The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 11, 1920, Image 3

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    FOR “FLU”
Keep Your Liver Active, Your
System Purified and Free From
Colds by Taking Calotabs,
the Nausealess Calomel
Tablets, that are De-
lightful, Safe and
Physicians and Druggists are advis-
ing their friends to keep their systems
purified and their organs in perfect
working order as a protection against
the return of influenza. They know
that a clogged up system and a lazy
liver favor colds, influenza and serious
To cut short a cold overnight and te
revent serious complications take one
Ealotab at bedtime with a swallow of
No salts, no nausea,
no griping, no sickenin after effects,
Neékt morning your cold has vanished,
your liver is active, your system is puri-
fied and refreshed and you are feeling
fine with a hearty appetite for break-
fast. Eat what you please—no danger.
Calotabs are sold only in original
sealed packages, price thirty-five cents,
Every druggist is authorized to refund
your money if you are not perfeetly
delighted with Calotabs.—(Adv.
water-—that’s all.
The Optimist,
We met in the midst of a raging
blizzard, at a corner where the wild
wyndes whizzed the snow around us
until we were almost hurled from our
feet. He grinned broadly, though his
face blazed from the icy kisses of the
“It won't last,” he yelled, over the
roar of the storm. “The goose bone,
the bark on the north sides of the
trees, the squirrels’ scanty stores of
nuts and Hostetter's faithful old al
manac all predict an exceptionally
mild winter. Hilo! hi-lee !”"—Kansas
City Star.
“Diamond Dyes” Made Faded, Shabby
Apparel So Fresh and New.
Don't worry about perfect results.
Use “Diamond Dyes,” guaranteed to
give a new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed goods —dresses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, children’s
coats, feathers, draperies, coverings—
The Direction Book with each pack-
age tells how to diamond dye over any
To match any material, have desler
show you “Diamond Dye” Color Card
This business of conversation is a
very serious matter. There are men
that It weakens one to talk with an
hour more than a day's fasting would
do. Mark this that I am going to say,
for it is as good as a working profes
slonal man's advice, and costs you
nothing : It is better to lose a pint
of blood from your veins than to have
& nerve tapped. Nobody measures
your nervous force as it runs away,
nor bandages your brain and marrow
after the operation.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the 4
Catarrh is a local disease eatly influ.
enced by constitutional conditions. LL'S
CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh.
it is taken internally and acts thro
the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of
is composed of some of the best tonics
known, combined with some of the best
blood purifiers. The rfect combination
of the ingredients in LL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE is what produces such won-
derful results In catarrhal conditions,
sts Tc. Testimonials free,
F. J eney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohle,
Musical Vamping.
Manager—I like your voice, Miss
Gargle, but I can't understand your
actions at the beginning of your song.
New Soubret—My actions?
“Yes; the business with your eyes
and shoulders. I can see no excuse
In the song for that.”
“It is In the music.”
“In the music?”
“Yes. Right here after the Intro-
duction it says ‘vamp till ready.’ "—
Youngstown Telegram.
Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin
When red, rough and itching with hot
baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of
Cuticura Ointment, Also make use
now and then of that exquisitely scent.
ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum,
one of the indispensable Cuticura
Toilet Trio.—Adv.
The Difference.
“Genius has wings with which to
“And near genius?’
“Is satisfied with wings to flap.”
important to Mothere
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old
for infants and children, and see that
Bears the
Signature of
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
No New Thing.
“Do you think doétors have a right
to kill when they can't cure?”
“They have always been doing It.”
a ——————
About 60 per cent of the area of the
United States is tillable, At present
only 82 per cent is being tilled.
Profitable Yield May Be Secured
Where Wheat, or Even Rye,
Cannot Be Grown,
San Be Grown on Land Where 8pring-
Bown Crops, Buch as Corn, Have
Falled to Make a Stand—
Many Other Uses.
(Prepared by the United Btates Depart-
ment of Agriculture.)
Buckwheat is In general the best
grain crop for poor, thin land. Its nat-
ural and favorite environment 1s “back
In the hills.” On land where wHKeat
Or even rye cannot be grown with profit
buckwheat is often able to produce a
profitable yield. The climatic condi-
tions, however, must be favorable,
On acid solls, which are quite com.
mon In the northern states, buckwheat
does well. It does not require large
svpplles of lime In the soll, although
Hiroe is taken up largely by the plant,
Good Bummer Cover Crop.
Low-grade fertilizers may be used to
advantage in the growing of buck-
wheat, as it can make use of relatively
insoluble materials to better advan-
tage than the other grain crops, It
may be used to render avallable In-
soluble phosphates, like rock phos-
phate, as these are taken up by the
plant in larger quantities than by
other small grains. To obtain the
greatest benefit from such applications
to follow crops, the buckwheat should
be grown as a ‘summer cover crop to
be plowed under as green manure In
preparation for fall seeding.
Buckwheat serves to make even very
hard land mellow and friable. Conse-
quently it is a good crop to use In
preparation for such crops as potatoes,
As it has a short growing period,
buckwheat can be grown on land where
spring-sown crops, such as corn, have
failed to make a stand. It can also
be used where the land cannot be
worked untill late, or where other
crops have been drowned out by late
spring floods,
Enlarge Farm Activities.
Buckwheat can be used to enlarge
farm activities. After other crops
that must be sown early are all ia
there is often time to prepare land and
sow buckwheat. On account of the
short growing season It may be sown
later than any other grain crop. Where
it 1s so used it often may be advisable
to sow it even on rich land which other
wise could be used more profitably for
other crops.
Buckwheat is a suitable crop for
growing on new ground. Land Just
cleared of timber or dralned marsh
land containing much decaying vege
table matter will produce good yields
of ‘this grain.
Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1062 contains
full Information on this crop. Coples
may be had free on application to the
department of agriculture, Washing-
ton, D, C.
Platform Arranged as Shown in Ilius
tration Obviates Much Tire.
some Labor,
Where dirt is to be taken out of an
excavation and hauled away some dis-
tance, getting this dirt Into a wagon
bed 1s always a hard Job. Where a
Loading Soil Made Easy,
scraper is used it is usually necessary
to drag the dirt out of the hole and
then shovel it Into a farm wagon, By
bullding a platform like the one shown
here It 1s easy to load a wagon with a
scraper and save a lot of hard work,
The platform must be strong enough
to stand up under the load of dirt and
the extra pull that comes when the
team drags the Scraper up the in-
cline. The check block stops the
Scraper and helps In dumping it into
the wagon box,
Drafts Should Be Carefully Avoided
and Poultry House Kept at Even
Flithy air is practically breathing
poison. Pure air furnishes the oxygen
which keeps the life processes going
and when the air becomes stale or foul,
the birds become weak and sickly,
The problem for the poultryman, there
fore, Is to let In plenty of atr without
drafts and without making the hen
house 80 cold as to he uncomfortable,
On almost all sunny days the windows
ean be opened when the flock is exer.
cising, scratching In Utter for its food,
and that gives a chance to alr the
house thoroughly. Even in the coldest
night the windows may be lowered a
little at the top (very little when it Is
very cold) nnd the birds will obtain
fresh alr, If the wind blows In, a plece
of burlap can be hung over the open
space through which the alr can get In
snd by which the wind can be kept out,
Unique and Successful Commus-
nity Association in Virginia.
Specialists Believe There Is Fertile
Fleld for Formation of Similar
Clubs Throughout Country
Overhead Cost Saved.
(Prepared by the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture.)
One of the most unique and success
ful community breeders’ associations
of the country is located in Loudoun
county, Va. It is unusual because In-
stead of fostering the breeding and
improvement of a single class of live
stock, it sponsors the lmprovement of
elght breeds and classes of live stock.
The excellence of such a plan is that
duplication in work and extra expense
are eliminated, while the soclety 1s
really standardizing the production of
purebred live stock within Loudoun
Guernsey and Shorthorn cattle, Per-
cheron horses, Berkshire and Duroc
Jersey hogs, Shropshire sheep, and
Rhode Island Red and Barred Ply-
mouth Rock poultry have been select:
Purebred Guernsey Bull, the Type of
Animal That ls Gaining Popularity
Because of the Better Sire Better.
Stock Campaign.
ed In public meeting by the farmers
and stockmen of that section as the
dominant breeds of the county.
The Loudoun County Breeders’ as.
sociation, organized In 1718 by joint
sive banker, and a few forward-look-
Ing farmers, has grown from an orig-
inal strength of 60 to over 2850 active
members, Through its manager it
purchases and sells live stock for its
members and has been of marked in.
fluence In Improving the character
and quality of the county live stock.
Specialists of the department of ag-
riculture belleve that there is a fer.
tile field for the formation of similar
live stock breeding clubs throughout
the United States. In some of the
leading stock-producing areas four or
five, or even more, Individual breeders’
clubs now exist, whereas one genera!
organization saves en overhead cost
and permits of the hiring of a pald
business manager as In Loudoun
Best Preservative Treatment Consists
of Boiling Wood In Liquid for
Short Period.
Five cents’ worth of creosote ap-
plied to a fence post will prolong its
life many years. Posts that will last
ordinarily but four or five years In the
ground can be made to last 20 by treat.
Woods like beech, birch, maple, ush,
poplar and others that are not ordi
narily used for fence posts, can be
made as durable as locust or cedar by
A preservative treatment with creosote.
This treatment does not consist simply
in painting the post with creosote of
in dipping it In creosote. While thesa
treatments do some good, they do not
insure deep penetration of the creosote
into the wood or the filling of the
cracks and season checks.
The best preservative treatment con-
sists In beating the posts in bolling hot
creosote for 30 to 60 minutes, then
leaving them In the tark until the
liquid has cooled. The creosote will
be forced deeply Into the wood and
thus fill all checks and cracks and
form an exterior shell of treated wood
that will prevent rotting. An old, dis-
carded gasoline drum with the top cut
out, set up so that a fire may be bulit
beneath, makes an excellent treating
tank at little expense,
Recipients of Department of Agricul.
ture Emblems Represent Scat
tered Sections,
Widely scattered sections of the
country are represented in the list of
the first recipients of the official em.
blem bestowed upon live stock owners
by the United States department of
agriculture In connection with the
“Better Sires—Better Stock” campaign
now in progress. Possession of this
emblem shows that the owner has
agreed to keep and use only pure-bred
sires of good quality, and will follow
to the best of his ability breeding
methods leading to live stock improve-
If Sold by Dozen It Often Pays to
Dispose of It Before Maximum
Weight 1s Reached.
If lettuce Is for a loeal market and
sold by the dozen, It often pays to
market before a maximum weight has
been secured. It all depends
the keenness of market and the need
of bench for other erops.
“Why do you insist that the farmer
Is not properly considered? Everybody
Is talking about the Importance of ag
ricultural production.”
“Maybe It's something like profes
sional jealousy,” replied Farmer Corn
tossel. “We go to the county falr ex-
pectin’ to have all kinds of a fuss
over the prize pigs and pumpkins and
find that the whole crowd has rushed
off to the trottin’ races and the movin’
“I say, old chap, 1 hear you are
ongaged to Miss Bweet. Is that
"Quite true, old top.
bucky girl?
Isn't she the
The Real Reason.
Bome reasons landlords raise thelr rents
Are sad and some are funny;
But few in truth have sald it is
Because they want the money,
“Are you studying to be a political
economist 7”
“No,” replied the patient citizen.
“The world doesn't need so many po-
litical economists now. What it de
mands now Is personal economists.”
The Tempestuous Telephone.
“You never scold over
machine all day long. If she can keep
her temper, 1 guess I can.”
She—Always the same answer
when I want to do a little shopping !
How long do you expect to be without
money to give me?
He—As long as I'm short.
The imitative Juvenile.
“You used some very rough language
to your playmates, Bobble ™
“Yes'm,” admitted Bobbie. “We've
fot a new game. We're playin’ poli
Boldness of the Amateur.
“What makes you think our friend
knows very little about running a rail.
“The fact,” replied Mr. Dustin Stax
“that he iz so willing to try it.”
His Preference,
“That lawyer is a great
“I should think his fancy would run
to cats—something more in the fee
line species.”
dog fun
“Which came first, the chicken or
the egg?” inquired the quizzical per-
“Please don't start that!” protested
Senator Sorghum. “We already have
enough investigating committees figur-
Ing on questions that'll never be an-
Bug-—My that Alpine climbing is
A Forgotten Adage.
Where is that maxinm's warning thrill
Which in our youth we knew:
‘Old Batan finds some mischief still
For idle hands to do!”
EE ———
Try, Try Again.
“Has your wife a sense of humor?”
“1 don’t think so,” replied Mr, Pyn
aed. “I have told her the same Joke
aver and over and I don't belleve she
me laughed at it more than twice Ip
her whole life”
A Puzzle.
“This gambling in stocks Hy trust
«1 employees reminds me of the old
whending puzzles,”
“How so?"
“Behend speculation and what re
Standard cold remedy for 20 years
~in tablet form--safe, sure, no
opiates—breaks up a cold in 24
hours—-relieves grip in 3 da
Money back if it fails.
genuine box bas a Red
top with Mr, Hill's
At All Drug Steres
The only INTERNAL Remedy
Sent by wall and §1.00 8 box.
Girls! Have a mass of long,
- ww.
Let “Danderine” save your hair and
double its beauty, You can have lots
of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair.
Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly
head and could not get an thing to stop
the agony. I saw your ad and got one
box of Peterson's Ointment and | owe you
many thanks for the good it has done me.
There isn't a blotch on my head now and
I couldn't help but thank Peterson for
the cure is great.” Miss Mary Hil, 0
Third avenue, Pittsburgh Pa.
and Peterson's is the only ointment that
have gone.” A. B. Ru
ton avenue, Racine, in.
ruggists recommend it. Mall
Caused by
Let EBATONIC, the wonderful modern
stomach remedy, give you quick relief
from disgusting belching, food repeating,
which about nine people out of ten suffer
in ome way or another. One writes as fol-
lows: “Before 1 used EATONIC, I could not
eat a bite without belching it right up, sour
bitter. I have not had a bit of trouble
since the first tablet
Millions are victims
knowing it
of Aecld-Stomach
poor digestion. bodies improp-
arly nourished although they may eat heart.
An acid-stomach is meglectsd. Cirrhosis of
the liver, Intestinal congestion, gastritis,
Satassh 3 the stomach-—thess are aly
ow of the many ailments often caused y
Acid Stomach.
A sufferer from Catarrh of the Stomach
of 11 years standing writes: “1 had catarrh
of the stomach for 11 long years and I never
me any good-—just
relisf—untl I used BATONIC It
do not want te
where to locate the trouble—try BATONIC
and see how much better you will feel In
every way.
At all &
rowur k If you are not sat
Bend for Free Clrevinr No. 33, on
and map of Logisiana ofl flelds E
monds & Co, 2004 Marshall, Shreveport, La
Old Oliver Onken Realizes He Is the
Captive, and Not the Victo-
rious Capturer,
“My son-indaw, Luther Stuckey,
doesn't amount to anything at all, and
yet, paradoxical as it sounds. he is fn
howling success In his chosen gpecial-
ty,” related old Oliver Onken. “He
sings a squealing tapor, he can second
| or fading. Bring back its color, vigor
and vitality,
Get a 85-cent bottle of delightful
“Danderine” at any drug or tollet coun
ter to freshen your scalp; check dan
| druff and falling hair. Your hair needs
this stimulating tonic, then its life,
color, brightness and sbundence will
return—Hurry |~Adv,
The secret of success les In doing
well what you can do and cutting out
| what you cannot do.
Many a man who imagines that §
is a born leader isn't even a succeg
| ful follower.
Was Going Down
Mrs. Bergman's Friends We:
Worried, but Doan’s Brought
Remarkable Recovery From
Kidney Complaint.
“1 couldn’t sit down without putting
a pillow behind my back,” says Mrs.
Ole Bergman, 520 Pennsylvania St
Gary, Ind. When 1 bent over it felt
as though somebody bad stuck a knife
right into my back and I would often
fall to the floor. The .
kidney secretions made
me get up four and five
times 8 night. There
would be only a emall
amount, which would
burn so that I would
almost scream. Before
long my body bloated
my feet were so
swollen that I couldn't
wear my shoes. My skin {
looked shiny and when 1 pressed it
down it left a dent. I had chills and
fever. Bometimes I would sweat so
that I could fairly wring the water out
of my clothes. ae mid I w
ing down-hill fast. In two months
ost fifteen pounds and was dissour-
aged. By the time I had fin three
boxes of Doan’s Kidney Pills’ { was en-
tirely cured and I have emjoyed the
best of health ever since.”
Get Doan’s at Any Store, 60¢ & Ben
Mrs. Bergman
Learning About Nitrogen,
{| Recent experiments with the alpha
{ray have led to the discovery, says the
{English Mechanic and World of Sch
| ence, that nitrogen, which for a cen
{tury and a half has been regarded
{a8 an element, may not be an clement
at all, but a compound of hydrogen and
thelium. It Is an interesting coined
| dence that Doctor Dalton. according
to the now accepted account, was led
to his theory of the atomic structure
useful as anybody else to count. on
when the cholera breaks out. He
might possibly do well managing a
nail farm. In short, be has never
really accomplished anything except
to work me so adeptly that he is able
than I enjoy.
it I do not exactly understand, but |
somehow he keeps right on putting
It over me. 1 cannot kill him. and he |
will not leave. When he broke into
the family I thought I was getting a |
son-in-law, but now it looks painfully |
ilke my sonindaw has got me |
Kansas City Star.
The High Price of Husbands.
“So that's DI's hushand-—is he worth
much? “Oh, yes. Her father gave a |
hundred thousand for him.”
At a dinner party it doesn't matter |
that the anecdote is totally irrelevant |
if it's funny.
A ee Re TLL aT
properties of the atmosphere. Str
Ernest Rutherford. by experiments om
| the same gases, now sees in each of
| Dalton’s atoms of nitrogen £2 atomie
| 8¥stem in which two distinct €ements
{play a part, and nitrogen Mself ap
parently is to disappear as an clement,
~Youth's Companion.
a- ———————— #
Where He Did His Reading.
Hampton—What did you do la
Wickham—Oh, I read for a coup
Hampton—I thought you were got
to the cinema,
Wickham—I did go. And 20 Pp
cent of the films consisted of sa
titles.—London Answers, :
“Shall I settle the bill now, doctor
“Not necessary. 1 ean arrange with
your widow.”
The production of wealth ought te
be the prodyction of welfa
hich TET