THE JOY OF MOTHERHOO Came to this Woman after Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health Ellensburg, Whsh.—‘‘ After I was married 1 was not well for a long time and a good deal of the time was not able to go about. Qur greatest desire was to have a child in our home and one day my husband came back from town-with a bottle of Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound and wanted me to try it. It brought relief from my troubles. 1 improved in health so I could do my housework; we now have a little one, all of which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.”’— Mrs. O. S. JounsoN, R. No. 8, Ellensburg, Wash. There are women everywhere who long for children in their homes yet are denied this happiness on account of some fooraoeeT, isorder which in most cases would readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Ruch women should not give up hope until they have given this wonderful medicine a trial, and for special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of 40 years experience is at your service. (lear Your Skin $7 ; While YouSleep ws with Cuticura [> ~~ z ntment B45, Taleom sta: Soap To. O sch free of “'Caticura, Dept. E, Boston." Barbanell's Persp iration Corrector Makes walking a pleasure; will positively stop Mensive from feet r p 3 a8 excess! repirat ¥. Barbanell, and mp Re fnvest Now Jor Investmen Stock low Priced x3 Securities Holding Ceo., 513 Stewart Hig, Heuston, Toras n «= te 5 Kemmerer, Wyo Watson EK. Coleman, Patent 1 ppp tes reasonable. Highost reference BALTIMORE, ! Limit in Snobbery. lety leader £0 1 Grovae's Tasteless chill Tonic Sestroys the malarial germs which are transmitted Ww the biood by the Malaria Mosquito rice We nally Turned. 1 Editor Fi this,” «4d the ¢ 1 ia leged ol long-suffering ed vhere the in front of us, DE vas an old soldier, “is Arnhs “Here” another place a dirty pocket map—"is where our vision s drawn up in zareba. “We deployed in Was or were neint ino pen nting to on di this direction, and by the |. Just at this point wn the left attacked shoulder vt} iuriher 14 red yards on I got my right arm shattered by a piece of vn shells, and" interrupted the bored editor, id your brains blown out "London Tit-Blts, one of our « “eat But, “where d you get influences on Temperament, “You don't write any more delicate end poetry.” “No,” nnswered Mr. Penwiggle, the time a man has gotten a fountain pen and a typewriter tuned up for a day's work he's in no mood for dell eate and soulful stuff.” When Your Eves Need Care Try Murine Eve Remedy Jo Bmarting ~~ Just Bye Comfort. @ cents at ygRists of mail rite for Free Eye Book. MURINE EYE REMEDY CO, CHICAGO goulful “Ry PORTABLE HOUSE BEST FOR SWINE Advantage of Movable Cot Is That It Is Easily Changed. “Around Pastures. : SELECT WELL-DRAINED SITE Wooden Floors Are Good but Not Nec- essary—Should Be Higher Than Qutside Level of Ground to insure Dryness, — (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) A well-drained site should be select- d for the hog house and, if possible, he south side of a hill i wortant things should be observed in house construction; namely, light, ventilation, warmth, and cleanliness, Light is provided by placing the house long a north and south line and by mtting in suitable doors and windows, Doors, windows, and roof ventilation furnish a proper Interchange of alr. hog i i i i i people, good floor and bedding provides suffi- cient warmth, Make Quarters Comfortable. Let it be remembered that the hog has little natural protection from cold; the for comfortable nence necessity Good Type of Individual Hog Hous®— This House Has a Number of Win. dows and Doors Which Can Be Open. ed to Provide Ventilation When Weather Conditions Permit quarters, floor, but in colder cli covered good floor nu keep the house : ment of the house § the heds and feed f arated. iLiere are Cement makes ¢ with wooden kes it much The ar id be sucl hou! loors are well sep- clean. general classes of ity or vidual or mov two Uses— ge commut station able, pens a number of ary, and small ind The large house and is intended for quite hogs. t if the house are: It is more economical a large number of hogs fent for feeding and affords prov for saving be quite large it is usually advisable to arrange the pens In two rows with an alleyway between ther, The alley should be 4 to 6 feet wide unless it is desirable to have space for the pass. ing of a wagon. In that event the al- ley should be 8 to 10 feet wide, Individual Hog House, individual the is intended for one hog or for a sow and her brood, One decided advantage of the individual or portable house is that ft can be moved from place to place and can thus be kept sanitary and made accessible to pas- There are two general styles of houses, namely, the box- shaped four upright walls and the A-shaped. The dimensions ghould be 6 fect by 10 feel, or 8 fect by 8 feet, Wooden floors are good, but not neces. gary. The floor should be higher than the outside level of the ground, te in- gure dryness, All houses should be sufficiently high to permit the sgtend- ant to move about them with ty cue. freedom, has Individual large for The advantages « manure. The suggests, house, as name + . Lures, individual with tive the By plating fenders on rowing pens, When a number of sows are kept on a farm it may be desirable to have a regular farrowing pen. A small house rowing pen. Fenders may be made of 2 by 6-inch seantling and firmly attach- od to the walls of the pen some 6 inches above the floor. The object of the fender is to prevent the sow over- lying young pigs, so ———————— Keep Flies in Check. Every farm should have as a part of its equipment a sprayer of some sort as well as suitable fly “dope” so that the flies may be kept in cheek ns far as their tormenting the stock Is concerned. Object in Applying Lime. The purpose of applying lime to the or neutralize acid- DISTRICT ENRICHED BY CHEESE FACTORY Prosperity Brought to Isolated Community in Southeast. ment of Agriculture.) Cheese making Is transforming many igolnted mountainous southeastern states farming communities, into prosperous { { i | i i the lack of ready communication with the outside world has retarded agri- cultural development, An gtory of the rapid development of small co-operative cheese factories appears to point the way to financial and industrial independence, is told In Yearbook Separate 737 of the United States department of agriculture, The first co-operative factory in this gection was put into operation in the spring of 1915 in a mountainous gece tion of North Carolina, On June 0 a small building only 14 by 16 feet was of only £400 and opened for business, Before the end of the year this modest factory returned to its patrons almost §1.500, a net gain of more than $1200, hed the total Income for the sale of butter in the community previous to tablishment of the chees less than S300, weeks after it was established ¢ factory, built and equipped nat was started in a nelghi Cost Auge the e8- e factory About six nother averaged cost equally good results, The with diffienlty because the farmers 11 3% gan to rol first factories were est hlighed of lack among he meet the profits nossible to stance and no solicitation the demand o induce the people to put up The first ’ venr thi ahout £3,100 worth Carolina alone, then th in operation ned produced ches nn $125,006) the pul § quip teres work grade hrough Progress shown skillful at har factories, the publi first the d. "he int the gten nish financial movement which 1g slowly but certain ly bringing prosperity to these soutl ern mountain districts, forware for DON'T FORGET YOUR SILO Advice to Beef Cattle Farmer by Spe. cialists of Department of Agriculture, — “Don't forget to the beef of the United fgricniture, your silo,” is the ad es vice ttle farmer by spe. I cinlizts of gnec] I ment the nlists say age to provide crops hes { £3: that should he provided by This will as investment yield ore, gyre the will its proper an- Two Excellent Silo Types, | nual return and prevent losses com- | ing from givin® the cattle mere ex- i ness with which cuttle can be fitted for market with silage insures that wellfilled silos will be a paying in- vestment, the specialists say, to put more acre- age to silage crops than it is esti be necessary. anticipated shortage. Milk 1s “Perfect Food” Milk is ealled a “perfect food” be cause it contains all the food elements in nearly the right proportion for proper nutrition and in the most di gestible form; butter is probably the i most attractive fat and is 100 cent digestible; cheese has high pro- the tilth or mechanical condition, ote, BR ALL A ems ih a uld, All Right. f §io0td Properly Indignant. { ' } it nig 1 iif i VERMIN ATTRACTED BY FOOD| ~~ He Co If No Scraps Are Around There Will | ferriiyl s ] nt 4 Ab ey . ' . EH tam # Bi) Te =H Be Little Trouble With Ants or yon LUnRgipe So : L ; nt ; Roaches, surest wav to keep nnts is to leave on shelves or In they ean reach re they find food of tiietnl and If al cenftered | cleaned will be i] plie the household are | to Mothers your neighborhood : u: the doctors with to your call in the they are ready is doing and A Message O1] know the real human doctors right srour i in the doctors made of flesh sud blood just like you gouls and hearts : those men who are responding dead of night as readily as in the broad daylight; to teil you the good that Fletcher's Castoria has done, will do, from their experience and their love for children. We = not asking you to regs upon you tbe importance Y Fletcher's Castoria is re try an experiment. We jus of buying Fletcher's. new. want Lo mg SHE GOT COMPOSERS MIXED Srl . we known the yarticuuar:y re are a8 num- yeician will tell you thir, ; . interested in Queen Victoria's Error Must Have | market, anu Caused Mascagni to Pass an Un. comfortable Few Minutes. is § 3 p—— ( / wahrmefe ire of Tr Genuine Castoria always bears the gignat CE PR SR I A ESR Fm : Ss — NINN Ag, oA y ld RETR fiada. made me Prospe mean Try fe Tt #78 dK fe TOUS IA a ‘ a 1 ands of farmers m the U. S to buy land in Western Canada. Canada's invitation to every indusin worker to settle in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta t to make money and } ¥ farmers y and happy, pr rous homes for themselves g ping her rais whe by 2 immense wheat cope to feed world @ % You Can Get a Homestead of (60 Acres Free = or other lands at very low prices. Where you can buy good farm Wo 8 land at $15 to $30 per acre that will raise 20 to 45 bushels of $2 = . 1 "a 4 ' d ma wheat to the acre—it's easy to become prosj us. Canadia ners a wi, { don. also grow wor os of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed Farm- 3) “i TOO WEAK tet a TO FIGHT re 1 ot av fae per an iar * £ i J. P. JAFFRAY, Cor. Walnut & Broad Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. in A Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an un- healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic contains just what the blood needs, Iron and Quinine in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach and if given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion and act as a general strengthening tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the child will be in perfect health. It is pleasant to take. Price 60c. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. CONTAINS NO NUX-VOMICA OR OTHER POISONOUS DRUGS. When A General Strengthen- ing Tonic is Needed in the Home For The Child, For the Mother or the Father, Take Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic aE CGrove’s chill Tonic Tablets You can now get Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic in Tablet form as well as in Syrup, the kind you have always bought. The Tablets are intended for those who prefer t6 swallow a tablet rather than a syrup, and as a convenience for those who travel. A Oh, weill | The tablets are called “GROVE'S chill TONIC TABLETS” and "Do you raise flowers, Mrs. Bubb gontain exactly the same medicinal properties and produce ex- Urbs?’ asked Mrs, Sitty-Folks, “No, ‘ er : Eo hd . anata wa} ey oka actly the same results as Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic which 1s merely pliant ‘em. chickens . ’ " : put up in bottles. The price of either is 60c. raise “em.” Are You Bloated After Eating With that gassy, puffy feeling, and hurting near your heart? For Quick Relief—Take ONE >ATONIC (FOR YOUR _STOMACH'S SAKE) You can fairly feel it wor. * It drives the GAS out of your body and the Bloat goes with it. . Removes Quickly Indigestion, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, ete. Get EATONIC from your Druggist with the DOUBLE GUARANTEE Bomd for the * Tiolp” Bock, Address Patents Remedy Co, 1018.24 Bo. Wabash Avenue, Ohtonps. Ti. opt Tr " & i GOLD MEDAL k, One Penn Y. No Older Than Your Face. Is true in most cases face and Soap and touches ment a8 needed. For free sa “Cuticura, Dept nd by T°} mn i ¥ i hin Keep fn iar druggists nail. 1 50.—Ady. t <0 an Three Million Spangles in Flag A flag of extraor ; I iY, ¢ we The