ig LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Eggs have taken a big drop in price. Oysters on sale all week at William McClenahan's parlors. adv, Progress Grange will meet Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Ralph Henney spent a few days Philadelphia, the past week, Miss Mary Fisher visited friends at Spring Mills a few days last week, In many northern counties young cat- tle and sheep are still out in pasture, Miss Ferma Hoover was a guest of the J. W, Runkle family for a day last week, in Mrs. D. A. Boozer returned from a Philadelphia hospital on Wednesday afternoon. F. V. Goodhart is on a trip to Altoona, Johnstown, and other points, in his handsome coupe. Fred 8. Wells, west of Centre Hall, was a caller at this office on Saturday and enrolled as a Reporter subscriber. Mrs. Laura Lee has returned from an extended visit to the home of her daugh- ter, drs. George E. Breon, in Reading, Mrs. S. 8. Kreamer, daughter Miss Rebecca, and Park Ewing, of Lewis- town, visited relatives of the Kreamers. here, on Saturday, Thomas Foss, of L oganton, was a guest at the C, F. Emery home on Sat- urday. He has been honorably dis- charged from the service, February opened with snow flurries, but the snow soon disappeared and mother earth is as brown as a nut—un- usaal indeed, for February. J. H. Horner and Stoner, of Tusseyville, made a trip to the Kindig stables at York, beginging of the week, to purchase farm mules, Charles Messrs. B. D. Brisbin arrived at his home in this place on Thursday afternoon, after having spent a period of six weeks with his daughters in the state of Connecti- cut, Dr. G. W. Hosterman, on Wednesday, took Guy S. and Joseph Edmiston, sons of the late Harry D. Edmiston, of State College, to the Masonic home at Eliza- bethtown, 1 men scraped the Tus- road, this week, to the great tion of those who had occasion to ugh several weeks The State roa seyville tisfac sa plovgh thro the mud past Past, Mrs. G. font O. Benner was taken to Belle- 1ospital last Wednesday, and od on {ly underwent an operation, She is h ogress toward com- plete recovery, Mis father, 3 al AY hac tree nospital, A s Ve ied her roa Frantz accompan W. H. Frantz, from Mer to his home near Cen- Monday. Mr. Frantz un- derwent an operation three weeks ago. he the itoona, re yall » Ie Hall, on will will waffle De i by the Gregg tow Vocation- 100l, at Spring Mills. in » of Tusseyville, gt Miss Berths ngton, D, C,, last Ti he latter begi companied dau Miller, day, iter, to Washi work immedi ately on her position v1 a clerk tional departments, as one of the 1 The Girl Without a Chance ”, € to Garman’s opera house, Belle- fonte, on Tuesday, February ith. The play has been well received over the whole country and is making its second appearance in Bellefonte. Prices, 35. 75, and $100, is comin 5 £ 25, See the advertisement elsewhere in this issue of D. W. Griffith's ** Hearts of the World ”, which will be shown at the Pastime theatre, State College, Febru. ary 19th and 20th, The producing com- pany's own Symphony orchestra will furnish the music accompanying the picture. Don't overlook the dates, Harry Bair, a forme: Millheim boy, visited relatives at Madisonburg last week. Mr. Bair is in Uncle Sam's ser- vice, having been invalided home from France, landing in New York on New Year's day, and he was granted a short furlough. His lower jaw was shattered in a battle and he also sustained several minor wounds, In reading the school reports for the fourth month, in this issue. note the out- standing feature of the grammar grade report. It is found in the last sentence and has reference to a boy who has not missed a day of school in seven years. We have just a slight suspicion that this boy was in school when others were out, on the excuse of some ** ache " or other, Such good records don't just happen. Cleveland Brungart had the misfor- tune to break his right arm, above the wrist, on Monday afternoon, while crank- ing LL. Smith's Ford "bus preparatory to making the trip from the post office to the railroad station, He did not realize the accident had occurred until he reached the depot, when the pain be cane so great that be had to be taken home. Dr, H. H. Lotigwell reduced the fracture, Centre county has a financial genius in William Wood, who resides in Rush township. He is overseer of the poor of that township and has served as such for cight years. When he became poor overseer the township was $3.000 in debt and the millage for the poor fund was 10 mills. Since then the indebted. ness has all paid off, a poor farm home hased and paid for, as well as a $600 team, and the poor district has $1400 invested in Liberty bonds, And RSBURG. Forest Ocker is on the sick list, Lester Minnich, who was employed at Milton, has returned home, Our boys had a glorious time on Mon- day night serenading Robert Bierly, who was recently married, John Bright and his housekeeper, Mrs. Annie Albright, visited relatives the past week in Union county. One day last week Samuel Bierly bought JW. Carlin's entire merchandise stock. Mr. Bierly has retained Mr. Car lin as clerk up to April first, Edwin Guisewite and Russel Becken- baugh, both employed in the paper mill at Lock Haven, spent Sunday with their families. The carpenters are busy erecting a new barn for Mrs. Thomas Brungart, which takes the place of the one which was destroyed by fire last spring, Mrs. Samuel Gephart and Mrs, Henry Meyer spent last Saturday at Williams. port with their two daughters, Helen Gephart and Ethel Meyer, both students at the Williamsport business school. RR ——r—p a wetes— CENTRE MILLS. Mrs. Adam Reish party, last week, Mrs. Lank Bechtol has been sick list this week. * Mr. and Mrs, George Bechtol and five children have beea down with influenza, but all are on a fair way to recovery, Mr. and Mrs, Orion Reish visited at the home of Nevin Fiedler, at Yearick’s church, last Sunday, Mrs, Breon, who moved gave a quilting on the to Rebers. burg last spring, moved her household 8 i Eg goods back to her house his week. ih oe mss ons Asmar somata mA ssi The Adam Reish family visited at the home of Robert Strouse, at Penn Hall, last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Kline and daugh- ter, Miss Minnie, attended the fourth quarterly conference of the M, E. church at Spring Mills, S————————— i ——— State Agricultural Notes. It is estimated that the farmers of Pennsylvania own and operate about 7, 800 automobile trucks. But five counties in the State, Law- rence, Pike, Potter, Snyder and Wayne, reportan increase in horses over a year ago, More fall pigs have been kept on ‘the farms during the fall season and there is every promise of a larger increase in the swine industry of the state during the present year, Fruit buds are repored in splendid conditiog from nearly all sections of the State, but they are advanced to such an extent that severe weather may do siderable damage, Con- Potter county farmers, as well as | many other dairying communities | giving attention to increa sing the quality | rather than the quanity | cows, A Perry "of the Department of Agriculture | ** Buttonwood trees shed their are county Cor | bark this fall and muskrats built their | nests high righ, i mild winter, iate and not so | FOR SALE—House and lot on Hoffer slrect | Frame house, seven rooms outbulldiogs: well | located. Sale w i be made on reasonable terms | Possession first of April. For further iuformation {tuquire of MRS BELLA W HITEMAN, Centre | Hall, Pu. 48 pd, fuls yest Heater i homes ar Rayo Lamps For perfect results, "aiways use Rave Lamps. The ideal light for all purix Made af best m De. signs for every room Ask your dealer your Per intense, wes, aterials fied. Itg Use it in will get a The best -reasonabl Your best friend on dark. stormy nights. Never blow out or jar out. Construction insures perfect oil com bustion. Ask your dealer, ‘Sounds the Sweetest’ Chosen by the Artist for Its Beauty, Selected by the Musician for its Tone. EQUIPPED WITH DOU- ble Spring worm gear motor (can be wound while playing), 12 inch turntable, tone modi- fier, speed indicator, and lat- est Automatic Stop. The RISHELL — the most masical, the most artistic, and most mechanically-marvelous of all phonographs, is distin- guished from its competitors, ion ; in the richness and and in the absolute perfection The RISHELL plays every down to five, J FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING re getting along erday and I believe we'll be s doing for over 3,000,000 id it will do it for Per- $s Phd» ATLANTIC fection will respond with an radiant, smokeless, odorless y puri- on vet your lamps and lanterns, too You clear, brilliant light, and without time for you to buy your Perfection ¥ priced-—§5.65 to $10.00. rePie EELS CENTRE HALL, PA. i Famous Pagoda, Built by Hermit, Has Long Been Visited by Throngs i of Pious Pilgrims. Sightseelr in Burna one pagoda after another the of them, One | that he usually does not see unless he | is especially ent rgetic, or has an in- | satiable taste for bugodas, is the | Kyuik-hto-yo pagoda, one of the most | holy spots in Burma in the eyes of | the Buddhist Burmese, | The Burmese say that the builder of ! this pagoda was gu hermit, a theory | which seems probable enough, for it | is built on the top of a steep hill in | a location which could appeal only to | one of solitary inclination, Even the | crest of the hill must have been too close to the world for the holy man, for he a huge bowlider, been steady i which now slip oft feet WW Is apt to be | , and ut that | tourist misses most located his shrine on which may have in his day, but seems ready. at any time into the vitlley several t below, A enough to housuand sured bs rock has many the Burmese rested at centuries, guide that this critical the visitor, the Chless hill, fn woo Indder to view hotter Ti the for itil ¥ iii} : 3 Busi Irn £ rom climbs * great rock, with pointed cap, misteady from here, He below hair, the bowlder from tiny LO uneasines ROM ew hore Bude OW HAD NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD But Officer Realized That Young Austrian in His Was Henceforth Command American, Po ” an Austrian's goross the wrior officer's hand ¥ American shake, laughter the officer nined his crushed fingers, all right” he | i ster wa room, seized hi and ga it ben of ve a Spanish Influenza can be prevented easier than it can be cured. At the first sign of a shiver or sneeze, take >) Lip CASCARA E? QUININE | CoO” Standard cold remedy for 20 years—in tablet form-—safe, sure, no opiates breaks up a cold in 24 hours--relicves grip in 3 days. Monew back if it fails. The genuine box has a Bed wp with Mr, Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores SALE REGISTER BATURDAY, FEBRUARY John A Black, at the Bed Mi 1, 2 head young cattle, goods, ele, BATURDAY, FEBRUARY %nd, one o'clock, One mile south of Spring Mills, Mrs, ¥ M Bieiffer will sell. Live Stock and household goods paid 16th, at p m., will sell: 2 cows. Lugey, sleigh, household WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY m., CW, Bleck, administrator, will sell, on the McCoy (now D. R Foreman) farm, one haif mile west of Potters Mills, 9 horses and coits, 8 milch cows @ heifers, 6 stock ewes, 4 brood sows, § Lot farm machine ry, ete, Mayes, suct TUESDAY, MARCH irk holder 20th. 0 o'clock a ii, ove o'clock » » mInlies southeast of CO Hail, will hold stock sale : 2 horses, 11 owe, § head young Young cattie, shouts, 2 sows, 10 head sheep WEDNESDAY, MARCH Sth, 3 miles sputh. west of Bprir Mills P. Hennigh will sel hogs and poultry Also other nding a good power churn 1 2h p, « Crean separator end butter worker running order. THUREDAY, MARCH 6, 10a mile east of L Clean ou K m tre | brood 8 I's Fas engine sll in good m. onehalf inden Hall, on the Old Fort road : Pp sale of farm stock and implements. —J. IRWIN, FRIDAY, MARCH 7th, J on the Adam Heckman Fotiers Mills, will sel} plements Oa m, farm, 2 4 live Morris Loong, miles east of sock snd farm ime all § | BATURDAY, MARCH bh. one o'clock sha {| John Albright, 1 mile north of Spring Mills, w) | Well: Homes, cows, he Hers, Implements, ele, THUREDAY, MARCH 13th. at 955 ~'elock, D, Kitpe, at A xomann, wil sell Hors, cattle, Vises, full line farm machinery hay press, farm Lractor, and sine household KOnGs SATURDAY. MARCH ih. st 1270 o'clork 1 mile north of Penn Hall, 8H. Har kenburg with sci: Live stock and fsrming im plements, SATURDAY, Centre Hall, on farm stock and implements TUESDAY, MARCH, 8h, 10 a, Lee, 1 12 miles enst Piessant Farm stock and implementa auet, TUESDAY, MARCH 15th, 108. 1m 4 miles south of Centre Hall, or 1 Tuseyville, on the old Rishel farm, will sell td implements Surg k a ion, MARCH 15th, one mile south rf the Bpmyd farm et Har yawn, ~Johnu W Delaney m, PF. D, Gap, will ell ; L F. Mayes, pa. E. H. Grove. mile east of MARCH 19th, 1919, 0. © Homwn, east of Bpring Mills, on the Wii Live stock, im household goods, MONDAY, MARCH 24th, 1919, 12 o'elock R. P. Campbell and W, ¥ Hishe', at the Pouns Cave farm, well sell 60 HEAD LIVE BTOCK, consist ing of the following 4 PERCHERON BROOD MARES, in foal; 2 of which are registered. weight 1800 ite. earch, REGIRTERED FILLY, rising 2 yearn oid, weight 1400 ita , RIBING >YEAR OLD, Ba, REGISTERED BOLATEIN BULL, years oid 5 GRADE HOLSTEIS tered Holstein Bull 1 REGISTERED AYRSHIRE BULL 1 your old, Il GRADE AYRSHIRE COWS, wred Ww Ayr shire + uli 2 HEAD HEP Ayrahires BROOD sOWSs AND BHOATS. L. ¥, Mayes, suet, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th ¥00m, mm, rharp, a Mmiie vast Old Port WwW. #. Co yer will soil © Live LOCKE and implements A Clean Up sale with & Gisburtion sale of the herd of the Poland Coins hogs. L.¥. Meyes, suct 2 172 miles lam Grove farm, piements, and. some in losl, weighing 1450 omning two COWS, bred 0 Regie ERS, grade Holsteing and rrade LOST — Auto license, Xo 27310 Finder notity Une-buckle lady's cloth aretic was lound below the Prestyterian church, on Monday Enquire al Odenkirk's store. —ad BALE. 19 mode] hes good evgine and in £00 wonid make a good track. D. uire Hall, KR. 2, Belle phone 78 §, 23 pd. OVERLAND CAR FOR five passenger car running order J. VONADA. Ce A Reporter ad. b PASTIME THEATRE HEA A Love Romance of the War RTS THE y The Sweetest Story Ever Told Symphony Orchestra Mechanically the Fordson nothing to get out of order. is sufficient to do the work of vestment. A demonstration BEI LEFONTE, PA. Tractor is as FORDSON in the Spring i Its strength any six horses ng the in- will prove. will do the this year, County who are going witha TRACTOR be TORS will be available TRACTORS are strictly now, and f it does not cause you to re- gladly buy it