(——— THE CEN TRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY. NTRE HALL - PENN’A. Kuiier. ~The follow lent : Proprietors . Hditor { Lo itor and BAILEY Business Manages seventy-eight years, the { OMoe in Centre Hall ss | his bed continuoulsy for vas familiarly known as rms of , subscription to the 1 one hall dollars per year CATES ug exper Repayment a per od of twe ty-hv the borrower ¢ eCcome d 3 A bear annum p— Hr dwin H Forest fires 1 rest Harold M n plant at result of . Ww LAY two year Col. Kelle: i in 1 before com in pe y treasur engage 1 fifty KN 1.0. 0 tre Hall L on ood Situation. nerforn pertor herefor ible Margaret her brother, Joshu York ’ friends. Rosemer Akron, Ohio Warner can , where he was emg a manufacturing plant, and ha ince with influenza Mrs. Alpheus Wolf, who juite ill at the home of her par and Mrs. W, T. rapidly. Miss Edwina Wieland Hollidaysburg last week may be made in 1 her work in the schools after lations but’ there cannot pos been closed for a month be any change for a long time in| influenza. th) the policy of the utmost conservation in | LOO, » voll, ates must perform and ink that we can return aiditions for at least tw on A — The PINK label this week, i Fred R Mrs, W Mrs, Sara Harper fg on Sunday, sper atti FINES Mier home a, WANTED Competent mar faviner. good dewtirs! quire, CRFeTMONT FAR ENVILLE, Proprietor, 31 N, ra auc! Letters from “Our Boys." arin’s length, And now (gobs) in tri TT (Continued from first page, gobs) in ining I he and the finest In ever been n neh of men Hop fil ig fine and like motto i Althot From Carl A. Auman. Disastrous Auto Wreck Winter Goods Your every requirement for 7 met in our splendid stocks ally owe it to yourselt to com before going elsewhere. Pum ————— SALE REGISTER | a he Mpa . Heb cra Myr tre Ha will sell & 1 goods Bale will Le NITring That vigorous boy and ¢ msure health during the comis Stout Shoes that will SWEZ2 Ie is at the Head of the Herc PENNS VALLEY VIEW Ei A The herd boar is The Master , the dominating he td with the b e«t boar you can get. You should act PENNS VALLEY VIEW FARMS W. F, Colye cr, Proprictor qual”