THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY. AENTRE HALL - PENNA. TRSDAY. SEPTEMBER 5 ns TH & BAILEY . . . . Proprietors SMITH '. + 4 + + « » + + Bolter { Loca’ Editor and Business Manager TH Ww WARD BE. BAILEY ared at the Post Office in Cenirs Hall as 14 (Clans mall matter, T¥R MS The terms of subserip’ ion to the Re r iar are one and onahall dollars per year. ADVERTISING RATES-Display advertise mann of tan or mors inches, for three or more in xartinne, tan ori sts por inoh for asch imme . Dis viny advertising aocunying lass paces than ten tonnes and for less than three 'msertions, from Brann in twenty-five oents par inch for each fexne, seenrding to composition. Minimum a1xn soventy-five conta, Local notices scoompanying display advertis- Ine five cents per line for each insertion ; other- wisa, eioht conts per line, minimrm charge, twentr-five cants, Lega! notices, twenty cents per line for three inenrtions, und ten gents per line for esch ad- tiignal insertion CHUFCH APPOINTMENTS. angelical,—Lemont, morning. Lin- Mills, Centre Tusseyville morning ; evening moming; Spring Mills, ¢ Hall, evenlag jon, = - This paper has enlists with the govern nen ! in 1} ¢ cause of Ameri 2 or th period of the w “aan A Man's Size Job. good work boys and given of 3 TL OF ing to the thrift 1 has been creat- r that War Sav- 1 1 ren only tam ps ¢ ior merican thrift sav the ce of he Governmen iren, splendid f { account lor J 1ildren along to be ulca- the in Are they and save men do now. save and do now. the least his, for there malerials for is and for the xpeditures. smember that Navy not not grumble comforts do ——— Those Who Must Register, s had no end of in- and who must ext registration 1e ages of 18 to Iready registered need ect is covered clearly order. } to egister — All have attained and shall not heir forty-sixth birthday the date set for registration i register, The shall birthday must 3 who prior to the day set by the President have terms of the act ap- 7 18, 1917, or under the terms resolution of Congress ap- 20, 1918 whether called for er ficers and enlisted men of the g officers appointed, and nn of the forces diafted under the pro- visions of the act approved May 18, 1917; and enlisted men of the Natiodal Guard while in the service of the United Sta and officers of the Officers’ Re- serve Corps and enlisted men in the En- listed Reserve Corps while in the ser- vice of the United Stater : and f Officers and enlisted men of the nd Marine Corps and officers and enlisted and enrolled men of the Naval Reserve Force and Marine Corps Re- serve while in the service of the United States. army . officers ‘es {C) Navy a ———— AIA AP ASA Ross Bushman in France. Mis, S Jushman, on Friday, re- ceived official notice of the safe arrival overseas of her son, ID. Ross Bushman. He left Centre Hall about two months adie The Lecture Course. So responsive have the patrons of the Centre Hall course been in pledging for renewal of their support of the 1018-1919 course, that the com- mittee, at its meeting on Monday night, decided to dispense with the sales single admission tickets during the en: This means that only those tickets will be entei tain- lecture of tire season. holding lecture admitted to the lec and The committee is confident that course lures ments, if the ticket 1 ably seated and maintained, The commit with the children, fifteen and that all under the age of will be course them to a reserved se between audience is confined to course t foludrs al will be more comfort- erfect order will be I tee has been quite liberal r the adult mal over, (ing age means years: one-dollar which fifteen years 1 1 . 3 admitted on the tickets, whic ticket entitles t, there being no distinction made the privileges accorded the holders of the two classes ~—$1.00 and $1.50--11C kets The movement nee guarantee ir and and since entert heretofore, edu movement in have ti it general a s» guinnort i€ Suppo i each necessary The ch It is in i —— p—— 2 Business Men Make Tour. Milton, W taking to Jersey shor per-at Bellefo ~~ Repuiris Boro Road. ™ The mai; being rep: Rossman, t Gap, caretak the State road in that sect: intending work borough CAMPRELL, ~~] at his home near day morning as iit tion of disease He Centre Hall seventy-five years served fora time in the Civil second wife, vives, together with several children to his first wife who was Su He was a member of the M. E, near and His sur- was bort ago war, Garver, nee Beulah n Parker in the prime of life physical strength. at Sprucetown this ( was a Kg Burial will be made Thursday) nn man 10rning. Duxtar, William L for forty years Contre county, died at the home of his brother, Miles Dunlap, in Philipsburg on Wed. nesday afternoon of last week, aged six ty years. He was never married. Bar- ial was made at Philipsburg on Satur. day. awrence Dunlap, a resident of SPRING MILLS. Some of the business men joined the automobile tour on Labor Day. a Quite a number of families will tent at Grange Park, Mrs. (Dr,) Braucht and spent a day at Howard last week, Clair Ohl wife's parents, son, Dean spent a few days with his Mr. and N Loug. Mr. Ray William Rossman and Rossman, of Philadelphia, are visiting at the H., F, The eastern part of the hotel building and Mrs. Rossman home, s being remodeled by the Hagen broth. ers for the new bank. Mr, and Mrs, C, A. and Mrs. G. C.King spent at State College. Howard Eisenhuth has purchased the late Philip Heims home and will occupy Krape and Mr, Labor Day it this fall, Beck Brothers, pis Haven, were callers friends on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Heckard, of Mor ganza I. J. Zubler home over day. ter of Mrs. Walter Lock many of their no dealers on visited the Mrs. Zubler, Ww olfe Georgia, on Sun Heckard is a sis will leave for C amp Thursday, re wher He Greenleaf, he has been called for service. one of the June fifth, 1918, regist Mrs. John Weaver, of Altoona, Thurs y at Musser 18 the mother ol Robert Mrs. Weaver r, of Aaronsburg, She Weave pasto nas Em — BOAL SBURG. irped to their home sday, after spending three months ———— — = ——> TUSSEYVILLE. supervisors are g gravel. chard Smi ng with his grandparents - J, H. Horner, blac y $ ok ksmith a a new Maxwell th s addition of two new cars last seyville is becoming a place Farmers own most of Wheat Price Fixed at $2.20. This year's government wheat price was continued in effect for the 1919 crop by President Wilson on Monday, in a proclamation fixing $2.20 as the mini mum price at a primary markets. Wir ter wheat will be sold at this price, but the president accompanied his proclama- tion with a statement giving notice that before the harvest of next spring he will appoint a commission to report on in- creased farm labor supplies to guide him in determining whether there shall be an advance in price for the spring crop. Such an advance, if given the presi. dent said, will apply only to producers who by that time to have marketed their 1918 production, The possibility of peace before the middle of 1920 was touched upon in the president's statement, in connection with the risk that by guaranteeing wheat prices the government might lose as much as half a billion dollars if Eu- rope should find its supplies available from the southern hemisphere, —————— SA SATA TA ago for the training camp. ~, Try an ad. in The Reporter. ithe — wi PINE GROVE MILLS. H. C, Dale was a Sunday the J. F. Kimport home. S. Krumbine and family AN 1 Nanty-glo the visitor S. atives at the week. Don't miss the Red Cross basket festival near town, Wi Herman, wl hospital w nic and this Saturday Le de here he 1, is rapidly re It required f i ry the Meck the grove Simon War their } Olds i they w ill mix ten days. (srime t a hor mais treorge 1 iy The an Atl se New Malta Home in Mifflin Co. A pte Chairman Walker's Report 1918 AA — Transfers of Real Estate. 810% a1 y. hin A. Sweetwood, John Hamiltor tract of land in State Colleg Miles X Reese, Decker, et al tract of land in Gregg od in State C ollege ; A. H. town- Rot ert a. Banty’s Admrs. Vonada, tract of land in Miles ship ; $6.50. Jacob Brungart, Exss. to Alice Sholl, tract of land in Miles township ; $1850 Alice Sholl to William F. Stover, tract of land in Miles township 81370, Jas. 8. Heirs to John Lee tract of land in Spring towaship ; $1100, io Carson's ——————— New Red Cross Members. HGgh Ralston, CYRUS BRUNGART JUSTICE OF THE PREACH CENTRE HALL, PA. Special attention given to oollecting, Legal writings of all classes, incloding desde, mortgages | agreoments, oto, marriage licenses aud hunter's | conwos secured, and all matiore partainine to the | Moe atiended te promptly. Jani, 1919 DISPROVING AN OLD BELIEF Billy Idea About Career of “Minister's Bons" Is Given a Setback by Pub- lication of a Few Facts. nything about any own in "CAE AN JHA {D FOR GAS For Roumaniz Carn t Roumani postage which stamps queen's purposes, series will she new resen of Roumania the stamp being “God g hand:" (2) the queen weaving, “Woman weaves the futu country;” (3) the wounded soldier, motto “The wounds dressed and the tears wiped away, and (4) an allegorical picture, motto, “But, glory, honor and peace to all that do good.” Another eet of stamps of similar character,’ sued in 1907 bore a pleture representing the Prin cess Maria and her children receiving a poor family at the gates of their palace reg spinning, iide oul motio the queen nureln a Diplomacy. Mr. Hobbs—How much ought 1 to put into the contribution box? Mrs, Hobbe—Wait and see, half a crown, bit will do.~Tit-Dita, nisi] NESS COUGH DUE TO | NEF Mot Dangerous, but Hard to Distine guish Fro That Where Bronchial Tubes Are Affected, BAG vous iy m knc Ww medicine Shall rice or Sabbath instead dance gave is an {}- the difference between way of thinking and ing and ours.—~Christian Intelli- A Korean in his report * AVeTrage atien 3 absences. Such {orean Had No Right to Dodge. A witness In a civil damage suit wer the breaking of a plate glass win. \ i rman town testified that sing down the street he saw a stone come whirling through the air and had Just time to dodge it to avold being hit. The witness was questioned as to whether the stone that broke the window would have struck him had he not dodged it. and the magistrate held: “Inasmuch as if the witness had not unfortunately ducked his head the glass would not been struck by the stone he is hereby adjudged responsible for the breaking of the window and is ordered to pay to the owner the value of the same.”