The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 20, 1920, Image 6

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Says this Woman Until Re-
Beved by Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound.
ton, Ky.—*‘I suffered almost
with female weakness. I
could not walk any
distance, ride or
take any exercise at
all without resting.
WM If I swept the floor
or did any kind of
work it would brin
was weak and lang-
uid, had no energy,
and lifewasa misery
8 to me. ® I was under
the care of a good
At RP ysician for sev-
«eral months and other remedies.
had read of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege-
d and decided to try it.
After taking twelve bottles I found
mayself much improved and I took six
more. I have never had any more
‘trouble in that respect since. I have
dome all kinds of work and at
am an attendant at a otate
and am feeling fine. have recom-
mended your Vegetable Compound to
recommend it.”"— LILLIAN THARP, 824
8. 6th St., Carrollton, Ky.
Ef you have any symptom about which
E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Slight Complication,
“We must economize on our table”
sald young Mrs. Torkins.
“hat should be easy enough.”
& Hitle discretion so that
Now ls the Time to Get Rid of
These Ugly Spots.
There's no longer the slightest need
fouling ashamed of your freckles as Othine
~double strength—is guaranteed to remove
these Bomely spots.
Simply get an ounce of Othine—double
from your druggist, and apply =
fthe of it night and morning and
should soon see that even the worst freckles
Gave begun to disappear.
oses Bave vanighed entirely It is seldom
that mere than one ounce is needed to com
Dieately clear the skin and gain a beautify
<lear complexion
Be sure to ask for the double strength
Oehine, as this Is sold under guarantees of
money back if it falis to remove freckies
A Hard World,
“Did you ever feel that
was against you?
“Yex; [I felt it
¥ slijped on the
“he world
Peery's “Dead
dose only will
worm. — Adv.
if they could afford it.
{Frantic With Pain
1 A Physical Wreck From Kidney
Trouble, But DOAN’S
Made Her Well.
“Kidney trouble made a complete
wreck of me,” says Mrs. Wm. Harvey,
@1 N. Eighth S5t., Grants Pass, Ore.
“f was so despondent and miserable it
seemed | bad nothing left te live for.
Death would have been a welcome re-
lief. For six months
f was in bed and
sever expected to
leave it alive. | was
tos weak to move
without the help of
my wnarse and so
mervoms I screamed
when she touched
me. My back and
throbbing Bike be
ache. I nad awful
dizzy spells, my eye-
hen an ot ¢
cet felt
dead. I was pain Mn. Barvey
racked all over. The kidney secretions
looked like thick, black coffee and
burned terribly. They almost stopped
passing and then my feet bloated like
of water. I was frantic with pain,
thought I would lose my reason.
“I had lost all faith in medicine and
tried Doan's Kidney Pills only be-
exnse a dear friend asked me Right
frome the start I began to feel better,
Dean's cured me.”
Sworn to before me,
A. H. PARSONS, Notary Public.
CuDuecrs wt day Stiva, 80 4 Bor
After you eat—always use
~—gme or two tablets—eat Kke candy.
Enstan JelioveaH eartiurn, Bloated
‘Gassy Feeling. tor 2
ek Fd
the many caused by
BATONIC is the best remedy, it takes
the harmful acids and gases right ont
wf the body and, of course, you got
well. Tens of thousands wonderfully
thenefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or
mmoney refunded by your own drug-
gist. Cost a trifle, Please try it!
Let Cuticura Be|
Your Beauty Doctor
25¢, Ointment 25 and 50¢, Talcum 25¢.
PETS : re =
Shall Chaos or Reconstruction
in Europe Follow the Great
" * World War?
Easy to Understand Why the Unhappy
People Have Turned to Bolshe-
vism In Their Groping for
Article XVI.
The history of Russia begins with a
Ish chronicler, tells the story,
the mother of Russian cities.
ands of military
In the
chronicler relates,
Freed from the
the tribute takers the tribes
quarrel among themselves.
lution, so the old
destroyed order. Then as
now, order was the first essential to
‘eace and happiness, It Is told that
ifter three years of tribal war they
thelr inability to
to come and rule over them,
According to the legend, three broth.
princes of Rus, Rurik, Sineus and
or, accepted the call and founded
from which many of the
inces of the present day
a dynasty,
Russian mm
ciaim descent,
While much discussion has been pro-
voked as to the identity of the war.
rors from the lnnd of Rus, the found
ers of the Russian empire, it j= gen-
that they the
believed were
tury roamed through various countries
These roving in-
conquered territory
pe bands
aded and and
ved as the dominant military caste
itll they were gradually absorbed by
» native population
Novgored First Capital.
Prince Rurik built his capital on the
of River Volkhov,
Lake limen formed part of the
waterway connecting the Baltle
Bl this route,
anks the which
Rens iy the
and ick
famous Varanglan bodyguard of
the Byzantine emperors, traveled from
to Constantinople
ital was Novgorod
hese rulers from the land of
brought with them the spirit of
of the Norsemen. They
not contented to rule the tribes
They set out
I new
who had Invited them.
to conquer the surrounding country In
all directions, and before two hundred
years had passed they had invaded
ne territory, established them
Kiev, threatened Constant!
with a fleet, secured as a consort
sister of the Byzantine
Christianity for themselves
nd their subjects, learned to hold In
heck the nomadic hordes of the
teppe. and formed matrimonial
ances with the reigning families of
niand, Hungary, Norway and France,
they became a great power in eastern
' opted
They had
est, but they lacked the power to
The political future of the new state
wns destroyed when the princes of the
Rurik dynasty divided the state into a
For a time these were weakly and
loosely held together by
archal authority of the senior mem-
ber of the family, the grand prince,
became frequent. These princes were
strong men. They wanted power, They
strove to enlarge their territories at
the expense of their rivals. The tradi
tional authority of the grand prince
declined. Yaroslav the Great was the
last of the grand princes. With his
death In 1054, family feuds multiplied
and disintegration set In. During the
next 170 years, from 1054 to 1224.
iussia was split into over sixty prin.
Apalities. Disputes over the question
of succession led to elghty-three civil
Ruined by Internal Struggle.
During these interminable struggles
of rival princes, Kiev, which had been
so long the residence of the grand
prince, was repeatedly taken by storm,
and ruthlessly pillaged. Finally the
whole valiey of the Dnieper fell a prey
to the marching tribes of the steppe.
Thereupon Russian colonization and
political influence retreated north-
ward, and from that time the contin.
uous stream of Russign history Is
to be sought in the land where the
Vikings first settled, and in the adjoin-
Ing basin of the upper Volga. Here
new principalities were founded, some
of them having a grand prince, who
no longer professed allegiance to Klev,
Thus appeared the grand princes of
Suzdal, of Tver, of Ryazan and of
Moscow<all irreconcilable rivals with
little or no feelings of iizod relation.
&hlp. The more ambitious and power:
ful among them aspired not to suc.
ceed, but to subdue ihe others and
take possession of their territory, and
the armed retalners, who were wout
formerly to wander about as free
lances, gave up thelr roving mode of
life, settied down permanently, be
came landed proprietors and sought
to share as boyars the princes’ au-
The greatest of these principalities
was Novgorod. Since the days when
Rurik had first chosen It as his head
quarters the little capital on the Vol-
khov had grown Into a great commer-
clal city and brought under subjection
expanse of territory, stretch.
Ing from the shores of the Baltic to
Russian principalities it had a dem-
ocratie, rather than a monarchial form
of government. The republic of Nov-
gorod was the first and only flicker
sia, and It
Novgorod had a prince, but he was
contract. He
glowed but for a short
All the political power remained in the
together in the market place as occa-
sion required, by the tolling of the
bell, The maxim of the state
was: “If the prince Is bad, into the
mud with him.”
fairs obtained, There the supreme law
Democratic Novgorod and autocratic
Moscow became bitter rivals, The fu-
ture of Russia was in balance.
question was”light or darkness, day
or night, freedom or slavery for the
Had Novgorod won
out In the thirteenth century we
might not have the problem of bol-
shevism In Russia today. But it was
Tatar Irruption,
Then the Tatar yoke, The
conquerors bullt their capital at Sari
laged and robbed, Tax gatherers kept
the people's backs bent in toil
first trail to Siberia was blazed, the
important part in the horrors of Rus
sian history. Oddly enough the frst
were Russian autocrats, the degener
ate and corrupt descendants of Rurik
The grand khan, the chief of the Mon
gol empire, lived with the “Great
Horde” in the valley of the Amur In
Siberia, Russian princes were puppets
in the eyes of this sutocrat of auto
He commanded them to appear
him, making the peril
before Before
and testament and gave direction for
the guidance of his children, Few ever
came back. The road to Siberia then,
as later, was a journey into the shad
the trip
Some died on
who returned es
ow of death
found execution
at its end. The few
caped the wrath of the great khan by
sycophancy and bribery.
The princes of Moscow were the
willing and pliant of the
great khan. They outraged and robbed
their own subjects to satisfy the Mon-
gol court. Muscovy grew strong under
the Mongo! empire. The betrayal of
the Russians was the price. This Is
out of this line the czars
tussinn princes be
they turned on
of Muscovy;
came. When
came strong
At the battle of Kulikovo, 1380, the
Mongol yoke was broken,
Great, his son Basil,
Ivan IV, called Ivan the Terrible,
whose united reigns cover « period of
hundred and twenty-two years,
forged and fixed
ished the job; popular assemblies
were abolished, freedom of conscience
Russian people began.
to Be Handled as Long
Term Loans,
The Belgian government has decided
to allocate 100,000,000 francs In 1920
for bullding workmen's houses, This
money will be lent to the local author
ities or approved building societies at
2 per cent for twenty years, at the end
of which time a new agreement will
be entered Into.
The conditions are that no loan may
exceed half the cost of the building
or a maximum of 6000 francs and the
rent charged must not amount to more
than 4 per cent of the total cost of
It is officially calculated that the
cost of building in the devastated
areas will be about 10,000 francs to
a house, A garden city of 100 houses
in Roulers was begun September 21
and is to be finished In 120 working
Predicts Soviets for World.
A soviet wireless message received
from Moscow flashed New Year's
greetings to the world, The message
after celebrating 1919 as a year of
victory for the soviets, says: “In 1020
we shall attain a victorious ead of
eivil war. Siberia, the Ukraine, the
Don region and the Caucasus desire
soviets. There also will be soviets at
Berlin, Washington, Paris and London,
Soviet authority will be supreme
throughout the world.”
System Purified and Free From
Colds by Taking Calotabs,
the Nausealess Calomel
Tablets, that are De.
lightful, Safe and
Physicians and Druggists are advis.
Ing their friends to keep their systems
purified and their organs in perfect
working order as a protection against
the return of influenza. They know
liver favor colds, influenza and serious
To cut short a eold overnight and to
revent serious complications take one
alotab at bedtime with a swallow of
water—that’s all. No salts, no nauses,
Ro griping, no sickening after effects.
Next morning your cold has vanished,
fine with a hearty appetite for break-
fast. Eat what you please—no danger.
Calotabs are sold only in original
Every druggist is authorized to refund
Her Chance,
Seven-year-old John had just begun
to trade at school. His pencils, pens
paints, and even tablets are traded for
all sorts of trifles, His sister, much
complained to the
and one after another nll except his
aunt, reproved him. He smiled, seem.
ingly not hearing while they talked.
And after they were through
called his aunt to one side.
do you need a bottle of
“I've got a chance
for a pencil, and
Six pencils on
you've got
your desk in
She-—~That girfs helr—
He—Isn't it awful—
She To three millions.
He—Nice.—The Yale Record
Texas Lady Storekeeper, Who
Carries Black-Draught in Stock,
Has Found It “Best Liver
Medicine” Obtainable.
Barker, Tex-—Relating her experi-
ence with Thedford's Black-Draught,
A. L. Fromme, of this place,
other liver medicines, which
would nauseate and make me feel bad.
We have a siire, and our customers
called for Black-Draught so often that
I decided It must be good, so thought
I would try it myself.
“I began its use and found it Just
fitted my case. It neither griped nor
nauseated me, was an easy laxative
and not hard to take. |
“I had bad headaches an great desl
no doubt from torpid liver, The '
Black-Draught would cure them. The
best way I find to take Black-Draught |
is to take one or two good sized doses
until the liver begins to act, then taper
the doses to just a pinch after meals.
“It will Insure good do
away with the gas or bad taste in the
mouth, and is without doubt the best!
liver medicine in the market. I have
found it so. I can recommend It to]
my friends, for I believe it will do
them good.”
Get a package of Thedford's Black
Draught liver medicine today.
Most dealers carry it in stock
An Awful Calidown,
The Funny Editor-What's wrong
with my column? 1 thought It
been pretty good
The Managing Editor
it's the laughing stock
city. i
{300d !
of the whole
Too many working men make a spe- |
clalty of working others,
For Pulling Power
in the field and belt power
at the barn, use the
You can depend on the FRIC:L
TRACTOR for all farm uses. It's
convenient — has roomy platform,
ample power and is built for dur-
ability. Frick Tractors are delivered
for shipment on their own power,
A Frick Tractor and Junior
Thresher is your ideal outfit. Write
for price and further information
Immediate Deliveries
373 W. Main St, Waynesboro, Pa.
Has that good
licorice taste
ouve been
Frederick County Lime
A Mine of Wealth to the Farmer
Lime Kiln, Frederick County, Maryland
gives farm
. Durham