LOCAL AND PERSONAL. visited her sister, Mrs, Laura Lee, last week, Centre Hall will play the Coburn base ball team at the latter place on Satur- day afternoon. I. O. O. F. memorial services will be held as follows, on Sunday : At Zion, 2:30 p. m, ; at Tusseyville, 4 p. m.; at Sprucetown, 5 p. m , and Centre Hall at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. John Garis and children, of Belle- fonte, have been spending some time at the Byron Garis home in Centre Hall while Mr, Garis is assisting his father at the mason trade. The local Reformed church crowded to the doors Sunday evening, on the occasion of Children's Day ser- a credit to all who was vices, which were participated. Mr. and Mrs. John L. At- lantic City, N. ]., are expected here this Rowe, of week, where they will spend the greater part of the summer at the former's parental home, Mrs. C. B. Drumm, of Sunbury, and Rev. and Mrs. Ira Goss, of West Milton, are being entertained at the Lutheran parsonage. The ladies mentioned are mother and sister, respectively, of Drumm, Rev, Lee Frazier, a student in the Western Reserve law school, at Cleveland, Ohio is home for the su er Harold Alexander, from Penn State,and Miss Miriam Huyett,from Susquehanna, vacation, are also at home, Mr. and Mrs. R, D. Wednesday on a pleasure tri t Foreman left on y to Wash- fr : i mgton, D. C,, ) there to Newport News, Virginia, an t Atlantic City, Philadelphia, and other points, expecting t« on the return trip will visi Graduation exerci ses of the Teachers’ Training class of 11 art I I'raining class of the Lu h at Farmers Mills will evening of next week, Minerville, will id: Dr. A. G. property souls home, Main st brick cased consideration was $1000, At a farewell banquet Williamsburg Rev.]. M. | few days ago,a purse containing given Lutheran pastorate » Rearick and ard 1: BE EOP 1 Q : Ww and ater teased to 9144.75, sented to the pastor. About dred and fifty people ¢ quet which was held in of the church, Rev. Rearick Elk Lick, Somerset county The enrollment for the Central session at rs far exceed ti School will vious year. The indic every room in the dormitories school will be occupied and the principal has called upon the townpeople of Lock Haven to open their homes to the young people the weeks’ session, and is preparing a com- who come to attend prehensive list of boarding places so that students will be able to find dations immediately, accommo- Erdman West, of New Brunswick, New Jersey, spent the past week in Centre Hall, having come to visit his mother, Mrs, Elizabeth West, at t Mrs. H. J. Lambert home. Mr. West is connected with the State Department of Agriculture in New Jersey, and since his graduation from Penn State, a years ago, has won several well ne few merited promotions with that department, now he holds a’ tion. pathologist, until very responsible His profession is that of plant and as such he has been deing good work toward establishing a higher standard for the State of Jersey in its position in agriculture posi- New Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Smith returned to their home in Freeport, Illinois,on Mon- day, after a visit among friends here and at Peon Hall, the former homes of Doctor and Mrs, Smith. They left Free- port several weeks ago with Boston, Mass,, as their objective point, where Dr. Smith attended the meetings of the American Medical Association, The trip was made in their Studebaker car, and proved a very delightful one, The doctor was enthusiastic concerning the fine roads in the New England states, they having gone all the way up to Maine and after leaving Boston, run- ning to Philadelphia, and then up through Pennsylvania, stopping [here for several days. Upon their reaching home they will have traveled over 4,000 miles, and the only trouble experienced up until the time they reached Centre Hall was a slow leak in one of the tires, which trouble was corrected at Centre Hall, and was found to be due to a small nail having penetrated the casing. —————— ————— Marriage Licenses. Willis C. Thompson, Bellefonte Bessie A. Shank, Orviston Daniel E, Wise, Lock Haven Gertrude M, Lamey, Lock Haven Rufus J. Braucht, Coburn Mary E. Best, Millheim Harold M. Kerstetter, Pleasant Gap J Saran M. Bottorf, Lemont f Ralph A. Lingle, Coburn | Laomi T. Snyder, Spring Mills C, William Boozer, Centre Hall Lena M. Emerick, Centre Hall Roy B. Rauch, Salona TU A Bint. NINE TRIP A Pleasing Chautauqua. Although Centre Hall and 'communi- ty's Chautauqua had not reached 'its close when the Reporter went to press, Wednesday morning, enough good things have been presented to warrant the statement that it has given univer- sal satisfaction and deserving of a per- manent place in the lite of the communi- ty. Chautauqua opened Sunday evening with a free concert by the Theresa Shee- han company, a group of three charm- ing young ladies. Theirs was a pro- ional merit. Possibly one of the best numbers on the program was Miss Sheehan's graphic portrayal of the sink- ing of the ill-fated Titanic, in which she depicted all the harrowing that historic disaster, scenes of It was a master- piece, On Monday afternoon and evening Boozer-E erick. C. William Boozer and Miss Lena M, Emerick, both of Centre Hall, ere married on Tuesday at 12:30 p. m. by Rev, S, C, Stover at the Reformed par- sonage in Boalsburg., They were ac- companied by Miss Carnbell Emerick. sister of the bride, and Miss Ethel Rowe and Shannon Boozer. Immediately be spent with Mr, and Mrs. D Fleming, the gentlemen being lifelong After a week's honeymoon the Hall and take up housekeeping in part of the friends, happy couple will return to Centre Goodhart property which was fitted up some time ago awaiting the arrival of the bride to convert it into a home. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L.. Emerick and is a young wo- man of noble character, As a telephone operator in the local Bell exchange she gave a lively entertainment of In church work the bride skill. Their appearance in various cos- tumes ad 'ed charm to their endeavors One hundred percent. satisfaction was | the verdict. | Oh Monday evening, after a short en- tertainment by the Colonial Maids, Mr. and Mrs the stage, had Indian Gales Gale occupied which a colorful setting, The gave us something truly unique in worth-while entertainment. It was a story of the Red Man, the Amer- ican Indian, gathered at Mr, and Mrs. Gale. first hand by During their hour's rmance and interesting talk they rted to their most appreciative audience more knowledge of our Ameri- the best students of can Indians than history has been able to gather in vears from the pages of dressed in a nur by the leading tribes, sang told their stories, ways of ited many Whil , eager to wonderful message e¢ Red Man. If you ure the assertion ered mel #342 ne entertfainnm aereq (41s one entertainm audiences have been pri “The Master Orator w age” he has been i fits him perfectly “Her Husbands Wife’ £ ’ s Tes 1 » _ - scream’’ on Tuesday evenir act comedy drama was pr tionally strong cast. It leed, was a stellar ction, inc responsibilities connected with the well regulated home. The bridegroom is a skilled mechanic, and is the efficient sec- retary of the local Masonic lodge. 1 “y title $A The Reporter extends congratulations — psi Foreman-Wicks. h at Johnstown ng of this week. former Centre Hall boy, ar f of “1 Cot Real Mad when I Lost My writes Mrs. Hanna, When T went Into our barn and ad Igot reali mad. © {six hig rats. Poultry ¢ Comes in Cakes, ¢ Three sizes. Pros Cot i a dd ba Sold and guaiapioed } nith, Mable Arney, Centre Hall .. P. Long Co., W. C. Meyer, Sg Mills ; Louder's Store, Oak Hall. Insurance and Real Estate Want to Buy or Sell ? SEE US FIRST Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE MALL, PA, you to acquire at little cost Shoes for Summer wear. know that many items in t est in the county machines in your home and let you " Rosie E. Caris, Tylersville It is an opportunity for your needs in Clothing and It offers the greatest reduc- his sale cannot be bought be the judge. As for trices, no one The Saver Makes ; The Spendthrift Breaks. The man who spends less than he earns is a civic asset, while he who spends his all may some day become a civic liability. The man who saves looks into the fu. ture with confidence, while he who spends faces the eold charity of his friends and relatives —or the poorhouse, The optimist is the man with a bank account, while the pessimist is a spendthrift. Which kind of a man are you 7? Open a Term Savings Account at this bank—$1 18 sufficient—it will earn 3 per cent compound interest and pay rich dividends in happiness. Lay aside a small amount today and get one of our Liberty Bell Banks to save your spare change in. Farmers National Bank’ Depository for Funds of U. 8S, Government. OPEN FOR BUSINESS FROM SA. M. tog PM3 Millheim, Pa. KEROSENE PRICES DOWN Do you realize that since the first of the year kerosene prices have dropped 8 cents a gallon— from 22 cents to 14 cents? A reduction of nearly FORTY PER CENT in six months! Use kerosene! At this low price it means still greater econ- omy as a heating, lighting, and power-producing fuel. % 0 uh v hat Siu Sd wld : INTO) ik # ‘reds Sieh THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY, Refiners of ATLANTIC Rayglioht the quality kerosene reason for you to postpone buying if there ig anything you need. and meet your price. A FEW PRICES TO CONVINCE YOU : We can please you ?* COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, WAISTS, SKIRTS, SHOES, SUITS, $7.50 Up 12.50 Up 3.98 Up 1.25 Up 2.00 Up 3.00 Up - $1450 Up SHOES, - 3.75 Up MEN SHIRTS - . 50 Up Children’s Organdie, Gingham and Voile Dresses, - - - -ALL BARGAINS TO BE HAD AT— KESSLER'S . "ee [ THE HOME OF GOOD MERCHANDISE | $1.50 Up MILLHEIM PENN.