The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 06, 1919, Image 8

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    THE OENTRE REPORTER.| Finds Paper Published in 1823. V AlL W ANTS I. S. Vail Wants U. 8. To Be Center of |
SE .
THURSDAY, FERRU ARY 6. 1910. A copy of the Bellefonte Patriot, bear Great International Wire System
ing the date of October 22nd, 1823, Was (Continued)
Be “=== | produced by a Williamsport man a few be the center of the system for trans.
THIRTY: "FOUR "YEARS AGO. days ago. mission in any direction to the limit of
Sy ™on Among the interesting items in the col-
Mr. Vail's second premise is contained
Paragraphs of News Taken from the umns of the old paper is an advertise- | in the flowing ined tony “Should the
Pp ment, stating that a public sale would - United States become the center of the
Files of the Reporter of 1884. be held by ** the commissioner appointed cable system commensurate with and
May 14, 1884. | by an act of legislature in Pennsylvania NA WIRE sufficient to fully protect its political and
S economic positio
George Hoffer, an active Democrat of | for the improvement of the Susquehanna The world’s system of international
Boalsburg, announces himself as a can- | from Columbia to Tide,’ to dispose of electric communication has been built
didate for sheriff. several sections of said river for improve- up primarily on the basis of connecting
The telept : bei tended | ment the commercial world with the old cen-
e telephone is now being exien td ue oy : ters; focusing these world facilities, as
from Bellefonte to Lewistown, via Cen- The ** war Rows in Kip 1sske is From it were, on the old world's centers of
tre Hall The extension to Millheim |the ** western front" and tells 0 the finance, commerce and industry. Na- ’
' has not yet been determined. victory of the United States troops aided For Protection of Our Political | tional pre stige, local interests, competi-
tive enterprise have influenced logation,
The lower end of the valley is still | by the Sioux, over the Ricara Indians. and Economic Position extension and combinations so that ¢
having the financial shaker, The panic| In two advertisements the munificent ee —— these facilities are not in all cases ar-
set in six weeks ago with a failure of | reward of six cents is offered for the ap- ranged to be productive of the maximum } O 4 11 en ac
Perry Stover, dealer in grain, who left prehension of runaway apprentices. Holds for Unification and Fed- possibilitie s of either broad efficiency or
the greatest economy.
with liabilities reported at from twelve m——————— eral Regulation of Utilities The United States is connected with ~~
to fifteen thousand dollars, much of LINDEN HALL. this world system but on one side as a
which was due farmers who sold him |p ' contributing field to be reached and ex- J ouse
: : last week. A letter of Theo. N. Vail, of the ploited, and not primarily as a center,
their crops. This created a scare and| Miss Stella Musser is spending a few American Telephone & Telegr: iph Com- We must give our commerce
¢ : what it
want of confidence which resulted in a weeks at State College. pany, written in response to a reque st of needs and what the commerce of the eld
Hon. John A. Moon, Chairman Com-
a Mi oi . at insti- : ask 8 «% already has, Ou crnations ;
ran on the Millheim oank. That insti-1" Mies Phosbe Potter spent a’ few days | noite) on pow Office and Post Roads, | Soe service has become a tility of THE WELL-KNOWN
tution, however, withstood the local last week with friends here. Tae of Representatives, is today made we _— aT Wha I Re a
tempest and had backers whose assur- Miss Helen Ishler returned home after public. Mr. Vail's letter is a plea for the ingly.
: : ® @
ances quieted those having deposits. spending several weeks with relatives unification ang propes ie an regu From the United States to the greater
George Korman a well-known farmer Cent Hall lation of utilities, particulay the wire * part of the world electrical intercome
£ G rg townshi lied Mond at ere B system, and, what is more important, munication is exper nsive and roundabout
of Gregg township, died on Monday.| a. Ella Catherman returned to] a plea for a world-wide cable system Ba
. :. 3 A utilizing and unifying the opera
The construction train is now within |g. 0 College Saturday after spending a | cents wring in and contre lle d in the United : a ’ ning : I
three miles of Centre Hall, and before
tions of the existing and abundant trans
. Stat 5 an tial to the extension of . ¢ : . :
few weeks at the Swabb home. 3a1€3 AS an easthirM islon oi atlantic cable facilities, direct connection OF HARRISBURG
another issue we expect to see the untry
American COmMMErc Here are two i ished
horses scared by the engine at the lower
i wit
a . . rh . : can be esta
The Post Office Department recently | things in which the public is interested Europe through some immediate
. i i / e¢ system th will give them all i a
gave this post office the mail service it | A wire system that wil give them all | rangement, and as soon as possible some | | NETH be at the CENTRE HALL Hotel
end of town. had before the war, so that we now the bet vice at the Dest rates pos ible and relaying, rélocating, some extension o i e at 2 ote
Se——— ————————— ” : one that can maintain stanadar vice, the old and the las ing of me new cables
GEORGES VALLEY ir Fo ae a dock anil the extension of American Commerce While private property’ mus be te
» 1 fon . rs. 1. H. Ross left for Braddock on The lett: cfers to Hous 3ill 268. die private pio dL : 18 .
J Phe letter refer spected, proprietary rights should not be THURSDAY AND FRIDAY
Mrs. S. E, Gobble spent a few days Monday to spend a few weeks at the| It is not Mr. Vail's understanding that | ho 4 to obstruct thi
roment ow
last week with her parents who are sick | home of her daughter, Mrs, Lewis | this! i 3 a ae hae Hp and { ¢ han proprietary
with influenza. Swartz, the attraction being the little} ", co ts buroose to allow suffi diam | tility should § reve nt reg late d or con- F b 6th & th
Mr. znd Mrs. Williams, of Port Matil- | girl which arrived there last week, to prepare and presen t to Congress a | hi 0, oper RB 2 The aficul, Ln Cc ruary yi
da, spent a few days last week at the D. REIT Spec roposi $i n lof he reOrgamze | Sta nust be brough
D. Decker home. $1 in Cash Prizes. Ma OY NY ff the es Ee acy | intothea a system of elec ; :
Mrs. Susan Davis is spending the For those who have been in '‘Service ” intr nation al Systems rated and yg 2 : ig a . : t oo nu To make Examination of the Eyes.
week with friends in Lock Haven. here is a fine chance to get some easy nts | f the United States ararioUs ¢ Ev. of any gther COUNTY
Mrs. E. D. Foust and Mrs. F. M. Ack- | money. The * Philadelphia Record ” is :
erman visited friends in Potters Mills offering more than $1000. oo in cash
last Wednesday. prizes for letters telling of experiences.
Mrs. Lydia Lingle went to Lock Tue first prize is $100.00; second, $7%.- : public the utilities sHOISC. 1 the very ‘essential to the building
Haven last week to visit her sister, Mrs. . third, $50.00 ; fourth, $25.00; fifth, iid I re i che ax vf of ty of foreign commerce—quick, rel . Remember the dates—this is your opportunity to get
Edward Eungard. oly 00 ; twenty prizes of $15.00 each ; in H culatit d cont Jd: hence i u re " munication eh rely 1 1 : .
Those who spent Sunday at the W. | twenty.five prizes of $10.00 each, and | would seem highly desirable for the | Wich as many te of millions and the the same high-grade service we render at our home of-
P. Lingle home were Mr, and Mrs, Rob-| fifty prizes of $5.00 each. country and for the pi s that | oo nner ph . . ;
ert Lingle and children, and Mrs. Ed- y bth one is eligible who has seen ser- IE 8 AO rs ol IO A rong | Panies con d in the Uni ates, : fice. We are making this hotel a pzrmanent branch of-
ward Lingle and two boys. vice in the army, Dav marine corps, - it inst the immediate return | Systess | if +h ' Dnt Coos : y
Last Wednesday oh Mr. abd Red Cross. Y. M. C. hy EE OE EE witmive ay \wediat | Pk the businens of Hh es: Don fice and will come regularly toffCentre Hall.
Mrs. Wellington Yearick royally enter: | other service organization. l y cure ti is 3 !
tained at their home in Georges Valley.| Your letter must relate an actual ex- esoonaible, con § Getory and 1 ill he expr ture of
a number of friends and young people. | perience, and you may ** tell how it hap- un on rm oof control of regula- | money and effort in behalf of Ame ri an
The evening was spent playing games pened ” in your own way. There is 80 on :
after which refreshments were served, | restriction as to where the incident oc- shidTodente Livy ’r her hy ther of jou i ,
consisting of cake, sandwiches and | curred. It may have been in this coun-| ¢ 4 et rTetaT . by Ere and if the sl at yv it cannot have .
candy. Those present were: Mr. and try or ** over ee = Nor is it neces- Aning o IR all the rh us | ! : Rly I Can " wil om the con- Gohl, Rinkenbach & Rouse,
Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. and Mrs sary for a letter to be especial ly written. existing v services or those that are
: It is o reg rete th at the duet a
Charles Foust, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hen- | Some of the best letters may have been compl ary and suj heme ntary into | tis to be i’ ah aT wo EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS
oh wnt ownership and superior
3 - one or ¢ ’ iy : teen broyg! int«
nigh, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sharer, and | written long ago. er. Of oF whic % should be dete pW foreign right s have been brought into
3 : : +" cabl gestion to handie the solu
sons Ray, Jacob and Franklin and Write as much as is necessary to tell | the nature of the service, by the extent Sis alle qu 3 3 andi S th Mla.
i h r ¥ To. > » A { d J ant
daughter Maebelle, Mr. and Mrs, Wit- your story, but don't make it a long] of the service rende red, an i by ee mmer. | problem, which must be sett) from an
mer Lee and piece, Mildred Duck, Mrs. | drawn-out affair. Your name and ad- cial, Sing economic reasons; and | lan standpoint by some co-ordi.
§ nnn in a direct manner, na
Blaine Hosterman, Gladys Leister, Dor-| dress, with the designation of the ser- by combining
Livoreed from 1 it
X . as far as posal le divorced fr mn Pos i ment authority and private of erati i Of
othy Hanna, Grace Neft, Mary Tate, t x ¢ lass influence. the at- 1 s ; $ 3
hy I ’ A vice unit to which you were attached | or partisan or cla sf uenc ce, requi- | operation fo unded on the best traditions
Harriet and Ida Prazier, Laria Reeder, when the incident occurred must accom- gite power af nd at ath din an hus or private operation free from politic al
Marie Leister, Ethel Laughner, Katie pany your letter. If you have a photo- Government expressed In a RH ao 4 interference and combined in a federal.
Ci { equilibrate revenue, operating *{ wi 0
McKinney, Samuel Bitner, John Neff, | graph of yourself, write your name and capital ATEE, with a operat ised Gorporat oi. } vusgan
‘ef : we ¥ #5 I Supeantes
Harry Neff, Clarence Miller, Emerson | address on the reverse side and send it] jzation, adapted to the requ fe Whit 8g question as to the Busway
. . - right or the necessity of the United ® | quarry |
Ennest, Earl Frazier, George Condo, | along. the service, and based on the States to build up a commercial inter- | come
Frank McKinney, Paul, Hoover and The contest closes March the 15th— which ¢ Rperie nce, enterpt prise ha sed ope = aerial wire system of which the United
. fn rial work we ahown . / .
Elmer Noll, and Jack Smith. but don't put off your letter too long. The tion in th Ra offic a economical States is the center, instead of remaining
: . at one side of an international syste
prize-winning letters, wi th the pames In order to prove his points, Mr. Vail ALG ystem
State Agricultural Notes. and units of the writers, will be pub- | treats in a thorough manner the whole
exist in the muitip
nerce if there are to |
. lable facilities of
pated correlated combination of Govern-
which centers in the English Channel
of the Electrical Transmission of Nor should there be any such a spectacle
Many townships report the first flocks | lished in the Magazine Section of the an 4 lige eb and by describing the his- as an American owned company ob-
of sheep purchased by farmers during | Sunday edition of ** The Record ". gory, methods, development and achieve: structing the creation of an all-American ; y 4
the past few months, Mail your letter to ** The War Letter | ments of the art, makes an unanswerable | CAVE SySiEi. H Tubl a1
to t ’ Lit he Philadelphia Record.” argument for a universal system of the a " — i ts
Damage to the wheat in Armstrong | Editor, The Philadelphia Recorc pe benefit to the public and yet £
and Juniata county by the Hessian fly is | pe el properly regulated and controlled from
reported by some farmers. | The open winter has proved of advan- | a single federated source. He says the
wire the future will be one
Landaster county farmers report fast |tage to the farmers and much of the system of the under single control,
decline of driving horses and the replace- | spring plowing has aiready been done, by or over which direct communication
ment of draft horses and mules by trac- |and in practically every section farmers | can be established between any two
tors and trucks. | were plwiog the latter part of January. | places for the electrical ranamission of
amy communication or of the spoken
et i —— een is | mgd: and every individual place will
Soins ari appy Farmer” Tractor
in compliance with the provisions of their charter the sixty-escond annual statement of (he
company is hereby presented.
for quality, condi-
tion ies service are being
spread over thousands of acres
rmland, to help raise rec-
aking crops to feed
dd rica and Europe. Time-
tried Hubbard Brands bring
bumper crops. They spre=d
freely and evenly— never gum-
up thé drill. Order early
through your dealer. Loo
for the trade-mark on the bag.
The Hubbard Fertilizer Company
of Baltimore City
Also Scarport, Me., and Norfolk, Va.
Eprtilizers that Fertilise
A Rak
Balance in treasury January Mth, 1908....enn iienn $ 46e
Cash premiums received AUring Fear... cums ane : 2 4 It
pr as ” . ¢ : y Fs Td y Za Note to danlars=-We desire resonuiiie repre.
Cash received on Assessment No. 28... —— 10079 #6 ! . xP Agave *s where we are notalready
Borrowed MODY... vrs A 7518 13 § |/iE3 10 ; } G ,
Fire losses,
1. W, TMM usmristcssramit serine - ? f]Y 0 | is A by... 08 td Searsport, Me. The Hubbard Fertilizer Co. of Baltimore City = Norfolk;
W. B, Wright...
Anle OTRY..vcr —— i A} Rel » Al y 1400 24 0AIS 200 bE 404
Jonathan BPROEIOT cco verison sussssssrovmsssvsrsi soves svi
BUR J, COTIMRRE. coors dhisssres sromms sos ramos sssssosves axioms ows
a om Ra cca simi. ros Smit hich Jo leaping Your Eyes Real Estate
an ———————————— in the furrow and turns on a radius of nine feet, Symptoms often arising from defective Want to Buy or Sell ?
Why pay more when you can Or Su the Xe horse visions in persons of all ages are
buy the 8-16 horse power for ress $1100 headache, a syn, | SEE US FIRST
or ——————- pausea, car sickpess, nervousness.
Sistas. WH ALSO HANDLE THE FAMOUS Many who sulle Jom hese A try om a bats sane
Cash paid on premium WIAA earmmaseressiaaaers -——
ed — WALTER A. WOOD LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS fury herp ic Tncamel de |3 Chas. D. Bartholomew
Loans paid......... — Crown Grain Drill, Black Hawk Corn Planter, Oliver Plows and repairs, ht cause no permanent CENTRE MALL, PA,
TAOS PMc surursusivsrcorseestpseimutseresvorsisnsevisopaiiresacssesnions Blizzard Rneilage Cutters, When you are in the market for a tractor or imple- | i et a hl Have
Saudis Fapeae. A eit ments we would be glad to demonstrate the merits of our machines. thoroughly examined anddet adic
Cotas seen ane fa AT Cleve. Eangard & The Decker Motor Co. - - Spring Mill, Ba pics” mc” Svs a,
Onell DRIES IN CROMIUTY....ccoommvvisrisssmssivas Sosbrimereseisis : apie . ”
Assessment No, 28 1 course of comm a
Safe in office.
pe : F ECONOMY || MRS. EVA B. ROA, 0.D.
nn a romm’ S “sToRe YE Greate
ARO PME Filius swremeestesiercressrseons en STATE COLLEGE, PA.
Risks in force today STATE COLLEGR . -
At an election held the same day the following were elected as directors for the snwulvg year You ay Save MANY DOLLARS in
H. E. Duck, Col. W. Fred Reynolds, Frank McFarlane, E. M. Huyeit, B. H, Reed, John H. Beck, stement, year's buying here
John B. Goheen, Z. D. Thomas, G. P. Gentes), George Mitchell, George B. Haines snd Frank M KELLER, Sao )
"ne Bons rguand by satin 1. 3. Duck yreide; Col. W. Fred Rey, view presen; Men's nd Women's doting
Frank M. Fisher, secretary, snd J, B. Brungert, treasurer Sos or AN, Ma's uruatngs, Bt
Attest: FRANK M. FISHER, Secretary, H, E. DUCK, President,