SIX MONTHS | - COULD NOT WORK Lydia E.. Pinkban's Vegetable Compound Made Me Strong and Able to Work—I Recommend It To All My Friends. Bayonne, N. J.~*I had pains in back s so that I could not stand caused Am by female trouble. 1 felt so tired all the time, had bad head- aches, and for six relief. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham'’s table Compound and I am well and strong and pow able to do my work. I cannot thank you enough and I recommend mick.”’—Mrs. SUSIE SACATANSKY, East 17th St., Bayonne, N. J. minded, intelligent person, that a medi- ity for oye forty a record for suc as does L Compou without possessin virtue and actual worth. © Su jcines must be looked upon and termed wonderful Shinking person Causes of Eye Strain. The efficiency of the eye as a work: Ing instrument is reduced by the presence of a Ject in the field of ticularly if near to the line of sight. distracting ob vision, more par the eye and close Such objects are + 0 shades By 0 toise-shell glasses, curved-eye with dark linings, and the like tending to cause the reflexly adjust for then rather than for their work, these objects subject the eye to unnecessary and harmful muscular strain, eve experts declare Find the Cause! It isn't right drag along fe miserable—half sick. Find out what making you feel so badly and try correct it. Perhaps your kidneys causing that throbbing backache those sharp, stabbing pains. You may have morning lameness, too, headaches, dizzy spells and irregular kidney action. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. They have helped thousands of ailing folks, Ask your neighbor! A Virginia Case 2 Mrs. T. H. Elliott, 57 W. Main Bt. Balem, Va. says: “My kidneys were irregular in action Mand dull pains «= across the small of y. my back made He miserabl 1 ( dizzy spelis and a xy ached severe- i Ni. eve eling is to to are or héad Having hear 1 about my ured me # 80 much Doan’s Kidney Pilis I made mind to try them Doan’'s ¢ of the attack.” Get Doan’s st Any Store, 80c a Box DOAN’S =inier PILLS frosuER- MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. un 80 Years Old —Was Sick Now Feels Young After Taking Eatonic for Sour Stomach the grip and it bothered me badly Have taken Eatonic only a week and am much bettér. Am 80 years old, says Mrs John Hill Eatonic quickly ach, indigestion, hearthurn, and distress after eating takes up and carries out the excess i i stomach anllments, everything” and up hope, tens of thousands like yon, If you have “tried still suffer, do not give guarantee HOW TO TREE CONSTIPATION TE HET d= Liver Pills i Re am MRA A rt A ICuticura Soap IS IDEAL For the Hands Soap 2c, Ointment 25 and 50¢, Talcam 25¢. CHESTER CO. PA, 16 to 200 acres; FARMS FOR SALE Kennett a Pennsyivania Emm ——————— W. N. U,, BALTIMORE. NO, 40-1920. § 5 a pri so ow ——— agate ir ppm JATALINE invented the modern home-talent vil- lain, { i He and had latter. family which was born of a patrician brought up in a every luxury except one of the crookedest men in the talent Mere's A Nie, Cool HEmLOCE, FRAPPR OPFAR * | THouGHT You MIGHT ENJoY IT ferinG ITs A waARMITH His Wife Was a Plain, Homespun Body, and He Is Accused of Having Poisoned Her. business way, but a general store or a barn, he engaged In polities, the ruin of many could not earn $1.50 a day In way. One of his opponents the silver-tongued orator, ing for consul, who limited wife, miting the votes Catallne « instead of opening livery which has who first-class 840 men any other wig Cle- ero, who was runn man, Cicero was a fine hi snd when mself strictly to they got th h mild not Enraged by this of his elee- Teero | one roug oom be seen for the d rebuff, Cataline judges to ust, hired two nssmssinnte Yes ' was saved tior stealthy and underhane Cleero'’s life friend and Hved compile all of his orations | and hurl them at the head o wl student, he long sche gath nil put the After fight troops were then ered and on Cataline leged nriny up an sought to tg } Roman eagle mek ing bravely, however, his od + | TEETH IS IMPORTANT i | i i $ HE ang examination, dental trentment dally care of the nre of the gre importance school children. All de orary or ] ed Walon i teeth she be I teeth na ntest all cayed perma. otherwise (ineffective t whether nent should he treated, M: meeting) of died and can ch Hdhood., It has been that (in addition daily the cleaning teeth swwery three to six months by a dentist of properly trained dental hy will prevent of the teeth which takes place, It may be predicted with entire con that In the near future quate dental care will insured 111 school children in the country as il as in the cities, No Item in all the wonderful measures for the healt! or wild be reme- corrected in early the recently demonstrated hrushi of children to ned of the gienist most decay 1 fidence ade bie fo we Europe was more significant than the of the teeth Don’t be afrald of changing your mind why, then, should your opinions remain the same? Think. Ing means development change Without back ward. Lloyd —— HONEY DISHES. The substitution of honey for sugar thinking cal properties of honey are quite differ. ent from sugar. The following are tried recipes: Cream Cookies, Take ane cupful of extracted honey, one pint of sour cream, a tablespoon ful of soda, flavoring to suit the taste, well before rolling, an] Tennessee Cookies. toney and inrd or butter. When cool add one-third of a cupful of sugar, a pinch of salt, a tablespoonful of soda and an egg. Add flour to make a stiff dough, mil and cut as usual, Plum Butter, Take four quarts of plums after be. ing rubbed through a colander. Let the mixture come to n boll, then add one quart of hpuey, one quart of sugar, or two quarts of sugar, and boll until it crusts over the top when cool, or about 15 mintites. Stir frequently to keep from burning. T decimated and he was roughly han- dled himself, being found prone on his stomach with several short Roman gwords imbedded io his person, death Cataline was marriell twice, homespun body, and he is ac. cused of having polsoned her in the brusque times, History does not say about his second wife, but ns he away from home mest of the time af- the marriage ceremony it Is pre- sumed that retribution overtook him in two Jumps. was (Copyright.) sms Jom Last Night's Dreams — What They Mean DID YOU DREAM ABOUT ADAM AND EVE? MONG the modern A dream investigators one school, led by Freud, regards all dreams having for their primal source a wish, which wish be lving dormant, it in “psychic” of wer without being conscious waking hours that he possesses may as were, the his his Willis tive, he taken as only a portion “wish dreams" may regnrds is fi representa- of dreams while C—O the. amr | third rejects wigh theory nlto- The Freudian school would explain of Adam and Eve as the ness of a longing for a return to the of and bliss of our parents, paradise, as an at- tempt of the dream ego to “come to the guarded gate and softly smuggle through where the wreath of Eve lies red on the turf she left 1t lone " Ells would accept this expln- nation with doubt while others would that the dream was only a logs distorted recollection something which had heard or read during the day. The mystics, however, rejecting the of the sclentix boldly pro prophetic symbolism of the To them to dream of Adam and Eve means many good things com- you, including a birth In the Adam seems to play the prin- in this dream, Watch his If he has a good-natured look success {8 yours in love and business, To the farmer It means abundant crops and high prices, It AP pear as If most farmers had had this dream of late. If you have a laws on hand you will win, If Adam displeased be very cautious In your affairs, for others seeking to you mischief, though by being careful the better of them. Don't for a month or two perhaps from an of the birthplace of the with our own, this dream that success Is coming to native and you it other scenes you away from there: for Innocence for aw decinre more or we ween, theories ts, claim the dream, ing to family. face, would nit 111 Jooks 1 are uo ge enough Singularly association is an omen you in your should not of activity your town fenve for If are native town return lies your fortune, It 18 a good dream anyway whether 1 longing for paradise and prosperity, yright.) or an omen of home (Cog ES Gosh, Joure sizuy § 1€ you an cure {hem {hore Warts! Thems the Soret [ ever see — specially thef big ! Ta ve cure Theres sebertyone bi m She 3 countin thal : Py {rigle seeder 89 thane I Hindo tired of €m-~ Mont core am i 9 Lheyre foeddaris - Toadeblood an =» Tweed milks £he only thing 11 cure ford vars Course i thagre plan Wars wig do a rile Rol = web Put at Copyright in of » dentist officer used Many sirviee ther countries, dental children, Shall the country ind if our own rovide not our schools necessity requires, re publie good dental care? of effective colve The habits of daily of the teeth 1s one equally eatabligshment of the most essen- Every child should have his Raisin Cake, eat three eggs, add one cupful of honey, four tablespoonfuls of butter, one cupful of sweet milk, one and one- cupfuls of flour, one-half teaspoonful of salt, the same of soda and two tea. spoonfuls of baking powder, one tea- spoonful of vanilla extract, Sandwiches. Cut bread as fresh as possible and spread with fresh butter, creamed; then spread with honey, sprinkle with nuts and put together as sa idwiches, (@ 1920, Western Newspaper Union) animal } to be kept in a clean aft or better, place and to be er eating, at n day For cleaning the teeth, used immediately least once bristles that do not easily break or pull out, should be used. The be brushed, only up and across, but also by a circular motion from the w over the teeth to the gums of the other, and so round and round, not rotary or small rics The Woods TO A CAGED BIRD. Volee of the forest, tongue by which it speaks The throbbing gladness of its ver nal time, No more, no more, your rising pinion seeks The heights sublime, Volee of the forest, wings beat Against the with stars; Now do men bid you sing a song as sweet To prison bars, Only a singer that they, passing, heard And then desired, pipe and bowl mountain diademed a bird They cage a soul, Copyright.) its Class. “1 know one bird which without any superstition is one of {ll omen.” “What Is it? “A round robin” snnesssasisd Posmnsecusonn India’s Many Plants. Indian has perhaps a greater variety of plants than any other country In the world, having 10500 native spe cles, or about 60 per cent more than is embraced in the flora of the whole of Europd, i GOOD MEDICINE An East Nashville Gi Grocer Says He Has Used Black-Draught for i With Torpid Liver. Past Nashville, Tenn —*You ask me about Black:Draught. It is without without It,” declared Mr. W. N. Parsons, recently, Mr. Parsons, who is sa prominent grocer at 243 North First street, says further: “I take it (Black-Draught) for sour stomach, headache, bad liver, indigestion, and all other troubles that are the result of a torpid liver, I have known and used it for years, and ROBS CALOMEL OF NAUSEA AND DANGER | Doctors’ Favorite Medicine Row Purified and Refined from All Objectionable Effects. ‘'Calo- tabs’'’—the New Name. ingenuity do n.xt? Bmokeless powder, wireless telegraphy, horseless carriages, colorless fodine, tastes 108K guinine, DOW COIMeS niusegien ealo- mel. The new improvement called “Caloe taba" is now on sale at drugstores For biliousness, constipation and indi. gestion the new calomel tablet is a prac tically perfect remed as evidenced by the fact that the manufacturers have ane thorized all druggists to refund the price if the customer is not * ‘perfectly delighied™ with Calotabs, One tablet at bedtime ¢ with a swallow of water—that's all, No taste, nO nausea, no griping, no salts iy morte ing your liver is thoroughly cleansed and you are feeling fine, with a hearty appe- tite, Eat what you please—no danger ~ 4 shout your business ‘alotabs are not sold in bulk original package, sealed. What will human lor Get an Price, thirtye I won't go to bed without | in the house, every one, it to do. I can't say enough for it.” Thedford’s 3lack-Draught, has been In successful than 70 years, adapted to the treatment of many liver troubles. to thousands and sons suffering from stomach and liver i i you. Black-Draught is easy to take and mineral drugs. Most good druggists sell it—Adv. He Knew Mothee, ] i father The other day » wus playing In It was t “Wi Wallace him regretfully this fashion: now, ard with a neighbor boy Mot} “Wil Han wer called : answer.) + heard with his playmais in “Well, Jim, I gotta my mother calls she means CASCARETS “They Work while you Dame Sleep” Do you feel ail tangled up—bllious, constipated, headachy, nervous, full of cold? Take Cascarets tonight for your liver and bowels to straighten you out by morning. Wake up with head clear stomach right. breath sweet and feel. ing fine. No griping. no inconvenience Children love (ascarels 10. 00 cents. —Adv. oe 100. dy Curb on Profanity. The following the pool room of a combinéd soft drink | parior and pool in : ville: “Gentlemen loud enough to part the News, sign was noted on room Crawfords- | Please do not swear | be beard in the front of room." —Indianapolis | DYE RIGHT Buy only *“Diamond Dyes"’ Bach Package of “Diamond Dyes” | contains directions so simple that any woman can diamond-dye worn, shabby | waists, dresses, coats, gloves, thing. whether wool, silk, linen, cotton | { Have druggist show you “Dia- | mond Dyes Color Card."-—Adv. i 3 Hates Carving. Mrz, Green-—My husband hates cary- Mr. Brassie—I noticed that it makes him wad | to alice ia ball, ——————— —- An improvement. prohibition helped “Has any? “1 can't say th say this for hh perfumes ath than it used to.’ MOTHER! “California Syrup of Figs” Child’s Best i; 1xative hig brs gmel of Figs nia on your rme- itver ire nd most ha fess and taste physic for the little stomach Ch ts fruity directions on each bottle. “C ~Adv. bowe is. Fall sil say ildren love Puzzies, me, said thinks It happen gels the carpet, worst to be a man is the that can to hing “And what puzzles me,” replied the Worry a strike.” ‘ix how on earth it can nds will ~Pape’s Diapeps! " Corrects Stomach apepsin’’ is the quickest, sur- tor ind igest fon, Gases, Flatu- Fermentation y acidity. immediate the stomach verite foods costs only by itely harmless Millions helped annually. corrective _known--Ady, s I ef DI isiress give relief and shor ted 80 you oar fear. Large sasant YMA Movies { to Trace Lost Dog. movies in London been asked te exhibit 8 slide of “Tyke,” described an “old yeliow Irish terrier, with a wavy tefl” belonging to a lady In Chelsea. The slide also bears the appeal, “Please to find me.” Left with a veter- inary surgeon while his mistress was in France, “Tyke” escaped to try to ind ber, and has not been seen since, From the Continental Edition of the London Dally Mail Beat st The southwest ax If your eves smart or fea! scalfed Romen Eye Balsam applied upon going to bed is fust the thing to relleve them Adv The Mercenaries, irander Matthews, the famous crite fc, discussed nt a Columbia tea the American short story. “The America short story would be he said, “if the American story writer were less merce- nary. I'd like him to think more of beauty and less of cash. “A short story writer read me one of his tales the other day. It wasn't “1 like the thing,’ 1 said, istic.’ “The short story writer beamed, “Realistic!” he cried. “That's the word I want to hear. And how much, Mr. Matthews, do you thing It wilt realize? ” One can bear grief, but it takes two ‘it's real CASCARA No Opiate in Hill's. QUININE