The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 17, 1921, Image 6

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    Prominent New Hampshire
Woman Says Tanlac
Brought About a Won-
derful Change in Her
“ranlac is a grand medicine, and I
think every suffering woman ought to
know about it,” was the statement
made recently by Mrs. Aurore Bar
rette, at her residence, 133 Second
Btreet, Manchester, New Hampshire.
Mrs. Barrette is a well known and
highly respected resident of that city.
=] have not felt at all well for the
past year or more,” she continued. “I
faven't been sick enough to be in bed,
put I was far from being a well
woman. At times I thought I had
kidney trouble for I suffered almost
constantly from severe pains across
my back, just over the kidneys. When-
ever I tried to do any housework at
all that dull pain would be there, and
if I attempted to stoop over it just
felt as though my back would break. |
I would get so weak and worn out]
I would have to sit down and rest
several times a dey, and I felt tired
all the time.
“This condition made me awfully!
mervous, so that I rarely ever slept!
well at nigh® and every now and]
then I would jump in my sleep, as if |
In a fright and my condition was|
really becoming serious,
“Only two bottlés of Tanlac have|
brought about a wonderful change in!
my condition. In fact, the results I
have received from this medicine have
of Manchester, New Hampshire
a ——
pains in my back which used to trou
ble me every day have almost disap
peared, and I am going to keep on
taking Tanlac until they leave me en-
tirely. I have lots of energy now, aad
am not only able to do .my house
work, but I get through the day with-
out feeling the least bit tired. I am
like I was, and 1
sleep well at night,
“lI shall always be thankful
what Taniaec has done for me.”
Tanlae is sold by leading druggists
and lotions, you can be sure that
soon again you will be in the shack.
les of this relentless foe. You may
some slight temporary relief
the pans of the disease by
the use of these local remedies, but
Rheumatism is too real and relent.
less a disease to be rubbed away.
S80 many cases of Rheumatism
come from a tiny germ in the
too fast a setback Is necessary.
Hands rough? Mystic Cream, that's the
stuff. Ask your druggist for it-—Ady,
“And because he wished to hold his |
Job, the hired man “slowed up.” —In- |
dlanapolis News,
For many years druggists have watched
with much interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kigmey, liver and bladder medi-
It i» a physician's prescription.
Swamp Root is a strengthening medi-
cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad-
der do the work nature intended they
should do.
Bwamp-Root has stood the test of years.
I is sold by all druggists on its merit
snd it should help you. No other kidney
medicine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swamp Root and start
treatment at once,
However, if you wish first to test this
preparation send ten cents to Dr.
& Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.-—Ady.
When a Feller Needs a Friend,
Aristocratic Aunt (to small nephew
from the country playing in the snow)
—Please remember, Theodore, while |
you are visiting us, that it will be
mnecessary for you to make your |
own snowmen, What are the servants |
for?—Passing Show, London,
A lot of conversation worked off In
society ought to be dumped into the |
garbage can,
that may
Begin taking
1 director will give you ex-
Ignatius—A pretty is
I saw one the
Heredity Plays Important Part
in Helping Owner to Secure
Blue Ribbon.
Good Breeders Should Be Familiar
With Individuals and Blood Lines
Instrumental in Bullding Up
Favored Breed.
(Prepared by the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture.)
It 18 a sclence and an art to produce
a famous breeding animal or a noted
winner In the show ring. Every year
thousands of stock breeders contest for
this honor, and as soon as the blue
ribbon is placed the owner of the ani-
mal Is besfeged with questions as to
Just how the winner was originally
selected and reared. '
Kings and queens of the beef-cattle
world sometimes are selected when
they are calves only a few months old
80 they can be taught to eat grain
before they are weaned say special-
ists of the United States Department
of Agriculture, The first step is to ob-
she Is a wide, deep-bodled cow with
supply of milk.
fles In these respects and was
Studying Cailf's Pedigree,
The calf's parents,
itable to thelr owners. These
gay be learned from a study of the
caif’s pedigree. To know a good pedi-
gree requires study, and in this con-
nection it
tory of your chosen hreed.
that the good breeder become
with individuals
Transactions Indefinite Because
of Lack of Grading.
Establishment of Two Grades of
Rough Product Would Enable Deal.
ers and Recelvers to Work on
More Profitable Basis.
(Prepared by the United Htates Departs
ment of Agriculture.)
“Rough celery” 1s the market term
applied to celery that Is taken from
the field and packed in crates with lit
tie or no trimming. Transactiops In
rough celery always are more or less
Indefinite, because of the lack of grud-
Ing. The bureau of markets, United
States Department of Agriculture, has
celery markets of New York, New Jer-
919, the
it will be practicable
standard celery grades.
from the
of celery had been moved
states mentioned, and that
It was shipped in the rough.
would eliminate much
would enable
rough celery
waste and
In every breed (here
led by family names, which in some
generation. Cattle
that ap
knocked me fiat, so 1 sent her a note
Ignatius— What did she say?
around. —California Pelican,
of the
with types
ing, penetrating “St. Jacobs
Nothing else takes out soreness, lame-
ness and stiffness so quickly.
doesn’t burn or discolor the skin.
Limber up! Don't suffer!
smell trial bottle from any drug store,
and after using it just once you'll for.
get that you ever had backache, lume
bago or sciatica, because your back
will never hurt or cause any more mis
recommended for 60 years. Stop drug-
ging kidneys! They don’t cause back-
ache, because they have no nerves,
Wililng to Hold.
“I've been reared in the lap of lux.
ury.” sdid a millionaire's daughter,
“Try mine for a change,” suggested
the Impecunious young man.—Baltl
more American,
Regard righteousness as gain.
Unless you see the name
“Bayer” on tablets, you are
Select a Calf, If Possible, When It
May Be Seen With ita Mother,
and judging stock. Learn the different
parts of the animal and become fa-
miliar with the methods of examina-
tion used by experienced judges,
In selecting a calf, first get an idea
of its general appearance by looking
it over carefully at a distance of 10
or 15 feet. When viewed from the
front it should have a short face, large
muzzle, wide forehead, short neck, and
a wide, deep chest, indicating a strong,
vigorous constitution. When leoked at
from the side, its back should be
straight and level from the top of the
shoulders to the tall. It should have
a deep body and smooth, long hind
quarters, When viewed from the rear,
it should present a wide deep appear.
ance. While as much width as poe
sible is desired, it should not be ac-
companied with roughness about the
shoulders and the hips or hocks. The
legs should be rather short, stout, and
set wide apart.
Indications of Quality.
Quality may be determined by the
eye of the experienced judge, but the
hand may also be used in determining
the “condition” or “quality” which has
reference to the flesh or fat. The beef
calf should have deep natural flesh
but should not be excessively fat or
coarse. The flesh should be smooth
and firm, but not hard along the back,
sides, and over the shoulders.
All the following Indicate quality:
A thick cont of hair that feels soft
and silky and looks glossy; a loose,
pliable skin that does not seem thick,
rough, or tightly stretched over the
body; and rather short legs that ap-
pear to have strong, clean bones with.
out ronghness or conrseness, Color is
of little Importance so long as the calf
selected has the approved color of the
Hreed desired,
in Field Almost
Rzady for
to place their orders
more definite basis
gles on a
first grade, as contemplated
is practically free
stalks, stalks that have
or gaye damaged from or Iin-
pects, A minimum diameter for this
grade of 1% Inches would be fixed. The
any celery
froma pithy
gone to seed
the first grade,
Shipments, it Is Advisable to Mix
the Produce.
In small cities there is little open-
ing for carlot shipments of fruits or
vegetables, Shippers of carloads should
never consign to such markets un-
less previous arrangements have been
made with a dealer, say specialists of
the United States Department of Agri-
culture. The small cities are easily
kind of perishable produce Often a
mixed carload Is more salable in such
markets than a car filled with one
The mest reliable plan Is to
quirements previously
f. o. bh. shipping point,
able to convince the buyer that
guarantee Is good regarding the grade
and quality of the produce,
tured, Has Clear, Light Golden
Color, With Green Cast,
getting a stand of any crop. Alfalfa
seed should not only be of good qual
ity and strong In vitality, but it should
be clean and free from foul weed
seeds, Properly matured seed of al-
falfa has a clear, light golden color,
with a faint greenish cast. Immature
seeds are greener and seed which hag
been bleached or heated becomes dis.
colored. Brown or blackened seeds are
likely to be dead or low in vitality,
Greenish colored seed, If not too
shrunken, may germinate well, Prefer
plomp, heavy seed; badly shrunken
seed, even though It may sprout, will
produce weak plants.
First Grown In This Country About
1882 and Was Not Uniform in
Height or Maturity,
Milo was grown first In this coun
try about 1882. It was not uniform
in maturity and In height, most of
the plants being tall. Standard milo
is a direct descendant of the original
type, reduced by systematic selection
to a uniform height of from H to @
foot nnder dey land conditions,
“Cold 1a the Head”
Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh.
Those subject to frequent “colds in the
Read” will find that the use of HALLS
CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the '
bystem, cleanse the Blood and render
them less liable to colds. Repeated at-
tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to’
Chronie Catarrh,
taken internally and acts throu the
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of t Bys-
tem, thus reducing the Inflammation and
restoring normal conditions.
All Druggists, Circulars free,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
is |
Overheard In the Nursery.
Bmall Girl—*1 wonder how old
Joan 87" Small Boy—*1 bet she
will never see four again.”—London
Old Skirts, Dresses, Walists,
Coats, Stockings, Draperies—
Each package of “Diamond Dyes”
contains easy directions for dyeing any
goods, Beware! Poor dye
streaks, spots, fades, and ruins mate-
rial by giving It a “dyed-look.” Buy
“Diamond Dyes” only. Druggist has
Miss Muggins—*"I'd just like to see
a man kiss me.” Miss Pert—*What
8 hopeless ambition.”
important to Mothers |
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
ZA Tite
In Use for Over 30 Years.
A fanatic has concentration unleav-
ened by a sense of humor
Fresher. a Heavy Skin
With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl-
cura Taleum
scented convenient,
skin, baby
Powder, an exquisitely
other perfumes su-
the Cuticura Tollet
ent, Talcum).—Adv.
perfluous One of
Trio (Soap. Olnt:
Perseverance Is the road to success
Eehind the Times.
“Fiubdub says he'd like to take the
road yesterday."—"Well, all
io he's
Few Worth Listening To.
“What's a pa?™
“Usually a bore starts tell
ing about it."—Boston Transcript.
self-made man,
Not Kidding, Either.
Carl Jobe, who for several years has
newspapers at Washington and
Meridian streets, and who is always |
avallable when Inquiring strangers |
ask any was by
an out-of town visitor the other day. |
The stranger inquired:
“Where does Edison keep his phono
graph shop?”
“The man wasn't kidding,
Jobe said ~—Indianapolis News,
directions, accosted
either.” |
Boy of Eighteen Gets Action.
Midshipman J L. Storey, a boy of |
perhaps eighteen, the sole surviving
officer of the Queen Mary, reported |
to his C. O. on the loss of his ship! |
That midshipman, by the way, bore |
a charmed fe. At Jutland he was |
picked up unconscious after sinking
He was with Cradock at the
of Coronel, escaping in the
Glasgow after the flagship and the
Monmouth had been sunk with not a |
man saved; with Sturdee in the bat-
of the Falklacds, and in many
officer of one of our largest ships —
Is your back giving out? Are you
tortured with backache and stabbing
pains? Does any exertion leave you
“all played out?’ Feel you just can’t
ke going? Likely your kidueys are
to blame. Overwork, colds, hurry and
worry tend to weaken the kidoeys
Backache is often the first warning
Headache and dizziness may come, too,
and annoying kidney irregularities. Helo
the kidneys with Doan's Kidney Pills
~the remedy recommended by thou
sands. Ask your neighbor!
A Maryland Case
Maggie Clements,
B. Mili Bt, Ches-
tertown, Md. says:
“1 suffered from a
bad back and dis
ines My
times 1 ¢ d nee sort of a mi
fore my eyes and 1 had spe
giness. 1 used Doan's Kidney
and they rid me of the trouble.’
Get Doan’s at Any Store, 60c a Box
DOAN’S =ibier
Lumbago or Gout?
Takes RHRUMACIDE 10 remove thecanuse
and drive the poison frocs the systess
At All Drugrists
Jas. Bally & Sen, Wholesale Distributors
Baltimore, Md.
Have You Tried Them!
Ask Your Druggist or Dealer
Trial Size 10 cts. ~ Regular Size 25 cts,
GILBERT BROS & CO, Baltimore, 2Md
Farmer Had No idea of Allowing
Hired Man to Beat Him
Gathering Corr
A Sullivan
to help him g
Now, Lae
n for being
hired man being advised 1
er to keep as close ty
with the row he
jut lo! the new
£f Yq
er, passed }
the new man still kept geining
farmer sh
he yelled, “Stop, if you wa
I never yet let any
to work for me
man who
of me.”
worked me get shead
indispensable Things.
The wonderful pew
conveniences are fine, but the world
connot get without such indis
pensable old-fashioned things as kind-
ness, courtesy and hands held out te
He also that is slothful in
fs brother to him that
his work
is a great
Jetween the fwo evils—a kicker and
a knocker—there is small cholce.
a rich color
and a partic.
In these re
Made by
Postum Cereal
Battle Creek,
ny, Inc.