rejects Her for Pret. tier One, ‘Men beauty; they don’t home any ty, & patient hospital, by only look for care about the real Virginis at the Mary who tried te swallowing poison, maker longer.” fwer General Quil ide that there was ne place in the world for the homely girl “1 don't want os well” she con tinued, pushing back her: short red hair. “Men don't care what youn de for they sre for the girl whe spends everything on clothes and makes a big show. They don't care if a girl is good, self-respecting and & real homemaker: all they want is a big display of their money.” Refusing to give her lover's name, she admitted that they had both been very happy and expected to get married shortly, until one evening at dance he met a prettier girl, and after that didn’t have a chance. “Classical features and a conspicn to get them tures for happiness” clared, weeping. Virginia de Girl Holds Prisoner by Coat Tail, Chicago. Miss Gall McDermut iz hatled fx a heroine by her co-workers, As Frank Legregnl. under death sentence for murdering his wife, attempted to Jump from a window sili to liberty, Miss MeDermut grabbed his coat tall and held on until police had beates the prisoner into submission. Calf-Hare-Pig-Fox- Cried Just Like Baby Paris An animal born on a farm at Grandchamps, near Paris, two weeks ago, died yes. terday while being transported to Paris for exhibition at the Academy of Science. The crea ture had the body of a calf, the head of a rabbit, eyes like a pig, ears like a fox and hair like a St. Bernard dog. It weighed twelve pounds at birth and cried like a baby.