MADE STRONG 3v Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Winona, Minn. —*“ I suffered for more , 80 bad I could not rest at night— would lieawake and get so nervous I would have to get up and walk around and in the mornin would be all tir out. I read about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- ound and thought would try it. My nervousness soon ' left me. I slee well and feel fine in the morning ~: able to do my work. I gladly recoms- mend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable nd to make weak nerves strong.’’~~ Mrs. ALBERT SuLTZE, 603 Olmstead St., Winona, Minn. How often do we hear the expression women, ‘‘1 am so nervous, I can mot p,’’ or “it seems as though I fly.” Such women should profit By Mrs. Sultze’ 8 experience and give this famous root and herb remedy, Iydis E Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound, s trial. For forty years it has been overcom- fing; such pA conditions as displace- meats, inflammation, ulceration, irreg- » lnrities, periodic pains, backache, diz- i1iness, and nervous prostration of = men, and is now considered the stan- xd remedy for such ailments. ] Hien Asthma Remedy ge the prompt rolief of Asthma and Cy Ask your druggist for It. 2% oents and one dollar. Write for FREE SAMPLE, #erthrop & Lyman Co.,Inc.,Buffalo,N.Y. Rub Dandruff and Itching with Cuticura Omntment Shampoo With Caticura Soap Otusmant, Taleem $e It takes two oth of "ew =eld: JREW THIS TEA ———————— Costs next to nothing, yet keeps bowels in fine order and ends constipation. ®s health should always have In Rouse a package of Dr. B. Tea Then when any member of the family aeedds BOM for a sluggish live sick bheadach to pro ly reg the bowels, sin ; brew a cup and drink 2 just bore bedt! It's an old znd B. Tea, »y thousands of who get good results from its use "that they so desire to take anything else, in 1 remedy, Carter's K is Dr, and has be won used such them good nm and it will do Cultivate patie Refused Insurance| = Mr. Dunning Left Service in Bad Shape, But Doan’s Soon Corrected His Trouble. Geo. Dunning, ex-Chief Boatswain Mate of the U. 8. Navy, 470 Medford 8t., Somerville, Mass, says: “Every bit of trouble 1 suffered from my kid: meys w3- a result of exposure at sea. 1 war retired Pract an invalid. My kidneys became more irregular all the time and some nights I was forced to get up every half hour. The kidney secretions burned like fire and were filled with brick-dust-like sediment. My joints swelled and were inflamed ] couldn't. bend ober to ce my shoes and had fr. Domzing to be helped up and down. Right after my retirement from service | tried to get insured, but suns turned down because of kidney . 1 began taking Doan’s Kid. {wey Pills and used sixteen boxes. By (that time every sign of kidney trouble ®t me and my back was like iron; sn ache or pain left. I tried for asarance again and was declared a figvod risk. 1 give Doan’s Kidney Pills ‘eredit for putting me in perfect health.” Bubscrived and sworn to before GEORGE L. DOHERTY, Notary Public. Got Doan’s at Any Store, 60¢ a Box DOAN’ KIDNEY PILLS nee FOSTIR-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. Baby Cougs t Dy with a remedy . but oligo: Piso's is mi loan oa take take. 7 ak your druggist for PISOS sss aie The Horror in the Car By J. E. HUNGERFORD (Copyright.) Bananas! Banazas everywhere! Dozens of ‘em! Hundreds of ‘em! I lenned against the wall of the ear and sighed contentedly. I pinched myself to see If it me—me in a car of bananas, It was me, and there the bananas, sack upon sack piled three-fourths of the way to the cellivig, It was kind solid comfort, ent——ont stintedly, wis were of but as as 1 bountifully, luxuriously, I sure didn't hs any Then 1 thought the clerk with the spectacles, as I reflected how I'd the car from the off side, ten feet away. Well, 1 to it. 1 was sealed had Its soft spots afte close lone ong ive of and 11 craw led coming. gel under had beat in, and r a Everything was so com jections that to I found one. It was cold in cold, and I proceeded cont collar and two sacks. I must thr me Car, up my snuggle i between ree u be that I three least to Think of It, a car of and not hungry! Well, anyhow, 1] my knife to work sack In a Jiffy. I was a pirate all right. Who wouldn't have been a pirate? It ferred my No, 1 wns there at Was huogry. bananas, realize was hours later, a attention to anoth hadn't finished the fir mostly green, but wl sized nd I'd ¥ trans erorinet OOM R004 my aperture knife slipped fished around in up a match. It w I1it it with s my ‘ns the against that thir ight even n stealthily toward me I pulled myself to a the ing. Then "here w on reft King the vortex of fenly a new nothing ly real Crawling + leg! Again it to reach my reach sting leg! started enly stop If I did tine sting wns ped Arm ids ¥ it! tous qu in an ag it to strike. waiting, for an 't strike! It had cker! I sat there walting my of suspense for Waiting , but even ceased waiting It didn eternity I chuckled softly, then 1 laughed. 1 was going Insane. I reached down sud denly and clapped my hand over the spot where the erawling had ceased, but there was nothing. I ran my hand over my entire body, still there was nothing. I felt sick and faint, and leaned wearily against the cur wall, As I did 80, my face touched something cold— cold and clammy and soft. I started back screaming, then I laughed again ~I was Insane—I had leaned against my own hand, To assure myself of this. for I was sure of nothing, I ran my palm slowly along the splintered surface of the wall, and then with a howl of terror 1 rolled over on the sacks. I had touched something halry- ~gomething I sat vith sn impelling desire to reach out I could stand the torture no longer, 1 wanted to know where 1 stood. 1 wanted a fighting chance. I had sudderly lest all My nerves were strung ping point, 1 groped my the wall, up and down and sideways, There was nothing—nothing! It was another prank of the imaging ifen—it wns-— My fingers tightened ! My blood seemed to congeal! 1 felt ft! I had hold of It! It gave easily ander my fingers! Why didn't It again, sense of fear, the snap» hand along to ing? Why dido’t it even hiss? 1 wouldn't let go=—1 was riveted to the Pas I must have ranted and rolled over against the doors. 1 remember vague ly my head striking something, then | knew no more, I laid there 1 don't know, galned censclousness I was How Inng When I re the shado wins and a man with a bucket, curious faces w of an Icehouse, bending over me wns a, circle of leaning close about me, The senl clerk had he opened the car for ventilation, 1 told him my story, and even climbed back In the car and pointed out the sack where had lurked the venomous horror. While they with sticks and the me when and found Inspection were prodding about clubs, 1 Then 1 ny walls, started for There it ix!" 1} there! See?” a lantern directly on the “Huh I" yelled hoarsely Somebody t the around so tha spot. shouted a volce. looked closer, then spot where 1 the swore, in the exact my ha where | hnd tortures ru: nd momentarily good-sized bunch of sack held sccurely by the the wood, was an ravel surface of I didn’t walt for of thant any more, refriger ny. for there sudden realiz and made had c¢« ition fulled to atie aq Hiof Hu "ne of what n if they locute und found the slashed bn sad in there heaven there, and here's found it, FOR WOLVES Frequently in Out Practical Wiping of Entire Pack. Alnsk are commoniy food supplie en or ¥ reach in ri he » effeminate; sversed - the baby gi inly attribute baby garments, but wh introduced tnkes the that Red is said te be an luc pink and blue are also green, the color of jealousy, low symbolize strife, supersti other shade enre it is nn fue ky color but yel favorable, and Things Yeu Sinvoly Cannet Do. You ean't stand for five without moving, if you are blindfolded You can't stand at the side of a room touching the wainscoting. You can't get out of a chalr with. out bending your body forward, or put ting your feet under it; that is, If you are sitting squarely on the chair, and not on the edge of It, You can't break a match if the match is laid across the nail of the middie finger of either hand. and pasa under the first and third fingers of that hand despite its seeming so ensy at first sight, You can't stand with your against the wall and pick up some thing from the floor, You can’t, unless you are quite a clever person, rete to an uprizht po itlon when placed two feet from » wall with your hands behind your back and your head against the wall. Use for Distilleries. Recently a distillery at Rome, Pa. wits sold nnd Is to be turned into an ice-making plant. Now anrcouncement made that a distillery on the out. skirts of Lancaster hag been purchased hy a chemical company of Delaware county dye manufacturers, who wil remove their entire plant to the Lan after location. This dye manufactur ‘ng company is a war development. 1t hns teen proved that America ean manufaciure just as good dyestufls as the Germans made is a IRIE LYE Sometimes it is the separate dress | and coat and sometimes it Is the sult | that hold of style during a | SeA800n, hout a doubt, writer, it 18 the s the In declares a swny Paris, fashion this season, wit cont Such attention ns to morning and afternoon in Paris would be hard to equal, and in- | stead of thelr having declined in popu- | larity after of atten- tion, quite the contrary has happened, They are more in the limelight than | ever, ’ In spite of the fact that there Is so little change in the the upon these “little | dresses of the heen lavi hed, own ermoon can feeling, the same been shown dresses has several seasons g line conspicuous ine gowns, It Is * that touches have inconspicuous, una or for alt much artis. The | | or | for | have At story some maost suming g morning about it genuine couturiers each has resenting PEW him- for the gar- is true; outdone self In continued life his ment. Materials ha {ial has the sanction ~blue serge. Then soft surfaced fabrics—duve rusella, burella, and the allied For afternoon there are char- of which there are a great to be taffeta, and of Its mie res KONK popular ve for their leader one of a behind th all of ‘tym, fab- ges ere are rics. meuse, many velvet which has vogue, There was then than a there Is The trimn models smarter black gown and ing smarter now, ings and touches on the day! are fa in the not ir variety. is thi } e As much KBOOY and +} ings Gown of Black Taffeta and Velvet | Forme Charming Combination. bon do their.part In producing an at- tractive effect, Leather Frocks and Trimmings. A trimming that has taken first It is handied in un- ing. Sometimes it is a a gown. Again it is used as satin wotld be for outside facing on cuffs nnd skirt pockets, Sometimes it is pleced into an all-over pattern and sometimes it is gotten up into whole suits. An extravagant suit was made of pink leather and trimmed with a high collar of fuzzy biack fur, Then there was an attractive gown of Ww hite tenther in the cut pattern. This was trimmed with rows of black nall heads nnd giripg. of binck patent teather, It, was hizarre bot at- tractive, perhaps a thing more for Paris than for an American city. While the sleoves on moat of these 1renses for day wear are short--often { extremely short-they are time and some 00, cuffs which give to the silhouette, The cuffs are onto three-quarters or half-length and sometimes they even fin a thoroughly well done manner of that of the an interesting in nds sleeves are frocks of there are used sparingly on When It is seen narrow strips of it Fur is sort, to be used as ight be strips this purpose ile kolinsky and for thelr usual atten Bive Chiffon, Blue Leather. vay of 12 two mat great a contrast as they m For lar, wl of popu tion. usi ns sible to obtain one designer showed frock made of dark blue chiffon dark blue leather (or kid) trim- Attractive s de Lain tied with a pert biack bow This frock, fiat has a Ii » fig nder the chin for a very oung apron fect at panels are edged al person, front serge done into a knife two and a half inches in wi ith, may be added, are sions of the waist and the skirt | tight and short thing by itself, Black Velvet Gowns. A black velvet gown which attract “The exten is 8 and cut practically in one straight plece. For trimming there ran up the back in a straight line at either side, from hem to neck, rows of little white crocheted yoses. They were continued round the neckline, By this method all of the trimming was confined to the back, the only hint in front being the inconspicuous neck edging. A black velvet gown was made with two puffs over the hips, They were not overly sumptuous in appearance, njers were in fashion. From these the gathered skirt dropped straight to the hem, and the bodice was slightly fitted. Many of the afternoon dresses show a strong Louix XIV influence. There are upstanding collars and frills, and even high necks with piaitings that underneath the chin, The form themselves into a stand out frills often fichu line, —— Curling Feather Boa. A boa may be curled by simply tak Ing a shaip instrament, such a8 » knife. sclssors or a hatpin, Curl the sme way as one does when making & Vise ght, quick strokes. bi \ FOR “FLU” Keep Your Liver Active, Your Bystem Purified and Free From Colds by Taking Calotabs, the Nausealess Calomel Tablets, that are De. lightful, 8afe and Sure. and en is { Physicians Druggists are advis- fr Ke one Stop jolting Liver and Bowels with violent drugs, but i "0 take asc arets. PR BA Pe Bah ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE e ‘‘Bayer” is on Genuine Aspirin—s nd try to STRENGTHENS KIDNEYS— PURIFIES BLOOD You can't expect weak kidneys to liter the acids and poisons out of yo ur system unless they are given a little help Don't allow them to become diseased when a little attention now will pre- vent it. Don't try to cheat nature As soon ss you commence to have backaches, feel nervous and tired. GET BUSY. hese are usually warnings that your Kidneys are not working properly. Do not delay a minute. Go after the cause of your ailments or you may find yourself in the grip of an incurable dis esse, GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil cap sules will give almont immediate relief fromm kidney troubles, GOLD MED- AL: Hsarlem Oil Capsules will do the work. They are the pure original Hasrlem Oil Capsules imported direct from the laboratories in Haarlem. Hole land, Ask your druggist for GOLD MEDAL and accept no substitutes. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on every box, Three sizes, sealed packages. Money refunded if they do mot quickly belp youAde It is folly to tell 8 man who has the toothache that misery likes com pany A single application of Roman Ere Bale sam on going to bed will prove its merit for inflammations of the Eres, external and ine ternal Adv, Always wipe the mud off your shbes before kicking a Your EVES Im gentleman, Have Strong, JJealt Eyea. If they Tire, Itch, Smart or Burn, if Sore, iad, Jubatucd or infant or Ad free Eye 1g Hien. Br