LOCAL AND PERSONAL. " PINE GROVE MILLS. lot Uncle Sam's cruisers, and married | : : ——— WwW. E. BARGES LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. The first sleigh bells of the season The re-dedicating of St. Luke's Luth. [the “'girl he left behind him" T . i : | . I bride ie a erilandi vouno lade he were heard last Friday, eran church here will take place on the | Pride is a splendid young lady, her Auctioneer... dl UTOR'S Nore KE aks | a ir and " 24+ *Hanhae | mb Ses id wt ’ ” . ta last Sabbath of the month | ents, Mr. and Mrs Stuart Ellenbet Yo | FF | ; . ] Terms Rednonable . : ' Mrs. Cyrus Goss w , r { residing at Maringo, i 3 oa ; Satisfaction Guaranteed, £ Mrs, Cyrus Goss, who spent the Yule. | 57 8 : ? . TY] nds Give me a trial, | Inte of Centre Hall Boro, Va., deceus d. y . Letters tes amentary on ihe at send hav “3s vs 4 3 4 £ v : i ROLGYE exlais BY CENTRE HALL, R.¥.D. 1, ch | ing been duly granted 6 the undersiened The thermometer registered straight zero on Tuesday morning, slate of LILLIAK ALLISON ALEXAND tide season with her three sons at Pitts. Dr. and Mrs. Frank B IWETsIx, burgh, returned home last week. | Millheim, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bower. Mrs. ]. H. Bailey spent the early part | sox, Mr, and } x » x i * » th ae aE » +s . ' Is y oy vr 2 3 4 | Mmyment, id those havir faire a 5 Charles Miller, of Colyer, has been ill of the week visiting relatives and | College, spent Tuesday at the elder ty 1 7 | 1AMES WwW. SWABB Sainte oi asa nt thet duly authenticat 11 / With pleurisy for the past week. friends in Altoona, | Bowersox home to cheer the old couple's | }¥ | hiv : e | JUSTICE OF THE PEACE settlement, Mrs. C. F. Emery is visiting her Mr. and Mrs John Campbell departed | hearts, who on last Wednesday observ- ; are | LINDEN HALL, CENTRE CO., PA, {1 JAMES C, FURST, Executn daughter, Mrs, Thos. S. Foss, in Altoo- | last week for a trip down to Dixie land. | ed their sixty-third wedding anniver-| 11 i ‘ | Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, &c, written aro »x { Be "~ { . ip : : Y ! ar . - | cuted with care. All legal business promi pile | | na. [hey will spend a month at Miama, | sary. Mr. Bowersox was born in Union ¥ ing Bring | attended to, Bpecial attention given to sett |; €, Merids po v are} Bau % wife wag. | Hing of Estates, Marrisge Licenses, Aui~ $i ‘11 'g TICE A borough bond of $500, held by the Florida, | county, March 11, 1 537. His wife was | & :. | biley Licenses, nnd other Applicat» E XH UTOR'S NOTICE ~ Centre Hall School Board, was paid oft Mrs. Margaret Bierly writes that she | Catherine O ker, of Madisonburg, and is ( dlients | Blanks kept on hand Nov.2h. 920 ' ” last week, is thoroughly enjoying herself among | Binety days his junior. I'hey were wed- The local stone quarry has temporar- ly, suspended operations, Perso ® kbowing themselves 1o be indet Mrs. I. D. Gray, of State! the same are hereby requested 10 mk elon te Ls tiers Listamentary unon the estate of M GARKET KE, DAILEY, inte of Potter Twp, ( tha atta Yess = andr » | ded at Middl ure. and spent their e nT - Co.. decenned, having been gra ted t 34 H. W. Kreamer was enabled to leave | the orange blossoms at Jacksonville, | ded at Middle burg, and pent their ear | Not cvery business has a show Added bode NLD BBL 2 LBB LBA | signed, all persons knowing the sei ves the house this week for the first time in Florida. ly wedded life in Penn township, farm. window, If you want towinmore {ed to the same sre hereby re jueted to four wer k : : D. B. Louder, of Oak Hall, is suffer.|ing. Forty vears ago they moved to|elients, use more printing and use | In d | Reninet sid ent, and those havine ¢ ing with serious stomach trouble and | Ferguson township, continuing farming, | the kind of printing that faithfully surance an | BERinst spld estate must present them Going down-—the thermometer. Mer- is near death's door. and in 1906 removed to their c« zy home | Feépresents your business policy. ae i enticaled for settiement cury shriveled up to six below zero Farmer Charles Dale has invested in a | 0 East Main street. Its the hope of | You save money and make money |. Real Estate Wednesday morning. 22 h. p. Fordson tractor. their friends that they may observe | for your patrons. Do the same for vourself by using an ecenomical iigh grade paper — Hammermill Want to Buy or Sell? jond — and good printing, both of | _ which we can give you. : If vou want printing service snd prepared and is in the hands of the ‘onomy — give use a trial. printers, ily CYRUS BRU? Boangier & Walker, Attys Belwlonte, Pa, 6 Centre . : v > PE ore eniovabla INVIGran ries Sixty days in jail and a $25 fine were Mrs. Minnie Hess and two interesting | Many more enjoyable annviersaries. 1 i £5 DMINISTRATOR'S OTIC Eo Letters of Administration MARY A, ENYDEK ite of Centre County, decessed ' given William Gibbons, colored, at Lew. | children have been visiting relatives at i——————— } istown, for selling hard cider to boys, Selinsgrove the past week. The financial report of the borough of ERIE & 4 Justa f . 1 tall Last Wednesday, the 12th, Thomas | Centre Hall. for the past year, has been SEE US FIRST ust a few days ago we were all talk- - | ' ! ty . hi : ing about how warm it was for January, Letters of Admin he above est Daving been duly granted the undersigned would respectfully requestall pe reons know then selves Indeboed 16 the estate Lo wake fry diste payment, and those hay £ Claims sgsir the same Ww present them duly authenticated 1 r settiement Frank with his fiance, Miss Dora El lenberger, slipped across the Mason- and now it is real winter weather, with Dixon line and w sir itad ia +3 ixon line and were united in the bonds 1 a M Week, \ \ { Ty snow and blow. of matrimony at Cumberland Ar Receipt books on sale at the Reporter Chas. D. Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. Clair Horner, of Pleas- | The groom is an ex service man, having ; ofhice, CENTRE HALL, Pa, it SNYDER, Adm'r ; . “yr 5, ih L3 3 fe sletat? ant Gap, rece ntly returned from a three | served two years as ¢ ACK on one upd Boab burg Tree TT TTT TITTY YYY TF ree weeks’ visit to Fr seport, Illinois, the -— . - - former home of Mrs. Horner. i - - A’ VATE SALE.- lot con-| ROB'T P. GEARHAR I', M. D. John M. Coldron went to Baltimore | | a large dwelliz g i gy a iim Boalsburg, Pa, Maryland, la mitted to the Johus-Hopkins hospital to | | Ia iT ® a s 3t | Commercial phone, 2. undergo a minor operation, : =n | Warren Homan, o Harper & Homan, brother, John Homan, on the Homan _— — farm, east of Centre Hall, in the spring Special tr in service will be 2 tran red for Penns 3 County Auto Show, cording to announcement by Maj S H. Lederer, director. ; | « C. T. Crust attended the funeral of ® Zar, at day. Mrs. Metzgar d E255 ER AT NIEMAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE Important a Commencing January 7, 1921 Notice EL ao Radical P rice Reductions! | An opportunity to get a pair of pay him for his elt rts. - TS ————————————— —————— - - . EE ———————— — A ———————— evening, w all—no ad og will be asked for to deiray the : $v the clouds, HAVE MUSIC IN YOUR HOME SPRiNG MILLS. AND MORE MUSIC A A Ss seas Tibben Zubler has been quite iil with pusumonia, but is recovering slowly. Suffice it to say that no matter where you are located, if you can use anything There Should Be in Every Home a Good Pigno, or Player Piano. Philip Shook moved to Franklin, Ve. Dango county, on Wednesday, The offered in this sale it will be worth the trip heres, WE GUARANTEE THAT. As an inducem:nt [ am offering the Pianos now family have many warm friends who re. gret to see them go so far away, in my room at Special Reduced Prices wprices you Clarence vusser, of Chambersburg, NOTICE NOTICE will appreciate, Pianos ot high-grade quality and Spent B wwla} With his parents, Mr, and No goods will be charged during Sal: Begins Friday, Janu- fully guaranteed, Terms to suit purchaser, Ammon Decker, who was operated on this sale. ary 7, 1921 Special prices close F eb, 15, We invite you to in the Bellefonte hospital, is getting come and see and hear these F ianos. along nicely and expects to come home | ih a few days. D N ° : Prof. Dennis expects to move to State J ie mm a n h i * ollege about the twenty-fourth of * . 9 Mi i I € m . anuary. His many friends are sorry to Agent. Also Piano Tuning e bim leave, “FOR. QUALITY AND VARIETY” i “FOR SERVICE AND VALUE” Bell Phone 2sR3 BOALSB'URG, PA. John Earhart, of Johnstown, was cir ling among friends last week,