i \ Go to Bed and Stay Oot — Take a Laxative — Eat Plenty of Nourishing Food —Keep Up your Strength — Na. | ture Is the Only “Cure” | NO OCCASION FOR PANIC Spanish influenza, which appeared in Spain in May, has all the appearances | over the world in numerous epidemics ss far back as history runs. Hippoc- rates refers to an epldemic In 412 B. C., which is regarded by many to have been influenza. Every century has had its attacks. Beginning with 1831 this country has had five epidem- | fes, the last in 1880-00. There is no occasion for panie—influ- enza itself has a very low percentage of fatalities—not over one death out] of every 400 cases, according to the | N. C. board of health. The chief danger | lies in complications arising, attack- ing principally patients In a run-down condition—those who don't go to bed goon enough or those who get up too early. THE SYMPTOMS Grip, or influenza, as it is now called, usually beging with a chill, followed by | aching, feverishness, and sometimes nausea and dizziness, and a general | feeling of weakness and depression, The temperature is from 100 to 104, and the fever usually lasts from three | to five days. The germs attack the | mucous membrane or lining of the air passages, nose, throat and bronchial tubes: there is usually a hard cough, especially bad at night; oftentimes a | sore throat or tonsillitis, and frequently all the appearances of a severe head cold. THE TREATMENT Go to bed at the first symptoms, not | only for your own sake, but to avoid spreading the disease to others—take | a purgative, eat plenty of nourishing | food, remain perfectly quiet and don't worry. Quinine, aspirin or Dover's Powders, ete, may be administered by the physician's directions to relieve the aching. But there is no cure or spe- cific for influenza-—the disease must run its course. Nature herself will throw off the attack if only you keep | up your strength. The chief danger les in the complications which may | prise. Influenza so weakens the bodily | resistance that there is danger of pneu- | monia or bronchitis developing, and | sometimes inflammation of the middle ear, or heart affections. For these rea- sons it is very important that the patient remain in bed until his strength returns—stay in bed at least two days or more after the fever has left you, or | if you are over 50 or not strong stay in bed four days or more, according to the severity of the attack. | She Took the Job Herself. “We've let the “That so?” “Yes. She finally wages that were maid go. couldn't resist taking and collecting the INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH MURRY! JUST EAT ONE TABLET | OF PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN FOR | INSTANT RELIEF. 2 When meals don't fit and you belch gas, acids and undigest- When feel lumps of distress In 1 No waiting! ed food. you indigestion pain, stomach, | heartburn or headache. Here Is instant relief, EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS pe (THE MARKETS N\sicz J BALTIMORE $2383, @2.36% ; No. 3, $2.3 Wheat No 1 2 $2.35% @2.33%; B Track corn, No, 3, for per bu for carlots on spot Cob Corn—Prime nearby vellow raking the breathing easier, VapoRub will be found effective. Hot, back between the open the pores, vapoRub should be rubbed In over the parts until the skin Is red, spread on thickly and cover with two thicknesses of hot flannel cloths, Leave the clothing loose around the neck, as the heat of the body liberates the in- gredients In the form of vapors. These vapors, Inhaled with each breath, carry the medication directly to the parts affected. At the same time VapoRub is absorbed through and timulates the attracting the and thus aids in relleving the congestion within, HOW TO AVOID THE DISEASE Evidence seems to prove that this is a germ spread principally chiefly through sneezing or spitting. So having throat, chest and skin, surface, disease, contact, which crowds—commaon Keep persons colds- avolding exercise In the open alr, and good food, Above all, avoid irri- tate the lining of the alr passages and them much better breeding colds, as colds KEEP FREE FROM COLDS Use Viek's VapoRub at the very first Rub in a benzoin steam kettle. If this is not available, use an ordinary tea- kettle. Fill half-full of boiling wa- ter, put in half a teaspoon of VapoRub from time to time—keep the kettle just slowly boiling and inhale the Note—Vick's VapoRub is the dis covery of a North Carolina druggist, who found how to combine, in form, Menthol and Camphor with such volatile oils ag Euealyptus, Thyme, Ca- hebs, ete., go that when the salve Is ap- plied to the body heat, these Ingredi- ents are liberated in the form of va- POTS, VapoRub is comparatively new in salve a few Western states where It is just now being introduced, but in other sec tions of the country it is the standard home remedy in more than a millic homes for all forms of cold tron Over six million iars were VapoRub ean be had in sizes at all druggists, It is particular ly recommended for children’s croup and colds, since It is externally applied as freely as sold las three desired without the slightest harmful Yanks Will Reforest England. MIL hie eat t of Thousands have kidney never suspect it Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease If the kidneys are not in a healt} condition, they may cause the other or Just Pape’ digestion These pleasant, Pape's Diapepsin always make sick, up- set stomachs feel fine at once and they cost so little at drug stores. —Adv, The first people to hury their dead in cemeteries and nse of orna- mental headstones were the Turks, 1a ln0]0 GUARANTEED TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE make OR MONEY REFUNDED = ASK ANY DRUGGIST Every Woman Wants gL 24 MS AAD FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for Pain in the back, headache, loss of am. nervousness, are often times symp toms of kidney trouble Don't delay starting treatment Dr Kilmer's Swamp Root, a physician's pre scription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overe me such conditions, Get a medium or large size bottle im mediately from any drug store However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle, When writing be sure and mention this paper.-—Ady. Used Bleached Wood Pulp. In 1872 Mitscherlich, a Bwede, produced paper from bleached wood pulp on a scale, Professor first Boothe Baby Rashes Cuticura Soap followed anointings of Caticura Nothing better, dress, “Cuticura, Dept. Sold by druggists and by mall 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv. Ointment. Shoes Are Stamped. are required to stamp on each pair of shoes its approved retall price. When Baby is Teething GROVES BABY BOWHL MBDICINE wil] sorreet the Stomach and Bowel troubles. Perfectly harm: less, See directions on the bottle, Los Angeles destroyed 45300 conts this year in the Interest of food con i i i i i | i W N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 44..1918. A ————— ——— Membership in Sweden's trade When dour Eyes Need Care ne Remedy a! — Wie Tor Fron re Books NE EYE REMEDY 00, CHICAGO New yellow In after the first about 3646.25 per bil. Oats-—Standacd white No. 3 white, Rye--No, 2 carlots for shipment of the month ig worth Rilke, sales 79, @80 Western, export, spot, $1.76% : No. 2 Western, to arrive November 15, $1.76'%4 ; bag rye, as to quality, $1.50 1.75 Hay--No 1 timothy, tandard do, $36.50@ 37 £36.50; No. 3 do, clover lots 23426 mixed, $36@ 368.50 No. 1 32.50@ 33.50: clover m grades, pound fresh 1 calf, head, 35( 75 Live Piga—Pige, as n. aplece, $4G 6: $sqas and pound, pound head, $2.5 to size and con hoats, apiece, as Eheen . » to qual lambs do, poor Cholee, handy pound, 18% @18¢; do 1IS@ 18%: goo ad 15% heavy, smooth, fat $1826; heavy, 215@ 18; small, thin calves, head weight veals heavy, fat veals, pound veals, pound, 18 calves, hen or rough calves $10@ 12 CHICAGO —Butchers, $16 50G 17.60: light, $16@17.25; packing, $14@G 15.75; rough, $13.50@G 14; pigs, good to cholce, $13414.25 Cat lle—Beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $15.50@ 19.60: common and me dium, 30.50@15.50 stock, and heifers Canners Jutcher $6.75@ 14 and Mutters, $585616.75. Stockers and f good, choice and fancy, $10.25 @ 12.75; inferior, common and medium, £7.506010.25 Veal calves, good and $16 @ 16.50 Western range, 213.95@ 17; cows and heif ors, $R.50@12.50 Sheep-—Lambs, $15.85@16.25; @ 15.85; and good, cown coders, choice, beef steors choice and prime, medium and good, $14.26 culls, $850@13. Ewes, choice prime, $10@1050; medium and $8.50@10;: culls, $650@7. PITTSBURG ~Cattle—Prime, $15.50 @ 18. Sheep—8teady: prime wethers, $10 @1060: culls and common, $3.50@5; lambs, $10@ 18. Hoge—Prime heavies, $17.154G17.25; mediums and heavy Yorkers, $170 17.15; light Yorkers, $15.76@G 16; pigs, $15.500015.75; roughs, $14G 15.50. AALL, Fa. keeps hair thick, strong, beautiful. of your hair in a few moments. Within ten minutes after an cation of Danderine you can not single trace of dandruff or ¥ appli 1 and your scalp will not itch, will please you most will be after a few weeks’ use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first but really new halr— wing all over the scalp. A little Da immediately dou your hair. No -Y 08 bles the an appesrand comparable riance, (3e1 1 H 1 i and lots just try a little Dan- “Cold In the Head’ is an acute attack of Nasal Cala sone wi are subject in the head” = fir HAIL build and render them Repe ted attacks of jead ta Chroot “atared HALLS RH MEDICINE is tak. en Internally and eta through the Blood on the Mucou of the Svstem All Druggists 7% Testimonials free $1000 for any case catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not cure F. J. Cheney & Co the By I) CATARRH 3 _ ® Washington in food supplle IF YOUR BACK ACHES Do you feel tired and “worn-out?” Don't gnore the “little pains and Are you nervous and irritable? Don't aches,” especially backaches, They sleep well at night? Have a “dragged | may be little now but there is no tell. out,” unrested feeling when you get|ing how soon a dangerous or fatal dis. up in the morning? Dizzy spells? Bil- | ease of which they are the forerun- fous? Bad taste in the mouth, back- | ners may show Itself. Go after the ache, pain or soreness in the loins, | cause of that hackache at once, or you and abdomen? Severe distress when may find yourself ino the grip of an in. urinating, bloody, cloudy urine or sed- | curable disease. iment? All these indicate gravel or]! Do not delay a minute, stone in the bladder, or that the pol-| druggist and insist on his gonbus microbes, which are always in! you with a box of GOLD MEDAL your system, have attacked your kid-| Haarlem Oil Capsules. In 24 hours vou will feel renewed health and vigor, After have cured yourself, tinue to take one or two Capsules each day so as to keep in first-class condition, and ward off the danger of nttacks Money refunded if Go to your supplying You should use GOLD MEDAL Capsules Immediately, into the walls you Oe sonks gently tle poisonous animal germs, which are | future causing the inflammation, are lmme-| they do not help you. Ask for the diately attacked and chased out of | original GOLD MEDAL your system without inconvenience or! brand, and thus be sure of getting the | genuine ~Ady, ” t's what's yf ‘em Stomach Wormy.” the the matter of 1 1s ' 1 Nearly bad as distemper Cost a PS 14 kK b Ss yaa oY Don't Spohn's Compound will 1 « the Oretit fy ' ¢ em up 3 round i A Full « bottle nd by all 4 frnported SPOHN MEDICAL CO, Goshen, Ind, U. 8 A, It’s Acid-Stomach That Makes Millions Sick and Suffer worth = set rid of the excess acld the & - TT: thie Bi ® wa 5 absorkg I8 HUMANITY'S GREATEST FOE It 1s always a terror to old people and a menace at some time or another to every human being, young or old. It is the forerunner of more ills and suffer. ing than almost any of NATURE'S DANGER SIGNALS and should never be allowed to po unheeded. At the very first indication of constipation get DR TUTT'S LIVER PILLS which for 72 years has been successfully used for this most prevalent of all disorders. For zale by druggists and dealers everywhere. Dr. Tutt’s Liver Pills Make Money Right At Hom eh iver Sod bomely. stomach : Wil pay ub regularity person. Ne ave the goods Vegetable Pills restores riping Adv 1 riise freely up this useful Write proposition today. at once lor full part THE FARM EQUIPMENT CO. 002 Keyser Bldg. Baltimore, Md. $2.00 PER ACRE — 1 88 acres Minnesota land, FARRER, £30 Betropolitan Life Palding, Mimmeapetis, Bias, ulars occasions! use of Roman Eye Balsam t upon retiring w prevent and re ¥ red, watery eves, and eve sirain. Adv — to be. 1 feel takin ave disap- ife. There symptoms.” we LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN, MASS.