PENNSYLVANIA STATE ITEMS - Towanda.-——Narcotics and syringes E. Boyer, Monesson., — Reprimanded she stayed out after midnight, Miss Mary Davidson, a 19-year-old domestic at the Grand Hotel here, of mercury tablets, New Castle~—~John F. Miller and farm are now taking pasteur treatment here, as a result of being bitten cently attacked by a mud now being treated. dog, sion has been notified by Colonel Lewis R. Stegman, chairman of the New York monument commission, that legislature of the state has appropri- ated $12,000 to erect a statue to Gen- eral Barlow on Barlow's Knoll along the first day's fight. Greensburg. ers from Cook, Donegal and townships appeared before the county commissioners to urge the improve Ligonier and Stahlstown. Pittsburgh.—Two of the interstate freight shipments were four years in the federal penitentiary. Chester Green to years, Gree. was sentenced and Foster were found guilty of steal ing from a railroad car of the Balti- more and Ohio railroad. Mount Carmel.—Mrs. Frank Trocki, Kulpimont, died at the Shamokin pital fromi severe burns. Last day, when boiling whisky and honey her her wedding eelebration the whisky boiled over, ignited fired her clothing. Greensburg. —Nick Dorazio hos- niece's and oners in the county jail, charged with having sent threatening letters to Philip Perry, of Millwood. Three oth er residents of the town are alleged to have received letters also. Wilkes-Barre.—While playing near her home on Moffitt street, Plains, Mary Kotzik, 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Totzik, struck an automobile, driven James Frail, a mine foreman for the Conlon Coal com pany, and instantly killed. 7 By his mind Michael O'Brien, a on a loeal paper, saved a G-year-old boy from death. The boy's were ignited by a sparkler and Mr. O'Brien hurried to him the flames with Lis coat.§ The boy's burns are very painful Altoona.—Beginning front brakeman of 27 middie division of the Pennsylvania railroad, including all solid Pullman. mall and express trains, will be taken off. Twenty duced to extras and men will be laid off Pittsburgh. = Frank and Fernando Colielli, on trial the were guilty and in their ing, and ternal revenue stamps ed whisky bottles, lethlehem. was by hy presence of stereoty per clothes and smothered at traing on the once regular men will 21) extra be re brake Seardamaglin who have heen district of for possession, pass ng used in federal found having buying court, ging, using receiy forged in on bond lethlehem oonuneil has received an official communication from Allentown council threatening to las water mains in the Ritteraville section of Allemtown, new supplied hy from mains owned by the allegation that the andl the rates high. lethlehemy coun eil denied both charges, and said that the maing cannot be sold to Allentown because the city must derive enough revenue from its recently-purchased water plant to satisfy the purchasers of £1.700,000 worth of bonds. York. drought here to answer for the murder of Gabriel Perrachina and James J. Critchelow, fellow-workmen. at Cly, years ago, Curtis OC, Sipple is said to have ated to loeal officers hig confession previously made to the state pdliceman who arrested him near his home in Kentucky. To District Attorney Rochow, Sipple said that the past two years, in which he was a constantly haunted man, had been like a bad dream. He displayed no emotion when shown photographs of his al- leged victims, tak a short time after the finding of their bodies, Bloomsburg. * » {alivirs €eot ison Lent cha near beer, . ® » between a chy yet oe A nod 3 fon = € HG un pion teresting as Henger is about as High runs of 182 bill that ~¥) in numerous och figures . * - Benny Leonard ahonit the MOE RO is using the oid gag the of ts him publicity. - - “golug to mtire at end year” It ge » Massachusetts i hand scratch pliny. Golf association w over 7.006 players rated from to 24 strokes for the season's » More than olf fillated with the ndies England, having SL O00 clubs are af. Golf Union of nembership of over ig to series for the 13, Chicago witness a races powerboats In there connec July 31 good tion with August pageant in * » * Chick Evans is worrying he'll have to wear a cont while shoot. ing golf in British May weather, the open Ira J beén engaged as assistants Head Coach Spears of the University of West Virginia - Ad $ John Lees, brother of George Lees, catcher on the White Sox, has been have FRANK LOOMIS AS COACH Frank Loomis, holder of the world's record for the 400-meter, three-foot hurdles, and a member of the Chicago Athletic assoclation field team for tem years, will become athletic director at Hastings college of Nebraska. Fria iat tsa assssssssananasaanns fessrrasnasnsnnnnsas www ! WON'T LOAN HIS GLOVE. * big part Buperstidon plays a i “Jerky” in the pitching of Juke Northrup of the Milwaukee club Northrup thinks all Lis luck ig tied up In his glove, He won't lend 7t to any of his teammates, He thinks that if even touches hig glove the game he's he'll lose, After pitching | folds his glove up daintily and «4 it to the neh with hin To him bis glove ix a p treasure, le treats it as it were a personal Many ball stitious bats, Northrup is the who ever tregted the sae angle sorely during pitohing I'ries In recious though friend payers are shout ending first one a glove from Pr EERIE RRR RRR RRR BRLAR RRR RRNS EAE ARRAR RAR RARER ARR R RARE. Ruether ag for Wilbert + - rr Kid trieason, in spite ries, ie mind great, these The Eddie Oklahoma ( league, Kansas hit Wright, Ly Ban Johnson, American for the pennant league » - George Torporecer, the Cards taclied second hasern * * » Earl Brown, plicher from the Pitts ig Louis - . * Herb Hunter, who played last year with the Boston American league, has nville South - » * The St. Louix Cardinals have turned over young Adolfo Plerotti, pitcher, and Gillham, a young catcher, to the Houston club. - » Ad The Phillles will not retum to Gainesville, Fla., next spring unless the town fernishes a better ball yard to practice in. . * - Manager Tr Cobb finally made up hig mind and decided to send Fire Baseman Ben Smith, the Threed re cruit, to Joplin, * » - Leo Hanley, who was with Bingham. ton In 1910, is getting another trial in the International. The Rochester club has signed him, * = » Manager George MeBride of Wash ington declares Bob Lamotte, hie young shortstop, is the best short fielder in the business, ® - The Detroit Tigers are wearing the English “D” on their uniforms this year. This style of letter carried them through three pennant years. . - * 3 The Tulsa club, which has secured Phil Todt from the St. Louls Browns, plans to play the sensational Mound City youngster in the outfield.