Coir and influenza leave work of fighting off a cold weaken—slow up. Shen you or nervous, and have h Kidney Pills are always in unusu used the world over. friends and neighbors. thousands with weak kidneys or a contagious disease. They feel dull and draggy, irritable Give the Doan'’s demand after grip epidemics ded by your own A VIRGINIA CASE. Mrs. E. C. Ha Brambleton Ave, “T was In ay mpshire, N¢ 1 rf lk, gays: ful shape y complaint » until I be- Kidney Pills. I trou- years ago gan taking Doan’s They haven't had any sign Tt ur ne cure fixed me up all right and ( f the ble since. Doan's made has been a test of time 1s been for es me A MARYLAND CASE. John W. Maroney, Sixth High Sts., Oakla Md., troubled k ane nd, says: * w and caught col neys and of back ACHE, tion giving me m 1 read al I used the AS # 8 were a bo and h KIDNEY PILLS A the Table. Henry, iy) STOMACH UPSET? She want He (al hs (sharply) how do you tongue ser tracted Quiet, my dear. DYSPEPSIA, ACIDITY, GAS, INDIGESTION, Your meals hit back! is sour, acid, gassy and you feel bloat- ed after eating or you lumps of indigestion pain or headache, but never mind. Here Is instant relief. Don't stay upset! Eat a tablet of Pape's Diapepsin and immediately the indigestion, gases, acidity and all stom- ach distress ends. Pape’s Diapepsin tablets are the sur- est, quickest stomach rellevers in the world. They cost very little at drug stores. Adv. ————— ten that thelr wives were once sweethearts. Most men otully art by the ald of a mirror. SE —— he i Horse Owner who has ever tried Yager’s Liniment will readily admit that it is by far the ' best and mos! SCODOM ical liniment for general stable use. For strained ligaments, spavin, harness galls, sweeny, wounds or old sores, cuts and any enlarge- ments, it gives quick relief It contains twice as much as the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment, At all dealers. Price 35 'S EN) - GILRERT BROS. & 00. Baltimore, Md. | That Opponent Did Not Adhere to Or. dinary Rules of Fighting Seemed to Him Unfair. work. dq understan you} en's BUeCeSsd { any had | “When Avery | Germ doned all set simply wit- | out Ind: | ers. He | about three | first Boche batt “When Meinkopf ith re i ! | make out ianenvy- in B64 was his he far as I could t could landed, wna purple and as in complain he EE a in this fashion: | “ ‘What kind of flying this, Saris Stars and Stripes. is | how?" i Catarrh Cannot Be Cured | by LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influ- enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S C ATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh It is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALLS C ATARRH MEDICINE is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. ‘The perfect combination of the ingredients in HALLS C ATARRH MEDICINE is what produces such won- derful results in catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. FJ Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. i ——————— Vocallzation. i | “I should think your demand such a salary.” “Oh, no,” But office its nt well In | tickets to It.” way. the box to listen Impossible. “The kaiser cannot exclaim with the famous French king: “All is lost but honor?” “Why not?” honor to lose.” Safe. tell me old burn!” sald Closefist has Jinx, “Yes” “They money to said Winx, house.” Baby is Teething GROVES Jen, ow oT wil eormaet | the | Stomach and Bowe) tronbles. Perfectly harm See directions on the bottle. Too many men attempt to pass through this world on the reputation Immediate Shipments New South Corn Mill Write us for full deseription snd ries of this standard, le corn orm mii—produges hod promptly. Wrive amar Winston Salem, N.C. of thelr ancestors, Bronchial Troubles Soothe the, Jrejiation and you relieve Slaten both quickly Jad “fedtiyely by using Day » emedy-— PISO’ ee ———. CH ———" = ( THE MARKETS I a — BALTIMORE. of No. 2 red winter, and one bag lot of 2.26 per bushel, a bushels and three cars ter, $2.38% car $239% Cob Corn is $6.50 per new Wheat garlicky, Two cargoes 9 at 2344 brought to quality; 10,541 | 1 red 1 red wint Southern & ¥ NO : one No berrel for loads prime vellow from Track yellow . No Corn for cal Oats—Standar white, 79%¢c. Rye—No. 2 Wes bushel; tern bag bag pet i $1.50 ye, as 110 quality, Hay Putte nearby wes FLPHIA 67¢ PHILAI samery, extra, 71@73 New York 34@ 36 lower, (Chapa and milk Ave turkeys apring, 1: ’ ~ “0 | good, 26@39; \ Mm@320c, Areased 40@41. AEG 2% rholee fair to old. i lower; Live Stock PALTIMORE Live Pigs Plgs, and condition, apiece £016 {‘hoice AR ize “ iis apiece [.amt pel pound, und, 5@6. $2.5004. id condition, as to rize fat good, rough sheep 1 and Sheep Sec: fair to per inferior, old bucks per pound cholee, fat, per pound, per pound, $12@14 1 Beef Cattle-——~Young, fat in | prime condition, weighing 1.000 to 1, %, per pound, 10@11c, weighing under 1,000 pounds, pound, 8@9; oxen, per pound, bulls, per pound, 5@7 CHICAGO ~Hogs— Dutcher, G 18.40; light, $17.10Q18 15 $17417.75; “throw-outs, $16@ 16.75; pigs, good to choice, $13.50G 15.50. Sheep—Lambs-—~Cholce and prime { i head i Tax. | ari, 15; to fair soars, 200 pound pet 5@7.: and prime, $9@ 9.50; medium and good. $8@9; culls, $3. 3808. 50. |RAT IS FRIEND OF MINERS | Don’t wait until your { ANH VI0 GUARANTEED INSTANTLY RELIEVE Workers Wamed of Coming Catas- trophe When the Rodents Leave Tunnel—Afe | Fed by Men, cold develops Spanish Influenza or pneumonia. conditions | Investigators of mining OR MONEY REFUNDED ASK ANY DRUGGIST | and the peculiar dangers which | 2 | miners are recently have | ® tnken much in the practice | Cuticura Soap Best for Baby | of Western gold miners to make pets | Soap Mo, Ointment A le, | of the rats which infest each mailed free by “'Cuticura, Dept " Kill it quick. sub je ected interest dn CASCARA & , QUININE %0 Cd commonly | mines, On the mother lode of Call | fornia It has been found that the | miners invariably feed the rats and of them, believing that the fire #1 source of protection Taleum eo, Bamp le F, Boston.’ take rodents care Standard cold remedy for 20 years—in tablet {orm——safe, sure, no opastes breaks up 8 cold Our Dumb Ani to the necident, This i the rats npainst RAYSK 3 in 214 hours—relieves grip in days Money back i {it falls. The genu ine box he # Fed top with Mr. Hill's picture Ar All Drug Brorea. Count. What ha Results American mals. % (due, the men say to insti The spe ned ppen net of warns them is un when innel + 1 tur vhen n The I ain't utes ago I was a German sapper, lookin’ ‘ad a derer, To tell certain. truth min ith nice- mur- | Tommy vou the About fi tete He w fa was crawl the 1 leave im possible to get | there, This re allors that ri The ure nis quite ten Excellent for Coughs & Colds nono re rent, | ff HALES Tia "ere ape sick 90 SON a7i ors of io of Horehound & Tar All Druggists Use Pike's Toothachs Drops irk avin n-fetle w ns fl boy ce like We when we a ship. mines n £tum- He on our much more micks, come face to face, to me in I answers him in just as bad “What happened then?” ‘Well, 1 hain't.” ta brag; er g;: but Exch nates Lives 200 Years! For more the fam has be from fan © Wanted SALESMEN ented Our West Virginia Grown Nursery Fir g outfit FREE X Vi Write for Terms The Gold Nursery a i City, W. Va. CREE SSA SE RL. RRO. > PATENTS: en rec Stock Ei¥. Ww vison KE « Dolon nn, Wash oe. Ligh res Gill = CASTOR For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of est rel rences Best iow rE Lievs tem. FALTAS DE SONINO AEE Aan e GOLD MEDAL bra 70 Ady Siri her Fis ihe moon per Bes Aas en Yee NEW YORK. How They Conversed. WAY TALG SOHOL- 3 PEI INT. | AVegelable Preparationfor As similating the Food bY Regula | ting the St achs 0d Bowels of te oA t iho Diy a © erty fvbres inter Cot A Thereby Fresons Digestion Cheerfulness and Rest Conta neither Opium, Morphine no . Mineral. Not’ NARC OTIC EA aE ICA "Receita sin ve Fe Ar FEY ra NARCOT wentre © danrehea. 2 isto > na infancia A helpful Remedy fof | Constipation and Diart and Feverishness & Loss OF SLEEP . resulting hore terefrom-in Simite simile Signe of NA primad de Use For Over Thirty Years STORIA THE CENTAUR SOWMPANY, NEW YORK OTT, ine rat” Ara 8d Let LIE Fac Tue pr on. NEW YORK. _ FY onths old _ 35 ‘Doses ~33CE LEIA NEM in fre muedin util pn LE ror Chopping Him on. y afi ¢ fire tomer I get 1 “Whn rest or do have year beams tol and shot into turned Heloise, st astically re yeh?” the w Kansas City ar. ELIXIR BAREK A GOOD TONIC And Drives Malaria Out of the System. “Yo ir Babek® acta li ke magic: have given ft to numerous people in my parish who were suffering with chills, malaria and fever. 1 rec ommend it 10 those who are sufferers and in need of a good tonic." —Rev. 8 Szymanowaki, Stephen's Church, Perth Amboy, N. J y conta, all druggists or by fe from Klocsewskl & Oo, coming to farmers from the rich wheat fields of ‘Western Where you can bay farm land at $15 to $30 per acre and raise from 20 to 45 bushels of $2 wheat to the acre it's easy to make money. Canada offers in her provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta (60 Acre Homesteads Free fo Settlers and other land at very low prices. farmers from the U. S. or their sons are yearly a. advantage al of this great ea Tian. Mixed Wonderful yields also of Oats, parang 4 is fully as profitable an [Batley wid 91 as grain raising. schools; markets convenient; climate ng Se Write for literature and particulars as to railway rates to Supt. Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to J. P. JAFFRAY, Cor. Walnut & Broad Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Canadian Government Agent Parcel Post, Washington, | Just as Mother Thinks. | Son (reading the paper) There's no talking, dad. Absolute unity of | command Is essential to victory. Dad—That's what mother | you | If your eyes smart or feel scalded, Ro. | man Eye Balsam applied upon going to bed | is just the thing to relieve them Adv, Most men would rather give good ad- ! vice away than keep It themselves, Only the simple life is honorable or today. You Are Dying By Acid When you have Heartburn, Gas, Bloat, and that Full Feeling after eating. ;. TAKE ONE EATONIC FOR (FOR YOUR STOMACHS SAKE) STOMACHS SAKE Rids you of the Excess Acid and Overload and you will fairly feel the GAS driven out of your your body—THE E BLOAT GOES WITH IT. “IT GIVES YOU REAL "STOMACH | COMFORT Bold by sta generally~If your dro can't supply. ply jou & a big box of Eatonle for $00, send us this adv. with your name address and in 4 11 10 yon—yon oan send uk ihe 800 after Fou get 1 reas io Remedy Oo, "008 8. Wabash Ave, Ohloago, Ili. | even decent ’