Work Too Hard ? This time of the year finds everyone hurrying to get the home cleaned up for summer. It's a pleasure, too, when you're well, but no wan or woman with a “bad back” enjoys doing anything. If your back is lame, if sharp twinges catch you when lifting and you feel tired and worn out, kidney weakness is likely causing youg trouble. Don't wait! Delay may cause gravel, dropsy or Bright's disease. Doan's Kidnev Pills have helped neople the world over, A Maryland Case or Pe ; G. W. Elis, chief Fos Fu 2 of police, Clark Ave, Pocomoke City, Md. says “Last fall | was troubled with a severe case of back. ache and my kid- neys were out of ors der, My back caused me a lot of pain and it seemed as i | were being stabbed every time I stooped or straightened, Whenever 1 passed the Kidney secre. 3 tions, they wers scalding and highly colored. The pain I endured on several OCCANIONS Was severe, as 1 passed Bev. eral gravel stones I used Doan's Kidney Pills and one box cured me.” Get Doan’s at Any Store, 60¢ a Box DOAN’S pny PILLS FOSTER-MILBURN CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. Your Best Asset —— A Skin Cleared By — Cuticura Soap All droggists; Soap ®, Ointment 25 & 530, Talcom 8 Sample cach free of *Caticurs, Dept. KE, Boston.” Increase Your Wool Clip > ith a machine and not © hear w wily get 1590 more . ; th, ever —pay balance on arrival. Write for catalog CHICAGO FLEXIBLE SHAFT COMPANY Pept. B 172, 12th Street and Central Awe.. Chicage, Bi No Wonder. tand shi nderst sthma, croup in all civil ntries. — Adv, Suspense. ¥ i Anxious SO Catarrh Cannot Be Cured LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as reach the seat of disease i 8 ar they icots Surfaces of ie CATARRH MEDICINE of best tonics of the best tovey The perf mt ina lients in HALLS CATARRH : is what produces such won- ynditions, tony inls free Props., Toledo, O Cheney & Co., One Exception. i peculi “What's iow YOu “A woman's posses soft, gion.” matter with spe of Dr. Peery's 8 Tapeworm A single ww xpe or Acme lowes MY HEAD! When the head feels ithick or _ jaches, when ~ Jone feels all ve out-of-sorts —perhaps a coated tongue—it is the signal that poisons are accumu- lating in the system, and should be cleaned out at once, Auto-intoxication can be best ascribed to our own neglect or carelessness. When the organs fail in the discharge of their duties, the putrefactive germs set in and generate toxins—actual poisons, which fill one’s own body. Sleepiness after meals, flushing of the face, extreme lassitude, bil- iousness, dizziness, sick headache, acidity of the stomach, heartburn, offensive breath, anemia, loss of weight and muscular power, de- crease of vitality or lowering of resistance to infectious diseases, disturbance of the eye, dyspepsia, indigestion, gastritis, many forms of catarrh, asthma, ear affections and allied ailments result from auto-intoxication orself-poisoning. Take castor oil, or procure at the drug store, a Pleasant, vege- table laxative, called Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, composed of May-apple, aloes and jalap. - - “GENERAL DICK” Brig. Gen. Wilds P. Richardson, a regular army officer, and a native Texan, commands the new American expeditionary force to northern Rus sia. General Righardson, with an out- fit of engineers, sanitary workers and replacethent officers, has arrived in Archangel. This officer who has been given this high command has been known throughout the regular army, ever since he graduated at West Point, as “Dick.” When he became a colonel of regulars a few years the promo- tion was recognized by the army and he became “Colonel Dick.” The pre- sumption is that he became a general officer has been advanced once more in the popular phraseology “General Dilek.” No one needs any excuse for writ- ing something in praise of Brigadier General Richardson, The presumption Is that in Russia he will direct a part to it that ¢ advance, and over which supplies must ago since hie and has become His energies to seeing known, for 20 that is Richardson less of condition Genernl VOurs 3} ae? be taken, will for OR over ich our will it into the highest ronds * He roar from -wenther, ught back nore than ever convinee of universal training grees with me, 1 ax army of 100.000 volun ie wisdom I find us a st the army (rive anding teers, and train every youth, we can protect ourselves 1 the Paris conferences beloved of that fact respect us. The American people will are bound to ship our soldiers to Euro will come.” £ months, and that will put us we will not etperge t az well face 10 do, word 1 who do not love use at least never ratify any pact under which we 4 tot we to settle the little or big wars which ome word: that the American 1a as rll : B_peop Manuel! L. Quezon is chairman of a special commission of 40 members from the Philippine legislature which the other day presented In Washing ton a petition for the immediate nde pendence of the islands, a stable government In the Philippines managed and supported by the people themselves, and that it can and will be maintained if independence {8 granted the island4, and urged that now is the opportune time for presenting ¢laims because of the principles for which the United States entered the world war, “for liberty, the self-government and the indicated development of all peo The commission was treated very nicely. Secretary Baker spoke for President Wilson and said that the president belleved the time had come to grant complete independence. The commission would be able to carry love liberty too dearly to deny it to yours ago that United States troops all over the istand. % —— EE — Inviting Styles. Soft, Lovely and Comfortable Gowns to Add to Wardrobe. In the spring, when the green and the tiny flowers are budding, woman catches the spirit to soft, lovely things, whose to hosts country, Even inside the home the spirit is reflected in the pretty fashion of articles are a women throughout the new house at presentable at of overs Is busy To duty household tasks all times is housewife, even If one's neigh the Cook book, A house gown of comfortable cut is tw ByYs ward in a woman's Many slipon models are weleome khiown altogether “negligee.” and yel from the w dress of cotton wm iNerent ell-known house gingham and enius for being fashioned iXtur E house gowns, A lovely tan ind plentifully crepe double-cros flowers of ruffles of n nost interesting featur mas find pleas 1d guard niimnte rather than Stenciled linen handkerchiefs milady's 1919 fad. Neat black and purple. fia Difference Between Genuine and a Good Imitation, Just why Irish Ince has been revived it would be hard to say. But whenever it Is revived there are a good many that always has many admirers on this side of the Atlantic. When a wom. an invests £30 or $40 in Irish Ince she has something quite tangible to show for it, for the most casual observer can tell the “real” from the imitation, while with some of the other lances only one who is something of an expert could tell the difference between the “real” and a very good imitation, Besides, Irish Ince is extremely sub. stantinl, It Is not worhout in a single denson, and it ean be restored to iis original freshness by the professional elenners without much trouble or ex pense, And whether or not you ever Alo make vse of the Ince a second time, Jaa a * TA SAAS you do feel eonsolntion at spending Now, us it ix being used {his season, nothing of that sometimes characteristic Ad harshness that was It is fine valen clennes Imitation valenclennes This Is especially true when it is used or in blouses or on Then again it 1s simply com bined with footing-—that Is, consisting simply of fine net White frocks whether in fact Inboats or other neck insertion of wash mn they are ever launder- freshened this nny fire to be worn a great deal than | summer since And these frocks ay more sunmer ns been Case the war be. Ken, F going to be of Corn simple lace-trimmed irs, many whose sole tr nnd yards i In to vards sertion combined with white or And ty f th ive oO see organdie or lawn sy office. that vislle the m the Hseriion Re Of will be Ones nnd li. ran This is a charming spring raindrops. Bright a red plaid rubberized silk cut smart cape with a high collar, sailor is of black straw. defiance to green and into a The STUDY EFFECT OF WAISTLINE Frocks So Loose in Cut Belt or Sash May Be Put Anywhere Between Bust and Hips basque effects, 1 extending down over of the skirt Fow ned of stadying tl in proportion wailstiin point Wty port the waistline figure. A bulky $ 1 wi Jow i gud el effect to waistline too is even permits be pro imperative require now armmt and portion is the Your ns you TWwWaen one waistline i look al ment may fn stand in front of your dressing table mirror, and probably it is all right as far az the upper part of figure is eooncerned. Bat study offect before a fulldength mirror and decide whether you really look bet ter with a higher or a little lower waistline And stick to the effect decided on. The has little to do with a your bon tie coraet are 80 looxe in cut that a belt or sash be put belween bust and hips and over the straightdined corset the costutne will hang all right. Persian Effects Again. Among the newest offerings in dress trimmings are the Persian vestings, which are now shown with silk and metal thread effects, Judging from the with much success in the retail stores. Both the large and small beaded tassels are very popular. These are offered In plain and fancy colors. For evening wonr, tricotine flowers in applique of. fects are wing sold very extensively. The volume of orders received hy firms in thix trade i= so large that in some instances mnch difficulty Is had In Al. ing them, anywhere — Newest Neck Line, A new neckline is the deep cut oval In front outlined by a plaited frill and filled In with tucked or ruffled net or argandie or self material, Now Is the Time to Got Rid of These Ugly Spots There's no longer the wilghtent need of feeling sshamed of your freckiss, as Oiline-dobis strengths gusratieed 10 remove these Lemely spots Bimply get am ounce of (Mhinedoubls strength from your druggist, and sppiy a Hitle of It pight and morning sad you should soos see that even the womt freckies have begun io dis appesr, while the Sighter ones have vanished on tirely It Is seldogn thst more thas ne oupes is needed to clear ihe siin snd gals & begutiful ciesr compirrion Be sure to ask for the double strength Otidas ax this Iv sold under gosrsntes of money bard io 3 fells to remove Tre Ast Ancient Precautions, “We'll rave this friendly agreement earved upon a monument of tampietels PE eR of stone,” said one “So that all the public can read it?” added the “Not only that will Ours ancient king other mide it ime 5 4 § $ # 4 Nn possible to treat £ Lis BCrap ol pa per.” To Have a Clear Sweet Bkin, Touch pimples redness roughness ith Cuticura Oilnt- ment, then bathe with Cuticuras Soap and hot water, Rinse, dry gently and dust on a litle Cuticura Talcum to Everywhere 25c each.—Ady, ome fo think ber 3 cant remem ever seeing mudsiinger witl hands Sean Horse Owner who has ever tried Yager's Liniment i will readily admit that it is by far the beat and most COBO ical liniroent for general stable use, For strained ligaments, spavin harness galls, sweoy, w . oid sores, culs and = ments, i gives quick relief, It cortaine twice as much as the cent botile of lniment At all dealers 3 usual WW YAGER’S LINIMENT GILBERT BROK 2 CO, Baltimore, Md X STAR RUBBER CO., Inc. Non-Skid Security | read Certs, i read ALTO TIRES STAR RIEBEBER sf. and Broadgpar 0. INC. New Yo 35% TO 404 SAVED ON Non-Skid Standard Make Tires Bur Honor yo $10.85 | #55. $13.85 02.258 Fi BE $2.95 $24.75 $41.95 83.95 85.95 Ginarantesd on 20x 3 faint § TU ny 4x4 bale Bal TL BK 3x5 Last #00 4 TUBK We Bock a ig ow " Wu also A TRIAL Phy have r Drices ORDER ASKED, ¥ oh IS THIS FAIR? MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! rene LL « : wit {f exam. r - Wi EXFRI i EES WHEN iN A AC MPANIES LER CLT RATE ALTO TIRE CO SBE St. and Broadway, New York City Bh pr Salesmen Wanted iver in & an. Texan ent industries have stopped ur output of Lime. We are now prepared to furnish our FAMOUS Frederick County Lime “hich hax proven a mine of wealth to the rrners Hee it M. J GROVE LIME COMPANY Limes Kiln Frederick Oo, Ma. Kill All who Flies! “Tes a pats lt of metal, ox Vues re § by EXPR ¥ » hn es, , 88 HAROLD , 166 Da .. Fexvns Makes OF Millionaires Oet your shares now, We jharanten dividends today. nol to- morrow Amite amoun? Texas Urude OU Co, stock at #1. Nise wells produc oil Others drilling Ranger atid other fields Bend for free map Petroleum Bevuritios Co. Gen. Agile, 419% Main Bi, Fi, Worth, Tex. AGENTS WANTED 180% profit selling our New India Vivre Brooms; gusrantesd toe outs weeny ix comm brooms. Se an al the 4 wt onrn broom, Sead She for saniple me Mfg. Company Ph ThE BU. Philadelphi pit sl lsc va oon bu Ginseng Ralsing The most profitable bes. nese in the world Part, free Address Ivan i. Bohieif, Cod Hughes Bt. Wittinmsport, Ps, Send tor m mall order price thst of plots ® and plow, Saiiefic tion rant CARL, 1844 Uniario PL. Washington. ARMY MEN—AGENTS Big mosey. Every body burs Fify vest peck Bam § A 2 Novelty or Chioago, A a Co. Toe. MEN Married or single; . # rt underwear, ste. rh renin House, 1028 Che SL. Phim, ib scissor de smtent i aim W. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 18-1918 —— i ie