THE CENTRE SE Es THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1018. THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Paragraphs of News Taken from the Files of the Repeoster of 1883, November 28 & December 6th, 1883. Alfred Hosterman, of near this place nurchased ane of John Rishel's ut & mile east of Centre Hill. \n , of Madisonburg, shot first wild turkey of the season. It hed close to twenty-five pounds. FH. Rishel died at his home at “on the 17th inst, at the of thirty-six years. kirk 1s obtaining signatures asking the railroad com- ate the station near the Old 1 Roush nt occurred on the 27th a barn at John , a stick of timber than Corman on the back g him so badly that he night. Mr. Corman h of November, at ide’s parents in Cen- Kline, Potters llie E. Boal, of Centre of accident was averted on tleman who was walk- near Paddy moun- Coburn. A large had fallen on the track in two places. n being due and it lark, and the break in the 1at a curve, a terrible resulted had not vered the trouble and vered nn time to save it. en road ueciow He raus a trai 1ave la I1all Has Red Cross Auxiliary. y to the State College has been be added is Oak fourteenth aux- citizens of its neighborhood Mrs W. A. h the new auxiliary upon er. 1 present ge Chapter a dele- nd members consist- i chairman, . and Mrs. D. F. V. W. Braman, Harris. Mrs. ting to order and Cross the me of aere was x ark a Parks, auxiliary were Mrs. W, Ralph Harry Markle, There- e of her office hapter, adminis- nce to the new H Red Cross il legally organized zed to precced with the ross, thus linking up mmunities of Centre rreat national work of re- nercy. “hairman chairman Mrs. vy Mrs, Dale. 11 il rm Ae A ——————— AARONSBURG. 1 nr 17 John are enler- ree nieces from Williams- d Clearfield, Potters Mills, is visit- Caroline Maize. services were held h, Sunday. am Holloway, from heir uncle, James mer - Mr, Holloway swoile in burg. heats CENTRE MILLS. hall and family started for lay, in their Ford car, family motored evening, e and on Sanday x 1 a or i Aly. William Homan, Mr rd Homan were Sunday Adam Reish home. I MA ———————— of This Fellow. Beware e of * book-agents’ who, of discussion of their ly try to spread the idea s all wrong and its prose- I not receive public support. may represent members of an Bible direct your attention to battles of Arma- offering books seditious literature, are the disloyal ar. ey advance under the guise Vass a sorsta ~ A “LS being al Association of nd * are ous y unty was recently visited by » of ** book-agent” but the coun- prompt action resulted in I'he men proved to be al- 1 were held as alien aft age and ng "nt - i Murder Cases in Clearfield Court. X ek District Attorney Johan C, of Clearfield county, expects to of the seven murder cases re the authorities listed for Iu case they are not finished dur- second week, it is believed il, who is ill, will have recover- ently to take charge of the ses. d week. he tin Cm —————— Edna B, Whiteman and Harry { Hassinger, both of Millheim, were united in marriage at Millheim by Rev. 1. J. Weaver, The groom is in the ser- vice and is stationed at Edgewood, Md, for All Young Men. The young men of America now ap- pear to stand a very good chance of ob taining a college education at the ex- pense of the government, One of the features of the revised plan of organiza- tion of the Student Army Training Corps is understeod to be enlisted men’s pay for students who enter the Corps. Young men of 18 years and over, phy- sically fit for military service and who have a grammar school education are eligible for membership in the 5. AT C. as previously announced, But not all young men eligible for the Corps could enter college it they had to pay their way. With enlisted men’s pay granted to them all eligibles may take advantage of college instruction and the colleges instead of being depleted of their classes are now likely to register the biggest enrolment in their history. Intimations that the plan will be made operative carrying pay for members of the S. A. T. C. have reached the heads of educational institutions and the Penn- sylvania Council of National Defense, Enlisted men receive $30 a month to start and pay up to $s1.00 a month for first class sergeants.. runs Under a plan rating them as enlisted men, members of the S. A. T. C. would thus receive at least $30.00 a month. Assurances have already been given to college heads that most liberal policy is being copsidered in the matter of extension of privileges of the 8. A. T. C. to schools and colleges”. The new draft law is expected to set the day of registration for the draft early in Sep- tember. then enroll in colleges with the expecta tion that they will be offered the of voluntary induction into the service about the first of October As already announced, the S. A. C. plan will utilize the pl "og Students can chance T. ant, equipment, and organization a reserve of offi from which the enlarged needs ches of army s—— a —————— A Real American Despite His Color’ Pennsy ctator at the ed thatitis b speaking once, parti ject of the remarks h per-skinned soldier Yankee Tribune «] with man catt away, brown el wb » wonder wii these nor ng a dusky- but long to wait unt “I'm no jected ing about & query. going to fight for my countr I'm more of ever be.’ It developed that the soldier was a tull-blooded state, he » the st American y, si an American on a western and hg atively about the American part for ancestors were long before t Indian from 1 t } erally He was right li ur- his of this land forefathers The spectator’s residents he Altoonan's migrated to its shores, head dropped after the rebuke and those who first shared his « Seyi 1 10) pinion slunk away had the crowd allowed any leeway would have BE — State Agricultural Notes. an 1. 2 rricd y 1 iArrisour The Show at | ises to! hel¢ tate ¥ 1 v & e the largest the in the east Increases in the acreage of buckwheat were fifty f the state. adde in ni $ nace in of the sixty-seven counties « The yield of oats in every county the State is above the average and some record production marks are expected. in Grasshoppers are reported as doing much damage in certain sections of the State. Increased interest in the raising of Belgian hares and other rabbits is noted throughout the State, Many farmers are planning to feed cattle for market during the coming winter, Tractor demonstrations in many coun- ties have offered the farmers opportuni ties to inspect many of the best known makes of labor saving farm engines, Wheatless Kitchen UNITED GTATES fOOB ADMINISTRATION S— will be exhibited again this for SONG ROLLS : “Blue Bird,” “America, It's Up to You “Rattle Song of Liberty," AND OTHERS. year at the Grange Encamp- sale. =! DR. MORITZ SALM Specializes in Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Catarrh and Al Chronic Diseases, CENTRE HALL HOTEL Centre Hall Next Visit Monday, September 9 from 3 P. M. tog P. M., and every four weeks thereafter on the same day, as follows : October 7th, November 4th, December 2nd and 3joth, Bellefonte, Garman House always next day, from 100A. M. to7:30 P.M. FREK Conaltation and Eramination The following list of diseases we cure in a short time and relief given at once : ASTHMA—Oppressed feeling, choking or smothering sensation and difficult breathing. JRONCHITIS - Hacking caugh, pain in the chest ; loss of flesh, BLOOD DISEASE blood poison Scrofula, chronic DEAFNDSS—Partial or complete, and the diseases of the ear, DVSPEPSIA—Loss of appetite bloating of the stomach or any of the forms of catarrhal inflamation of the digestive organs. HEART DISEASE «Pain in the back, puffiness under the eyes, swelling of feet and frequent urination, LIVER DISEASE—Pain in the side, muddy complexion, feeling of lassi. tude and constipation, MEN ~ Discases peculiar to men, in all stages { NERVE DISEASES —Loss of sleep, loss | of memory, melancholia, impared in| tellect, unhappy and miserable with- | out reason, RHEUMATISM ~ Acute, chronic, mus | cular, articular, or sciatic, for which | remedies and doctors have proved un-| available, A NATIONS STRENG ISIN ITS FOOD SUPPLY ase 15,000. O00 ALLIES — Public Sale of — Valuable Real Estate. The undersign Wi je sale heirs at aw of al pu THURSDAY g La ne -. bend 3 pu rr 1d degroos West, 178 perches 0 Blinking hence along said Sinking Creek lings of the | confor: £ to said cored 1138 perches 10 grees East al South 2% d-gr thence Xortd « 0 a sions Lhend choos in Bl degrees East, 31 the pace of beginning THREE ACRES ANI { CHER more or om It FTORY FRAME BHE ialin i falling well, FURPART XO 2 timber land situated County of Ceuire, Bate od and described as fol al stone thence Buh ches to stone | Lh werchies 10 #1 Dos a el e int pet freon erected a BANK BARN seanry oul bulldings. A HOUSE Hal J, ah BeVeEr All 10st ox in the township # Pennayivania, ows, 10 wit Beginning 2 degrees East 00.4 jet sulh 6] degroes West co North 66 degrees Wisi ¥ § perches to stoic. Nonh degrees Easl 64 wich 10 Lhe place of pinnin Containing WENTY FIVE ACRE sore of Joes, It belly » pari { & larger trac! of land which became igh. iy vested J * Konkel i ile Lime PURPART timber land #it County of { ed and des al stones ches by lands of W i theaoe by land © grees West 50 4 perches to new land of samuel Parker 6] degrees East 497 ches 10 8 sone | thenee by lands of WH B83 perches 10 place of beginning, ( sEVENTEEN AUKES hen 5 TERME OF BALI Ten pet cont chase money 10 be paid ou day of to be paid in Toll Apri is, did be given PRANK M, FISHER, Administrator e i.: HEIRs OF WILLIAM H STIVER, deccassd J. Frank Mayes, Auch, in Jobs NO. 3 erimit ied in 12 township | Petinayivau as folk to wit oe Routh 61 4 od Snare ribbed Begin: Went ther th al when _NEW _ ADVYERTISENENTS UTORS' NOTICE W. W. Spangler, late of Centre Hall Borough, Centr: County, Pa , deceased Letters testamentary in the above estate ing been duly graniad 0 the aRdesvnr a 3 would respecting) request Any perwons DCW i themeeives indebiec to the cslate 10 make mediate payment and hose having Clair against the same 10 present oem duly authen- ioated for selliemen! HARRY RB, SPANGLER GERTEKUDE M_ SPANGLER, Bxecutors J. Kennedy Johnston Atlgruey AN DMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. ~ Letters of administration on the estate of Wiliam A Cstherman, late of Harris township, decen od Letters of administration on the above estate having been duly granted to the undersigned, she themselves indebted to the ¢state to make imme diate payment, and those baving claims agains the same to present them duly authenticated without delay for settlement ELLA E CATHERMAN, Administrairix, Linden Hall, Pa. $30 88 pd ATA G55 what GOD gives Bhat ary nw so that others ve? Fat logy Snrar MEAY aT Suvaw Berd! more to Fu ar they will Bia AND THEN EVERYBODY SMILED Young Man Seized Opportunity fo= Display of Gallantry, but Fortune Was in Fickle Mood. Bhe was youug and fair. Her neat, trim figure, with its patty goat, the corners of which the March sportively toyed with, glided Broadway Many sdmiring glances followed her His eyes her, never loosing sight for a block breezes of beauty. boon? While Weuld fate grant him he was thinking this beauty reached a pavement looked suspiciously wet Bhe uncertaluly it. Bhe not fore she grace for an instant, sat the and slippery picked her way had gone many steps bo alahced fully hers { LUY b HNeETBell dad 4 WI I 16 pavemen u forwar YOUnE woman, Here was for hin Me of i rapid y i a i i iy and reached elruggiin the Was te 10 her feet With capable Permit me,” mak of tending his her feet That th iia courtesy of which he was rward, saying ing 8 services to help her Ww he leaned { movement moment, while being rewarded a smile {rom lips © lie beau i balanced | he revers Jn Statistics Bhow Closely Al vance cg, 01 Baines Washington ynald Tradition. famous as who rose onald the only the ranks ii i rank of a general by his own hand, but is ¢ firmly sald Col. © of St from believe,” Paul “1 became convinced of this while in China, where I went to observe the maneuvers of the army foll wing t Russo-Japanese War. An fneideut that’ oecurred pur march into the interior made me believe this. It was simply the reco ognition of MacDonald by one of the party, who declared that he could not be mistaken. 1 believe that at that time Hector MaeDonald was at the adad of the Chinege army and that he still occuples that position. Unless 1 am mistaken, I saw MacDonald my- gelf in that country.” * then new Chinese he t on ———— —— Foxy Old Kaiser. Kaiser WhHhelm decided that the qew war automobiles that his army is going to use should be so com structed that if one of them broke down the dispatch the war lord might be sending to one of his generals could be delivered promptly instead of waiting until the old buzz wagon would go again. So he had them built wikh big pockets om the side, and in each of these a wotareycle will be carried, Then, if something goes wrong with the motorcar the motorcycles can be used to deliver the message. PeVv OSPR PORNO BIRR BIEL INSYDE TYRE Cuts Tire Costs In HALF mL mm—— sseombensssioil [r= St ERE rrr A ~~ ad / [ CrmG 7% 8 You can cquip your car with INSYDE TIRE less cost than the price at of one casing, and ADD frcm 1000 to 5000- MILES to the life of the casing, by reinforcing it and prevent- ing blowouts, Do Auto Owner, if you are Vt pass this up, Mr, AAAS conc after real my. J.Roy Schaeffer Centre Hill ; P. O, Spring Mills cr G. H EMERICK, Centre Hal] sET % 200606000 A LIMITED STOCK Fxiss el of Light-weight ndergar- ments yct remain ing. til hiloce IOUCSS H. F. Rossman Spring Mil’ vill 8 + ( Store closed Labor Day) SPOOR POL ONO IPOCTROPRRORPLORER NEVE ERIE RON" QOSCRODTHONTVONIR O08 O PSLRA VENT SCRIP OPOEOE Cw reEeI6R 000003209000 Insurance and Real Estate Want to Buy or Sell? SEE USQFIRST Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL, PA, PEPPE 4 FPDP BVIL BOVEY BVO CO0I0000¢ OEP ARSYTOOINIFIDETY eoec era azeT oR PORE ROE? Laundry Leaves the Reporter office WEDNESDAY A N., SEPT. 4 WEDNESDAY A. M., SEPT.18 and every OTHER WEEK until further potice Returns Saturday foMowing date of outgoing