LATEST NEWS IN ABRIDGED FORM Events That Concern the Two Hemispheres FOREIGN NEWS EPITOMIZED Executive and Legislative Ac- tivities at the Capitals The memory of Maj. Dana H. Crissy, who was killed at Salt Lake City dur ing transcontinental alr plane flight, alr cisco, retary Crissy the recent perpetuated in the fleld at San Fi ran- an order by Sec will be flying under will sery ice which Baker, eld. he designated as Establishmen depart tional trainiug important ion adopts York of America {der » on? of Working Secretary of Department of Labor wa manent of Labor Conference » GENERAL president to American armi June, 1917, and 10,192.00 ons rope, Charles former brigadier general fing agent, told Committee, December, 1818, Ot were haged G pure Dawes. of 4 ana the Senate Military More than $1,822,000 was pledged at the closing session of the Methodist Woman's Foreign Missions jubilee at Brookline, Mass. of the next vear in the foreign flelds oc cupied by the society. TY for the work The temperance board of the Metho- dist Church characterizes as deserving of rebuke Samuel Gompers' statement that prohibition was unrest in this country. The Common Pleas Court at burgh upheld the authorities in pro hibiting mass meetings in the steel strike zone, New York's Grand Jury has begun police department being in a graft alllance with the underworld, L. R. Thurston died at Passaic, N. J., aged 94. One of his surviving daugh- ters is Miss Mary Thurston, of Wood- bine, Md. The cornerstone of the $50,000 Y. M. C. A. building at Gettysburg, Pa. was laid with appropriate ceremonies. Returns from 59 of the 88 counties fn Ohio show the wets to be leadin en all four prohibition proposals The majority for Edwin P. Morrow, tepublican, for governor of Kentucky, 20,000 on complete un returns, and 34 the 120 in tha state give the “wets” majority of 564, nearly now fMicial counties of Dr. Eleanor I. Burns, who through. out the war stayed at her post as reg. trar and professor of physics at the American College for Women at Con. at New York on Lapland, from 8S tantinople, arrived the steamship umpton. South The presidents of 160 life insurance companies throughout the United States will be mobilized in New York December 4 and § to start the Associa tion of Lite Insurance Presidents’ war against the high cost of living. A resolution recommending a state wide strike of organized labor as a last resort in the union's fight for "free speech, free press and free assembly” was adopted by the Pennsylvania Fed eration of Labor. Batten, of New Rev. Dr. Samuel Z. York, urges the Baptist churches throughout the country money offered by profiteers. to spurn Dr Butler, of Buffalo, a member of the Presbyte: Assembly, WwW Va. C. 8. died thousand New York FOREIGN ivy the German pe members criticized io eC At a Argentine « ment was made of South el * var » . ” w ard wy dinner given by Senor Jardon, Ousul at Madrid, announces of the formation a ing States. consuls American association represent ne North and labor British Gover A London newspaper reports that the wbly considering a proposal ninent is favor 4 i0r & con ference of Boviet Russia with thé En tente Allies. The workin indignant over people of Munich the celebration are of & anni prohibition first versary of the German Revolution, public of the Twenty-two persons were killed and 20 injured when five railroad coaches Thousands of persons are starving in Petrograd, and the schools are closed because of lack of fuel, President Carranza has reiterated that he would not be a thirdderm candidate for President of Mexico, , The French Government put on sale a number of articles from the Amer ican Army supplies, At dinner King George is waited on by a special servant, who does not attend to anyone else at table, PEACE IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 28 Decision is Reached to Ex- change Ratification LEAGUE TO MEET IN PARIS Supreme Council Falls To Fix Date For First Session-——Baltic Mission Leaves—Berlin Gets New Demands. Paris.—The the ttlement w will become effective, it well-informed 28. treaty of Versal peace se th Germany is asserted in Paris on of circles vember The the protocol ratifica tions between JOHN BARRETT RESIGNS, Pan-American Union After 14 Years’ To Quit Service, new ation * t of international com cial Vu iniz and good-will.” SEEKS MEXICAN PRESIDENCY. ignacio Bonillas, Ambassador To Unit. ed States, Is Candidate, Mexico Clty. —Ignacio Bonillas, ican Ambassador to the United will be a candidate for the pi of Mexico in the election next ye irding received at 10 be to a telegr from letter sent party ar, RCC Bonilias him by Am Queretaro in answer 10 members of the Democratic bassador Bonilias the only candidate thus far announced. in PALMER “BOMB” HARMLESS. U. 8. Officials Believe It Work Of A Crank. Washington-—The supposed bomb which Attorney-General Palmer re. ceived through the mall proved to be only a bottls of harmless liquid. The German inscription on the bottle re. counted the fear of the sender that he was being pursued by some one who desired to poison him for hin wealth THANKSGIVING Executive PROCLAMATION Designates No- vember 27 Next, As The Day For The Nation To Unite In Giv. ing Thanks, Thursday, Washington, aside President Nove Day in a Wilson Thursday, mber 27, as Thanksgiving proclamation which said the country looked forward “with to dawn of an era where the sacrifices of the nations will find peace.’ confidence the recompensge in a world at OWE of The proclamation fol By President States of Am “A proclamation “The arrived the United the erica, LLHE of the the pe accustomed when ple 10 Imighty which he has ¢ Btates are ing thanks to A blessings g the our country qurin have A passed, BRAZIL PICKS NEW ENVOY $600,000 000 FOR ROADS. 1920, Accord. Estimate, Huge Sum Available For ing To Official § oO ture nounced, is of the raiiroa {to transport ky Cars nas New Model Plane Tested. Mineola, Long Island.-—A (type forced landings was tried out at Roos “stunted” ii for a half hour. Teachers Combine Homes, Holbrook, Unaehie to Mass moet tenement building and have started © co-operative housekeeping syatem. DRYS T0 MAKE \ FIRM STARD Will Fight Lifting of Ban Before January 16, 1920. | MANY DIFFICULTIES IN WAY i — | Necessary Legislation Improbable Be | fore End Of The Present Ses sion—Dry Suits In New York, An effort EMBARGO ON PORTO RICO FOOD. Governor Me Yager, Rise From FIND SEVEN MINERS DEAD Fourteen Others Gtill Probably Dead broke The party those of WOULD REPEAL EXEMPTION. of provisions fed bills exempt | ing labor and farmers’ organizations rian prosecution under the anti-irus! awe was proposed in a bill introduced Senator Bdge, Republican, New Jersey. “I am coavinced geld Sen. ator Edge. “that a very large ma jority of the people oppose all class legislation. To exempt any cless from any regulatory law is a direct javita tion to violate the law.” Washington.—Repeal appropriation by | COMMERCIAL Weckly Review of Trade Market Reports. : ne i - o 1 red i as to quality, 2 Hay CHICAGO top. $14.15; $ $13.50 i 14 diu 14.10; | heavy 9 Ei dso 13; ight packing packing $12.50@13.50 KANSAS CITY Hors Bulk, $132.5) @14; heavy, S$1350Q14 medium, $13.75@ 14; lights, $13.50@014; light lights, $13.26@ 13.756; picking sows, $11.756@12.75; pigs, 312.504 14 Cattle Heavy bee! steers, choice and prime, $15.75@ 18.35; medium and good, $1215.76; common, $8.75@ 11.85; light beef steers, good and choice, 3¢18.15; common and me dim, $8.25@13; butcher cattle, hell ers, I6.50@ 13.75: cows, $6.50@011.95: canners and cutters, $566.50; weal | calves, $1250@ 16.95; feeder steorss | @13.50; stoeker steers, $5.75G 9. gEQgwWe pigs,