WOMAN'S NERVES MADE STRONG 80 bad I could not rest at night— would lie awake and get so nervous I would have to get up and walk around and in the mornin would be all ti out. I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vo table Com- = und and thought would try it. nervousness soon left me. I Sleep well and feel fine in the ty Eo an able to do my work. adly recom: mend Lydia Pinkhans: 8 Vegetable Compound to make weak nerves strong.”’~ Mrs. ALBERT SuLTZE, 603 Olmstead St., Winona, Minn. How often do we hear the expression among women, “1 am so nervous, I can not sleep,” or ‘it seems as though 1 should fly.” Such women should profit Mrs. Sultze’s experience and give is famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. 0 pial s Vegetable Come pound, a tri For forty AN it has been overcom- ing such serious conditions as displace- ments, inflammation, ulceration, irreg- ularities, periodic pains, backache, diz- giness, and nervous Srostration of women, and is now considered the stan. dard remedy for such ailments, Lan BASE Kill All Flies] meme kills HEE ar Aly i] LER Mary and RIT er haar, Laste, ond rs 7s nr t spill or tip over; Hi st a Lo v4 will mot soil ox injure Saything, (iusian x FLY KILLER F (anlar THEY SPREAD EXPRESS, at n EAROLD 80 BRS, 14 De Ave. birskiyn, (2. Immediate Action Necessary. crying for, my little Tommy Tuff—I can’ pame fer dat guy, K. 0. G.—And should it necessary for you to think of a name, my little chap? Yer wouldn't heard the my why ask that one he called me, Catasrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as cannot reach. the seat of the Catarrh is a local di SOAS0, 5 eatly enced by constitutional « CATARRH ME DICINE will cure catarvh it is taken internally and acts througl the Blood on the » Mucous Surfaces « e Bystem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDIC INE is composed of some of the best known, combined with some of the blood purifiers. The pert ot they infly- beat MEDICINE is what produ es such @erful results In eatarrhal conditions Druggists T5¢. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props. Toledo, O. Cross-Examination. Mistress—So you are the broth Her only brother? Policeman my cook? I Rope so; 80. FRECKLES on Pett Cbd PENNSYLVANIA BRIEFS : Di Ja ar ne ie aE Easton s=chool chlldren planted a ree in honor of former President Roosevelt, Finding =a home, ninesyear-old Albert of Carl Linde, of Schuecksville, off, with the result that one aands was blown off, Mary Harris, of New ( appointed a ial worke plated charities to start a country-wide edueattonn? tical campaign against the tuberculosis, Tony Basile, of New Castle, reported missing in action, and given up for fost, telegraphed from Hampton, Va, “Arrived safely, feeling fine.” He was on the honor roll of the county as one who had died in action. The largest in York this year Meads bought dynamite cap near his Linde, son sot it of his (Castle, has been r of the soon In and prac. of NO ARS work spread mare the 8 0), Red Lion, broad leaf from ErOWers the Druck Vall Hellan nd Manchester districts to the amount of fifty-two wagon loads, a f 350,000 pounds of of B ww Ne fobacco delivery was when Tobacco company, of Pennsylvania of ey, the Mary in re h the Ameri. eived In Wis Ire the decoration by sdgium of Miss mans, of Unlont ition of wit Red Cross, heen rec Miss Semans by Queen Mary, of Eng. ¥ as a Red OWI, her work HEE ent. services {ross building the nsw state and North Bend by Miller of Lock Haven. a number of Joh Renovo odd HuDAnY, ¢ Of the eT men and loved on the Roveto, Marion Heights arrived from hat. we recently ht In man; in aM nt union of faell og Soubi bomely There's no longer the slightsst need ssiamed of your freckles, az Othine strength is guarasteed to remove these pote . Simply an of stremgth--from your druggist, and apply = of It night and morning and you should soon sed that evdln the worst freckles have begun to dis appear, while the lighter otes have vanished on tirely. It is seldom thet more than one ounce Ot bine doughle fittie got ounce & beautiful clear complexion Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine, as this is sold if it fails to remove freckles Adv, — Superficiality. tion.” “Yes” replied Senator Sorghum as powerful thinkers trouble to get to the inside.” BOSCHEE'S SYRUP will quiet your cough, soothe the in flammation of a sore throat and lungs top irritation in the bronchial tubes insuring a good night's rest, free fron coughing and with easy expectoratior in the morning. Made and sold ir America for fifty-two years. A woh derful prescription, assisting Nature Iz “building up your general health and throwing off the disease, Especidlly useful in lung trouble, asthma, eroup bronchitis, ete, For sale in all elvil ized countries. —Adv, None Satisfied. Officer—But surely you, a million. aire, have little to complain about. Munition Magnate—Oh, IT don't know, The multimillionnires treat us like so much dirt.—London Opinion, Shave With Cuticura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well as promote skin purity, skin eoms- fort and skin health, No mug, no slimy. soap, no germs, no waste, no irritation even when shaved twice dally. One soap for all nses—shaving, bathing and shampooing: Adv, Always Took on the bright side of things-—-aund if you are buying them look of on both sides, Granulated Eyelids, Eyes infaatd BY sure to Sun I Your! uickly relieved by Mura | Ey esi: fo Eye Bemcy,No Sain, b {og bin poy or by by Jail Coc per Bottle, For Book free write PN Eye Remedy Con Chicago. born Cleve — nfl His Come A from shurg inge. + month Hig wWorp 4 £2,495. the siate £0. at fund 43.00, and expenditures The total ba ir oo ISUry at tho clnke of Apr i WF, T23.87, against X10088!0 yf Mareh. The gene od £5,045, (16.08 a hd the 071.04, the month's receipt count being S48K.175.02 Announcement was made Phi Gama Fraternity, men's club in Sunbury, had raised more than 2300 for an ambulance and slovator for the Mary H Packer hos plead in spite the many war drives that have reached into the resources of the community, Alfred G. Lincoln, a cousin of Abra. am Lincoln and Mrs. Lincoln gave a a, n in their home in Lorane, one of the old Lincoln brothers’ home gteads, in honor of four grandsons who ware in the army, Lake and Mark Kil lion, Harvey Lincoln and Earl Rup. pert, Stanley Bright wag elected president without opposition the Reading chamber of commerce for the coming year, succeeding Charles H. Mills, not fg candidate for re-election. Jere H. lance In was 189 40 the end April, motor ¥ this a young of this hore Here, of | brouck, Erederick Ludwig, Landes F. Miller and J. Heber Parker wore elects ed ne wdirectors, The Lehigh. Valley rallroad at Packerton, which for two were working ‘only half tlne, started full time again. Walter W, Cohuliz, secretary of the Hazleton chamber of commerce, the last three years, resigned and will shops months have Mrs. Annn Best nt nd her Mrs. Oscar Fogel, 5 a * plum-hued dashes, Almost all of the cape linin a guy, Joyous and riotous they real Inner nature 2% strike such color of the BLOUSE WITH PEPLUM FRONT Mode! Christened “Bibette” and Occasionally Is Known as the “Apron” Blouse, + fair WOeRrers It Among the ver {evel peplum Taped th fronts ‘his ype o fall, when “Bf bette” “Bibette" bilen KITCHEN SHOULD BE CHEER Workshop of jority of Most the Home HMoucew of Their T on flesh crepe Dressy tafiot: with eape cont effects, The it has made of the deep sh tote de negre ite wit on excellent use iwi collar. and black are vells frocks | belta rather th wn of rib Copp 'T the favor The afternoon made of material mn, The oxford shoe, topped by a ribbed stocking, has no rival for street wear 14 fag coinre for Very plain but attractive is this model of black malines and Spanish fold-over edge of brim veiling the eyes. Diamond-shaped medalilons and blue ostrich are arranged on brim and “crown, 4 Back Lame and Achy 1 ? There's little pence neys are weak and while at may be nothing more serious backache, sharp, sta aches, dizzy spells larities, you must 2. the more serious trouble, heart disease, Bright's dise Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that in wo warmly recommended everywhere by grateful users, A Virginia Case J. F. Thomas, Roxbury BL, © Forge, Va. AYE: had too much uric 2 Jt acid In my BY SLE ped and 1 was in ga pret ty bad way i final Le iy got 4 box of Doan’s Kidney Pills and after using then, threes days I noticed A great change. kept on getting bet- ter and In about five weeks | was attend- iY business co , The rheu- > paine had left and my kidneys became normal Get Doan’s at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN’ HIDNEY PILLS FOSTERMILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. Get a Can of Bee Dee Stock & Poultry Medicine at Your. S%ore Today! when your fits $147] Lr re L 8 8, 5 irra to avoid "” (Formedly called Black. Draught Stock & Podlivy sick animals such trombles Indigest®on, Liver Appetite and Colds, DEE regularly with your Ose 30e can will make Two Big Sacks of Tonic Food. Try It! Adk Your Jobber's Salesman shout BEE DIE) WN STAR RUBBER CO., Inc. Non-Skid Ribbed Security Cord Type Tread Tread AUTO TIRES CARANTEED 5.004 male Prive 12.93 Loss of Also mix a little BEE WITH PRIVILEGE r 82 & special In EXPRESR UNT IN FUL: Write 5t onde STAR RUBBER co.. INC. 5%th St. and Broadway. New York City should have me, unl know me. 1 my ene cum 1% ess it even me with 1 MAT. cteristics of an am 1 wot a toon ia fawning . ¥mirking blath- nor sm I a dead tay be that atiribute of an Hon. beyond 1 am a bore, but not guilty.,"—Kansas City } work It ite, Z¥Y 16 liar and beat, I have very likely that 1 am Siar. one What is “Spring Fever” It is simply Jow Vitallly, a lack of Energy caused by impurities In the Biosd OROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC restores Vitality and Energy by Purifying and Enriching the Biood. You can soon foe! its Srengihening, nyigomting Eftect Price Soe, The Beginning ry Economy. Husband-—We'll have to economize, dear. Wife—