The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 30, 1919, Image 7

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Weekly Health Talks
A Word About the
People are easily frightened when they
think something is the matter with their
lungs or heart, and well they may be; but
few people understand the dangers of dis-
eased kidneys. These organs have a duty
of vital importance to perform, and if they
are diseased, there is no telling how or
where the symptoms may appear. The
kidneys are filters, and when they are
healthy they remove the poisons from the
blood and purify it. When the kidneys
are diseased, the poisons are spread every-
where, and one of these poisons is uric
acid. The uric acid is carried all through
the system and deposited in various places;
in the form of urate salts—in the feet,
ankles, wrists and back—often forming
bags under the cyes. Sometimes the result-
ing trouble is called rheumatism, lumbago,
sciatica and backache. Finally, come stone
Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y,, in recent
years, discovered that a certain combina-
tion of remedies would dissolve uric acid
(urate salts) in the system. He found this
combination to be harmless, so that he
and called them Anuric Tablets. They
dissolve uric acid in the human system as
hot coffee dissolves sugar. If you have
uric acid troubles, don't delay in taking
the drug stores. You can write Dr, Pierce,
how to live so that more uric acid will not
form in your system. Dr. Pierce will not
charge for this advice.
His Nagging Wife,
Dobhson—Halloa, Henpeck, how's the
Henpack—Oh, Peggy's all right.
was Maria?
Henpeck—So it is; but, you see,
Peggy is short for Pegasa, the femi-
nine of Pegasus,
Dobson—Who was Pegasus?
Henpeck—He was the Eternal horse,
and the Eternal horse was an “ever-
lasting nag."-—London Tit-Bits,
$100 Reward, $100
Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ.
enced by constitutional conditions. It
therefore requires constitutional treat.
ment. HAL
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys.
destroys the foundation of the disease,
gives the patient strength by improving
the general health and assists nature in
doing its work, $100.00 for any case of
Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE falls to cure.
pruseists 76c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Natural Idea.
“How was it that criminal managed
to make such a slick escape?
“I suppose it was because he looked
so smooth, the police thought they
needa’t fron him.”
Magician's Real Object.
We do not learn tricks of magie In
order to deceive other people but to
entertain them. The magician’s object
is not to mislead but to amuse,
At the first sign of a
shiver or sneeze, take
Standerd cold remedy for 20 years-—in tablet
form-—aafe, sure, no oplates——breaks up a cold
in 24 hours—relieves grip in 3 days. Money
back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top
with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores.
pe —
“Our Good 01d |
Standby for
Over 20 Years”
old Sora Licliment is a good
sondesfal Denetrative powers
from pain,
It alleviates
caused from Siuickly Jbiin
plurigia, 3d
Contains twice as much as
the usual bottle of linhnent,
aig 2 the same price; at
Duty Devolving on Farmers of
This Continent,
Western Canada Well Prepared to
Meet the Needs of the Old World
“The Earth Is a Machine Which
Yields Almost Gratuitous Service to
Every Application of Intellect”
| Speaking with one of the commis |
| sloners appointed to make a survey of
i the food situation in the battle-torn |
| countries of Europe the writer was
| told that the depletion and shortage
| of food was far greater than anybody
| had expected. With the investigation, |
{ much had been brought to light that |
| had only been surmised. Herds of live |
| stock were completely wiped out, flelds
{ that had been prolific yielders of grain, |
| roots and vegetables were terraced and |
hummoer ed by bombs and shells,
! many +’ them still lying unexploded
and dangerous. Until this land can be
gone over and cleaned nothing in the
way of cultivation can be carried on,
and even where that Is done the work
{of leveling and getting under cultiva-
ition will take a long time, :
Much more devolves upon the farmer
on this side of the Atlantic than was
at first supposed. Herds of live stock
will have to be replenished, and this
| will take years; the provisioning of
the people in the meantime is the task
the farmers here will be asked to un-
i dertake, Producing countries will be
| taxed to thelr utmost to meet this de-
imand; all that can be provided will
i be needed. This need will continue
| for some time, and during this period
{prices will be high. The opinion of
‘these who have given the question
most careful thought and study is that
food scarcity will be greater than ever
{ before. The Allies will have to feed
{ Germany, Austria, Turkey and Russia
| and this in addition to the require-
| ments of European neutrals for in-
| creased supplies now that there Is no
| submarine menace,
{ To the Canadian and American farm-
{er this means a demand for his grain
{fully as great as at any time in the
past. Wheat will be needed, meat will
be required. The slogan “don’t stop
saving food” Is as necessary today as
{ ever. The purpose of this article Is to
{ direct attention to the fact that hun-
dreds of thousands of acres of land
{in Western Cagada are still unoccu-
{ pled, and this land is capable of pro-
{ ducing enough to supply all needs, On
its rich grasses are easfly raised—and
cheaply too—the cattle that will be
i sought; in its soil lies the nutriment
{ that makes easy the production of the
grain that will be needed, and in both
the farmer will be assured of a good
profit on his investment; The fand can
be purchased at low prices, oh easy
terms, and with the abundance of re-
turns that it will give, it does not mean
a matter of speculation. The facts as
set out are known, and certainly are
These facts, the low cost of the land,
and its great productivity, combined
with the admirable marketing and
tiansport facilities at the disposal of
the farmer make farming in Western
Canada an attractive proposition.—Ad-
Truly Satisfying Lecture.
A man reported to his friends that
ft lecture which he had delivered the
evening before had proved soothing,
rousing, d satisfying to his* audi-
His skeptical comrades jeeringly de
manded an explanation, which was giv-
en in the following terms:
“It was soothing, for half the folks
fell asleep; it was rousing, for the
other half got up and went away ; and
it was satisfying. as they all declared
that they wished never to hear that
man again”
An Attack of Influenza
Often Leaves Kidneys in
Doctors in all parts of the country have
been kept busy with the epidemic of in-
The symptoms of this disease are very
distressing and leave the system in a run
down condition. Almost every victim
complains of Jame back and urinary
troubles which should not be neglect
ed, as these danger signals often lead to
dangerous kidngy troubles. Druggists
report a large mle on Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root which so many people say
soon heals and strengthens the kidneys
after an attack of grip. Swamp-Root,
being an herbal sonpound, has a gentle
healing « effect on t kidneys, which |
ia almost immediately noticed in most
cases by those who try it, Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghamton, N. Y., offer to send
a sample size bottle of Swamp-Ropt, on |
receipt of ten cents, to sifferer |
who requests it. A trial will convince |
any one who may be in need of it.. R
lar medium and large size bottles, for
sale at all d iste, Be sure to mention
this paper ~Adv.
Hitting Only the High Spots.
An Alabama private who was rag-
ing because he was kept In a northern
camp during the holidays things
were "right smart” down was
asked what he would do if he were
suddenly discharged. "Boy, I'se gwine
to take distance.”
BE Ce Sa
(Prepared by the United States Depart.
ment of Agriculture.)
hoppers during the summer of 1919 in
Indiana and other states In the grass-
hopper belt, according to indications
found by entomologists of the depart-
ment of agriculture and the state agri-
cultural colleges. Farmers are urged
to start a cleanup campaign against
them right away. Plowing to a depth
of six inches and subsequent harrow-
ing during the winter, at any event not
later than April 10, will cover the eggs
so deep that the young will not be able
to escape. When grasshoppers make
by the common poisoned bait method,
But there is another way of getting
rid of grasshoppers that makes the
pests pay for the trouble of killing or
catching them.
of driving a grasshopper
through an infested field, catching all
the grasshoppers that hop, and then
feeding the insects to chickens, They
to dry and fed as dry grasshoppers, cr
pers alive, the machine can be hauled
the front will face the light.
sects will find thelr way out, but not
ens. Thus the grasshopper catcher be-
comes a poultry self-feeder.
them to be high in protein, and there-
fore good chicken feed.
that chickens are more productive
when Insects are a part of their ration
and grasshoppers when dried can be
used with other feeds during the win-
How to Make Grasshopper Catcher.
The geasshopper catcher, which has
an advantage over the old styie hop
perdozer, in that the insects can be
utilized for chicken feed, Is. about 10
feet long with an upright but curved
piece of tin in front and so srranged
that the grasshoppers will strike it as
they Bop up, falling to the bottom and
back through a narrow trap opening
into a box behind. The tin front does
not extend quite to the bottom, where,
just in front of the tin shield, is a strip
of tin placed so that there is an open-
ing about 13% or 2 Inches wide, his
front strip or lip may be made by using
# 16foot length of gutter, one side of
which is fattened outward. The back
and top of the box in the rear is cov
ered with
| hoppers shoveled out as needed.
{ beam, one at each end, and the catcher
| dragged through the infested area, be-
each riding a horse, ean handle the
| feet in front of the shield, is an ad-
| vantage in that it stirs up, just before
the catcher passes, the hoppers pot
otherwise disturbed.
Plowing Infested Fields.
| fested fields, such as ground in clover
or alfalfa, they should be thoroughly
disked In the fall or winter and har
rowed early in March of the following
year, In Indiana clover and alfalfa
fields are among the best breeding
places for grasshoppers,
gists of bran or sawdust made tasty
| aad attractive by the addition of mo
lasses and fruit and treated with an
arsenieal poison, The following for-
mula is recommended :
Bran (half-and-half bran and hard-
| wood sawdust, or sawdust alone), 25
| pounds; paris green or crude arsenlous
oxide, one pound, or white arsenic, 134
{ pounds; molasses (cheap feeding
grade), two quarts; lemons, bananas
| or oranges, six fruits, or one ounce of
cheap lemon extract; water, about two
to four gallons,
‘The poison should be thoroughly
mixed with the bran. The water, mo
lasses and finely chopped fruit or ex-
tract are then mixed and added. The
mixture should be wet so that it molds
in the hands, but Is not “soppy.” The
bait should be scattered broadcast at
the rate of seven to ten pounds to the
aere, applications being made in the
early morning.
In clover or alfalfa much material
and Inbor can be saved by first cutting
around the field until there remains a
small central uncut area where the
grasshoppers will have gathered and
may be quickly and cheaply destroyed
by the peisoned bait. If the grasshop-
pers are feeding in corn or young trees,
more water, or, better, more molasses
and water, should be added and the
mixture thrown forcefully so that the
particles will adhere to the crops to be
Drawn Through
United States Figures Telegraphed to
Each Field Agent—Estimates
Given to Papers.
(Prepared by United Btates Department
of Agriculture.)
Each field agent of the bureau of
crop estimates, United States depart
ment of agriculture, now publishes a
crop report from his own territory.
Immediately upon the issuance of a
crop report in Washington the United
States figures are telegraphed to each
agent, together with figures for his
ar territory. The agent at
comments on crop and weather condi
tions in his state, ¢oples of which are
furnished to the press and to crop re
porters and published in full in many
dailies. In some of the states agents
now are issuing reports on a county
basis. The service is winning warm
For this service in securing quickly
an Alfalfa Field.
Most Fertile When Soil Moisture Is
Properly Controlied-——Drainage
is Recommended.
ment of Agriculture.)
usualiy are the most fertile when the
in which more or less of the richest
washed, Farm drainage
productive laud, thus increasing the
profitable area and the acre yield,
while removing obstacles that increase
the time and coffort required for farm
public roads recently has given first
consideration to projects looking to the
some degree of cultivation or needing
uly damage to prepare them for the
Figuring the Finances.’
“Why don't you go into politics?”
“Can't afford 1.” replied the
tious citizen. “It ‘has become almost
a custom for a statesman to leave of
fice a poorer man than when he en-
tered it. And I'ma in debt pow.”
will take care of you.
promotes health. —Ady,
with the
is not be bothered
RO .
apt to
sealed package
upon it is a guar-
antee of quality.
The largest chewing-
gum factories in the
world — the largest
selling. gum in the
warld: that is what
WRIGLEY'S means.
i How to Do IL
| “We have been
without an argument.”
| "That's right jt her have her
{own way. Don't argue” Boston
ten years
Grove's Tasteless chill Tonle
| Pores vitality and energy by purifying sand ene
riching the bieod. You oan soon fee! its Burengle
ening, lavigorating Bfect. Price Se
robbed by Lis
Many a man has been
watolin niles.
{| friends while wa
i » cipher is of some
or nothing
i ——
Ari ars
Low Prices
and healt!
re as Oe, Cae
Bpply to Supt,
is most deatructl
trouble the same
from having the
Canadian Oovernment Apent
ve. The Fon causing discnss must ba
the animal. To prevent the
must done,
disease, Sold by your drugseist or the
fea, Goshen dnd. USA,
A Time Saver.
| Mistress—1 want a maid who will
| be faithful and not a time-waster, Can
| you promise that?
| Bridget—Indeed’'n 1 can. I'm that
| seruplous, ma'am, about wastin' time
| that 1 make one job of prayin’ and
scrubbin’ Life,
It behooves those high in politieal
power to provide themselves with
A torpid liver prevents proper food assim.
fon. Tone Jour Liver with t's
Vegetable | 18. They set gently. Adv.
Tt Is sald that lquor improves with
age, but some men don't care to wait
rv oa
Use Cuticura Soap
To Clear Your Skin
All drogeiste: Sosy 3.