ISSUED WEEKLY. CENTRE HALL - - PENN’A. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1918. SMITH & BAILEY . . . . +. Proprietors BS. W. SMITH +» « « 4 « + + : +. Biller { Loca! Editer and Business Manager Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as gecond (lass mail matter, TERMS. ~The terms of subscription to the Re- portor are one and one-half dollars per, year. ADVERTISING RATES-—Display advertise ment of ten or more inches, for three or more In sertions, ten cents per inch for each issue . Dis lay sdvertisin ig dg Thy space than ten es and for less then three insertions, from n to twenty-five cents ‘inch for each ne, according to oom tion, Minimum harge seventy-five cents, Local notices accompanying display advertis- ing tive cents per line for Sees insertion ; other- wise, eight cents per line, minimum twenty-five cents, gu) notices, twenty cents per line for three insertions, and ten cents per line for each ad- ditional insertion, FOWARD BE, BAILEY p 1 f is ¢ — » ~ » This paper has enlisted with the goverrim~ni 1: the cause of America {or the period of the war------- ~~ Se be Lieut Keller Assisting in Final W. S. S. Drive. the week ending Nov, 16th, Cen- had a per capita of $17.17 in Campaign, retaining fifth week has been designated the To week, and if every an and child in the County e War Savings Stamps to their i will reach as ability we 70,200,00. y Keller, Jr., of Co. D, 111 A. BE. F., 1 action in the ** Battle of ust 12th, 1918, 1day, the 24th inst., and Div., who arrived resent week, assist, as in making this final IcCess, of Centre Coun- ys who made possible —in securing the Lib- hat we fully appre- i Let nave done, t S. S. drive the same us put nto the drive that won Front. let us win nds in government and invest Let us secure n the t Club of the ng 200 W. 85, 8. Help ol Teacher and Is safest a pup irchasing 200 or more * Certificate of Ser- for your school, r many years to come to your “Our service support of ‘ clean campaign us make present It is us to do our very =t busy and take our 1e Top ", urs for success, Harrison WarLker, ings Committee for Centre County. THE DEATH RECORD. At rhteenth, of chronic Pa., heart Springchurch, I. Frederick, aged She was the J. Frederick and children, one of cy and the other, a age of thirty.four. side her husband, Charles Sarah E. Miller. Both 5 and reside near her late be- Frederick had the rare faculty of good judgment with common These characteristics added to active personality male her a wife of inestimable worth. o made for her a host of warm wherever her lot was cast, ** Oh! we loved her ” is the common sen- t of neighbors and letters of con- She was a good homemaker active christian worker in her e church. She had the distinction taking the initiative in many of the church and Sunday-school improvements which during the twenty-eight years of her connection with the church at her late home, have made it exemplary and to some degree noteworthy, Her influence as a mother is perhaps t exemplified in the christian activi- ties and general usefulness of her three children and nine grandchildren who are filling useful positions in the various de- partments of the churclr and community work. The aged husband has retired from the active ministry and makes his home with his only daughter, Mrs, Frederick was born in Centre Hall, Centre county, Pennsylvania, and was the daughter of John and Sarah Bitner, “Though cast down, we're not forsaken, Though afflicted, not alone ; Thou didst give, and Thou hast taken Blessed Lord—Thy will be done, " ®,* They al De w of EER Li by a SE CN ENGINEERING STATE COLLEGE BURNED. | Complete Destruction With Entire Equipment.—Loss Estimated at $300.000. Fire, which is said to have started in the lumber storage room of the indus. trial engineering department, was the cause of the loss of the magnificent en gineering school building of The Penn- sylvania State Monday night, The heat, power and light plant of the College, on college was put out of commission so that virtually every activity of the insti- tution will be ac a for an definite period. More than 6oo soldiers of the vocation. standstill al section of the students’ army training corps are unable to continue their work, and the students of the school lost their drawing and other valuable equipment, engineer ng instruments In view of the inevitable shut-down in all academic work, President Sparks and 1 Major Baylies, the military comand: has asked the War Department lough the 1300 members of the Students’ Army Training Corps f ds Lis probable that will be sent home until made tot ligh The parts of the he water supply and t plant, fire water pressure student d fire-fi epartment ineffective. Help was summ Bellefonte when tl ened, and than half tie) A high wind sent showers a mile 1 N town, The street from the saved thr The loss is The W. S. S. Meeting. On a day's notice Chairman W rison Walker held a W, S. 8S. m Grange Arcadia, Monday evening Mrs. Harry } resented him and did so very cr in his absence, The meeting was | citizens in the War Work fund. Robert Hun gO d ont War savings of the either small or Keller spoke earnestly Centre county t sales War Saving on. She paid splendid eff Li sen and was t that accounts for his He was American forces at th 14 1 astra noe a local audience and this lime. hear him. His talk was | ing and instructive, and with rapt at audience. SET CR The Hunters Are Getting Ready. Many of the hunting clubs in Valley will devote the rems ippin 4 Seven Mountains stores of food, etc the next week. deer season-—Monday As early as Monday week wagons wete the Seven Mountains ing outfits for the big-game Thé Bradfords, of Ce the oldest as well as the most succe hunting clubs, will be ready for the first chase on Monday morning with a gang ot fifteen to twenty men. quarters Their new a substantial wood structure —is ideally located, and will prove cozy and comfortable even during frigid weather, A number of buck deer have recently been seen by residents on the south side, which indicates that the male deer is not yet extinct, despite the fact that ‘‘casualty list” has been very heavy dur ing the past few years, the most the I — ot ———— Lieut. ‘“Ned'' Keller Wounded. Lieut, W, “Ned” Keller, whose letters from France have been appearing in the Reporter fof some time past, has been wounded in action and is now in a base hospital in France. His mother, Mrs, J. W. Keller, of Linden Hall, received this intelligence from the war department at Washington this week, The degree of the wounds is not stated, Mrs. Keller last heard from her son on October 24th, and his letter expressed the thought that he would soon be en- gaged in the mighty drive which proved to be the finish of the Hun, I ——_— A ion, The Highland Grocery at State Col lege will buy and pay highest prices for apples, potatoes and general country produce, Call either ‘phone or write for prices, adv, p'd, aN HR I TAY SR RE TO Pe I HR nal 0 AOI AA Cl BE 5 eee weet eevee i we ae ARR AB GOI ms BN rT a = n— soon Committee Confirms Its Dicision to Sell Only Course Tickets. — Finan cial Success Assured. Ata recent Hall Lecture course committee its meeting of the course It i sion to sell no other than was unanimously confirmed, lieved that this plan will be f all who heretofore interests o course tick been more had disturbed when the best numbers in course were being given, The fee ite certain that You is qu port wi the new methods adopted to This other than course ticket Il be given the movemen financial success. plan of sell has been adopt the future in view, f ed with 7 es | that once course ticket !} personal comfort ing the doors on the nig arising f 18 there will be little ing renewed pledges as by Please keep in min you is the 1 cted for Some of the hat seldom Qae possible the present course C. SWEATERS Beautiful Styles and alia M. SIMNITH CENTRE HALL snd Oo ™ksa TUSSEY VILLI ¥ pe » Brute of Berlin’ ————————— : Held at 12 & 13. State S. 8S. Convention to be Sunbury, Dec iy TIME IS NOW COMPANY, last a wonderful oppor- Treasury shares a In our first advertisement of the BOSTON-KENTUCKY OIL week, appearing in this newspaper, we drew sour attention t tunity presented to you in the offer of BOSTON KENTUCKY ten cenls per share, WE CALLED YOUR ATTENTION to the large acreage of the BOSTON-KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY 1150 acres in Rowan County. adjoining the Raglaz d Po and y 8 County, Kentucky, all carefully selected {Or vee tance to you—ALL BOUGHT AND PAID FOR and ryiog NO LEASES NO RENTALS AND NO ROYALTIES The BOSTON-KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY wil for the privilege of spending its shareholders’ nivney for ¢ le not belonging to it! The BOSTON-KENTUCKY COMPA holders’ funds to develop lands in which each shareholder portion to his stock holdings and 100 PER CENT OF ALL OIL of the dr toreit ribule #0 any one f © nt of O11 ian NY has an will vse its share interest in po Oe illing and produced will be utilized for dividends and for the expansion development program. IMPORTANT NEWS FROM KENTUCKY wells was comy 1 202 During September, 1918, a t tal of 232 new letedd of which wells are commercially productive, indicating a successsul completion of 57 per cent. This is a remarkable accomplishment and compares favorably] with the most prolific districts in the world. On October 25 last, 5:8 new wells were in process of drilling. For the week ending October 12, the ( imberland Pipe Line delivered to refin ries 88,216 barrels of crude pr troleum, ¢ ran average daily run ot 12,602 barrels, each barrel of which was worih $2 60 Indications point to the production of Kentucky for the year 1915 execeeding FIVE MILLION BAR- RELS, a marked increase over the year 1917, and the value ot the™gi8 production will exceed THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS We gave notice in our last week's advertisement that the price of BOSTON- KENTUCKY Treasury shares would advance to fifteen cents, THE PRICE HAS ADVANCED exactly in accordance with our announcement and we now of- for the second allotment of BOSTON-KENTUCKY Treasury Shares at FIFTEEN CENTS PER SHARE. To those who did not grasp the opportunity offered last week at Ten Cents we say DO NOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT ADVANCE which in all probability will appear in our next week's advertisement. Send your orders in at once. You may wire your reservations at our expense, but act quickly, Remember that our acreage is unusually large and that our capitalization is unusually emall, . Address all communications to E. P. GAGE COMPANY Investment Bankers, 161 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. REFERENCES : Dun or Bradstreet, Hanover Trust Company, Trement Trust Company, International Trust Co, Registrar and Transfer Agent : Hanover Trust Company, Aunditors : Bureau of Business Statistics, "| SALE REGISTER A } There is a Hurry and a Rush on Part of Everybody to Get Their New Winter Clothing. Every Man,Woman & Child Must bz cutfitted right away with Good, Durable and Warm Clothing. It Is the Greatest Need of the Hour ! NIEMAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE has it in grea Outer Garments of All Descriptions, —AND GOOD. As well as Shoes, Stockings & Underwear Everything —plenty of it ; not merely something to advertise and put in the window, but BIG SOLID stocks of it, The real thing is to meet the people's needs. Come at once and choose from these great new stocks which you know you can depend upon, and at prices which are the lowest for which good merchan- disc can be sold, abundance. Men's, Women's and Children's Department Store M