HOW WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE ‘May Escape the Dreaded Suf- + ferings of that Period by Taking Mrs. Block’s Advice Hopking, Minn. — “During Change of Life I had hot flashes and suffered for Vii two years. 1 saw Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound advertised in good results from taking it. 1 recom- mend your medicine to my friends and you may publish Hthis fact as a testi- BM monial,’’—Mrs.RoB- ERT BLOCK, Box 542, Hopkins, Minn. It has been said that not one woman in a thousand passes this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very annoying and sometimes painful mptoms. ose dreadful hot flashes, sinking spells, spots before the eyes, dizzy spells, nervousness, are only a few of the symptoms. Every woman at this age should prefit by Mrs. Block's experi- ence and try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com d will help you, write to Lydia E, Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass, about your health. »pened, read and answered by a woman, ind held in strict confidence. HANCOCK SULPHUR COMPOUND Physicians agree that sulphur Is one of the most effective blood purifiers known. For pimples, black-heads, freckles, blotches, tan. as wellas for moreserious face. scalp and body eruptions, hives, eczema, etc., use this scientific compound of sulphur. As a lo- tion, it soothes and heals; taken internally it gets atthe root of the trouble. ‘ For over 25 years Hancock Sulphur Com- pound has given satisfaction. 60c and $1.20 the bottle. at your drugg'st's. I he can't supply you send his name and the price in stamps and and we will send you a bottle direct. NCOCK x ; . HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR IR COMPAKY h Baltimore. Md. 1S a Hanercd Swiphour Compound Oing >, = $y 4 > mens~25% and Slcfor wi with the AA gp SF TUG TAS cid Stomac for 10 Years NOW A DIFFERENT WOMAN Earnestly Praises Eatonic “My wife was a acid stomach D. Crippen, * gince taking F Sufferers tomach—let Eatonie help you a It quickly takes up and carries out the and gases and makes th and comfor get the ] feel well bloat. ing, belching, wating, Big box costs costs only a trifle with your druggist’'s guarantee, at sufferer from A .. writes H. a different woman fro 180, y easily, full st; gth from your food, w from ete, The LAXATIVE Whaat Bees Tablets for CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION Delicious Mint order 1 box 15¢; 5 Flavor PR boxes $1 postraid. Gilbert Bren-0-Lax Co., Dept. 0, Lynchburg, Va. if not at drug AGENTS, CANVASSERS-BUILD TRADE; sei! high grade cream iotions, wders: ¢ AMPERE « face tory HE: i San Francisco Docks. Franc sufficient one time size, San isco lias facilities at frye 1 ¥ wp LO : » 1€C00 wig ition of Do you know why it’s toasted? To seal in J the delicious Burley flavor It’s toasted. 4 wy 4 LA Alvi ve ber” MAT aca WOMNTERFUL FACE BLEACH - Liver § or wn, u, Pionples, ots Tenis SREMOLA Hs ESE W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 32.1021. PREPARE WAR ON INSECT ENEMIES If Left Undisturbed Bugs of Va- rious Kinds Will Destroy Best Part of Garden. ———————— PESTS HAVE BIG APPETITES Tobacco Extract Is Recommended for Plant Lice and Other Sucking Par- asites—Main Point is to Start Fight Early. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Gardeners are warned by specialists of the United States Department enemies of the garden.” in vast numbers in guar- undisturbed will defeat the gar- dener's best efforts and lay waste the son for iusects and there are which limit the number which may killed. The departinent the use of the for the be specialists spray pump frequent and bug applica of poisons In order to destroy lestroy the gar- eo Early efforts in ti lusects most effective, Little Bugs With In “hard-shell” triously yellowish eggs on the underside of In a red, Wuling Big Appetites, most localities the Colorado or potato beetles are Indus- lusters of spall the these depositing « potato leaves, few days Latch into little shelled slugs SO! “soft-shells,” us are often that and they will they have most wonderful ap are ap- the potatoe unless poisons S000 Sivip leaves, Perhiaps there is no class of garden method of attack of which is s0 Insidious that of int lice as the pl aor aj hids, At first a very few lice may hidden on the under s of vegetables, melons, peas, oi bbage A litt #in to curi the leaves another gen Arsenite of ~ lead ect upon ti tise nat _ gy £ -* A ok A Insects Do Not Thrive in This Garden, but the Crops Do. plants but which wiil The most common of poisons use on and, ice’ st be nsed exact ¥ ace ding to the direc tions ¥ ven United Depa Bulletin 836, on the oor ner tment of Agric the niture control of garden discases and insects, has 1g the nse sulphate: “For small garden plats one of nicotine suiphate be used to one gall of inch should be added and on water, to hard thoroughly mixed ' one cube of ounce th eight gallons of water, with the addition of soap, of packages, and them, Effective Application of Spray. “In the use of nicotine sulphate the effective application®of the spray is of the utmost importance, since it is pri- marily upon this that the success or feilure of the treatment depends. If the liquid has stood for any length of time it should be agitated thoroughly before use, The Insects themselves must receive a thorough rouat of tha spray or they will not be killed, and immediate inspection after spraving should show the foliage eccupled by the insects to be completely wet, "Spraying should Le done as early a8 possible, always on the first appear. fnce of the insect, not only because It 1a good practice to keep the plants free from pests but because more thor ough work ean be done on small plants” The main point Is to start the fight In time and Kil the advance scouts and head off the main army of inkect pests, instructions GROW PURPLE VETCH FOR VALUABLE SEED Advantages of Crop Have Been Known for Years. Is Not as Popular in Northern States as Common Variety, Which Is Hardier and Has Become Established as Forage. by the United Statés Depart- ment ‘of Agriculiure,) Due largely to the intermediary ef- forts of the United States Department of Agriculture, 2.400 acres of purple vetch is reported as being grown this vear for seed in northwestern Califor- nia for use in the orchards of the southern part of the state, where has proven a crop. The superiority of purple vetch in California fof green manure lies {a the fact that It makes more It (Prepared Crops, . Purple vetch first brought to this country from Italy in VALUE OF UNDRAWN POULTRY Experiments Conducted by Department of Agriculture Show Birds Spoil Less Quickly. rel drawn dy un doubtedly surface mk hasten to the air whic} ontains cro-organisme, decomposition ; membered also tl more n other parts of the body, and if left they may he bird rapidls 1 In elabo drawn, partly rate gi and ; conducted Hy the birds drawn that undrawn least quickly, and partly less quickly than the fully fromm which, not only ti also the heads and feet, moved, hs MA SA Southern Farmer Demonstrates How Log Building Can Be Made Secure Against Insects, The county agent of Taylor county, Fia., reports that one farmer In his cpmmunity has worked out a way by which a log corn crib can be made practically air-tight to guard the corn against weevils, This farmer put three or four Inches of dirt on the floor and covered 1 with another floor, The walls were covered with rough Inmber, and the cracks outside wery filled with elay., The door facings were padded with cloth and the door made of two layers of cypress lumber, with a pleco of paper roofing between, This arrangement cost about £10, In addition to the farmer's lnbor. Others in this pelghborhood are building cribs In the same way. A NEW FIRM. A shire wny hennery owner In town, a short while the railroad station with of eges to merchants of Boston, halled by a genial neighbor: “Who ye sendin’ them algs to, Carl?” wanted to know, ugo, on his to several commission was “Oh, various sundry,” the egg und raiser replied, “Got a new customer, hey? Pleased In Line for a Fee. The Maotorist—Say, gine's stalled. Think find the matter h ‘onstable Taltimber—1 can, § 1 won't now, 1 for but friend, my en you can help nd out what's : Just can't pinch you mm nch you speeding in ten minutes for here too long de? parkin ne. BETWEEN THEMSELVES Mrs. B—Men are such brutes! Mrs, C—Aren't they? What was It your husband refused to buy for you today? Didn't Start pt MIE » It Biuebeard erviewey Expl: Wh Something Wrong. ind-—Mabel, 1 know Natural Then, “Rome of ! errat “lie Pye riy influence ie, I'm sure born told” was been OR HE WOULDN'T HAVE PLUNGED Wifey: At least you were sensi- ble on your wedding day. Hubby: On the contrary | was Insensible, Why It Fell, The tower of Babel Insecure Was from the start unlawful Materials were very poor And the building graft was awful Safety First, Wigg-—"Girls don’t burst into tears as enslly as they used to” * Wagg-"No: they've learned that erying ruins the modern complexion.” London Answers, Between Girls, “Where is Cholly?” “On a business trip to California, 1 hope he vont make love to any of those western girls” “Why «0? Any practice he gets wil) be helpful when he returns” And Wants It, burned child Wyss A fire, Guyse still continues flame, London dreads the In spite of which the moth to. buzz round the Answers, i Medical Officer of the Boer Army Boer Army from Malaria! ine moriziny rate aming ihe ~$2.00 10 the Vino Medical Co. New York. NY — ASPIRIN Name “Bayer” on Genuine Beware! Unless you see the name “Bayer” on package or on tablets you arc not IE Re Aspirin pre scribed by twenty-one years and proved Take Aspirin only 1 package for Colds getting nuine for safe physicians by millions Jayer Neuranl- as told In the Headache Earache, Toothache, for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As pirin cents. Druggists also sell larger packages, Aspirin is the trade of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. gla, Rheumatism Lumbago, and cost few mark nquisitive Lillian, He Couldn't Say "Em s (Iran's fir childish An asked Maurice ‘4.4 the supreme aiphiabet I' can’t say A, B Cs But Bigon "Eres the vay Bigon And then ceeded E03 1n he pro correctly, An sion income tax i= the price of admis fo an theater Identified. Regs SWAMP-ROOT reply ovided that we Addisor them u: mes One of the surest ways to become physically in. capable of doing your best work is to get only snat- ches of sleep—broken by disturbing dreams. If your eleep is being disturbed by drinking tea or coffee, you may be sowing the seeds of a nervous breakdown. Do not wait until your nerves are affected by the drugs, thein and caffeine, in tea or coffee. Protect your strength, vitalityand endurance, Have sound, restiul sleep, and wake refreshed and fit for any task. Postum, the delicious cereal beverage, with its golden-brown richness and coffee-like taste, will let Nature restore your coffee-irritated nerves, and bring you sound, re. freshing sleep, Postum is wholesome and acts in a normal way. It possesses the advan- tages of a hot drink, with out the ill effects of tea or coffee, Drink Postum for a week Or two, See what a difference it will make in youl “There's a Reason.” Postum comes in two forme: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who pres fer wo make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. At all grocers. # »