TOO WEAK TO DO ANYTHING ASerious Feminine Illness Remedied \ By Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Casco, Wis.— “After the birthof each of my children I had displacement a was so wea TLE] coin own gill found a boo ee NER about Lydia E. Pink- Ke lh am’s Vegetable Compound so thought I would try it, and after taking it I soon felt bet- ter. That was fif- il teen years ago and i I have felt well ever i since except that I 4 it ad had a slight attack of the trouble some time ago and took gome more of your Compound and was soon all right again, I always recom* mend your medicine and you may pub- lish my testimonial for the benefit of other women.”’ — Mrs. JULES BERo, Jr., R. 1, Box 99, Casco, Wis. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound, made fromnativeroots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills in this country, and thousands of vol- untary testimofiials Pye this fact. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- ound will help you, write to Lydia E. P nkham Medicine Co. (confidential) }.onn, Mass., for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held ia strict confidence. The intense pain from a lame back is quickly alleviated by a prompt application of Yager’s Lini- ment. : Sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, sprains, etc.should always keep a bottle of “Yager’s” handy as its penetrative qualities quickly bring relief from pain. At all dealers, Price 35 centa, The large bottle of Yager's Liniment con. tains twice as much as as the Sc bottie of liniment. YAGER'S bbb GILBERT BROS, & CO.. Baltimore, Md. » CC SO TO The Case Stated. “Why is a married man like an up when Catarrh Cannot Be Cured YY LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ- enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh It is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is wha »duces such won- derful results in a 190. arrhal conditions Druggiats Testimonials free F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohlo, NOW feel Ii that apple. suit we 8 when we order a ng Adam for naay kick ving eaten Ke Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Tia Bignature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria There is nothing more uncertain than a sure thing A postal card to Garfield Tea Co., Brook- ism, N. Y., asking for sample will repay vou~Adr. The most popular men of letters are thie postmen Sticky Eyes, all healed prom iy applications of Roman tly with night. alsam. Adv. A of her charms, Why That Backache? Why be misegable with a bad back? You can’t be happy if every day brings lameness; sharp, shooting pains and a dull, nagging ache. Likely the cause is weak GR s You may have head- aches and dizzy spells, too, with a weak, tired feeling. Don’t delay! Try Doan’s Kidney Pills. They have dene wonders in thousands of such cases, Ask your neighbor! A Virginia Case “Rowry Pitwre Alex Umberger, constable, Spiller gt, Wytheville, Va., says: “1 had a steady, dull ache across the small of my back Hard work and heavy lifting, no doubt, brought on kidney trouble. The kidney secretions ware highly colored and painful in passage. At times an ache in my Lack was So 8e- vere I could hardly straighten up. One box of Doan's Kidney Pills strengthened my back and regulated my kidneys.’ GC» Doan’s at Aw Sten, $08 DEM DOAN’S 5itrs FOSTERMILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. charming woman Is never aware Deep-Seated Coughs develop serious com 14 . Use an old and y that satisfaction for more than fifty years PISO’S tried ,% DR. AL. SHARPL of the Yale undergraduates cordially Al Sharpe in his policies as tie coach and director, hay life the Harvard and Princeton by demands that he retire In Tad who head vears ago, Goaded by In- football Although and Dr. eral athl most alumni gen- a ml made his miserable nority since de feats favor of Jones was coach three cessant criticistn of his Doctor Sharpe insist on Contract and undergra the loss of to coac Z. sald : Won't Yule really at nid games coaching and want to bring Tad Jones back head conch I shall mand that YX Carry my year contract, my work | “yy da the my aluu ates te Princeton . 3 us not de ile out three s unsatis factory and there is a popular demand that I go I shall go. There have been TAD JONES cilques that were not working for the wins not harmony bridge the its loose There is too great the departments, and lost of academic Yale because hetween scientific two biggest playing.” Doctor games Sharpe was asked ement made by to com the s Mack to the effect that, wher an eleven is on the i score beean ment on er John tat Train otie-vard Hoe and e of n missed sig cannot nal gswered ; “The | an LOOK nay that was called for was Braden, wi nt through center” lisobeayed £11 8¢ off tackle and the ball, we “Then Br nals 7 “Either them.” play iden his sig that or he fsunderstom? mn POST FIRST BASEBALL PAY Individuals and teams have in spite of having way. the dope their The time you are ahead, The only system that can beat the is to let for Sweeney to tollect Is when IAB PAPE ANB ALEA races tn run s who » chips the red There are too many attempt to they whi wile, play before can and The sane isn't right all but at least he man the time, is rea | SA ABBA BL PBB SALSA a a a a a i a K!D WILLIAMS COMING BACK? One-Time Bantamweight Champion “ould Not Keep Away From Fistic Circle—Now a Manager. bantan WARS ernected, Kid Williams, tong. Do not misconstrue us as saying that the Kid will attempt a comeback, for it very tler will spot in which be achieved much glory, as a manager, as he has taken ———— — troduced at Tsing Hau College, Located at Pekin, American football and baseball have been successfully Introduced at Tsing Han college, Pekin, China, according to Ming 8. Lowe, registrar of the col- lege. After his arrival in China he ob- tained the services of an American conch and physical director, DK. Brace, a Red college graduate, to conch the various teams then organ. ized, In a tentative way, in baseball, American football, soccer, tennis, rack and swimming, American football and Yankee base ball are among the most popular sports at Tsing Hau college. A golf course is soon to be laid out near the college. GOSSIP 7 AMONG | | SPORTS Inals will train at Browns ill go South March 1 * \ pitchers, Cunniggham, «1 to Portland by the two LI » nd the foot] As ne far Syra the HE uae Orange proved lemon. » Yie Inst season, bus (0O.) club { clation. who baseball is desired by of the American Sailer, of the Colum was ont a 590 * » The New York club of the American league anxious obtain Baobbi¢ Roth Manager Huggins would wus« him In right field. i » is to Football has attained such popularity in Canada that a movement i= foot to form an association of the ama teur clubs of the Dominion. - » * OX Charles Ledroux of France Tetalne the bantamwelight championship of Eu | rope by defeating Walter Ross, the English bantamwelght champion. *» * r n Football at the New England high year, the Haverhill high school alone : games, . & » | by defeating Joe Beckett, has signed a love play. * Bob Simpson has taken up his du ties as cogeh of Missouri university students, Xe is in charge of the com pulsory athletic work of the military department. ’ . » The return of the 154-game sched ules in the major leagues means that | the seasons will open April 14 or 15 { and that the world series will get un der way about October 5, “owe Commander J. K. L. Ross, the lead ing money winner on the turf this year, fa having constructed a private race track In Howard county, Maryland, | about two miles from the Laurel race | track, —— Reminiscences of a Belgian Baby ——— By Katharine Eggleston Roberts, Newspaper Union) Whee-ee-ee! Zing! Bong! There } but tl Li anything pelins and favorable, Those Zep- ielr bombs were awfully they made me nervous. Fur- to be born. It gives one such a wrong iden of home, Of course, I know now it was the best place for safety, but then 1 didn't have present view- point. That was about five years ago. Yes, my entrance was quite dramatic. You see, I enme just at the wrong time, They were expecting the roof to fall in at apy minute and the atmosphere was rather strained. It ort of welcome family expects Sut my at all member wasn't a new of a after all, I hadn't much reason the Germans took our town they stopped destroying they to keep good con to live In had war, (1 are sorry now.) Even at that eren't to complain, As soon as houses, because the in after they pose they they ’ around, wanted city dition won the I was asleep when they first came 10 our house, I'd heard a bang- ing « but dida’t think anything of 1t and went on sleeping. Al of a sud- doen some one picked me up aod he was anyt! but tle. 1 didn't : 3 gens and 1 didn't like him, and 1 sald so In vers jiside, nd Be ne ng wiain and forceful language. and cords out afterward. when my sister took and laug= vocal were wort Heved 3; me away 1 guess he was, too, was Just the another man olored costutnes frora bm Et that Wha 1 saw thor rat mal wo And they mot her's bed. {o0, beginning. in one eof pull the ee then 1 They took most of the birnkets, But what could we do? My gone somewhere else to fight tried kicking that German when he first picked me up snd I realized he was too big for me to handle, We hoped that one raid would be the end of it, but it wasn't. Well, to Rp ————————————— I won't bother you with a!l the de talls of those four years. They were mostly a monotony of nothing to eat and nothing to wear, Everybody felt sorry for me because | was po young When the armisiice was signed, we just went crazy here. The first Belgian | soldler who into town was ried about on the poor fellow | were terribly rode was worn anxions to out, rid Pd get | them we were going to sweep them out, if they didn’t hurry. Suddenly my father came home. | { heard my mother call his name and all the family ran into the hall where What Women Sa Danville, Va. From my earliest chi hood Dr. Piered's Pleasant Pellets and ¢ ‘Gotden Medical Di covery’ have been used by my people My mother depended upon these remedies whenever her chil dren seemed listless or sluggish, and | nm sure Shey saved her many a doctor bill. “When 1 was weloping infes wom snhood 1 took the de UG - When Father Came Home. fangh and ery again, Of course, I had at first, I couldn't thin father the tall, hollow cheeks was the truth, I felt and embarrassed. So I hung the edge of the crowd till remembered me snd I was presented to father. Frankly, I didn't just know the proper way to greet of course he was my father but, after all, man with To tell place around som ny rather out Sone him make a long story short, they came gnother time and took all shiny copper and our doorknobs. They removed our big brouze chandeliers and even the little hinges from but they found all except a few door knobs and a couple of candlesticks. Then they came again and toek potatoes, After that, they visited us I © Honestly, to bad missed before. on. they were going installment plan. But they left house Itself and whatever they dida’t want ino It we didn't hear from father, Of course The Germans wouldn't let anyone have more than a little bit of bread a week and everything else was just till 1 noticed mother was giving me part of her share. I didn’t clothes—well, as J gsew, I had to have terribly high-priced, called and we made coats and other clothes of them, Them at night we put them over us to keep warm. Be lieve me there were some queer cos tumes here during the war, As soon as | learned to talk, I began getting into trouble. One day I saw that German officer who had yanked me out of bed when I was Just new. { thought maybe he hadn't understood my former remarks and so 1 made a few more, He reached for me and 1 ran. At first he started to chase me, but it jostled his dignity too much, and helr swagger-sticks, 1 guess they must pave practiced at home, we Wore The think he pra sensation =» it ously. tically queer, 1 looked at strangers as very he thr too, for We somehow, better aquainted, how we got me meeting “uri ough the then we've You know, 1 So0 along without How things now? Well, | have more to eat and we haven't the Germans around all the time. 1 surely glad they stopped their weekly visits, of course, you've noticed we any doorknobs.” got Since become don’t him re we was when But, haven't replenished. I heard the family talking sald something about bills that hed but he didn’t know whether it would | be five years from now, I don’t exactly what he meant ets this winter. But my sister had been downtown pricing things and it seems less than a fortune, didn't see how they were going to get enough new machiaery In place of that the Germans took from his fac- tory to make the necessary fortune. Mother and my sister can’t go out at the same time any more, because of | the coat question, Father's things are | none too good. And just look at these trousers I'm wearing! Aren't they a | sight? They're too tight, too. If I don't get a new pair pretty soon, I'll just be desperate, Take It from me, I'm never going to be,born again during a war; I'll walt till it's all over and settled. All 1 could do was take up room and food and clothing. And, anyhow, it's no fit introduction to life, Why, at first, when we began to get more to eat, | wns actually foodshy., I'm not fat enough yet, but, if 1 have to wear these clothes much longer, 1 guess it's a good thing. Then, as 1 said be fore, It has knocked my disposition all | to smash and vow I'll have to take | a running jump to make good. ———, the ‘Golden Medical Discovery” and ‘Pleas ant Pellets’ whenever 1 have felt the need of a tonic, and when constipated or distressed with sluggish liver. “1 consider Dr. Pierce's medicines the very best remedies on the market.” —Mrs J. H. Kime, 760 Patton Bt. Fredericksburg, Va—~“At one time I became all run-down, weak and nervous, suffered with nausea, My mother ad vised me to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preseription and it soon stopped all nansea snd built me up, and 1 felt well during the remainder of the time. 1 also had = very fine, strong, healthy baby. “We have also used Dr. Plerce’s Golden Medica] Discovery and ‘Pleasant Pe in the family. They are very ezcelient remedies.” Mrs. W. T. Layton, 9080 Na tional Boulevard. - * . Indigestion, Pain In Heart Danville, Va.—“] used to dreadful spells of indigestion so that heart would pain me, I would bloat u with gas. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel Jets relieved me at once and eventually cured me of this suffering. At the same time 1 was bothered a great deal with woman's trouble, for which I tock Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription, 2 was entirely restored te perfert health and relieved of all pains.” —Mrs. Alice Ferrell, - 703 Green St DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass- age of urine, you will find relief in ETE The world's standard remedy for kidney, tiver, bladder and uric ackd troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1636. Three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed. Look fer the name Gold Medel on every box and socepd DO Eitetion puff with my wo —————— w—— — To abort a cold and prevent coms plications, take