3SDAY. OCTOBEI The New York World, This fact in universally recognized. Britain has made it easy for that count four years of war, but there is no éscaj of the Constitution is inexorable. Al In the circumstances the only issue o will decide, and by that decision the co No question of patriotism is involved No Congress will be as loyal to the flag anc word, as a Democratic Congress. cratic Congress. There are individual have proved equally unworthy, but the + +h tL La general rule tha parties, ere is nothing to che Nevertheless, the election might a) of a Repub readily work more injary to the 1 e of inflicting. 1 capabl That could come tics is politics and politi right so to interpret it, and to act accor before, when they seized upon the sche likewise put forth their own peace pre The yt al with the President's programme. cism, that that is what they were p had ontrol of 1 3 und to resist encroachment of g power le conjectures, while the peace-makin These are not id experiment of the Ce ms Wi © American people ngress would 0 Ison. No other man’s political disco 1usiastically welcomed. iliar German contention that President : however, is Germany is going to What is far e and 1 : ” mo rovember election re 4 38 4 espect to Pres leader of worl ho have no more These elements opular approval that have reason to believe that the President has ‘nited States Gove ient ent ToT which can be justif esperate exped ch reasons exist, ial and f i 10050 * + (49 00 ¢ they are. The fact is thatt lership and have failed 1 h war opened the doors of opportu trument to register the war poliei has been without f legislative incompetency, newspaper has spoken more fr eely of it the present Congress has been a Congr of the war, and thanks to party discipli om it the greatest and best war An army of equals of any troops in the world, ed. rith nin in an u terrupted procession of 300,000 carried out, The words Democratic and Republic and the smaller they are the greater th trusted with power. wv 1 they v people of the whole world, If that ist not obstruct him-——a Congress that will American politics to support and sustai task. wtisly add to his bur his success will be their success. Nod umphantly to victory y. The parliamentary system of Great ry to avoid a general election during ye tor the United States. The mandate {ouse of Representatives and one-third f the campaign is whether the Ameri- That is what the election untry must abide until March 4, 192 in this election. No sane man doubts sane man doubts that a Republican 1 as eager to win the war as a Demo- Republicancandidates who ought to 1 who the d there are individual Democrats se particular cases do not affect ose between the patriotism of the two lican House or a Republican Senate ‘nited States than Germany itself is the about for simple reason that poli- untry had repudiated President They would have a dingly. They would inevitably seek me fora War Cabinet. They would gramme however much it conflicted y could well say, in answer to all criti- that if things it would the country ng have Congress. of the the Government a Republican Congress, and whoever ported by the whole political a Republican No President mfiture or embarrassment would be so we can only guess, other the fam- Wilson forced the United States int into ect of f th in e foreign situation, what the Germans think important is the effect in Great Brit- ident Wilson's foreign policies 1 democracy, but tikinn liking for a « an the have been submerged great been come to the sur 1 been repudiated Jy 1ent in time of war is a dangerous and ied only by th 4 Lr PvE i tstrrnnl ras e gravest of political rea- in favor of a tremendous Ce er, in view of the consequen that the Democrats in ngress are for we espec yoth parties in Le t whatev do y nity. If Copgress has become merely on-~ ex- ia a because C own, and es of the President it is tive policy of its yey DiTY WO ba Aocunde ntry would be floundering No its lack of vision, and s limitations and Jut whatever its faults, 1 the conduct ne the President has been able to ob- ess that has not obstructe« asures that any Congress ever enact- reinforcement the 1 le reply to | Crossing ocean in a month, is the unanswerab an have little real meaning to-day, but Politicians remain politicians, eir capacity for evil when they are in- We believe he case, the least they can do is to give be compelled by the unwritten law of n him in carrying through this mighty When they ivided government ever marched tri- ““ UNCONDITIONAL S From the New York World, How many of the Americans who are shouting for '' unconditional surrender” know the meaning of the words they use ? Except in the cases of nations de. stroyed there is no such thing as uncon- ditional surrender by Government, Arm- ies are said to surrender unconditionally, but That is not completely so even in their case. As armies they submit to the conqueror, but as individuals they cease hostilities subject to all the provis- jons of international law, It is well to remember that this war began with a demand by Austria-Hun. gary, inspired by Germany, for what amonnted to an unconditional surrénder on the part of the Serbian Government, Attacked, overwhelmed and finally driv. en by superior force into alien territory, neither the Serbian Government nor the Serbian Army bas surregdered uoctoudi- RRENDER ", The unconditional surrender which Gen, Grant exacted at Donelson, Vicks. burg and Appomattox were of armies and not of a Government, and in spite of the phrase, there were in each of these cases conditions which the victor, impelled no less by humanity than by wisdom and the law of nations, was glad to concede. Every Confederate officer who carried away his side arms and every Confederate soldier who went home with his horse was the embodi- , ment of a condition, | Governments do not surrender uncon- ditionally, even when their last resource is exhausted, They simly disappear. If they still possess power of resist. ance, as was recently seen fn Bulgaria, they make the best possible terms, what- ever those terms may be. If the war continues more than one German Army may surrender, as the phrase is * un- conditionally ”". Germany itself will be ONE MILLION ( $1,000,000 ) DOLLARS. Centre County Subscribes Amount to Deliver Knockout Punch to the Kaiser. Although there were many h h and obstacles, chief of I the i whicl closing of halls to public gathering the success of the Fourth Liberty Loa campaign, came toward help 1:1 ai was rg. LO nevertheless Centre Million ing Uncle Sam raise the § across with One Dollar lions of Dol to finish the tottering crowd, Chairman McCurdy, of giving the hgures to Monday afternoon, with the r found especial del subscri bers— whicl the real test—to exact n or about one number who Liberty loan The through the Penns Hall, 1 ¢ ¥ total of 250 su amount tre was $4 hopes to print in its next Ia Letter from Camp Lee. safe now as it i a dog wearing ¥ 1 hope these and all ti good health, shall be very ing 1 i . fre m m the member time. The soldier be fous to hear from the h It is almost time for mess will close the faucet ou my Do Your Christmas Shopping This Year. ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES COVERNMENT 4 Do you know of a better gift for the money, than a miniature bond (War Sav ings Stam; jof the U. § earning 4 per cent, interest, ed quarter y, und selling in October for $4 21. Suitable and bound to be apj ciated by every member of the family, whether at home or over-seas, For the week ending October 12th, Centre County had a per capita of 13 cents, or a total per capita to date of $16.04. We retain fourth place in the list of Counties in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Government, compound. IPE Very truly yours, W. Harrison Warkee, Chairman War Savings Committee for Centre County. Bellefonte, Pa, Oct. 21, 1918, (Continued from previous column) forme in~themeelves will carry condi. tions, For these reasons we deplore the pres- ent thoughtless and irrespousible de- mand for .an unconditional surrender, It 1s only a pharse, and no issue of this Wm. A. Sandoe, Sr., Dead. Centre death Hall of resi- Word reached friends in ig of r,s at his Pa. t of an attack of ac on the Wil fr dent of Monday morniz former lin A 4 1 el HAM A. DANGoe, this a place, home at 10 i Dallas Ave., Ingram, Death was { the resu indiges- Sunday morning at ute tion and occurred at an . 4:30 o'clock. The evening previous was active and upon retiring tion f sick F ation ol SICKUCSss d a half } his be mel "an wiore sed away. Mifflintown, 5000 pas Was born « int hi Was 10 Lis ts Fred Shultz Dies in Virginia. a Will Breed Silve r Foxes r———— i ——— I'wo More Boys for the Navy. No Winter Daylight-Saving. 1 ¥ o hav AA Teachers’ Institute, Nov, 11-15. Centre C« Teachers’ Insti. 1 at Bellefonte, from Nc 1th 1 be held vember 11th to , 1918, Superigtend. Etters expects to have a good institute program in this year ags AA Sab Mifflin County's Grand Record. Mifflin county 1d y sold $¥.967.250 worth of bonds i Liberty loan, than a half million dollars ove ota. which was ope mill nd dollars qu dred thot ————— College Training 500 Army Mechanics. State iy m irom men all Pennsylvania have arrived at the State College for training in me. chanicai and technical subjects. They form the vocational section of the State College unit of the students’ army train. ing corps, and they will remain for two months. The soldiers were inducted by the lo- cal draft boards and detailed for the spe- cial instruction. Kogineering experts will teach them the following branches: motor truck mechanics, electricity, car. pentering, topographic drawing, survey ing, machinery, blacksmithing and trench telephony. Nine officers are at the College to supervise the military training of the vocational men, sn ————— Bay the baby bonds, They are the best of security ; return good interect ; and, if you buy liberally, you will feel that you did your duty lo support of the More than 500 selective parts of boys over there, 24, 1918, PENNSYLVANIA CROPS SHOW FAIR YIELD FOR 191%. Wheat in State Averages 158.3 Bush- els ; Corn a 99 Per Cent Crop; Potates Poor. I.. H, Wible, statistician for the Penn- sylvania Department of ed estimated A : Agricuiture, alu } v3 advance showin of i148 1881 an report i , conditions crops 4 ate oi { 11 BY state, as follows Wheat. —The average yield pe 4 : al > oe i 1€ total products r acre is estimated at 15.3 bushels and 74 bushels, he average yi was 191 he total production 26 aif . increase 10 acre difter rather = proper germ- the grain g! an winter the was poor the heavy ast year 080,000 bushels ge 158 400 bushels, as last year’ as iar Tractor Demonstration. Every farmer in Centre county have the opportunity of seeing several makes of tractors in operatio same field on Thursday, Oct Try to be on start as all the tractors will be started at one o'clock. hand at the n the same time and the fuel consumptio recorded in plowing one acre of ground Without a doubt mor actors will be sold in Centre county dur the coming fall and winter than evéf before. If you are interested in buying this fall or pot this will be your opportunity to see them in actual operation and help to make your selection, Come and look them over at Plan take that half day off. Bring your neighbor if he doesn’t have a way to come, Place : Beaver Farm, Bellefonte, Time: Thursday, October one o'clock, least, to 11st, R. H. OimstraAD, County Agent ————— Uniforms for Boys Working Reserve. Thousands of American boys below draft age will soon be wearing an official United States uniform. Secretary of La- bor Wilson has authorized and the War Department has approved an olive drab uniform which may be worn by all members of the United States Boys’ Working Reserve. Already there are many units of the Boys' Working Reserve throughout the country which have been awaiting the announcement of the official dress of the organization and many more units which will be organized as a result of the proposed] expansion of the Reserve under the co-operation of the War De. partment will at once Mécard "man for the natty olive drab of the Reserve uniform, Election day is ouly twelve days away. NO. 42 [OWN AND COURTY NEWS, HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTERE BT FROM ALL PARTS Read the article teaded ** No rinter Government ”, printed it 10Cal price [or I tany Valley is $1 ¢ uy Yvaucy 5 ’ J The Reporter has another ietle om ent vie aot verhart, at persists in belping so Mr. Boris says, where iaugater, Miss Mary, are spent his life working in outdoor the mem 3 A Trainin ps at the Pennsvivania State Col Massed athletics 1800 ——_— rm ww Aan lege. Te th ii is week took th tion, Penn S MAE a 11 3s compelled each st tate whan his favorite sport for ds Reports seem to indicate that the * flu” epidemic is not yet on the wane In fact, it seems to be spreading, ir some localities least. This is walic reason why those convalescing from 1 disease should not jeopardize the health of others by leaving the house too soon and mingling with other A little thought for the health and safety of others will have the desired effect. The Board of Health has not made nec- essary a quarantine, but unless a little more common sense is exercised, a strict quarantine may be enforced, 4 1 al i he persons, The wires carrying the current from Bellefonte to Centre Hall, across Nit- tany mountain, have been the means of killing numerous pheasants, The road men, while working on the mountain road, have time and again come Across a fine big bird lying dead directly under the electric line wires. A short time ago, I. A. Sweetwood, of Centre Hall, picked up one bird with a view of bav- ing itsegt to a taxidermist for mount. ing, but discovered that the bipd's neck ‘was broken, the bones of the neck pro- truding, which would have made a good job of mounting impossible. It is sup- posed that the birds come to their death in flying against the wires in the gather. ing darkness of eveving and at the first daws of day.