The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 20, 1919, Image 7

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Why Swift & Company Handle
Poultry, Eggs, Butter and Cheese
Swift & Company went into the pro-
duce business because they saw a
crying need for the kind of service they
were equipped to perform.
The produce business was in chaos.
Collecting, transportation, preparation
and distribution was hit or miss,
with delay, deterioration and loss on
every hand.
The farmer was at the mercy of an
uncertain, localized market. - He had
no way of reaching through to the
people who needed what he was
raising for them. There was no prem-
mum upon improving his stocks, for
grading was lax or lacking.
The consumer had to accept produce
that, as a rule, had no known respon-
sible name behind it. He had no way
of knowing how long the eggs or the
butter he was buying had been lying
around in miscellaneous lots in the back
room of a country store. Much of the
poultry was not properly refrigerated
before shipment or properly protected
by refrigeration in transit.
Swift & Company's initiative brought
system to this chaos. Tkeir organiza-
tion, equipment, and experience in
handling perishable food products were
already adjusted to the task. Their
refrigerator cars, branch houses, cen-
tral points, far-reaching connections,
trained sales force, supplied just what
was demanded.
Now the farmer has a daily cash
market in touch with the nation's
needs with better prices. Standardi-
zation makes better produce more
profitable. More consumers are served:
with better, fresher, finer foodstuffs.
Nothing suffers from this save
inefficiency, which has no claim upon
public support.
Swift & Company, U.S.A.
r than |
This Is Orange Blossom Time
in Florida
And it's a good time to North
, Come on down to lake Alfred and see one of the most beautiful
#ights imaginable--thousands of acres of Orange and Grapefruit Trees
in full bloom, scenting the air for miles around. :
We have a few planted small groves, but fine, not yet taken, hat
you cannot buy an acre until you have first seen the property. You hud
better hurry, for these are choice and will be sold soon,
After carefully investigating what others have done in our vicinity.
under exactly similar conditions. and you have satisfied yourself that
our claim that a Kix or Seven-Year-Old Grove, on a conservative esti-
mute. will produce from $200 to $260 per acre Net, you can buy with
perfect safety. :
If you buy. your trip conte you nothing, ss we refund traveling
expense to purchasers
Our groves at Lake Alfred are right on the Main Line of the
Atlantic Coast Railroad, in the heart of the Highland-Lake Section. the
highest, safest citrus section of Florida, with Ninety fakes within a
Five-Mile radius. Good asphalt and brick roads, schools, ete.
Prices fair, values big, reasonable terms.
Bend for our illustrated booklet, read it carefully, and then visit
lake Alfred personally. ’
8 K. THORPE, Nerthern Sales Manager, Florida Praltisnds Company,
45 East 42nd Street, New York City.
| N er
oP ar OF at
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leave the Frosen for a short Winter
ne Sap RI tt |
Prepared by the United States
ment of Agriculture.)
One of the greatest achievements of
{ the farm-labor activities conducted by
the United
{ Mealture during the past yea
of ag
in farm
all over the country wher
States department
i ing sections
Inbor was needed was the «
ment of cordial co-operation and sym.
i 2
pathetic understanding between farm
| ers and local business men, deparfment
i specialists state,
City Folks Help Harvest.
Ag a
crops have
been harvested
result of co-gperation
by ald of
{ the business men from cities and towns
| in hundreds of localities where large
| losses would undoubtedly have re
About 85,
| DOO town and city dwellers helped har-
sulted from lack of labor,
| vest In Kansas, 15,000 ji
“0000 in Oregon
2.008) in Indiana
1H! in
oo 000 in Hinois
numbers in practicall)
The 1: % thus
earned that local town and city folks
i proportionate
all other states irmer ha
can assist greatly in this en
. 3 - 3 . br suri fv iiy
work, and has come to look wit} BY Ol
Young Man of Present Day Learns by
Study and Practice of Modern
Business Methods.
(Prepared by the United
ment of Agriculture
Farming is being adapted more and
business basis, and farmers
citles nas having real
The expression
“Farmers and business men,” has be
“Farmers and other hosiness
more {on
are being recognized by
men of the
business standing.
the farming trade by working
with his father and brothers
in school and college,
and practice of modern busine
| ods. so that he
type of farmer from the countryman
of one or two generations
Once the young man let
now he
learns in that way
snd hy 11}
hecames § different
i Hn
about a pew method of
him and supplying
with any available information he
i desire. It is recognized that
has brought
dealing wit}
i vice—~to tell them what to do and
pa LR .
i when to do ft—and this changed sat.
tiong to all
satisfactory rein
concerned, it has re
sulted in freer consultation and the ar
rival at sind
gaffer conclusions
rom working separately
wactices conld possibly
| I ,
out the Year.
the Unite
ment of
A States Depart
The temperature of ground
varies with Iatitude, ®messon
and geological conditions,
{ a depth of forty to sixty feet it is about
i D0 degrees, and is nearly uniform
| throughout the year. At lesser depth
Ordinarily at
likely to affect it, Hence if there is
wich fluctuation in the temperature,
| or if the water is made turbid by rains,
ia supply of shallow origin ix indicated,
Deep ground waters are generally pro.
gressively warmer the deeper obtained,
for each fifty to sixty feet increase in
Expert Figures That Ton Is Worth
$54—Crops Need Every Pound of
Potash Obtainable.
Have the wood ashes. At present
prices of potash an expert figures that
the potash in 100 pounds of hardwood
ashes is worth $2.50, and in addition
there are in the same ashes 20 cents’
worth of phosphoric acid, This wonld
make a ton of dry, hardwood ashes
worth $54. At the same rate pine
ashes are worth £30 a ton, and should
be carefully saved. Give the ashes
that come from the stoves and fur
naces the same protection and use
them on the land just ae intelligently
ax would be given the high-priced
commercial fertilizer. The crops will
need every pound of potash that can
be obtained from ashes and every
other available source before the Ku
ropean wines are again opersted for
upon their cooperation.
has been to bring farmer
resident Into more cordial relations,
Provide Harvest Labor.
The results achieved along this line
are especially helpful toward providing
the harvest labor needed In a cons
i ultural program. Too
iy enlarg
much emphasis it i= eve : f
NE BEric
he placed upon the labor
that has
phase of the
to do with brir IZ Into Clos
and all nent all the
which have more or less to do
labor problem o
program that will eliminate
with the nd framing a
as far as
possible the loss due to having an over
ipply of labor at certain places and
ige at others, nnd that will
al: the local labor
from dis-
and necessary loss of time
in such travel
le the use of
the fullest extent aud
nsportation of workers
mnt areas
success in dealing with the farm
ituation during the past year Is
tf to justify confidence In meet
tion that may develop in
cote about
That it as much
s¢ a S00-pound scrub as it
does to raise a 1,000-pound well-
bred steer?
That there Is hing
than alfalfa hay
a ration?
That a dairy cow requires an
ounce of salt a day?
That form of protein
(skim milk, buttermilk, tankage,
or meat needed to
keep up winter egg production?
That a high tight board fence
north and west side of
the barnyard feed and
makes =a sunning
for stock in winter?
scrap) is
on the
flany Systems of Crop Rotations
—Seed Is Valuable,
a» -
2 —
(Prepared by the United
ment of Agricul
The soy bean may be combined ad-
vantageously in many systems of crop
Biates Depar
rotations. It is especially adapted to
short rotations, taking either an entire
se fison or a part of a season following
grain crop. The cash
seed Ig sufficient to end
value of
growing the beans
8 one of the main
When the whole season is thas
devoted to soy beans
they take
in a rotation system where
be used, In the
any place
states the crop is adapted to practical
iy the same place in rotations as cows
The small graine may follow
beans, and the soll requires but little
preparation after a crop of soy beans,
In North Carolina and Tennessee a
soy bean crop Ix often grown between
A rotation of corn, soy beans,
In some sections the
failed and on wheat or
a crop after early potatoes or cannery
peas and as an orchard cover crop, the
soy bean is highly recommended, as it
will produce a large quantity of fall
pasturage or material for plowing un-
der.on soils in need of organic matter.
Plant Feeding Is Not Simple Problem
of Supplying Manure and Com-
ymercial Fertilizers,
The expression, “soll fertility” is
used to include the factors which make
a soil productive. Plant feeding is not
a simple problem of supplying manure
and commercial fertilizers, An abund-
ance of avallable plantfood ix an essen.
tial factor of soll fertility, but there
mre other important factors,
When Children are Sickly
are Covstipated, Feverish, Cry out in their sleen, Take cold
easily, Have Headaches, Stomach or Bovel trouble, Try
. They are pleasant to take snd a certain relief, They act on the Stomach,
Liver aud Bowels and tend to correct iBiestina]l disorders, 10,000 testimonials
from mothers and friends of little ones telling of relief. No mother should be
without a box of Mother Gray's Bweet Powders for use when peeded. At
Druggists. Ask to-day. The need of them often comes at inconvenient
hours. Used by Mothers for over thirty years.
Do Not Accept Any Substitute for MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS.
Now Quickly
Those painful attacks of indiges-
tion, heart-burn, beiching, disgusting
food-repeating; that puffy bloated,
lmpy feeling alter eating, dys-
pepeia and stomach miseries — all
paing and even heart failure can be
traced directly to Acid-Stomach,
Avoid these dangers—don’t let acid-
stomach wreck your health, Don's
drag out your days feeling all in, down
pomt to just one awful American and out, weak and ailing. Keep the
isease—commonly known as ACID- vital spark flashing. Fat the things
FTOMACH. rout like and digest your food in com-
Fortunately there has been discov- ft. Then you'll feel fine—be fit—
ered a wonderful modern remedy— mentally alert—have pep and punch
called EATONIC~that brings instant ~the power and will to do things.
relief from all these stomach miseries Take EATONIC and give your
because it absorbs the hurtful excess stomach the help to put it in a fine,
acid in the stomuach and drivesout the healthy condition eo that it will digess
bloat and gas. You won't know yon your food perfectly and make every
have a stomach, so free of pain you'll monthfal you eat register 100% in en-
feel. Besides, it saves you from more riching your blood and building up
perious ailments because it is @ scien- your bodily strength. :
tific fact that ACID-STOMACH fre- Get a big box of EATONIC TAB.
quently creates conditions which baffle LETS from youk druggist today, They
the best medical skill, Many casesof taste good—just like 8 bit of candy,
chronic stomach trouble, bilicusness, The cost is trifling, It is absolutely
severe headache, general weakness guaranteed. If it {ails to relieve your
rheumatism, gout, lumbago, intestinal etomach misery, your druggist will
vicer, cancer of the stomach, beart refund your money.
A Elip Somewhere, A New One,
ile filing down 1h 2end ar
But few men can stand prosperity
wn It comes,
Do you feel tired and “worn-out?” | the
Are you nervous and irritable?
sieep well at night?
ignore Jittie pains and
especially backaches They
may be little now but there is no teli-
ache, pain in the loins,
Severe distress when
or Soreness
iment? Al these indicate gravel or
stone in the bladder, or that the pol
sonous microbes, which are always In
You should GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules
The oil soaks gently into the walls
and lining of the kidneys, and the lit
tie poisonous animal germs, which are
causing the inflammation, are imme
diately attacked and chased out of
your system without inconvenience or
ing bow soon a dangerous or fatal dis-
ease of which they are the forerun-
ners may show itself. Go after the
cause of that backache at once, or you
may find yourself in the grip of an in-
curable disease,
Do not delay a minute. Go to your
druggist and insist on his supplying
you with a box of GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. In 24 hours
you will feel renewed health and vigor,
fter you have cured yourself, con-
tinue to take one or two Capsules
each day =o as to keep In first-class
condition, and ward off the danger of
future attacks. Money refunded If
they do not help you. Ask for the
original imported GOLD MEDAL
brand, and thus be sure of getting the
ah hy VE
I ine
| 438 Market Street
QUALITY. By planting