“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” to be genuine must -be marked with the safety “Bayer Cross” Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which con talns proper directions to safely re lteve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores—larger packages also, Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic acidester of Salleylicacid.—Advy. —— woblcvnt Preparedness. Mother—If you fell in why are your clothes dre? Tommy—-I took "em off in case of ac cldent.—Pearson's Weekly. A Feeling of Security You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains mo harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The stme standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is mature's great helper in relieving and overcoming Lkidmey, liver and blud- der troubles. A sworn statement of purity every ttle of Dr. Kilmer's Root. If you need a medicine, have the best. the water, is with Swamp- you However, if you wish first to try great preparation send ten cents to sample bottle, mention this paper.-—Adry. % % » her hushand, but it Is not always ad visable to let him know it. lis are Nature's first bnpurities —adv, A vegetarian says that his health Is the result of eating no and chewing it well Clear Your Complexion with This Old Reliable Foo y 44 HANCOCK LIQUID JULPHUR COMPANY Baltimore, MA, Hamesed Sulphur Compound Ober mane 28 and STe==for non with the Lipid Compon od. -——— ed g . U.S. Army Raincoats Finished too late to go to France While they last — For Civilians U. 8. Goverment Specification Rubberizi Made ander li Highest Possible Waterproof Quality Released and Offered Direct te Civilians De'ivered Free to Your Door an Receipt of $7.00—POSTPAID and INSURED Sent C. 0. D. on receipt of 12¢ stamps Tan Fast Color Rubberized Material , Hermetically Cemented Waterproof Seams Officers’ Belted Coals $12.00 ILLUSTRATIONS OX Reg eer Money Refunded If not Satisfied State Chest Measurement nad Height CAMBRIDGE RUBBER CO. f Devt. 9 Cambridge, Mass, DAISY hs PLACED AYRE ATTRACTI ANDKI on ALL FLIES, eat, Fon ams - pse their efforts to secure a hearing Frank P. Walsh of Kansas City, whose portrait is here presented, and former Gov. Edward F. Dunne of Illi nois, bulk large just now in the public eye because of their efforts to get the Irish question before the peace con- ference. Mr. Walsh was formerly chairman of the federal industrial re lations commission and later promi- nently identified with organized labor. Mr. Walsh and Mr, Dunne had a con- ference with President Wilson in Paris and gave out the following statement: “We had a conference with the president today in which he stated that the American commissioners could not take up the case of Ireland officially with the peace conference, but that he himself and others had done, and would continue to do, unof- ficially, what they could do in the in- terest of Ireland; that the American commission had not yet taken up the senate resolution requesting them to for De Valera, Griffith and Plunkett. passes on the senate resolution. then our work is at an end. conference.” societies In the United States, This Is a particularly good late portrait of Frederick H. Gillett of Mas- sachusetts, speaker of the house In the Sixty-sixth congress. He has a difficult position to flll—a Republican speaker In a Democratic administra- tion—and his handling of the office is being watched with much interest, Just now Speaker Gillett Is also in the puldic eye because of certain things he recently sald about Mexico before the Pan-American commercial congress, His address brought forth a protest to the state department from Mexican embassy. In a formal tement Mr. Gillett says: the sta “I thought it would be preposter- ous In a discussion of the commercial conditions on this continent to have no allusion made to Mexico, whose persistent fallure to observe her in- ternational obligations and protect foreigners engaged in commerce has been notorious and is the most fla. yet I endeavored Pal be Mexico. is public, United States senator from New York and former secretary of state, fre quently occupies the public attention inasmuch as he Is probably the lead ing lawyer of the country, and many Americans consider his ond to none. Just now he is under the limelight in connection with the treaty. Mr. Root came voluntar intellect relations when It began its investiga. tion of the "leak™ following the state. ment by Senator Lodge that he him York of the peace treaty which the genute wis unable to secu peace conference. Mr. Roots ment contains these points: “I have a cogply and have had it for several weeks. Henry P. Davison, state I assert the entire OF ROUMANIA enh Crown Prince Charles of Rou- mania Is suffering from a bullet wound in the leg, self-inflicted, according to reports reaching this country. The wound Is not regarded ns serious, The erown prince's act, which has caused a sensation in Bucharest, is said to have been prompted by the king's insistence that the prince make Are The forth a delightful array of charming dresses of fine white net richly combified with embroidered pan- els of batiste which are now taking the place of the lingerie gown for the elahorate occasions when such a sum. mer frock is needed. The fine round thread nets lend dress and are accepted for informal evening affairs as well as for those formal afternoon occasions such as country club teas and bridge parties Now and then, observes a fashion cor- respondent, one finds the embroidery on the net usually done In fine white cotton thread in a small trailing em- add further richness, for the idea of With Filet Lace.’ it elaborate fet In as ns Coarse ued for the tight «lip over which Is hung layer of the outside material. possible, inderneath, first together with i i i underskirt with three small ruffles of the net placed one above the embroidered net used drapery for the front and has a very wide sash of ciel satin ribbon running under this apron and draping over in of an fa is wlofon tof mali i blue the ae h at the waistline in the back. at the back. The bodice is put to elaborate as the skirt, repeating an embroidered panel In a vestee ef to the ¢lhow. An Effective Combination. One of the effective combinations In the elaborate type of dress {8 displayed net combined. The net, embroidered in a very handsome design, forms the upper part of the gown, while the or ming on this frock, edging the coliar, which is cut in deep points in the front away from the throat, and edg- i net panel In the skirt The shot sleeves are also edged with lace, No sash is used on this dress and because of the beauty of the design and the material none Indeed Is needed, One sees any number of dresses with the finely tucked side panels in all sorts of fine cotton ma- terials, As the tucks are ag a rile not wore than half an inch wide and are placed so closely together as almost to overlap they do not thicken the figure in spite of the fact that they round instead of up and down. While. the white dress Is the tirely of finest plalted pink in color, with the fine net, In speaking of this sort of gown one must not forget that the sash Ig often Its most Important part, for one Is just as apt to find It forming almost the entire back as not, the inch-wide string belts being left for other dresses. If, however, one pre- fers the narrower type inch-wide*molire strips. Contrasting with straight oneplece frock, almost per fectly straight from neck to much In favor. batiste combined with the pet. On this type of dress the sash Is very as straight and unrelieved course the dress [tself buttons the back and the long lines thus re- main unbroken. Ruffles as Trimming. very narrow edges of Valenciennes lace are used as trimming. then covered with which has the same effect, is to be a far as white summer, at least our finest frocks go. ing the winter on hats therefore [is fabries, presence tells of its being the newest thing. One of 3 $11 $ Yor the mos delightful {ooh gal It #0 sheer and fine that It Is a del wensrer found and beholder endlessly. ix made into a frock of though the 1 i ml rear ¢ ruffles of footing along § 4 up morning almost simplicity, tion of tiny iar, along the sleeves and on the tops of the little of the plainness whatever, belt is In 1% back a wide sash of the organdie ora Pe 3 . nih pockets pinceq on the skirt relieves the dress of A str any ght round hold the waist and at is Accompanying this delightful frock Is a wide brimmed hat of and bows of white net standing up at Just the right angle in front. Organdie Still in Favor. #8 moment that organdie has lost it somewhat to one side Organdie is delight- ful to see—on the other person. right youth and slim figures, for its rigidity and its extreme thinness are both against it In the av. erage woman's eyes, pushed dressy occasions, belongs by to simple or as fussy as one desires. One with a deep hem and over this hang four panels of the pink organdie lace frills, waist to give the popular vestee effect, which seems to rage with the HOW THIS NERVOUS WOMAN GOT WELL Told by Herself. Her Sin. cerity Should Con- vince ers. Christopher, 11l.—"For four years 1 nervousness, an was in a run down i condition. Two of {1} our best doctors | failed to do me any i good. 1 heard so much sbout what i LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound had done for ] others, 1 tried it and was cured, I am no longer ner- vous, am regular, and in excellent I believe the Com will ALiCs Herren, Christopher, IIL Nervousness is often a symptom of weakness or some functional derange- ment, which may be overcome by this famous root end herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compaond, as ound by e2puEidncs, f complications exist, write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. , for to your ailment. st your service. General Pershing's Boys Need Something to Fight Cooties with, Glenn's Sulphur Soap vids the shan of “costes,” rash, ches, and ofl skin sections. Supply your boys in the service with tue wonger fully puritrng sosg— heals aud soothes DR.LD.KELLOGE'S ASTHMAREMEDY for the prompt relief of Asthme end Hay Fover. Ask your druge gist for it, 85 cents and one del« far. Write for FREE SAMPLE. Northrop & Lyman Co. inc. Buffalo N.Y, Perfect. his table manners are poor,” Lioned mother, eXCialis me to “Poor! of nma } . “he took 4% Qe lunch hima at the (sOorgeous NOR ex gs on the menu” Buy a Farm Now. is cheaper than It be sgain. The U. 8 Railroad AS pared to furnish fres (af regarding ferming Wa have nothing to sell; no i information to give srencs 10 your needs to learn about Agricultural Administration, Bersusse land tien Room 79, k's teeth are movable at will, at the moment the animal if seiging Is prey. The occasional vse of Roman Eyes Balsam at night upon retiring will prevent and re- Ever notice that the bird who ges talk is usually his Couldn’t Move In Bed Twelve Weeks From Rheumatic Trouble. Now Praises Doan’s. “For twelve weeks 1 lay abed, unable to move a muscle,” says Mrs. Gust gohnaon, 654 E. Seventh St, Red Wing, Ann. “The pains that shot through my entire body scemed . more than. any homan being could stand. My ha and arms and lower limbs were put if splints to step them from twisting into knots. Every hgament seemed ready to snap. 1 ean’t understand how I endured soch agony. | “Several Pr unals y agreed that in flammatory rheuma- - tism, but their medi. Mes. Johnson cine didn’t Five me any velef My folks wanted to take me to 8 hospital, but 1 would not let them The doctors could be dome for me. a six month's trip to Japan to forget Mile, Cecilie Lambrino, the girl from whom he was forced by his royal par- ents to obtain a divorce because she said that nothing skirt is made of an embroidered panel | “Ih ) of net appliqued onto the chiffon and | finished off at the sides and back with | enough of the plain net to give the ad an mvalid now for two years, before | fina i - \ Mystic Cream Look for the Witch we B0c a jar at your druggist A SAR Sale Excellent dairy, truck farm, 226 a, ~ well in sight Witliamshu fa Pox . Williamsburg, Sa was neither titled nor wealthy. The crown prince created conster nation in Roumanian royal elrcles last year by marryiog Mile, Lambrino, who is the daughter of a retired major in the Rourdfinian army. For this “escapade” King Ferdi: anand ordered that he be given 70 days’ solitary confinement “for absenting himself without leave from Lis garrl- son” The queen has done her utmost report, renounced his succession. » - needed width, and let us note, in pass. ing, that skirts are somewhat wider is well known that thin fabrics are pot graceful when skimped and the tight straight effects must be stu- dlously avoided for really good and graceful results, Solves a Probl The use of fine net with other ma- torinls this summer solves a problem of what to do with the embroidered panels which come from the Philip pines, Switzerland or France and which so often are tos much for » shirt waist nnd yot not enough for the Popular Dress Made Attractive by Philippine Embroidery. favor the early spring gave it. The back of the waist is plain, relieved at the neck only by a deep collar of the Inco-odged organdie and the sleeves, short to the elbow, have also the lace frills finishing them. Fashion Forecast, Red hats will be featured In sum. y mer willinery—red sallors, red garden ‘sport hats snd the more elaborate mushroom shape for afternoon year. This color note in millinery is especial: sults