& A LOCAL AND PERSONAL. January to date has been quite cold. A hot air furnace is being installed by D. A. Boozer in the harness shop. John M. Luse is again carrying the mail, having fully recovered from his illness. : Mrs. Romig, sister of W. H, Bar- tholomew, is a guest at the Bartholomew home in Centre Hall, The Pennsylvania Village for feeble minded women, near Laurelton, received its first patient last week, Mrs. N. L. Bartges, who is suffering with a light attack of diphtheria, is showing much improvement, The American Lime and Stone ;Com- pany is erecting an immense hydrating plant on the glass works meadow, Belle- foute, A car load of Ohio horses were sold at Millheim, last Wednesday, ‘at good fig- ures. The top price for a team $405.00, Mrs. W. F. Keller, of who last week underwent for appendicitis in the Be tal, is getting Was Hall, an oporati®n Centre along splendidly. Foster Eme and F Lewisburg, uncle and Emery, week. Charles Smith, a fif of Union cout term of Reforn Monday. J.C. Go advertises a stock sale for issue. such al great d The ae a 1 Hall lodge o this (Thur Atory, tue ta Iie Das § moved | Gap wh busine by Steir er business ir erable Tuesday Pim CORD. John B. Ruble Dead. A telegram announcing the John B. Ruble, at the State sanatarinm at Hamburg, Berks county, was receiv. ed by his family in this place on Tues- day afternoon, Death about four o'clock, and was due to tuberculos- the State institution about a month ago. Ar occurred is, for the relief of which he entered Years ago is Mr. been injury to his spine several t start of He bad ince last believed to have been the Rubles failing in health unable to do manual labor August, Mr, Ruble was an expert car- penter and mac st and was working at the latter tr Pennsylva- nia Ra: forced to 1 the rail: 1 ORG Glasgow, and has live AUDITORS’ SATEMENT Of the Receipts and Expendi- of Potter Township, for Year Ending Dec. 31, 1919 tures JB FORTNEY, COLLECTOR ROAD TAX 1919 DR Dec 1, to amt, of duplioate ,,. $6600 BS ' per cent, on §1046,10 uncol lected 1916 May 27, Cash to J E Rishel Tune 6, Cash to same Bb per cent §5247 80 2 Der cent #80 50 abatement on commission on $4. ash to J Hishel ¢ and postage Hons COLLECTOR POOR TAX ee pe WASHINGTON NEWS LETTER. Dr, C, Susquel very ably er killed itsel animal got into an horse and ¢ halter chain was dead, | or broke its adj porter are g tiser ing from the past several yes they must | merchant they are the ana cert In another relative to purchase local sol porter is permitted iocate the monume contribu also sor where th: slab ars oo the fund. It has give regardless of located, cthing marker i George Il. Richards, of Philipsburg, back from the Jackson Day gathe ring at Washing: the | greatest he had ever attended, and he bas been present at some notable ones. Bryatu's speech was wonderful, but everywhere among the visitors there was the heartiest loyalty to Wilson. If there was any split in the party over Wilson's address nobody knew about it down there, Mr, Richards stated, fn deecril is f 0, GesCribes it as one of and most enthusiastic Samuel Hess Tate, of Pine Grove Mills, went out the other morning to rid himself of a skunk that was pestering his fowls, and, having trailed the odor iferous creature to its lair, proceeded to dig it out. But he was not prepared for the surprise in store for him. Instead of one skunk he found an even dozen 800d, healthy animals, He mdnaged to get away with all of them and the find proved a veritable gold mine. Two of the skunks were coal black and their pelts are worth $15 while the other 10 were slighly mixed, but, as such pelts “are worth $12, Tate considered he had 8 good day's work, especially as there is # bounty of $1 a head on skunks, * / § rOor pieaaqs Spend Pel er counly that St , there oO rest near the grave ot his mother and y Hanks, that represented there togethe HARRY F. GROVE Auctioneer A number of years of experience in this business means that I am qualified to give good service. Write me at Tyrone, Pa olapd ii ssiue, Ax i Cask rom seine, tax { To cash 1918 lax Oct 8 1 vie lax Oct 13, State Forestry Nov 2, To Cash from J B Fortney, 1918 tax Nov 22, To cash from same, 1919 tax 110 96-$9330 89 | CR. $8508 81 171 #8 i Bes 60 $9880 50 | froma same, cash from same, 0 By sundry orders 4 per cent commission Balance J H RUNKLE TREASURER OF AUDIT DR 2 Un i 426 73-8 470 8 CR, By printing Auditor hens ; $ LW Htationery . 15 Audiiors’ foes 12 0 Room rent . ow Baiance 443 90-8 470 b8 | 1919 Poe 1. To balance Cash from Ed lotughner slate Wa, the undersigried auditors of Potter Town. | ship, have examined the above accounts and certily to corrections of same. H., F. MUSSER, J. H, WEISER, J. H, RUNKLE Auditors, IH RN LEE en, are Stock of Wo men’s Coats ieman’s Departmen and Suits Cut to One-Hall 1 scans Thursday, Ja LE Ta f his will prove the Greatest Opportunity ed of Winter Clothing, Remember, the ¢ the chan you would hav have ¢ now to buy the same goods for have paid at the beginning ol the seas We have a very large variety to select fro prices, Remember, this merchandise will be sold Ww ol piwssop ——— $6500 Coats Women’s Coats Reduced JVERCOATS, I {