THE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY] CENTRE HALL - - PENNA. " THURSDAY, AUGUST 25. 1921 ——— ersiesscitm————— issn Msi spn mr — SMITH & BAILEY S$. W, SMITH . . FPreprictors « + » + +» Balter Loca! Editor and { Business Manager EDWARD E, BAILEY Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall aa second Class mall matter, TERMS, ~The terma of subscription to the Re- porter are one and one-half dollars per. year, ADVERTISING RATES-Display advertise- ment of ten or more inches, for three or more in- sertions, 15 cents per inch for each issue, Dis- lay advertising oosupying Jem space than ten nahes and for loss than three insertions, from twenty to twenty-five cents per inch for each imue, according to composition, Minimum gharge seventy-five cents. Local notices accompanying display advertis- ing five cents per line 4 ach insertion ; other- wise, elght cents per line, minimum charge, twenty-five cents, 1 notices, twenty cents per line for three insertions, and ten cents per line for esch ad- ditional insertion, CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. PENN'S VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE REY. MELVIN C. DRUMN, Pastor Services for SUNDAY, AUG, 28, 1921 Georges Valley, 10:30 a. m.— Har- vest Home Service. Union, — Harvest Home Service. 2.30 p. m. Centre Hall, 7:30 p. m.—"*The Hand- Writing on the Wall.” Prayer meeting at Centre Hall Wed- ev'g, 7.30. Sunday Scheol, g:30 a. m. Luther League, Sunday 6.30,» evening at U. Ev.—Tusseyville, morning ; Egg Hill, afternoon, Centre Hall, evening. Farm House Destroyed by Fire. The large log house on the farm of ‘Squire Cyrus Brungart, near Woll's Store, was totally destroyed by fire early Tuesday morning. On the day previous the Bigler Shaeffer family, tenants on the place, had made a fire in the wash house stove in preparation for the week's washing and when the sad news of the death of Mrs. Shaeffer arrived, the wash- and a peighbor woman came in to ;put out the fire and place things in order, It is believed that the fire continued to smoulder throughout the day, finally breaking into a flame in the wash house and communicating with the main dwelling. The only ones at home were Luther Shaeffer, a brother of Bigler Shaeffer, and a son and a daugh- ter of the latter. They were awakened the smell of smoke and that the house was doomed, so with great haste began to They succeeded in saving everything but two dressers and what was contained in the attic, Mr. Brungart carried insurance in the Centre Hall company in an amount suf. ficient to cover the greater portion of his He expects to start the building of a new house mext week, and in the meantime the Shaeffers are being quar- tered at the home of the Wert family, nearby neighbors. ing was put off, about 4.30 by soon discovered remove the furniture, loss, BOALSBURG Mr. and Mrs, John Ishler of last week in Altoona. Misses Margaret and Nellie Kimport are visiting their sister, Mrs. |. D. Pat- terson. Miss Amanda Mothersbaugh, of Al- toona, is visiting her brother, O. L. Mothersbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Claycomb, Mrs, J. P. Wagner and niece and Norman Slagel, of Altoona, spent Sunday at the D, W, Meyer home, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hazel and daugh- ter Jane are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Charles Maxwell, at Varysburg, New York. Mr, J. M. Ross and Mrs. J. K. Harter and son were recent visitors at State College. Miss Annie Lohr is visiting relatives at Centre Hall, Dr. Frank Bailey, of Milton, and War. ren Bailey, of Illinois, spent a short time at the Wm. Goheen home on Mon- day. Mrs, Nanaie Coxey and son Paul are visiting at Altoona, Uniontown and Connelsville, Miss (Edith Sankey, of Middleburg, was an over Sunday visitor with her cousin, Miss Ella Rhone, —— a — REBERSBURG. Edwin Barner and wife, of Milten, were Sunday visitors in town. Mrs, Aaron Gramley and daughter, of Illinois, are visiting relatives in this vi- cinity. John Confer and wife, of Lock Haven, were Sunday visitors at the Scott Stover home, Today (Thursddy) Prof, E. S, Stover and family will leave for Bloomfield, N. J., where the Prof, is principal of the Bloomfield High school. Miss Mary Frank, of Pittsburgh, and * Helen Gephart, of Bellefonte, spent Sun- day at the Samuel Gephart home. Prof. Elmer Bierly and wife, who re- side in Florida, arrived at this place on Friday and will spend their vacation at the Prof.’s home, James Miller and family, of Lewis- burg, s| 2ol several days in town visiting relatives, The Rebersburg community picnic will be held on Sept. 1st in Harry Roy- er's woods, spent part go. McSPARRAN AND DR. THOMAS TO BE SPEAKERS HERE. 48th Encampment and Fair Promises to Eclipse All Others. ~ Many New and Interesting Features. Another year has gone and in two weeks the 48th annual Encampment and Fair, Patrons of Husbandry, will be in full swing, opening Saturday, Septem- ber 3rd, and at this time promising to be bigger and better than ever, For weeks, the committee have had workmen on Grange Park, making prep- arations for the great event, Buildings and grounds are being cleaned and where needed, repairs and improve- ments made and in every way putting the park in best possible condition. Painting has been completed, giving a well-kept appearance to the grounds. MANY MORE CAMPERS THIS YFAR Already tents are being erected and arrangements are being made for many more campers than usual so that we will have a larger and more complete camp than ever before, The grounds and buildings are light ed by a successful electric system. Pure mountain water is piped all over Grange Park with hydrants at various points. Supplies of all kinds can be purchased on the grounds. A good boarding house serves meals. Easily reached by auto or train, The various departments are expected to equal if not surpass other years. CREDITABLE EXHIBIT DESIRED Farmers and fruit growers are urged to bring their finest fruits, grains and vegetables, thus improving the standard of quality and making a more creditable exhibit, Competent judges will award prizes in this department which will be paid in cash, In addition ten cents will be paid for each worth while article. The Agricultural Department right here wishes to impress on exhibitors in this department the importance of keep- ing in mind the State Farm Products Show in January 1922, and keeping their best s pecimens to exhibit there, CASH PRIZES IN STOCK DEPARTMENT It is expected our live stock exhibit will excel other years. Pure bred stock of various breeds is steadily increasing in numbers in Centre county and here is the place to show your choice animals, Stables are provided for stock. Able men will judge the stock and cash prizes paid also in this department, Farm boys and girls are invited to take part in stock-jndging contests, The county Farm Agent will arrange these contests, and prizes will be paid the winner, RURAL A day will be given to Rural Life ac- tivities and amusements and in that this project order may meet with the suc- cess we hope for, an earnest appeal is made to boys and girls, young men and young women to respond enthusiastical ly when called on by the leaders, have arranged the program. State College will have its usual inter- esting exhibits and lectures and demon- strations on Tuesday in the auditorium by representatives of the Domestic Science department will be of vital in- terest to mothers and children, Again the State Health department will have a representative the ground, The Red Cross will bave a tent, The always interesting needle-work department will be full as in past years of both new and old. Bring articles valued for both age and beauty. 10 cents will be paid as in the past year for articles never before exhibited, who on VETERAN'S DAY The Centre County Veteran's Club will again meet with us on Wednesday, Sept. 7th, and we assure them the same cord- ial welcome, No admission will be charged the veterans on this day. Well known speakers will be heard in the auditorium on that day. NOTABLE SPEAKERS TO BE PRESENT Thursday will be Grange Day and among others John McSparran, Master Pennsylvania State Grange, and Dr, Thomas, president Pennsylvania State College, will speak in the auditorium and we appeal for large audiences, Automobiles, tractors and all kinds of farm machinery will be shown in large numbers, Exhibitors will find space where machinery can be shownto ad- vantage, Moving pictures and amusements to please everybody. Excursion rates on the railroad within 75 miles of Centre Hall, Special trains will be run on Thurs- day. A full program published next week, Jacob Sharer, Chairman, ——— Encampment and Fair Notes. Campers, when possible, should pro- vide themselves with oil stoves, if wish- ing the vse of a stove, as the supply of old stoves on Grange Park grows less each year, Premium books have bees issued for the first time by the Encampment and Fair Association, giving rules and all necessary information. These books can be secured from the secretary, Edith M. Sankey, Centre Hall, Pa, A SA —— Don't fail to visit Meyer, the music man, on Grange Park during the Fair, He will have some of the latest and best pieces of music for player pianos, A — PE ——— pn a Cigarette To seal in the delicious Burley tobacco flavor. It’s Toasted @ x tn See MEY At the GRANGER PIGNIC in the Bricker Building PLAYER PIANO MU- SIC AND THE BEST PIANO POLISH For Sale. Come in and ENJOY MUSIC All Welcome, GEO. B. MEYER, Agent BOALSBURG, PA, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A DMINIBTRATRIX' NOTICE Vast Amount of Suppues Nveeaed for New Dog Law. (Continued from first rage.) | Letters of administration, ¢ t #., on the estate | of FRANKLIN GFREHKER, Iate of Poller town- : | ship, deceased, numerical order, while the second car- | Letters of administration on the above estate bon copy will be detached and will be having been duly granted to the undersigned, she \ 3 : . : | would respectfully request all persons knowing filed in alphabetical order. Thus, if the | themselves indebted to the estate to make imme- . i « | diate peyment, and those having claims agsinet number of a certain tag is known, or the | the same 10 present them duly suthenticated dog owner's name is known, the records | without delay for settlement. can easily be consulted, while all three| BADIE E. GFRERER, Administratrix, c. t. 8. : : : i Centre Hall, Fa. certificates will be made out in one oper- | Gettis & Bower, Attys, : : i i Bellefonte, Pa. ation, instead of two, as at present, i The Department of Agriculture is DOW | Ww ANTED.—Fresh cows and adventising for bids for the furnishing |ers for shipment next week. C. of half million metal dog license tags. | Mitterling. 34088 spring- | D.i » RE — — SO RR $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine ig taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Bur faces of the Bystem thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the atient strength by bullding up the con s and assisting nature in doing its york The proprietors have so much faith im the curative power of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials Address ¥. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by all Druggists, Thc, The Reporter, $1.50 a year UES to offer at ridiculously and ends at low prices. N DEPARTMENT STORE New Member : Gould Service Sta- tion, 913 24th St. RT EVERY WEDNESDAY SUBURBAN The Wise Buyer Looks for This Emblem about it. tion you desired. tain hour, while you wait in quiet comfort. for their accommodation, blaze of very soon of special Everyone may compete |