The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 10, 1921, Image 6

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Nants to Tell Other Girls
All About It
Ind.—*I am eighteen
ae have been bothered for
wn several months with
and felt drowsy |
sleepy. 1 workina
i millinery shop and I
went to work every
i day, but felt stupid
and would have such
I had seen
Vegetable Com-
ertised and had heard several
of it, so mother got me
This Vegetable Compound is
elped me very much,
so that during my periods I am not now
sick or drowsy. 1 have told many girls
medicine and would be glad
anyone who is troubled with
Some girl lead lives of luxury, while
others for their livelihood, but all
are sub to the same physicallaws
sad im proportion to their viola-
tion. Whe= such symptoms gevelop as
3 headaches, backaches,
sensations and ‘“‘the
blues, girls should profit by Miss Linx-
wiler’s experience :
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial.
the safe easy way before
worse troubles follow. Take
The tried home remedy for breaking
up colds, relieving throat troubles;
healing and soothing quick relief
for and hoarseness.
30¢c at all druggists
Use Pike's Toothache Drops.
All Right With Mother.
One day Jimmy, who was a favorite |
ta the neighborhood and who loved my |
mother dearly, came in to see what
sweets he could get, and mother no- |
ticed a button off his overalls, |
“Why, James, there's a button ol |
your overalls; I wonder if your moth- |
er would care if I put one on?" she
said. i
Te which James replied: “Sure, put |
ene on. Her won't care. Her'll like
y= dedder.”— Chicago Tribune,
Sprains, Backache With Olid St Ja |
cobs Oil.
Back hurt you? Can't straighten up |
without feeling sudden pains, sharp |
aches and twinges? Now, listen! That's |
tumbago, sciatica, or maybe from a |
strain, and you'll get blessed relief the |
moment you rub your back with sooth
ag penetrating “St. Jacobs OI" |
Nothing else takes out soreness, lame |
mess and stiffness so quickly. You |
simply rub it on and out comes the |
pain. I is perfectly harmless and |
doesn’t burn or discolor the skin. {
Limber up! Don't suffer! Get 8]
small trial bottle from any drug store, |
sad after using it just once you'll for |
get that you ever had backache, lum- |
Bage or sciatica, because your back |
will sever hurt or cause any more mis |
ery. Bt never disappoints and has been |
recommended for 60 years. Stop drug. |
ging kidneys! They don’t cause back- |
ache, because they have no nerves,
Common Trouble.
“1 got a letter from my husband from
Paris ™
“How i= he getting along with the
Freach people?”
“He says they are very nice and po- |
te, but they don’t seem to understand |
their own language,”—Baltimore Amer. |
Yells How to Get Quick Relief from
Head-Colds. t's Splendid
In ome minute your clogged nostrils
will open, the alr passages of your
head will clear and you can breathe
freely. No more hawking, snuffling,
blowing, headache, dryness. No “trug-
gling for breath at night; yoar cold
or estarrh will be gone.
Get 8 small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing eream in your nostrils, It pen
etrates through every alr passage of
the head, ~oothes the Inflamed or
swollem mucous membrane and relief
comes Instantly,
I's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up
with a eold or nasty catarrh.—Relléf
auanes so quickly.—Adv,
Rough and Ready.
“My busband can't see you, ile's
writing upstairs under laspiration.”
“Um. Ask him if he's Inspired
saough to pay this bill”
Roman By» Balsam has gained the public's
———————] during 7% ¥ Man
ERR fr oenale PIE.
Tha First Consumer's Strike.
Adsan—1 don’t see the use of climb
Sag for leaves; lot's wait tll they fli
—New York Heruld,
ais a
The mun who dwells in people's
mesowrdes has to pay exorbitant rent, |
— ———————————
Tradesmen Steadily Break Exclu-
siveness of Noted Residence
District of New York.
New Exclusive District Expected to
Spring Up in Section Where Near-
Slums Existed Before—Long
Fight for District,
New York.—Stealthy but steady ad-
vances by tradesmen, covering a period
of more than twenty years, have vir-
tually broken the residential exclusive-
ness of Fifth avenue, known the world
over as the home precinct of the Van-
derbilts, Carnegies, Harrimans, Plants,
Fricks and other wealthy familles.
One by one mansions which housed
international personages and gave to
Fifth avenue much of its glitter and
fame are surrendering to commercial
enterprise, and the rich are seeking
homes in new “exclusive” pads of the
city. Real estate men, who have
watched with interest this aggression
of trade, say that another decade will
have wiped out the last bit of residen-
tial exclusiveness in the avenue,
Mrs. Vanderbilt Moves.
The ehange In Fifth avenue was re-
flected In the recent purchase of prop-
erty bordering the East river at Fifty-
eighth street by Mrs, William K. Van-
derbilt, Sr., where she intends to build
a home in a section known as Sutton
square. This bit of property is direct-
ly ncross from Blackwell's island,
to the Queensborough bridge
derbilt's migration to the East river
exclusive distriet In
city where near-slums
a part of the
Mrs, Vanderbilt, who an few wears
tory with her brilliant socinl activities,
sald when she purchased the East
“lost its residential atmosphere, which
resulting from the trade
and crowds,
Wage Fight. for District.
been waged since the late
tions on property near the magnificent
Members of the Vanderbilt
family and others owning homes there
expended millions of dollars in buying
Much of this property was purchiised
at exorbitant figures, and after a lapse
of yenrs has fallen back for business
use. Hotels, banking houses, jewelry
stores, millinery and fine tailbring es-
tablishments have gradually crept
northward along the thoroughfare.
The home which Mrs. Vaoderbiit Is
forsaking at Fifth avenue and Fifty-
second street will become the site of a
trust company. Its sale was made pos-
sible ns the result of the death of Mr, |
Vanderbilt in Paris, when the house, |
owned by his estate,” was sold to the |
highest bidder. The first actual break |
in the Vanderbilt holdings came when |
Gen, Cornelius Vanderbilt leased his |
home at Fifth avenue and Fifty-fourth |
street to a shoe firm,
The residence of the late Henry C. |
Frick, steel magnate, will eventually |
go to the city for use as a museum. ~ |
sep |
Man Drops into Six Eeet of Water; |
Breaks Nothing but High Diving
San Francisco. —Instead of being |
center of funeral services, John War- |
ren, timekeeper at the Hetch Hetchy |
dam building site, is trying to learn if
he holds a new diving record. He did
a drop of 130 feet into only six feet
of water and broke pothing other than
the record, if that.
There is a bucket swung on a fall
that carries out of the Hetch Hetehy
dam pit to the cliff side, and in which
it has been the practice of workmen
to make the trip down from cliff to
pit, as the empty is .returning. John
was making this ride,
The bucket got tangled in a guy wire
and, of course, tilted, Before it could
clear and right itself, John was spilled
and sliding down an air current.
He hit the water either head first or
feet first, No one knows, John least of
all. When the mourners gathered to
pick up the remains John blinked.
shook his head and 101d the boys to get
back to work or he'd mark them up for
time lost.
Father Eloped Same Day
Two Daughters Ran Away
A triple elopement involving
three members of one household,
none of whom knew of the oth
er's Intentions, was disclosed
with the announcement that Wil
liam M. Chase of Atlantic City,
N. J. retired New York city
manufacturer, and his daughters,
Edith and Evelyn, had married
their respective mates within 24
hours. Each of the three was
surprised to find that the habit
had spread throughout the fam-
Hooch Blamed for Theft.
San Antonio, Tex.—~"Too much
hooch !” sald Judge Buckley as he Jev-
fed a £50 fine on George Harrison for
having stolen a forty-two-year-old mon-
key from a earnival show and then
disturbing residents near the
trying to sell the monkey,
From Day to Day, Says Gov- |
ernment Meteorologist.
Meteorologists Should Decide, After
Study of Air Conditions, What
Route and Altitude a Plane
Should Take.
Washington, D. C—The “ocean of |
alr” which followers of aviation be |
lleve some day will be filled with great |
air liners, plying their way on regular
schedules, must be studied from a me-
teorological standpoint and the whims |
and fancies of the element must be |
reduced to easily understood data be- |
fore the dream of world-wide com-
ernment meteorologist here,
the mainstay of aviation, regardiess of
motor and in his plane,
The “ocean of air,” he says,
currents, such
which are found in oceans of water.
Must Gather Data.
which the air liners of the future
would travel Mr.
before big commercial aviation com:
panles can _gperate on a large scale,
He suggests placing consulting
on the staffs of all
the same two
Tal 4
inderwend §
AA t 1)
the trip with th¥ least danger. Also
Things to Consider.
Some of the things which airplane
dispatchers will have to consider, he
gays, are the speed and direction of
the wind In the area to be traversed,
the frequency and intensity of thunder
tribution, the normal values of pre
cipitation at flying flelds and the effect
of atmospheric pressure on aerial in
strufients, particularly the altimeter.
The changing conditions In the ait
make it impossible to gather the nec
essary Information In a single path
finding flight over an area, he con
tinues, but by gathering data In nu
merous flights at all times of the year
and in all circumstances a system of
averages could be devised which would
nid greatly in dispatching planes,
No Lives Lost in the Commer
cial Service.
Records Show a Total of 3,136,550
Mileage—Many Minor Accidents
and Forced Landings.
New York.~~A total of 115,163 pas
sengers flew 3,136,600 miles in commer:
clal airplanes during the last twelve
months without the loss of a single
life, the Manufacturers Alrcraft as
sociation announced here. These fig:
ures are based on the performance
of 425 planes, and it Is believed that
the number of passengers and the
mileage would be doubled If the fig-
ures of the 1,000 commercial airplanes
Ypdruting in this country were cbtain-
“In the absence of any federal sys
tem of registration, air laws and gov.
srument soethods for tabulating the
ownership and performance of alr
craft, it has been found difficult to
trace the total number,” the associa-
tion stated.
“The totals are based on question-
naires distributed by the association,
much of the flying, it has been difficult
to trace and record more than half of
these. This one half, by elghty-seven
companies, or individuals, are per
manently located In all parts of the
United States.
“Much of the mileage was made on
short flights of ten to fifteen miles,
for which an average fee of $12.50
was charged. An increasing demand
for aerial transportation between the
cities has been noted, the average
charge for this service belng 05 cents
a mile, On practically all intercity
flights baggage or freight was carried,
the quantity limited only by the capa-
city of the craft. This business ag-
gregated 41,300 pounds,
landings, but according to the signed
reports from the ecightyseven com
panies, In the 3,136,500 miles Hown
not a single life was lost. There were
222 forced landings and thirty-eight
accidents. There have been fatal ac
cidents In other instances, but thes
oconrred In the course of stunt or ex
hibition performances or under cir
had been taken"
Boy Given Life Sentence. ,
Wheellng, W. Va--Life imprison
ment was the sentence passed upon
gixteen-year-old Samuel Blevens, for
merly of Little Rock, Ark, In court
here, after the boy had pleaded guilty
to a charge of murder. The Ind was
acensed of having killed C.F. Grand
staff, a car inspector, in a shack near
Wheeling ‘last October,
dl SAAMI LA in.
Arm Venice Court Attaches.
Vienna. Swords are now worn by
court officers for protection at the or
der of the president of the Vignna
tacks upon judges and witnesses te
cently in court rooms. -
Had Bad Cough—Pains in Chest
and Side—Breath Was Short
Nerves Were Unsteady.
rundown condition,
in my chest and side
greatly, and I had become nervous”
declared J. W. Barnard, whose address
fs given below,
they gave me no relief, so I bought a
bottle of Hypo-Cod, which brought re-
sults, Now I have taken four bottles
and my shortness of breath has been
relieved, J am feeling much better,
and it has done me more good than
anything I have taken” continued Mr,
over, Pa.
When a person's lungs are congest-
ed, they are almost certain to become
in #» rundown, nervous condition, and
are in fine condition to contract most
What they need is a real
Don’t walt until you are
and: too weak to sit up in bed. Take |
Earle's Hypo-Cod at this season of the
of sickness, If the |
vitality, you need fear no sickness |
pot even a cough or cold. Take home |
a couple bottles of the genuine Earie's
in the famous orange-col-
carton tonight. uild yourself
and drive away that lin
gering cough and cold. Ady,
Can't Please a Woman. |
“Was .the operation successful 7” |
Only ope person did,
“It was brilliantly so in the
“And who was that?” inquired the |
“The patient's widow,”
You naturally feel secure whem you
know that the medicine you are about to
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The same standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
It is scientifically
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken in
teaspoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything. !
It is nature's great helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and blad-
compounded from
A sworn statement of purity is with!
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
If you need a medicine, you should
On sale at all drug stores |
in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. |
However, if you wish first to try this,
reat preparation send ten cents to Dr. |
{ilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
mention this paper. —Adv.
Slow Gun.
The five-year-old son of a prominent
advertising man sald to his father,
“Papa, what is a slow gun?”
you mean.”
“Oh, yes, you do. You told mamma
that courting was to be the slow gun
in Indiznapoiis when all those visitors
came here.”
It dawned on the father that the
child referred to “courtesy” and “slo-
wiar approval for 76 years. Manufactured
$72 Pearl 86, New York City Adv,
* Heavenly inspiration,
The film corporation was on the
verge of bankruptcy. Try as it might,
it could not sell its pictures,
Then one day the president con
celved a brilliant idea, and soon he was
psing a scoop shovel to handle his
Instead of selling the pictures he
made, he charged $5 admission to his
studio to see them made ~Film Fun,
i's oo i ; 0a
#5 OnsTIPA
oe) UAL
7] WE
Washington, D. C~"1
was a sufferer of consth
pation for about eighteen months.
1 took a good many things for it
but nothing did me much good
1 decided to try Dr. Plerce’'s Pleas
ant Pellets. If all Dr. Plerce's med
fcines are as good as his ‘Pleasant
Pellets’ are for constipation, I think
the world should know it."-—-JAMES
A. NELSON, 1631 Sixth St, N. BE
At ull druggists, 26c a vial
The Quick apd Sare Cure for
it Is a Powerful Tonic asd Agpetizes
Will cure that tired feeling, pains In back,
limbs and head Contains so quinine
arsenic or habit-forming ingredient.
of best American gingham jan medium Sark
and light checks snd stripes at $1.95
ternity dresses which are & Joy and comfort
to one who is in need of such; In light
blue, tan, chambray cloth, «%e
condition, expands as required
after figure returns to normal
f send ruoney. pay
if not to your =
and will refund
once, #lating bust
shade wanted
26 Harrison Ave Hy
7 Gall Cure
Made of Rabberized Fabrie
Will not Gall the Horse or Mule
The Curled Hair Pa
ventilates aod dries oul the collar
making it last & year longer
They add from i0 to 257, lo work
done. Made by
Burin Batomoers, Glue
Bold by eU first-class dediery
When the body begins to stiffen
and movement becomes painful it
is usually an indication that the
kidneys are out of order. Keep
The world’s standard remedy for kidney,
fiver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Famous since 1606. Take regularly and
keep in good health. In three sizes, all
druggists. Guaranteed as represented.
Look for the name Cold Meda! on every bon
ond secept De bmitation
Why Agents Go Mad.
Tall Man (to ticket
you ever get tired answering a lot of
Agent--No, sir: that's my business
Tall Man—That's it York
Central Magazine,
Coated tongue, vertigo and constipation
Races of Mankind.
According to AWhittaker's almanac,
655,000,000, as compared to 645,000,000
S1.000,000 of Semites, 52000000 of
Malays and 28.000,000 of Red Indians
Mongolian, or yellow race, in
cludes the people of China, Tibet, Ja
gether with many of the tribes of Si
beria and other parts of Asia,
Mystic Cream makes the skin like
Then Watch Qut.
Jimmy-—Gee, a Jane must be inter
ested in a guy when she begins to pick
threads off'n his coat.
Tommy—Nothin® to when she begins
bss mmm —