PA FOR NINETEEN YEARS SHE HAD NO PEP AT ALL Suffered With Catarth of Head, Nose and Throat All These Years. CONSTIPATION ALSO BOTHERED THIS LADY “I suffered from catarrh of head, nose and throat, stomach trouble and constipation and I had no pep at all I had been in this condition for nine teen years and had tried everything and nothing did me any good” de clared Belle Brown, 410 N. 0th St, Philadelphia, Pa. Continulag her state- ment, she sald: “I bought Earle's Hypo-Cod because I had heard so many of my friends gpeak of it, saying what It did for them, and my relief through the use of this tonic was as follows: The stomach distress has gone: am not troubled with catarrh in my head or nose; con stipation doesn’t worry me, and that cundown, tired feeling has left me. 1 fael better than I have for years. 1 féel that life is worth fighting fer, and I now recommend Hypo-Cod because it has done more for me than all the oth- er medicines that I have taken for 19 years, and 1 do believe it will cure me if I continue taking it. AHN this trouble was chronle. 1 feel like a new woman and have lots of pep and my condition is great. It is the best rem edy that I ever used and I am telling all my friends the same as I am telling you,” continued this Indy, whose name and address Is ahove. If you know with a chronic a rundown condition, this new and modern tonic gists, chemists and experts the most powerful reconstructive tonic of it kind made, a trial. Scores of people that thought their condition chronic have found real relief, accord- ing to their statements. You will surprised at its pleasant taste and how micely it will agree with a wenkened stomach. (Read formula on a bottle at your druggist.) Barle's Hypo-Cod is sold by all geod druggists. —Adv, given of cough anyone troubled and that are In get them to give that drug- assert is be France 7 uces more than eties of ¢ héese, Garfield Tea, taken “regularly, will cor. rect both liver and ki dney disorders. —Adv, 200 vart- Your sethac ks shou id set your teeth. SYMPTOMS WOMEN DREAD Be Read by All Women Clearfield, Pa. —** After my last child was born last September I was unable a ————— Good Performances Offset De- creased Production and Contraction of Industry. of Commercial Flying Is Still Lacking—Year's Feats Are Recorded. | New York. {| fully malntained her | navigation of the air, | than air craft are the lack of aerial | and other such handicaps, according { to a review of the 1920, { by the Manufacturers { elation, The review “Decreased prod | eral traction in industry generally more encouraging wade in year. While have not lined policy of quired to assure America has SUcCcess- leadership in avier so far as he concerned, despite Inws, landing year Aircraft Sys: uction and a the is aeronautical oll set records of Col by Awerican aviation the fit federal ance ast twelve broug the carefully out- jurisdiction onomical they many remarka American American machines.” Year's fil ARSE TOLHOWS steady nung ed progress In commercial have achievements by aviation, witnessed Die pilots in Performances. a among d list fol- long, detalle Then of performances, the in Lae lowing: “Commander A, the trans: commanded CC. Read, n the ng boat dun from 0 notewortay Rock- iL. 1, const, the gulf t Mis- rive alr Il. When the $ iu away, along sissippl NC-4 iast It had re to Rockaway January flown 5.740 nautic of 27 miles, Flhiree the four Liberty trouble had operated wit 118 th ore engines during the air, the four hours. Along motors were two the run on line picked up from route. Read ted est difficulty encountered proper maps. “Compared conducted by the American ventures larly successful. No expeditions attempted to miles from Cairo to Cape Africa. Colonel P. . 3 and Major C. J. O. Brand finail} i pleted their Marcel in a DH-9 plane sent up b) { ernment of the Union of South after thelr Vickers-Vimy crashed. They | February 10. | that started repo: was to long-flizht European tte governmen were particu less than four fiy the 5.206 town, flight on 1 machine had set but | of the mn Capetown, ws Sone odd reach EE ————— c— the Unit Four “Different success attended Alaskan flying expedition of the ed States Army Alr service, Gallaudet remodelled DH-4-B planes, ench powered with a single Liberty motor, and each carrying two per sons flew from Mitchel Field, L. L, to Nome, Alaska, flying time, a total { miles, without a mote distance of missing fire or to de- caused w enough party. and fog most of the in flying over country not even charted on the maps, Operation of Air Mail Service. “The Air Mall in 1 tween New York and Washington, | New York, Cleveland, Chleago, Omaha, Salt Lake City and San Francisco, transported approximately one hun- {dred letters at ordinary pos- tn The system was extended 1920 from Chicago to San Francis. from Key West, Fla. to Havana, Cubn, and from Seattle, Wash., to Vie. toria, B. ( About thirty-five planes are in the air each day flying {| other cident ny the fl ¢ Serious Ruin difficulty 020 operating be- milion ge rates, in | CO, i i a total, In round trips, of about 8,000 miles, “During the year the navy hans been making an aerial survey of the Pana- ma Canal zone, “The geological survey nted with the marine corps the coastline of Hayti. planes, Curtiss, ing types, has cooper. in mapping American sea- Aeromarine and have operated on pussenger routes in China, 8 “Major RH. W. Schroeder, flying an Ameriean designed nnd bullt Packard Lepero biplane, went up from McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio, on February 26, and reached the world's record alti tude of 383,000 feet Loe Polish So!diers Found Guilty of Steal ing Nine Sacks From Army Are Shot, Cracow, Poland, found gulity has of American flour fron supplies were recently, The ¢ der a law po making It from the army. court-martinled, in flour theft ns it was Four ing stolen nine sacks army shot xecutions were enrried out un- the diet last offense fifth ssed hy cnpital A connec Year, steal niso i fo soldier, tion with the sentenced that ow, #iaar, was {G0 pDrisoc shown had tal the he minor part in | Reveal That Wild Flora Do Not Always Grow in Most Coagenial Habitat. ENVIRONMENT 5 CHANGED Flowers Taken From Mountain Tops Grow Much More Luxuriantly and Produce More Leaves, Flowers and Fruit at Sea Level, given before and BOC of ¢ Oi At a lecture ¢ of geographers Chicago an assembl in esenting several MacDougal, research depar institution results of biologists repr ties, Dr. D. T the Botanical the ( ton, of experiments director tment Washing ‘arnegle nt described the A series over four- 130 species to extending cing experinents wild plant Is the nent and embra tt} Lhe teen of plan show that found to IL “A great many think sald Dr. MacDougal, it has been found to be absolutely false” Grow More Luxuriantly, established at Kix) years ts, tending the not wWnys Wn enviro! it sulted people this “hut four 5.206) With different stations altitudes feet, level 2.300 feet and at sea transferred {rom one feet have heen of tural e have periments fourteen years i LE a op od, ents plant from a Iu I In these 8 from the ight of to one and one-half miles above much tore level abitat, pro- their the These plants tected or foster uations, Once pia were to all intents and ir and had to ir own bat- take chances as before, hundred and thirty-n sed th Re ONES purj wild or ¢ th agnt the ties and ine pants experiments, wh wide fillies and nue | were bracing { as nut in em orins of =i divergence oak and wal- and other grasses, wild trees, plants “While a pl its new situation” “It will as well as cacti wf ans thrive well in Dr. MacDou- sometimes display a be with that by ordinarily known. Thus witchhazel, which may sald gal, it Is common we frosts come, when tak- i work. 1 had severe fever and sick dizzy during my periods, which lasted | weeks, Ain thought I would give it a trial. all of my work. think it must be a it is. timonial if you wish.’'— Mrs, HARRY A. Wuason, R. F. D. 5, Clearfield, Pa. The experience and testimony of such women as Mrs. Wilson prove beyond a doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound will correct such trou- bles by removing the cause and restor- ing the aye tem to a healthy normal con dition. grand medicine. And lacements, nervousness lues’’a woman cannot act too promptly in trying Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound if she values her future com- fort and happiness. and To abort a cold and prevent come plications take alot Ss W. N. VU, BALTIMORE, NO. 5-1921, rs A air, the Brighton of the ancient Romans, SO RI 13 cific coast reverts t the normal summer-b ning habit. flower forme, fruits from 0 or Other spetes and leaves those previous. fon0T ent ly displayed *Aqu were by them. tic plants of the cress family on the roots formed relatives, In other words, to the ances. made grow in coil t, where the radi like their back habit ng a radish, interest to Biologists. “The manner in which plants travel are distributed is to blolo- experimental work en to ob tral of form! interest and in this It was found that rabbits and ro- inhabit the oak zone at ange acted as a barrier pre- tively to up or To verify down the mountain slopes this a barrage zine was es Httle nibbling hrived and the animals, prospered The plants end spread enclosed section, Out In to either side of the bar they rapidly disappeared thie rabbits, This ex the mysterious sudden stop tude nor heat nor cold, but actual de through being eaten. The coastal laboratory at Carmel hy-the-Bea and the desert laboratory at Tucson, Ariz, are two of the ex. perimental stations which were used in this work. Bureau of Engraving and Print- ing in Throes of Controversy. Plate Printers’ Union Charges That There Are Too Many “Trifling Girls” in the Bureau. sss Washington,~~A merry sex war Is in progress in Uncle Sam's money fac tory. The war started when the Plate Printers’ unfon in the bureau of en- graving and printing made formal charges that there were too many “trifting girls” in the bureau and that they were retarding the efficiency and the amount of production of paper money. In their charges the plate printers intimates that too much time was spent by girls employed in the bureau In administering “little dabs of paint and powder” In fact tt was Intimated that the plate print. ters objected to “flappers” being em- ployed in the bureau. The plate printers let themselves In for trouble, Federal Employees’ Union No, 105, embracing the women employees of the bureau. at an indignation meeting, condemned the atiitude of the pinte printers, denied their charges and de- plored their giving publicity to what they alleged to be a misstatement of facta. Miss Gertrude MeNally, secretary of the union, declared that the records of the examining division showed that the greatest percentage of spoll- age of printers’ work is for “sly- wipes,” “lifts” and “breaks” which spoilage could In no way be attributed to the assistants, “Plate printers are paid by the plece rate and In many instances the presses are speeded up for production at the expense of the quality of the work,” Miss McNally stated, It is predicted that the charges of Barren Three Meals Means Wife Does 2-Mile Walk Daily Montgomery, Ala.—Prepara- tion of meals for an average family means a two-mile daily kitchen marathon for the house. wife, according to statistics compiled for the conference of vocational workers of the south, in sessgion here. A pedometer attached to students In the kiteh- en of the model home at Living- ston schoo! showed thie meas urement for the stove-sink-and- pantry route covered during the period from bacon and eggs to ‘dinner and dessert. din 4 the Plate Printers’ union will result in considerable friction in the future between the printers and thelr assist ants, since If inefficiency does exist the responsibility for the same has been placed by one side ou the other » Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a “run down” condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health, This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions, HALL/S CATARRH MEDICINE is a T'onic and Blood Purifier, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the body, thus reducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditions, All druggists. Circulars free A A Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohlo. the treasures Those the East world, who possess to the highway of have the To Have a Clear Sweet Skin pimples, redness, roughness if any, with Cuticura Olnt- bathe with Cuticura Soap water. Rinse, dry on a little Cuticura a fascinating fragrance where 20c each. — Ady, then gently Taleum to on skin, dust he Welgh will be found w weight, BO pneayy people and anting in everything A torpid liver condition food ssaimilation Tone op Wright's Indian Vegetable gently and surely. Adv prevents proper your liver with Pilis They set Char: seratehes icter that Bartol, is ft diamond aither stone every A NERVOUS WOMAN Huntersville, W. Va—“After I got over the influenza last spring 1 was all run down and suffered from funo tional disturbances. 1 suffered with bearing pains and was so nervous I felt as if 1 would go to pleces. My breath was so short that 1 could not walk up hill at all or hardly walk up stairs, Having used Dr. Plerce’'s Fa vorite Prescription with good resvits when I came into womanhood, I de cided to try it again. 1 have 1: ken three bottles and am feeling thr WJ" MES NIIP YY BTSCH Stomach on Strike 20 Years Eatonic Settled It] Tonic Fruit Jellies Benclt the System Te use of fruit in the diet is bene- ficial, Fruits introduce nto the system salts and acsas which im- prove the quality of ti be blood. They and anti-scorbu- ug sume appt ir end the & wt, ristine mages ss far, preserving 8G © UII, serve a3 laxatives gies. They aoe refresd sad 2 Sleasiag variety t good thangs go Twee aA, Ary and | The Menace, “Oh, yes” she mitted diary.” And “Fatonie¢ is wonderful,” says C. W, 3urton. “1 had been a sufferer from 20 years and now I om well,” Eatonie gets right after the cau troubles by taking acidity and gus« the cause is well e of and i nd d, If you have wing, Indigestion, food any Oiher P Estonic tab! fir nd up ng out the ree, when sufferer remove gels or 1 take each meal and relief. rosts only a trifle ith your guarantee, ng Fmmployment in ( Chica Young Men Deslri 0G ¥ rest “ wile aiken et ge “mp Would Be Plenty. oi scribed by physicians for SAFETY FIRST! ach tions for Headache, Ear Wich contains proper Igia, Colds, Neura Curd Larger packages. Millionaire Bought “Laundry” of “Launch,” but He Refuses to Be Discouraged. Mil ward there ine optimist He met a friend, and see my new The friend prised. “1 didn't know sort of thing.” “1 don't, lionaire, Hlonaires are n is one SUPPOSE i to shilosophic wakimism, but i P I who is evidently a genu eam laun was somewhat sur- you went in for that he sald mil e by as a rule” ied the “1 bought quit mistake, It was the auctioneer’s fault I hadn't time to a « I thought said steam launch! So I nodded, they landed me with " That millionaire that laundry 7 pay! repl this one get ntalogne, he and is to going make The Life of a Song. “This music dealer advertises that “Two Loving Hearts in a Little Bunga- is 8 song that will live forever.” “What does he mean by that?” “About six months."—Birmingham Age-Herald, The Writer and the Reader, Care" should be taken, not that the reader may understand if he will, but that he must understand, whether he win or not. ~Quintilian. the Youngest Man Ever to Hold the High Office. Franklin D. for whether, he president Roosevelt, Democratic president, wa if elected at thirte be the youngest vice United States. Hs but hoped some of his the matter up. Breckenridge president on the Demo with James Buchanan Is assumed office March 4 he thirty-six years and fourteen days old Breckenridge completed his was candidate for President vioe won ld of the John Cabell was He when me month When term he was but was defeated by Lin The same year he was elected to the United States senate, but soot afterward joined the Confederates army. From January to April, 1865 he wag secretary of war in the cabd ney of Jeff Davis, He died in Lexing ton, Ky., May 17, 1875. A Surprise. A boy, after growing up, is alwvam greatly surprised to find that the mem berg of a brass band don’t play fos the fun of it. Cypress and wainunt, when used is contact, cause each other to rot.