a a Sw aa Apt THE CENTRE: REPORTER. IR a — THU RSDAY, MARC H 13, 1919. a THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Who Benefits By High Prices? You feel that retail meat prices are too high. Your retailer says he Jas to pay higher prices to the packers. Swift & Company prove that out of every dollar the retailer pays to the packers for meat, 2 cents is for packers’ profit, 13 cents is for operating expenses, and 85 cents goes to the stock raiser; and that the prices of live stock and meat move up and down together. The live-stock raiser points to rising costs of raising live stock. Labor reminds us that higher wages must go hand in hand with the new cost of living. No one, apparently, is responsible. No one, apparently, is benefited by higher prices and higher income. We are all living on a high- priced scale, One trouble is, that the number of dollars has multiplied faster than the quan- tity of goods, so that each dollar buys less than formerly. Paragraphs of News Taken from the Files of the Reporter of 1884. July 26, 1884. George Harpster, of Manor Hill, died on the 17th ult, of lock jaw, caused by a cut on the instep. Jacob McCool has found some heavy chunks of iron ore on one of his tracts of mountain land, Steel rails are used on the Penns Val. ley road and all work is being done as for a first-class railroad. On Saturday last a loaded wagon of John Geistweit, in Haines township, ran over a six year old daughter of Charles Hosterman, crushing her leg above the knee, On Tussday when David Runkle, of this place asion to make use of a set of double dri ving harness which he kept in his stal he found that some body had used his s knife on them, cut-| ting them so bad that no use could be] made of th Our farmers are about through hare vesting. Harvesting in Penns Valley is now mostly done by self-binders. Miss Ida, ghter of John Sankey, living a short distance above Centre Hall, on Wednesday last fell from a cherry tree, causing a dislocation of the shoulder, and : probably R fracture of On last Sat y a dent befell W r Ru James Runkle, , had occ haruess. SErious injury, distressing acci- nkle, a son of near Tusseyville, The young s on a Buckeye reap- er, the seat of which gave way and Mr, Runkle was thrown on the platform of the machine ; his leg was caught in the knives a { his feet almost sever- ed at tt “he father fortunately was pres his son aid, and bandage il leg which no doubt saved the you i bleeding to death, Dr. Alexander 8 cdlled and in using all his skill'to avoid amputation of the foot, D. J. Meyer, of t ed from a v Engineer P. J. W Tuesday to locaté the pot. The te thought most desirable and conver is on the north side of the railroad aod a short distance east ‘of the pike. Dr. Charles Guteélius, of Mifflinburg was here last week io the interest of the Mifflinburg Sa®ath-school” to engage grounds for a picnic. The school S00 mdivid- uals and arrive some time in the latter part of this month, if satisfactory ar- rangementis e¢ made for a special train. The ground fixed on is Wolf's beautiful wood the lower end of town. CYRUS BRUNGART JUSTICE OF THE PBACE CENTRE HALL, PA. Special attention given to collecting. L gal writings of all classes, including deeds, worigags agreements, clo. marriage iiceuses and hunter's Hoenses secured, and a’ matte pertairing toth | office atisnded tn crew pi jari, 0 his place, has return “hicago, Ill White was here on Centre Hall de- basket wii pumber about Swift & Company, U.S. A. TWO HORSES FOR SALE Sorrel mare, with colt, black horse, both coming five years old. — MERLE WALKER, Centre Hall, Pa. Bell pho~e, TaR12 pa. Tw MT LAY the smokegame with a jimmy pipe if you're hankering for a hand- out for what ails your smokeappetite! For, with Prince Albert, you've got a new listen on the pipe question that cuts you loose from old stung tongue and dry throat worries! Made by our exclusive patented process, Prince Albert is scotfree from bite and parch and hands you about the biggest lot of smokefun that ever was scheduled in your direction! beats the band! Get the slant that P. A. is simply everything any man ever longed for in tobacco! You never will be willing to figure up the sport you've slipped-on once you get that Prince ~ Albert quality flavor and quality satisfaction into your smokesystem! You'll talk kind words evry time you get on the firing line! Toony vad bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and hall. pound tin hemi. dove and —~that classy, practical pound eryetal glass Lamider with sponge molstener top that keeps the tobaccs in such perfect condition, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston Salem, N.C. i A om a A wg lc - A a —— a gi a ——— A mt LAE ST Sar a ish Influenza. . At the first sign of a cold take dig le CASCARA & QUININE Pom” . Standard cold remedy for 20 years—in tablet form——sufle, sure, ne > opiates=——breais up a cold in 34 hours—relieves grip in 3 days Money bac! kifit fails. The genuine boxhas s Red top y Mr, Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores. SALE REGISTER | THURSD A Y, B, Albright MARCH 13th, stone o'clock, M 4 mile sout h east of Bpring Mills, known se {he Eesns hom will sell: Horses cows, shoals, chickens, farm 'mplements and house hold goods THUBRBDAY, MARCH M Kiloe, st Ax mang haps, full 1 tractor, 18th, 81 9:20 o'clock, D. iowill sell : Horses. oaltle, ne farm machinery, hay press, fara and sane household goods BATURDAY., MARCH 15th, sat 1270 o'clock, 1 mile north of Penn Hall, 8. H Hackenburg will sell Live stock and farming implements, sATURDAY, MARCH 15th, one mile south of Centre Ha, on the Bpasd farm +t Eariystown, farm stock and | ment nd. Zecaled top sprivg wagon SATU} ADAY, MARCH sth, at MARCH, 18h, 10 & miles east Plessat Gap, 1 implements 1 TUES DAY MAR( H 18th 10am E. H. Grove 3 mile 3 f'eutre Ha or 1 mile east nf ie old Kishel farm wook and ent condition farm, wil ] we implementa evers Y. MAS i 21. one o'clock, at Cn ¥hlleman will sell a { #1 od ws, apris on C8 1 Pu chair, Sishes, BILE, kill } cabinet cut horr®, couch, glam ™ OUriDgE Car, Cle May's, anct WEDNESDAY ¥ARCH 1h at 3 m.. hat bs known as the Wen, HH. Grove farm. 2 14 Hes cmal of Spring Nitls, and 12 mile rorth of Homan wili we ve stock nis, consistiog as follows 7 Lv sietlon OU. ( nd farm implen Sorrel Mare, § years old, weight 1635 lin this ts rgie or dcubie, and is fearthenn fine de ivery bone Las excep 1 Black Mare st'bhorn apd sre good Bave cal ives by Use of sil Jere ¥ bheller fey 2 grade Holstela Bulls, 3 «1 ster » Brood Sows, 8 wil Willi bave pigs in ‘red © Fancy George ths herd 12 Chewtor comb While CL ghors FT LEMENTR -Twolirves wagon, Lew slew] nud roller, Joh Deer $i @ row ourn plant rr, good as Tew “sp ke herr 15-toc th erry barrow, J.0L ent 1 i Hand lehnet core tinder valor, Lancaster side bev ier, Johan &Y adders, 21 feet er barrel , Brlensi n table * wd box 5 It spleokid , good L004 a cdee dr 0 wo 1 Botes colisre laced cd HOUSEHOLD Goons, ¥ fn. good siok with « ine Ww go ope: warurobe, tan is 1 pd #8 DEW [ IRWEH nC Wr, ele Free lunch, Wise and Hubler, Aveta, 100 Head live Stock AT PUBLIC SALE MONDAY, MARCH 24th, 1918, 10 o'clock RP, Campbell and W. F Rishe', at the Peine Cave arm, well ell 100 HEAD LIVE STOCK, consist ine of the following § PERCHERON BROOD. MARES In foal; weight 1800 ite, ens h, 2 of which are registered, REGISTER'D FILLY, rising 2 yours o'd, weight 1400 ihe RISING 3 YEAR OLD, weighing 1490 The, REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL yours oid 5 GRADE HOLSTEIN OOWE brid to Regle tered Holsteln Bail, 1 REGISTERED AYREHIRE BULL 1 yaroid i Regi red Avrshire Bull, 7 seam old, 11 GRADE AYRSHIRE COWS, tnd to Ayr shire ull, 20 HEAD HEIFERS, grade Holsteins and grade Ayrshire FULL LINE OF REGISTERED BERKSHIRE SWINE, represent'ng ihe breeding of Baron Duke's Valine, H gh Wood Rival, Barrobes Champiot:, Pr net's Baveessor and Bloom! Master. The lot consists of a Herd Boar, vader 2 me old ; 10 Sows and Gills due © farrow in March and Apr! open Gills, 4 young service Boars, 3 Duroc Bows du to arrow in Apri; 2 Duroc Boar Pigs 76 Ibe, ofich | 12 Ehosis weigh 50 10 60 Ibs, each, Certificate of regietry and ox. tend: J pedigree of the pure bred stock will be furnished for your inspection on day of sale, Kv. ory snimal « fered 107 sais will positively be sold, regardless of price, to the highest bidder, Lo F, Mayes, ance in foal, coming two FovaLIc BALE There will be offered at publig mle, by the un. dersigned, one mile south of Rebenburg, I's’, on THURBDAY, MARCH 5TH et 9a. m. sharp, the following farm stock, im. plements, ete, to-wit & HORSES AND COLTE. ~Borrel ho se, § years odd, welshi 1575. Borrell horse, 8 old weight 1370 Sorrel horses, 6 years oid, weight 1350 Sorrel mare, 16 yess oid, welghi 1250, » family broke mare, Dark bay horse, § ours old, weight 1400. Brocd ‘mare, § years he weight 1885, a: oot, 2 years 1d, Sorrel colt, 10 months 83 HEAD FINE CATTLL- 15 wpome of these cows will be fresh 7 Jime of ¢ Ie and the mest of them are well bred Jersey ad hellers 7 heifers, two fresh this spring ; 7 heifers. one het er, Ist steer. Good Registered yents oid, Three gh twenty shouts, rome farrow by : of sale. Some. Firmovih Rech chickens, FARM MPL KMERTS. =Osbortie tedder, © ft Joh " a ervey bull, ‘Have YOU Heard me Rishell It's the Talk of the Town. YES, it’s fitted with the lat- latest improved automatic stop. Plays all makes of records, lateral as vertical cut, and Oh, vou say, what a clear, sweet tone, When vou hear your favorite artists on the RISHELL you “That's the only machine for me.” I's the wonder of the age. well as «11 wWiii Ye dd say talking ON DISP1 SALE F.V.Goodhart Furniture & Undertaking AY AND FOR BY Centre Hall odode bp dod de 2S lindy bdo bdo dodo ddd Insurance ahd Real Estate Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL, PA, rrrereyy FETT TTY Fromm’s STATE COLLEGE You can Save MANY DOLLARS in a year's buying here in Men's and Women's Clothing Shoes for All, Men's Furnishings, me When in State ( College visit FROMYS RO_FERN BRAwES Cusranton QUALITY Come sEmvICR a ae | There are approximately one hundred i million women voters in the world te- | day. Eleven million of them, in twen- | the'next President of the United States, { Women were granted full suffrage : in Australion Fed Austria Canada Czecho Slovakia Denmark England Figland Germany Holland Hungary Iceland Isle of Man Norway Poland Russia Scotland * Sweden Wales a - eration Men of women to take orders among friends and neighbors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full line for mm, women and children. Elimivst-s darn. ing. We pay soc an hour spare tim or $24 a week ‘or full time. Experience ua- necessary. Write, International Stocking will Norristown, Pa. 017 JAMES W. SWABB JU TICE OF THE PEACE LINDEN HALL, CENTRE CO. PA. i Deods, Mortgages, Wills, &c¢, written ard *x | souted with care. All legal busines prow. Is | stiended to. Spacial aiteition gives 10 we i Licenses, AUIC De : other Appiicet i || Bids wept 06 band ov. 918 | i — a Do You Suffer from Eye Strain ? Twitching of eyelids, occa sional spells of dizziness, nau- seau, constant headaches, elc., are symptoms from which to judge, My glasses quickly relieve such troubles. ‘MRS. EVA B. ROAN, 0. D. s22 E. College Ave. STATE COLLEGE, PA. ® } NEW { SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Dress Goods, Silk Striped Voil s snd plain Voiles, Organdis, p'ain and plail. Fancy Plaid Girgham, 32-inch Batiste, Serges, light wool, Poplias, Silk Filets, wavy and burgandy, Ready made Summer Un ler- wear in muslin, Jongcioth, nain- sook and gavze, Men's 2-piece and Union Seis. Also a full line for Bo s, A new line of Hats and Caps. SHOES for work and dress. Call and see. We will sive you some money. and heavy, all Condition— Service— your guarantee of genuinely good—uni- smile with a harvest. American Farmers war. crops to help feed did big things in the , better a famine-threatened