AR a AREER Ce —— a THE CENTRE REPORTE R. | mmm THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, —— = | Wood Ashes too Valuable to Be Wast- ed. 1920 : g The Pennsylvania Department of Ag] riculture and fuel reminds farmers others | THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO | who are burning wood for | wood ashes cont | that the obtained, took from the | grew, Wood ashes xin the mineral trees, from which the wood was Paragraphs of News Taken from the Files of the Reporter of 1885. | able for making the soil fertile, April 1, | have not leached, that is, if f Snyder county, | not been exposed to water, they con Aaronsburg | much potash and some phosphoric of no nitrogen, If land a large lime, but tow LOWR | heen leached, soil when therefore, are 88 IS have tain they Rev, M. L. Deitz will be pastor of the charge, Mrs. B. D. Brisbin purchased a lot of D. J. Murray, at the south end of and will put a house on it. Stakes have house ‘at makes the emplation at Ce el, « vacant acid vegetable they have the potash has been most. percentage ly washed out, aw | x ney i Much wood i This | 2} rural ted and been driven for a 1 1 still being the railroad consumed station, vw 1:4: sections rath new bi ng ere in cont sntre Hall with five or six more in prospect. Aaron N. Runk self back t Our t buildi: not sou houses date n 1¢ 1 K+ Too Bad Holidays Fall on 1920. Sunday cou i Samuel Harte farm, pear Spring Irvin G. Trials. On Monday of | court handed case of the Gray in v perior er court was reversed uray to Get New appealed and Gray. Mr, sentence of not | more thar the pen WAS con ersburg, lifted Direcswr General of Rails wWre—— nore— nore asing our rv 1 1 14% fRiLiiiias increasing capacity ds to haul the ir products. * now near the peak of their vet y. allroad expansion—more en- more tracks, more ter- re can be little increase in Cars, production. jut this country of ours 1s going to keep right on growing—and the railroads must grow with it. To command in the investment markets the flow of new capital to expand railroad facilities—and so increase production — there must be public confidence in the future earning power of railroads. The nation’s business can grow only as fast as the railroads grow. This advertisement is published by the Association of Railway Geculived. Those desiring information concerning the railroad situs ation may obtain literature by writing to the Associa tion of Railway Executives, 81 Broadway, New York. he February & & March Publi This column FRI 10 AY thei lis p one o'clo Susan ( hold A TT MONDAY, o'clock, on the I sel] C At first signs of take rR w— a a We a iit uhand ana i veg & nd Lag Aga i Po Ci ona A de LC AA ching ind There's a Brunswick Tire for Every Car CordFabricwSolid 7 [ruck D. A.BOOZER, Centre Hall, Pa. Correct Printing Done at the Reporter Office, A RI re Gi 3 oll AAI Sar Ys FARMER MEETING In Grange Arcadiz a 7 CENTRE HALL | Tuesday E Ev’g, January 20th 1920, at 7:30 O'clock RA 3 SIE T TY Held in the In- Better Farming and n— ar goer Profits Big A 2 3 cE Mr. A. W. Burg an Expert fl on Hay, w on the John | Deere Dain System of Air Curing Hay. # T wy ~~ 3 wd 71] ove a 1.eciure y enterta‘nea. rhbors. Let's make it a is ahenliste]v 2 a Ii i b ap ut Iy Mt. special message of interest to every farmer |» PT ey urg in this locality, BRA DFOD & SON i wa ATL TOE Tr PORTE AT PEE FECTION LBEHEATERS tion Oil Heater nas of oO Perf ~ A will 3 wun § wt & - v - pas com ort or years to cor It will start paying for 1s unt of Ct “3 FY Lit oom to 88, Od and You c¢ 't turn an to er toda full Th re's a model that will just suit your and poc THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO Philadelphia Go de il 3 Son thn wld Laas your. y and line. u olight neo rt Raye L mpe too, Costs KA th f ie than ordinary kerosene Pest | & ATLAmMY IC Rayglight OMPARNY Pittsburgh | EL OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE— The undersigned offers for sale his HARRY F. GROVE | house and lot, con.sining over one-half Auctioneer | acre. situated in the town of Boalsburg, A number of years of experience in the location Deity very Sasitanis, All this business means that I am qualified | the premises ; ui} pI ge to give good service, i |is a very desirable Pups T é Write me at Tyrone, Pa W 'EBER, er ————— ast REE Pa. Alfalfa hay for sale.— 8, W, Smith. * a MI SA Corn for sale,~S, W, Smith, $ clapd | Cmmainrn.| “This country has a long distanes to go before it comes in sight of its limit of farm production,”